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Everything posted by Kiksik2

  1. I mean, when I shoot their heads, the Corpus ones pop off but the Grineer ones don't. When I saw Kahl's damaged one in The New War™ I thought I'd be able to pop the mask off grineers and be able to see their ugly tube clone faces as I brutally slaughter them but I still can't, why is that?
  2. It is unnecessary as far as I know to get the drops or at least I always got them and never once touched the chat window, why do they do it?
  3. What if he was such a good dragon hunter that he could turn into a dragon to hunt dragons and instead of deploying a pelt he becomes the beast? (at this point I'm just trying to bend reality in my favor)
  4. What a lame dragon, but as far as lore reasons go, I'm convinced.
  5. He's supposed to be a dragon and yet he merely wears the pelt of one. With the new skin coming of the Lunar New Year based on a dragon it still confuses me why is this frame draconic simply because the Orokin decided to slap a bit of one's fur on top with its' wings being good only for a triple jump, sounds more like a chicken that spits fire than a dragon. Even if he could fly for a short period like Wukong's cloud or fly like Titania but otherwise be virtually useless I'd still love this Dragon to have wings that could be used for more than a double front flip.
  6. It worked, took time (expected due to the traffic) but it worked! Thanks DE.
  7. Dude, we should not be entitled to as much as the guys that pay hundreds of dollars on Prime Access and the Founders as I said earlier, I don't think the guys that buy plat like you and me are entitled to as much as those guys but whatever you say.
  8. Yes, because the founders were here since the beginning and backed them up since the begginning, we did not, it might sound hard but it's truth, we are not and should not be priority.
  9. Hey to be fair, what compensation do you think you are entitled to? It's not like our money's being wasted, I mean, I'm mad about it but it's not the end of the world.
  10. This is what [DE]Megan said yesterday: After 5 pm ET on December 22nd, the Cross Platform Save gates will remain closed until the team returns in January.
  11. Yeah, did anyone in DE say why they're making you choose between the progress of each account instead of combining it? Is it too complex to be done?
  12. Do the frames with Helminth abilities installed transfer with them and what about the Helminth's level and it's abilities? Do the abilities stored in the Helminth system merge or are the primary account's kept and the secondary's wiped?
  13. The phase two has rolled out and now players who have purchased any Prime Access can merge their accounts, I am assuming that with any they also mean Grendel's but don't know for certain, though I hope many people can share details of the merge as I am still confused about the Helminth.
  14. Yes, I did get hurt, I thought respect to be required in these forums, you may know how to assume and call it science, you might be right, but you don't know how to be civil.
  15. If you are not a founder and have not done the merge, then you don't speak fact, only assumptions which is as much as I can do, only I don't seek to insult others as you in that process, you're reply serves no purpose other than show how little respect you have for others.
  16. What about frames you had a Reactor, Exilus Adapter, multiple Forma, Shards and/or Helminth abilities from your secondary account? Did they transfer with all of those installed?
  17. Yeah, that's kind of what I understand from the FAQ but it isn't clear to me what happens with all of those resources spent on the frame, even less so I understand what happens with the Helminth, that's why I'm curious and would like to know with a little bit more detail and right now I believe only the founders and devs hold the answers I'm looking for but I don't know what schedule the devs choose to answer given they must be working on the system right now, so I hope a founder can answer here.
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