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Everything posted by Slayer-.

  1. Bugga I see where I stuffed up, my bad. Correcting my post. Teralyst - Terry Gantulyst - Garry Hydrolyst - Harry.
  2. Go here https://tenno.tools/ as previously stated above, at the top right of the web page which is normally a few minutes ahead to give you time to get to the plains, well it was in my days of hunting Larry Terry, Garry and Harry, if you click on the three dots you can see further times.
  3. It would be nice but don't hold your breath waiting. Bugs are annoying when you get them, apart from reporting them, the most you can do is say a few expletives at the monitor and then do it again as much as that sucks.
  4. Ah yes, you're saying why the hell do DE give us MR 0 - 5 weapons when we own the prime version of it, imagine getting non-prime frames with basic configs like the weapons.
  5. I don't see why I should delete my inventory just so I get a better RNG of guns if I'm understanding your quote. I own a vast selection of weapons and have slots as well over the years, one event gives you free slots the Dex event is good for slots, along with promocodes or giveaway promotions. At my level of MR I have potatoes to spare for the next few years, along with Forma, some of the guns I've reacquired are pretty good with my own configs on them in Steel Path. DE still find MR5 guns every time for me, which are still super crappy for Steel Path missions, though when I get the ones I rebuilt they go really well being built for Steel Path. I don't know why DE gives us MR 0-5 guns that are weak as hell in Steel Path and run out of ammo in a blink of an eye.
  6. I found a way to stop DE from giving me crap weapons nearly all the time in the Steel Path circuit and the same ones, I went and got them again and reranked them up, now mind you some are still crap and some were really good with my own config on them for Steel Path, but guess what DE hasn't given me those weapon choices ever again. TLDR Make the weapons good and DE stop giving them to you ................................... and then replace them with other crap weapons.
  7. Yes Misery can, and aren't they a pain in the arse to find and kill amongst the enemies everywhere you cannot see them, I first discovered that doing a 2 hour Solo Steel Path while getting Voruna parts on Lua with Valkyr, if you don't kill Misery fast enough you end up with those pains in the neck. I had trouble finding them because the screen looked like a ticket tape parade of enemies and colours.
  8. I don't think it's a skill issue, I'll admit Gyres skills can sometimes be finicky to get going and stay going but once you do it's absolute heaven.
  9. Yeah, Solo would be harsh, that's the good thing about 3 others they distract the enemies, while you pick them off from range.
  10. What level of enemies do you think Mesa tops out at? I've had a great runs with Mesa against really high enemies in the Steel Path circuit.
  11. Are you kidding I use my Gyre in Steel Path circuit and it red crits the enemies with the 3rd and 4th skill running while I shoot my special gun pistol. I've had Gyre still going strong from memory enemy level of around 1000+ It's shooting enemies outside of her radius that does the most damage. You can get her timer skills up around 50-60+ seconds easily.
  12. Nearly got mine, at 95%. 100% Thanks for the update.
  13. Yeah, who really knows what other users systems are like or how they run them?
  14. I Got mine, some people might need to redo the Twitch link, I haven't done mine in years and only did it once the new system went live to make sure. Maybe some people had the sound muted, I think that affects the watch timer, I could be totally wrong though.
  15. For Warframes I use loadout slots to sort them if that helps, though favourites could be very useful. For the weapons, I'd like to see an Arsenal Menu drop-down for the most Recent weapons, Incarnon weapons/Adapter weapons, Kuva, Tenet, Zaws and Kit-Guns. The Incarnon Adapter weapons still don't show in a search for the type, only the Zarimon weapons show when searching.
  16. In what mode? Charged shot deletes high enemies, QuickShot using it as a primer you need to hit the enemies directly to trigger Hemorrhage, otherwise just spam for proc. Here are some videos I did back in 2022. Warframe Prime Crit mods Lethal Toxin Warframe Primed Crit mods Lethal Toxin procd Warframe Basic mods Lethal Toxin, for beginners.
  17. You can dash up the wall as well, just stay in the one spot and dash cling. I use Protea for that challenge, throw down a heap of her 1st skill as the enemies come running jump onto the wall they die challenge is complete, you can also redeploy 1st skill while stuck to the wall as well.
  18. Khora bash thread, so it begins. You need to read the below quote, enough said. Or you could ask them or explain how her 1st skill can work with her 4th skill, it can be a very powerful thing, especially in Steel Path. It saves me ^ typing it. Yeah, that gets me that they swing around like Tarzan on crack, why DE they should slow down after a while. Hell yeah, even my frame annoys me when I can't get the skills to sync. You forgot Valkyr, I used to troll the mates in Discord with her by flinging them off cliff edges with the first skill Rip Line. I also miss the exploding Corpus windows too.
  19. Funny you mention that. DE is picking on me with kit-gun rivens lately, still getting them, I have a thread about it. I am proof of this, I did that just the other night getting rid of zaw and kitgun rivens using a transmitter.
  20. Yeah, it's really good for when you either stuff up or some enemy pulls off some hit you didn't see coming that would wipe you out normally, but instead, you see your HP bar go grey.
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