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Everything posted by Slayer-.

  1. Goodbye, and good luck in your next game, you'll find all games make you rage at times, Warframe is no different. Pro-tip, I've never ridden the Hype train.
  2. No, get over it. Edit: Void Trader has the Prisma Skana if you're interested. Also Prisma Veritux and Prisma Machete.
  3. I'm still thinking of naming mine Donkeyy because of the clunky controls to get the nag to fly. I don't know why we need to spam buttons to get the horse to take off, just bounces along on the ground until I hit sprint to turbo boost the nag into the air, going to be up for a new keyboard for spamming the keys for a simple take flight ya nag. :(
  4. I'm using this to do the Boss fight, if it helps, most likely better out there but it works for me. I use Merciless for the Reload speed, unless you are killing with a headshot, I'd rather have the quicker reload. Blaze is under the Riven, I use this for the Boss. I use this one doing any of the other Hunt missions because I need it to reload fast to blow away attacking enemies fast, especially doing Extraction, Prime Point Blank under Riven. Here are the incarnons I use that seem to work ok with my non-crit build. As I stated most likely better builds out there.
  5. I'm thinking of naming mine Donkeyy because of the clunky controls to get the dumarse to fly after multiple key hits.
  6. No, you need to have the weapon to put it on, it should tell you in the market you do not own this item. Нет, вам нужно иметь оружие, чтобы надеть его, оно должно сказать вам на рынке, что у вас нет этого предмета.
  7. Damn, well that sucks, I'll have to work out a tactic next time I do it, getting dragged from behind cover sucked big time, I keep my distance behind cover in that fight to allow for it teleporting around so it gives me time to counter it. Don't know why at times it's like that, not my connection with some of the fastest in Australia. :( Oh well thanks for the quick replies, I'll just have to soldier on. 👍 Edit: Forgot to mention it didn't have the web down on the floor at the time like normal.
  8. Hey all, Has anyone encountered this, well to me it's a new mechanic in the Scyto fight, while fighting the Scyto it seems to have a grappling hook now that can pull you through textures and hold you while it's killing you, I have never seen it do it in all the previous runs doing the Sneaky Sabotage. Am I lucky to never have encountered it, or did a new mechanic get snuck into the fight, got me puzzled, and kept killing me during the last fight, I was unable to get away from it, guess I'm going to retry it again to get the Complete the mission without dying 30 stock, or just say screw it and get back to normal Warframe. P.S. I've never seen it grapple in the normal Scyto in Orb Vallis.
  9. Sorry to hear it's taking time to get a reply. It normally takes a while if they're busy. Also only submit one support ticket on the same issue or it might break the ticket system.
  10. Yeah, nothing new same ole same ole. we type it as L3 now instead of L2.
  11. I'll have this Ghost Rider as a skin please, flames and all snorting and coming out between the bones.
  12. Awesome job on the image and layout showing the timeline.
  13. Error (401) It seems you don't belong here! Check out our Help Center and forums for help, or head back to home.
  14. I thought they were horsing around, then I read the price a second time. 🤑
  15. at that name, brings back memories of feeding Butt Stallion Eridium in Borderlands.
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