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  1. But like what I'm trying to say is all that extra stuff that comes on the whopper is that, extra. What if I don't like lettuce, mayo, pickles, etc, what if I want them to remove them? Do I get a cheaper whopper now because they removed the bloat?
  2. The lettuce is not an essential part of the burger. The burger technically is just a pattie, you're bringing in additional products like soda and fries as it suits your argument but the burger has lettuce, ketchup, cheese etc. And you expect that by removing any parts of this burger, you are going to get a discount of more than 2/3rds. TBH I don't see the heritage pack going less than $50 even without the "lettuce".
  3. Better analogy would be you asking for a burger without lettuce and getting it for a third of the price, despite it not being marketed as having an option for a steep discount without lettuce.
  4. IMO limited time marketing is just marketing, and there is little to no room for ethics in it. The whole essence of marketing is to try and convince you to trade your money for useless products you don't need and are never going to need, and there's no tool more effective than limited time offers. I don't judge them for it, it is what it is. You either buy it and are done with it, or say no and move on. Marketing is designed to pressure you, so why are we mad about it doing exactly what it's designed for?
  5. I mean honestly to me this is like getting mad about limited editions or preorder bonuses or something equally irrelevant. People get so mad about FOMO like its the company that gave them FOMO and not an unresolved psychological compulsion that they themselves are responsible for. 10 years ago FOMO was just a cute twitter hashtag now people are treating ANYTHING that's limited time like a cardinal sin - like things aren't allowed to be limited anymore. FOMO isn't something that DE gave you, and simply making something limited time isn't giving you FOMO - you already had it. I've never felt compelled or forced to buy anything, the only things I bought were things I wanted and was able to afford. There's been times where something I really wanted was too expensive and I said "oh well I can't get this" and moved on. Yes they technically could offer this forever (or at least until the game shuts down) but they chose not to, and that's that. I said it before the most ideal scenario would've been launching with a cheaper pack, but that ship has sailed as we are now past launch, I think that at this point just biding their time is the best course of action they can take, as they are choosing to protect people who have already paid vs cater to people who probably still wouldn't pay even if the pack was like $50.
  6. I mean that just goes to show that people care about things that actually effect the game vs optional and unnecessary cosmetics. Exclusive cosmetics is something I don't draw the line at, but anything that effects gameplay (like an exclusive weapon, not just a skin) is something to be rightfully furious about.
  7. Unfortunately, all of fixes that have been proposed so far will objectively worsen the transaction in some way, there's no way around it. - Removing the exclusivity ruins it for people who bought it for exclusivity. -Adding a cheaper pack so soon screws over the people who already paid $90 and can't refund for the cheaper pack. Most retailers and a lot of credit cards for example have price protection if a product goes on sale within a certain window after buying, to prevent this kind of situation. This would not be available for something like warframe. I enjoy the pack and I'm perfectly happy with the price I paid, that is until a cheaper option becomes available less than a month later. I probably wouldn't mind as much if it went on sale during it's last week or something though.
  8. TBH I don't mind matchmaking with mobile as long as they can differentiate between mobile users using a controller and ones who aren't. Like if they're using a controller then there's no reason why they shouldn't be in the public pool since they won't be at any mechanical disadvantages compared to touch screen controls.
  9. Tbh I'd be willing to give it a try. Would be handy to be able to earn steel path essence and vitus in one go
  10. To be honest I'm a bit mixed on bullet jumps. I think they're fun, but I also think that in a round about way it limits the potential of the game. DE doesn't really need to focus on actually making enemy AI challenging because we're both hilariously OP and hyper mobile, so they resort to BS like magnetic procs and enemy over health ignoring literally everything we do. Bullet jumping also really limits DE when it comes to things like conclave, though it was already underpopulated before bullet jumping, it was firmly killed with that. Nobody likes shooting at spastic crack monkeys flying through the air at a million miles an hour.
  11. Exalted weapons DO carry over, however it will not if it is for a frame you do not own. My excal and Mesa builds carry over - and I am positive about this because I run very specific builds (like Toxin on regulators so I get corrosive thru Archon continuity) I have noticed on things like Titania (which I do not own) the exalted weapons were unmodded and did pitiful damage.
  12. I guess it would just have to come down to the game itself then. If you enjoy the gameplay and story or whatnot then that's what should be the deciding factor, not how it handles optional cosmetics.
  13. Probably cause it was an easy way to get lots of formas very quickly.
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