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Everything posted by Slayer-.

  1. When you do the time it will magically appear for you one day. 🙄
  2. Technically no but Valkyr can benefit from a stat stick with mods to help her Talons.
  3. DO NOT use Valkyr in the STEEL PATH Circuit if you do not also get your stat stick in the weapon pick, been there done that.
  4. Steam is just broken, I only look at the in-game stat which is 211/211 all completed for me there's no more to do. I've been surprised we haven't had new challenges, I looked forward to doing them in each update but nope, like a lot of older things forgotten to be a tumbleweed in the Tenno landscape.
  5. Ah Yes I do a lot of them, probably why I'm sitting on a lot of spare blueprints.
  6. Doing more invasions will increase the amount of time the Stalker attacks.
  7. If I'm close enough I'll just throw my melee and hang onto the side and go along for the ride.
  8. I've lost count of all the different multiple weapon BP's from the Stalker, 😱 so it sounds like just bad RNG.
  9. That happened to me as well, just thought I was too quick getting back into my Mech.
  10. My Lex is years old, a great gun got me through the game before all this power/meta was around well in my eyes at least, and it's got a 4/5 dispo so wouldn't be impressed if it got nuked because it's the gun of the month. I have rivens for most of my inventory of weapons because I find them fun on older weapons to try out, juggling the 180 cap can be a pain but meh I deal. I'm still trying to work out why DE seems to have done a backflip on nerfing popular stuff and give us these OP weapons which are fun I'm wondering why, for now, I'm just gonna roll with it.
  11. I'm a Soma user my most used primary and doing Steel Path with it in non-incarnon kills way faster, even allowing for it to change into the shotgun mode is bad even after confining for it, so yep disappointed.
  12. I like it, once I figured out a fighting style it's easy, doing it solo you get all the enemies coming at you, plus I own everything so don't need much each time it arrives.
  13. Penta, I own them all but always keep getting the damn Carmine Penta each time. We have the KiTeer Moa Pet Skin only more would be nice. Never going to happen, as you know over the years it's been asked for multiple times, DE will not do it as it would be abused to hell and back.
  14. Thank you, I'll be getting them all anyway, it'd be nice to see the gun it turns into, for example, I love the Felrax but its incarnon form not so much.
  15. I was sort of asking if it was a beam, shotgun or AOE after incarnon.
  16. Oh well thanks, I've already got the Soma one, just gotta get more Clamps. Pro tip: take your time to go into Duviri until others have them and look on YouTube.
  17. Where can you see what the guns turn it? I looked up the incarnon stuff on the wiki but couldn't see what they become. I took Soma because I use it and I took Vasto.
  18. When it gets here, by then we will have seen it shown from years ago and forgotten about it. (well I would've)
  19. I always do the Spy part solo, it's just easier to do that part and not be concerned with other players internet or their failure to hack.
  20. I'd like vaulted relics to show up in the overall view so you can see that a V relic is a different shade from normal relics, or have a sort by vaulted relics. Just did the Tab thing and most of my relics are showing as in the prime vault, I'd still like a different colour to separate them though. I like putting up V relics if newer players are in the group to give them a chance of getting something unique.
  21. I forgot I even had one, it's been that long since using it.
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