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Everything posted by Zimzala

  1. I assumed the same thing at first... The instructions indicate if you leave them in the freezer for hours, then you should let them thaw a little before use to avoid skin issues. You are not supposed to just leave them in the freezer. I put them in the freezer ~30-40 minutes and then use them immediately without issue. The gel does not freeze solid, there is a sticky layer on them that gets protected with a pad while not in use. They don't even stay cold for a long time, after the 1-2 minutes of applied use, they are almost room temp already, id I leave it out 'to finish something' before use, I have to put them back in the freezer, they are too warm already to work right.
  2. It's no cure, it just temporarily lowers the swelling that causes the pain, but they do work for me, I recommend them when I can (not an employee/owner/investor). ~30 minutes in the freezer and ~2 minutes applied, these things do a good job of wrapping around the pain area. I know at some point the gaming will end, but Not Today Satan! 🤣
  3. Your kindness is noticed and appreciated. While my post was meant to be light-hearted about getting old, my real problem is my right thumb, since I use a trackball, not so much the fingers (yet). I happen to be a life-long computer geek, so the macros are nothing new to me, but I generally don't use them, I use a Nostromo and just re-map stuff mainly. At some point, the body just decides twitch based games are not really optimal for entertainment. 🤣
  4. As someone who is developing arthritis in both hands, I just use these: Oh wait...not really the topic...they work great though!
  5. Let's not forget the passive-aggressive attacks about how our standards are low and the insinuation we are too soft for 'challenging' games or that we must be lacking in some way if we don't notice how the lighting engine works in minute ways, etc. It's not just about saving us from a game that we should not enjoy because it's made of 'crumbs', it's that they must be 'right' and 'better' for having such incredible taste and brain power, if we could only comprehend their wisdom, we would, it seems to them, agree. It's pretty funny to watch, I mean where else will I get my examples of angry gamer rants since Reddit is the enemy now?
  6. Fully agree. The moment someone is trying to tell others what they enjoy is 'just crumbs' or some such, they have, indeed, 'jumped the shark'. Add to that this idea they can dictate was is and is not discussed in a forum thread is just precious. While this poster claims this is 'just how they like to spend their time', it's obvious when someone goes to these lengths how desperate they are to be validated. I try and have some level of general compassion for fellow humans, this one has 'jumped the shark' to the degree there is no ROI in interacting with them, I just use them as an example of how not to make friends and influence people. As I stated in my first post in the thread, the idea presented by the OP simply has me asking "Why?" players need to be rewarded to 'play more'. IME, you enjoy things, or you don't. I keep doing things I enjoy, and stop doing things I do not, when it comes to gaming, unlike some that have to tell everyone else to Stop Having Fun when they no longer enjoy a thing. Testosterone is a powerful drug, especially when added to the insecure need for validation.
  7. It's really kind of sad at this point, but an extremely common issue on gaming forums IME. This poster has gotten to the point the only way they can feel validated is for a game with which they do not think is 'good enough' is for the game to 'die'. I have seen insecure, pedantic humans try and get this validation for decades on forums of this nature, the hamster wheel just keeps on turning. I pity them, really. You are entirely correct that there is nothing new in it, just another doomsday/naysayer/armchair critic, like someone standing in Times Square claiming the world will end if we don't stop loving each other or some such. It has nothing to do, really, with WF or DE, it's just another example of a human that needs love and validation, with no where to get it. All we can do is pity them IME, game forums are not really a medium where any of us can help them, and they won't take the help anyway, because they are convinced we are all 'wrong' and they are 'right'. I watched a friend lose their entire life over this kind of obsession, so I do try and speak out now and then in my own way, but in this case, it's a lost cause from my POV. We can continue to enjoy our lives, while people like this poster continue to hate theirs (and ours) because they are unable to make the world agree with their outlooks. I am sure this poster will now pipe in to tell me 'just how wrong I am'. validating my point. It really is just sad and predictable.
  8. I express my POV using theses two quotes. Why people think that random players in games must play by some arbitrary 'house rules' has amused me as long as there have been games of this type, I personally started with Tribes and Asheron's Call, and there have always been people that think they need to enforce 'house rules' on other players, it's hilarious. What exactly makes one think their 'house rules' are sacrosanct? I see all kinds of things like "it's the only logical way", this silly "leeching" argument, attacks on the intelligence of players that won't "follow the house rules", and it's all just opinionated rants from players that cannot deal with the fact they cannot control everything they see on their screen including the actions of their teammates, IME, just typical controlling personalities. I am well aware these rants won't ever end, that's a given, but thankfully I do find some schadenfreude in the situation. It must be hell to have the need to control everything you see and not be able to...
