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Everything posted by Voltage

  1. I like owning and using Riven Mods for the older weapons that people often overlook that still hold up fine, like Snipetron Vandal, Vectis Prime, Prisma Grinlok, etc. Lately Riven trading has gotten a bit stale, but it's still nice working towards owning more and more of them to flesh out a diverse collection of high quality mods. It's also a great motivation to continue farming and trading for Platinum to afford them.
  2. If you Forma everything you won't have this problem. Serious answer: invest in whatever you like. Being scared of an upgrade is futile.
  3. The profile is missing so much more than the Murmur faction. I agree with the thread's principle. It would be nice if the profile was part of the next UI rework with much more info added.
  4. I'm over hear disappointed that Ephemeras lost their original vibe of acquisition right after the first batch.
  5. A corpse limit setting would be nice, especially for mobile and older consoles. I imagine it may be difficult as some functionality in the game does rely on corpses such as Nekros' Desecrate, but it'd still be a nice to crank this down to improve performance.
  6. I'd like weapon subsuming for a transmog cosmetic system for guns within the same class. I wouldn't want to undermine weapon characteristics like what has happened to Warframes.
  7. The bigger problem with Ember is that she is arguably the only Warframe to ever receive a rework that actively made her worse and less interesting than her previous kit. This is because she received an entire rework before DE committed to updating Heat damage and Heat status, and they attempted to homogenize what she offered compared to other Warframes like they've been doing since 2019. The mistake DE made with Ember is not waiting on whether the changes to Heat would have fixed Ember's issues of the time. The other thing too is that DE is now always actively fighting the Helminth system when looking at a Warframe's kit. That system corrodes the identifiable role a Warframe possesses by allowing the player to supplement whatever they want. Ember doesn't suffer from being playable, she suffers from offering anything unique to the roster or a mission. We're in an era of the game now where the strength of an ability is less relevant than whether the ability is identifiable and requires you to take that Warframe. The reason Dante is so popular is because he does both at the same time. The same can be said for the most popular Warframes like Revenant, Khora or Saryn. However, there are plenty of Warframes that remain relevant not because of extreme strength, but their unique qualities within abilities. These are the Nekros, Nova, and Frost area of the roster. They aren't weak by any means, but they bring abilities that offer bonuses other Warframes really don't match often. This same problem has plagued the entire melee system. Most players go for melee weapons because of their gimmicks and effective range, as the amount of damage they deal really isn't relevant anymore. Nezha and Gauss both have identifiable and unique offerings with their heat abilities and augments that other Warframe's just don't have. Ember used to have three (Accelerant, Fire Blast, and World on Fire). Now she has two (Fire Blast and Inferno), and Helminth undermines Fire Blast as it's a subsume. Slapping on Overguard, but only for Ember (creating yet another inconsistency with how Helminth is supposed to work) doesn't magically fix this dilemma. The same fate has happened to other Warframes like Valkyr. I bring this up every recent Ember thread, but the return of Accelerant as an identifiable ability for Ember and the unique squad-wide casting speed bonus from Flash Accelerant as an augment would put her right back on the map as a permanently relevant Warframe, especially with how many builds and loadouts rely on Heat damage and Heat status. She'd also tremendously benefit from subsuming abilities that further buff Heat damage or offer a Heat source like Thermal Sunder. I don't wish for World on Fire to return, but Immolation could absolutely use a replacement, or a complimentary function such as Accelerant.
  8. I'd just like to see Accelerant brought back, otherwise Ember is still honestly just another boring and homogenized Warframe with nothing actually unique to bring to the table.
  9. Stuff like this happens with anything when your Foundry in-game desyncs with the server. I get notifications all the time on my phone for completed foundry items when there is still ~1 minute left on the craft in-game. It's definitely obscure.
  10. The problematic people in your experience are S#&$ty people, not straight people. The problematic people in @Prexades' examples are S#&$ty people, not another labeled group. I'm not disputing or belittling your experiences or the examples other people face. It's dangerous to drag orientation or beliefs into the discussion as a label that separates people in any capacity. Am I "you guys" for being straight? I'm confused what you mean here. I'm not supportive of rude comments in either direction, and I'm definitely not worked up over anything. I could honestly care less. There are better things to worry about. Cheers. I'm dipping from this thread. I don't plan on running in circles on a topic not even related to the game.
