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What Is Your Reason For Not Using Kubrows?


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Thanks for the data people. I think this is definitely one way to help DE improve things.


Please continue to add feedback, regardless of how many times it's been voiced by others. You count!


Also, does anyone find that they tend to use Kubrows less against the infested? Please add the comments below. Thanks!


So i'm watching the stream (59) on youtube and they start talking about Carrier and Kubrows.



I think DE should really be careful who they call "casuals" while contrasting it with "more advanced players"

OR at least be careful of what they let the people in the streams say

OR who they let join the streams



Pack Tactics or not, even if i wanted to use a Kubrow, I can't because I usually have one hatching or incubating while my other Kubrows are frozen and useless. I'll be doing this VERY often until i get an OMGA Chesa. Might even take forever if i want a Gold Omega Chesa.


So what do I use? Carrier.



Questions for DE

1) Are Kubrow meant for the Tenno masses or are they reserved for the Tenno Elite?

     I ask this because of the cost, the upkeep and the time, cores, (sometimes plat) required for one. The answer to this would help us understand the rationale behind the existing mechanics.




Also I'd probably use Helios if it used the Simaris scanner and gave me Simaris affinity vs just regular scanning. I've scanned most things already.



Data so far:


Deltas (Needs to be improved):

Kubrow AI

>Dies often-a big target that charges carelessly into the heat of battle and often has a death wish


>Broken-Runs around and does nothing or just does nothing. It gets stuck in maps.


Kubrow Cost

>Upkeep (Stabilizers)


>Expensive to arm-Requires a lot of mods and dedication; most of the mods required have 10 ranks (both attack and defense)


>Kubrows can die permanently


Kubrow Downtime

>Stasis recovery


>Breeding - Cannot use a Kubrow while attempting to get the Kubrow you want or need


Kubrow Utility/Battle Ability

>Still doesn't measure up to Carrier-Poor AI and abilities that only target 1


>Melee and not ranged-compounded by the AI it makes for terrible battle situations


>"No Weapon to be modded"-Kubrows have built in weapons that cannot be swapped across Kubrow. Any effort in terms of Forma stay on one Kubrow while sentinels can benefit from the same weapon with  forma)


>Death Penalty-Sentinels have an auto revive and don't have to be minded while Kubrows can be revived, this can lead to dangerous situations with an uncoordinated team. Kubrow death also leads to lost Loyalty while sentinels are more forgiving


>Kubrows are bigger targets-Sentinels are small and are always relatively safe near the operator while Kubrows are not only huge in comparison, but also jump into the fray, compounded by poor AI, causes them to die a lot more than sentinels


>Abilities are NOT Unique-There's nothing a Kubrow can do that a sentinel cannot do (sometimes sentinels can do it better) and there is no Kubrow with the ability of Helios


>Damage Type-Limited to slash/non elemental

Edited by _Rue_
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Kubrow AI is mostly dense, and they focus on attack with limited utility, as opposed to utility with limited attack like sentinels. I typically use Carrier Prime because I hate grabbing pickups and like maximizing my time playing the game, given I'm strong enough I don't actually *need* the attack or utility elements of any companion other than vacuum and scanning. For longer missions or endless, I generally run Wyrm Prime or a kubrow, though, just because they become that much more useful. Depends on what I'm doing.

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Onto the topic you have here you can buy random chesa imprints for like 20 plat each

And yes space vacuum cleaner prime is in the same tier of being casual with rhino and boltor prime.......

And also so are your sentinels the ones you don't use are ''useless''

But true kubrow AI is ''dense'' and very limited against flying enemies and kubrows only doing pure slash damage limits their damage against grineer heavy units in special... where sentinels gun can be modded to do corrosive damage and such

But otherwise without sacrifice sentinels are casual load of flying metal really

And the dirigas accuracy nerf....begins combat in 70 meters=accuracy hits in under 15......

No reason to build it now...

Edited by (PS4)IIIDevoidIII
Removed Rude and Provocative Portion
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Pact tactic I find to be really gimmicky. Yea it sounds neat, but we know too well that we will not find a full party of 4 or raid ( whatever it is ) with kubrows. Idk I dont use them because maintaining them feels like a chore, have large hitbox that absorbs your bullets and you need to rely on RNG for the kubrow that you want in looks and its behavior.

