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Pc Players: Operation Oxium Espionage


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A message from The Lotus:




Weeks ago we received intel about a Corpus raid on a little-known independent research facility near Eris. The Corpus made off with a scientific jackpot, the formulation of a rediscovered experimental Orokin alloy called Oxium. This lighter than air alloy has already been deployed in a new drone dubbed the Oxium Osprey which forgoes its support role in favor of dynamic attacks.


With this new drone The Corpus think they have gained the upper hand, but we will use this development to our own ends.  Oxium could be the cornerstone of new Warframe design but first we need to research its properties. Go into the field, take out the new Ospreys and bring back the Oxium. You will be rewarded for your efforts.



- You will receive a message from the Lotus with a single objective - collect a new crafting resource called Oxium (an Orokin alloy).
- This new resource can be found by hunting for the Oxium Osprey - a new enemy with unique behavior. The Oxium Osprey can be found in any Corpus level set. Select Corpus containers may also contain Oxium.
- Follow your individual progress bar to see how much Oxium The Lotus requires you to collect.
- Once you have fulfilled the objective, The Lotus will contact you to congratulate you and provide you with your reward.


- This Operation is on now until February 5 at 12 PM EST.
- Once you have successfully completed the Operation, it will disappear.
- Any Oxium obtained in addition to The Lotus’ requirements will remain in your inventory to be used towards the crafting of new Warframes and future weapons.

Successfully complete the mission and you'll be rewarded with:
- The new Aviator Mod - offers reduced damage while airborne
- A 3-Day Affinity Booster


Go forth and collect, Tenno!

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Nice and simple event.


Though I did get a bit excited. I thought 'Oh my, are we getting a nice functional Corpus Drone as a Sentinel in U12?!'.


That would've be nice as those drones are so fancy with their anims. 

Edited by Naith
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:O new resource to collect, now that one I didn't see coming at all. TIME TO FARM NEW RESOURCE!!! (Just like everything else in the game XD)



Oh just curious, are the new mobs gonna be uncommon and how much of the new resource will we get per pickup? :3

Edited by Poke007
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- Any Oxium farmed in addition to The Lotus’ requirements will remain in your inventory to be used towards the crafting of new Warframes and future weapons.



"the crafting of new Warframes" now this sounds interesting ^^

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