  11. I've never tallied it up, but I assume it's over a million Endo and 100 million credits.
  12. My point was a neutral comment looking at where the comments you receive come from, as well as the ones @Prexades stated. The underlying nature of both of those is what I said, that's all. It's unproductive to fragment the general population on topics like this with language that divides people based on literally anything. It's such a waste of time to get worked up about this, as we live in a selfish culture where nobody really cares about you as an individual anyways (for the most part). There are only two types of people in this world. Good people, and pieces of S#&$. Nothing else matters.
  13. Yeah, there are definitely many cliché and/or stereotypical comments that get tossed around friend groups and dinner tables rooted in an obsolete era on many different topics. It happens with this topic, college/university, masculinity, and all sorts of other things. That's just how it is.
  14. You're talking about the wrong Accelerant.
  15. They should bring back Accelerant and combine Fireball with it, and also bring back Flash Accelerant.
  16. In either case, you have clear winners anyway. Requiring all weapons to be held for their bonus renders them all irrelevant to slot to be quite honest, given how dead melee is compared to AoE primary and secondary options with the exception of weapons like Glaives or Exodia Contagion Zaws. If they are all passive, nothing is overtaking Praedos.
  17. They're just another mod slot with a different shape in the UI at this point.
  18. I said it out loud because I felt there is value in that cold truth. I have been in the other shoes on multiple occasions. It's a learning experience. I didn't start out Warframe being on the winning side of a trade. You get there over time like anything else. This "ideal trading system" these threads aim to achieve also has its own downsides. If we had an auction house for even just Riven Mods, you'd have people abusing the way auctions work, and you'd be back at square one with taking issue on how some are advantaged individuals. That's just how this stuff goes. Keeping Warframe trading in the current fashion creates a good motivation to farm items to sell. I'd absolutely hate my time grinding for Platinum if I could only get the 50-100p a set you earn from the competitive race to the bottom that Relics enabled, especially with how prevalent AFK farming Aya has become. It also stings when you're old like me, and you're trading for a fraction of what you used to because everything's been devalued so heavily across the board. The only thing worth using Platinum on for me at my stage of the game is 4 and 5 digit trades for specific Riven Mods, and the occasional Deluxe Skin or a consumable like Forma.
  19. Which is honestly fine. We don't live in an ideal world. I don't mind saying this as a hot take, but I'm glad DE has planted themselves on keeping trading the way it is. I like making my hundreds of Platinum off maxed mods and individual prime sets lol. I also don't feel any obligation to support the idea of a pro-new-player trading system when we're in a landscape where you either take advantage of how things are or fall behind the curve. I still respect people for having their moral preferences on this topic, but I rather just make use of what we have and appreciate that it's an opportunist/profiteering driven system. Trading is honestly one of the few end-game activities the game offers with a substantial reward for the more experienced players.
  20. I don't like the idea of universal Forma (with the exception of Auras and Stances), because they trivialize the "power and sacrifices" essence of the modding system. You're supposed to have trade-offs. It's also annoying to read people hiding behind "more options" as if you're fooling anyone. The entire reason people suggest this is because they want their cake and to eat it too with how mods currently work; future proofing their arsenal from reinvestment. Every feedback post about this is rooted in the same laziness. Honestly, I don't see why you'd slot anything other than Primed Sure Footed or Ice Spring in the Exilus for most builds anyway, given how saturated the other bonuses are now through other means.
  21. You mean like the Supporter Packs that still say this: DE knows what they're doing. I guess it's only a problem depending on which side of the ambiguity you're on. /shrug
  22. They'd be more useable if their mods weren't so terrible. Their base stats are honestly okay.
  23. My favorite part of this game is how many niche options there are that can and will surface when specific mission requirements exist and knowing these mechanics shine. A good example of this was the original Pacifism Defect event, where the Frost + Limbo combo to banish each defector and kill enemies using Snowglobe completely outclassed everything else. Knowing that the solution was there was something else entirely though. I honestly don't see a real problem that 90% of players stick to Revenant, given that it's always just a goalpost on what the next flavor is of cheese. It's way better if there are diamonds in the rough ready to shine in any content than everything having homogenized performance for the sake of relevancy.
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