Gee and I even forgot about their AI

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I won't lie, I love dogs, and hearing one cry out in pain makes me say nope, you're going back to the ship and into the sleep can. Silly, but that's an honest answer. Because I hate feeling like I gotta protect this dumb Ai who keeps running into the rocket launcher dude head first.

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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I actually use Raksa on the companion slot exclusively these days

Because it is probably the one and only Kubrow that its attack, ability1 and 2 does not hinder each other and works really well in correlation

Other Kubrows suffer from their abilities and attack messing up each other.

So mostly AI problem

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I love Kubrows and use them but to be honest their "A.I." is stupid. I used to use only my Huras and expected that once I could rush the recovery with credits I would use the others. But now I barely use my Kubrows at all as I find Diriga better even after its nerf.

Chesa was a disappointment, I dont expect it to compete with carrier but it is useless getting stuck in places I dont know how it got there and once it no longer has line of sight with enemies it seems to just forget I am being attack and do nothing for half the mission. Then it runs around amd trying to pick stuff up for a full minute then seemed to forget where I am to return the loot. Most times i go pick stuff up myself. Then it finally drops the loot near me, disarms one enemy and poofs out of existence only for me to see it s silhouette under the floor stuck again for another 5-10 minutes.

Edited by Keiiken
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Half of the ''problems'' people have with kubrows are easily fixable


-the upkeep is super cheap (1 unit per 4 days/8 days if upgraded incubator)

- Kubrow A.I cant be compared to sentinel which has AI simpler than a stone (its a floating gun that has only to aim and on carrier vacuum is turned on from the spawn)

-Kubrows getting under the map is not an kubrow problem that is a map problem enemies can spawn inside the map as well or get sucked into the ground for some reason..


But in the end both things have their problems Sentinel (which only carrier and diriga maybe wyrm prime are useable) are for the casual rhino+boltor play what you see in every game you join.


And then dogs are for those who don't need a space vacuum cleaner.





joke about it

Nah that would go hand to hand with multishot nerf 

If you nerf one thing why not nerf them all at once


Soon sentinels will have ammo and they can run out of it as well.

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Initially, part of the reason was the credit sink.

The foundry upgrade makes it acceptable.

Initially, part of the reason was the 3h defrost or plat.

The foundry upgrade makes it acceptable.


That said:

I don't use companions to attack. As such, the only things that matters to me is the functionality they bring to the table.


So let's take a look at that.

Kubrows' kubrowness isn't enough to make me pick them over a Sentinel on its own.



Protect - At a glance, not hugely better than Guardian. Haven't bothered taking a second glance.

Howl - I'd rather not be subject to AI/RNG for my survivability, kthx.



Ferocity - Like I said, I don't use companions to attack.

Dig - Should be a nice 'breather' ability, which makes it only variably useful, and not worth taking up a companion slot when I have Large Restores for everything.



Savagery - Like I said, I don't use companions to attack.

Unleashed - I'd rather not be subject to AI/RNG for CC, kthx.



Hunt - Like I said, I don't use companions to attack.

Stalk - This I actually use, as it's mechanically better than Shade's Ghost.

Ofc, the only times I use it are in the Raid, so: rarely.



Neutralise - RNG CC.

Retrieve - Strictly worse Vacuum.




Why do I not use Kubrows? Because they're not worth using.

Edited by Chroia
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getting an egg is painfull

Rng at the breed is painfull 

Even Consign is painfull

Incub. Core is painfull.

the IA is painfull.

so yeah, bette nerf the new sentinel.

please DE fix this before you realease the cats 

and i was forgetting something Vaccum is better.

Edited by Barkano
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kubros are not worth using at all i don't need something to shoot for me i don't even use a weapon on carrier either if i wanna kill stuff i use my weapons or abilities so the only thing that has a use is carrier cuz i don't have to walk to each resource to pick it specially when you get a bunch of resources and ammo all over the place like in survival 

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