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Everything posted by Skoomaseller

  1. nah if an archgun's getting a variant it's gotta be the phaedra
  2. hot is an understatement you literally burned the kitchen with your 2nd sentence
  3. smeeta is already going to be nerfed as far as I'm aware, so enjoy it while we can
  4. what the dog doin (in the vacuum of space) Request denied, here is your 4th ice beam sentinel weapon.
  5. hell you don't even need to do the lootframe thing, just run smeeta and do the mission as per normal after 3 runs got like i think 40-60 orokin cells lmao
  6. shrinkflation hitting boosters hard, DE gets more money, we get fewer and shorter event boosters /s Ok but fr, yeah I expected it to last the whole weekend lmao.
  7. all they really need to do is buff some damage modifiers in certain combos and get rid of lifted entirely, if they're not gonna do anything beyond "enemy float away" for it. if they REALLY wanna go all in reworking the whole system though... taking a page out of nier: automata's playbook would be pretty fantastic... (inhales copium)
  8. it's DE's. you can't really fault anyone for just picking what's most convenient, and gets the job done. not sure what was going through their minds when designing revenant, I mean granting easy, literally effortless (one and done) Godmode for virtually unlimited time is certainly... a choice. I get what you're saying about people relying too much on revenant, but I don't see it as a crutch but rather them just picking what's convenient. it's a bit silly to see people using x warframe or y weapon as a "crutch"; people just gravitate to what's easy, or what's fun, etc. it's not like they can't conquer content without it. however, revenant being so easy that people end up relying on him alone for 99% of content is a point I can understand. But it doesn't begin with revenant. it begins with rhino. A very easily obtained frame, obtained very early into the game that also provides effortless immortality via iron skin. for 100% of base star chart, it's more than enough. there's also wukong who, while the immortality provided is transient, still allows for effortless gameplay. and he is acquired via dojo, which any low MR player can just join. if DE wants to tackle this, they should shuffle around the bps dropped by bosses, and maybe move wukong out of clan research. that is, if they even see it as an issue, which i doubt they do. I personally think it'd be better for the game and players, but I don't think it's something too serious that it needs to be addressed ASAP. because end of the day, warframe is an easy game, and even if you don't rely on immortal/hyper tank frames, you'll still complete your missions with relative ease.
  9. reddit in general if you avoid the mainstream subs (the ones that appear in popular 24/7) is quite pleasant, but naturally there are some takes you wish you didn't see there in the communities you follow (league of legends for instance...) warframe reddit has gotten a bit stale with the endless "lole funny lich name guys!!!!" posts, but there are still a few diamonds in the rough. this place here is just tiresome but I need it anyway to read patch notes and update the list of bugs for Yareli (when I can spare time to properly review). yet it still isn't all bad because there are posts that spark genuine discussion not overrun by contrarians, like this post here.
  10. >be me >buy one of these >load up warframe >point camera straight up while using yareli >activate device mmmm...... If you use one of these while playing saryn then press 1 and 4 the miasma leaks into the real world, killing you and everyone in your house
  11. yeah but also the fact that hounds are a much better primer now lol but yes you are correct, if you have a primer who can reliably spread viral then bringing some radiation (or a weapon that already had innate radiation) would do you good. honestly reddit nowadays seems better than twitter or this hellhole
  12. even better than manifold diriga, manifold hound with synergized prospectus. panzer's still good if all you want is viral, but the hound can spread much more than just viral. cold, puncture, slash, all good for crit and CO/gun CO
  13. I'm quite sure viral is still the premier status because they resist viral damage, not the procs. the voidrig and the fragmented bosses (and I think the magnetic worm thing? not sure) are the only ones with caps to viral, and since they're not as plenty as their murmur brethren it's not worth modding for them unless you're specifically looking for them only.
  14. people do that, it's just that not everyone runs panzer vulpaphyla
  15. it's honestly one of the better looking guns design-wise, but DE has been quite cruel to the Ambassador: - first, they make it a crit-status hybrid weapon with mediocre base crit (can be worked around, and crit damage of 2.8x is excellent, but come on). - second, they make it innate electricity AND ONLY electricity, - third, the altfire eats 50% of the magazine per shot - fourth, the primary fire makes it an ordinary assault rifle (nothing bad there), but then also don't give it any innate punch through, - fifth, they make the farm for it painful, and so not a lot of people will bother going through that farm for an otherwise mediocre weapon, - last, they make a Tenet variant! but it's not actually a Tenet gun, it's a skin, time-limited at that, and so far hasn't been reintroduced. JUSTICE FOR AMBASSADOR
  16. they need their tithe urgently economy isn't looking very good right now 😞
  17. Yeah was surprised seeing them in the store again... But I don't mind as long as going forward they make it as clear cut as possible, and not use phrasing that could be interpreted in more than 1 way. Agree with you there. God I need the Waverider support pack so bad.
  18. so once again the argument boils down to "you don't need <thing> right now/you just want <thing> right now" which has been said over and over on not just this post, but others in the past talking about this very issue, to not be the point yet people like you keep assuming that it is and I know even after typing all this y'all will keep thinking it is true. you've so far shown otherwise, being dismissive and all, and when called out on your disingenuity you resort to... telling people they're hallucinating, or putting words in your mouth. Okay. Maybe you and the other contrarians (yes, contrarians, you guys aren't actually contributing anything to the discussion) should get your heads out of your asses.
  19. sometimes I forget not everyone has an R5 energize 🤦🏽 if energy is a concern you might wanna invest in a little efficiency, or Spellbound Harvest, but idk the effectiveness of that augment since I've never used it.
  20. Do it, trust. Then you can replace pistoleer with idk Velocity for even more fire rate than necessary or Precision for +300% damage.
  21. maybe once glaive prime sets become the new arcane energize lmao
  22. do it. install Seeker onto your dex pixia. armies felled within seconds. i found it better to subsume off Lantern since with Razorwing Blitz the DPS spike in conjunction with Energized Munitions more than makes up for the final damage multiplier I would've gotten with Beguiling Lantern... I think. I mean it definitely feels better but I've not bothered doing any calculations. Vibes-based building. Shooting endlessly just gives me a better dopamine hit.
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