  9. My first and only immediate thought is "Why? What issue does this solve?"
  10. An old meme from an old guy! You're welcome!
  11. Mmmm, bread. I am well aware I can ignore what I like, when I like, thanks, don't need your permission or validation, but good that you at least understand that. I can and do pretend whatever I choose, you don't actually think you can dictate that, do you? Generally, I pretend this is you as I read your posts: As for the gardening, I pay others, I have a bad back and don't really enjoy it. Enjoy ranting over a game you don't play with people you cannot control or change!
  12. Just like some forum posters cannot understand their subjective outlooks and opinions are not facts. Megalomania is real. It must be terrible to be convinced you are always right and be unable to make others believe it.
  13. It's like a semi-entertaining wind-up toy that has not really ever been great, just fun enough to spin up now and then, from my POV. Kind of like the toys on display everyone plays with at the store and realizes there is no use in buying, because all the fun it can give was just had it the two minute demo. We all have our guilty pleasures.
  14. Are you actually under the impression anyone that does not agree with your outlook is actively trying to 'block' you? That's like, middle-school-playground logic. Get a grip.
  15. I like how even your conspiracy theories are based on you being the one that knows everything, it's cute. This particular conspiracy theory is hilarious. This is my only WF account, I hardly use it, a second would do me no good. Thanks for the early over-coffee-entertainment! Happy Conspiracy Theorizing!
  16. Enjoy tilting your windmills! (bold mine) If it brings you joy to try and get a game developer to do what you want, have a party. As for the rest of your prose, Yes, there have been reworks - which is how DE has discovered the reworks generally do not really impact the play-numbers of the frames they tweak enough to make it worth it, so they have stated reworks will be rare, if ever, in most cases. If you think that presenting what the developers have said and posted is somehow 'un-factual', well, that's just your opinion, man. I could not care less about if they rework a frame or not. I have seen players think they can change this minutiae in games through SJW tactics for decades with nor real results beyond the occasional thing the developers were already going to do that happens to co-inside with a players 'great idea'. Enjoy your tilting, and your 'mic drop' zings. Happy Gaming.
  17. Some people really do think whatever happens in their heads is Fact, it's a fascinating part of the human condition I love exploring, it's most of the reason I interact with game forums, to examine why people think what they think. Especially the ones that think feelings and opinions are facts, or that their opinions are somehow in need of proving for validation. This particular poster to whom you reply is a fountain of data in this area and has given me many fine examples over the years. Some people just have to feel like they are 'right', it's fascinating. Happy Gaming.
  18. I have no influence over DE, any more than any random poster here, duh? You can claim the developers should or should not do a thing, until the heat death of the universe. The current answer we have, from the developers of the game, is that reworks are not worth the effort of the investment. You can have the opinion that reworks would help the state of the game, but obviously the developers do not share that opinion, because such a change in state would make these reworks worth it, and the developers have stated the reworks do not change the state of play enough to justify the investment. This is simply the reality and the facts we have at this time. This is not some mandate from me or another forum user, this is the data we have, right from the makers of the game on Why the reworks are few and far between. Sure, if you think a SJW will move the needle, you are welcome to tilt that windmill, have a party. I get some people are wired in a way that forces them to try and change things they don't like, even when they have no power to do so. If you really think your ideas are 'all that', then go get hired at a game company. This is my outlook, it's not as if these companies are not hiring. Personally, I will play games, over trying to get developers to make changes just because I think they should, because I already have a job and I don't consider my ideas as a player to really be anything developers have not already heard. Happy Gaming.
  19. I was writing this post as yours appeared. Lots of agreement! Many of my early 20's was enjoyed playing Gauntlet with friends, freaking out other customers as we poured rolls of quarters into it shouting "money means nothing when you are fighting demons", for example. I remember things like LAN parties. There have always been people playing games 'just for fun with friends', just as there have always been single players focused on completion, just as there have always been groups of people collectively focused on completion, and single players playing "just for fun". I have always played games "just for fun" alone and with friends. IMO, this person went through a personal journey and thinks he must share the epiphany - "I did you can too". That's nice, I guess? I don't discount his experience, but it's not new in teh world of gaming. This just in, "People learn to enjoy things more when they don't think of them as chores and obligations."
  20. You can claim 'no' all you like, but the reality is that DE have stated the reworks cause too little change in play to generate enough ROI to make it worth the time and energy, generally, to rework the old frames. You don't have to like it, but that is the stated outlook from the company itself. Reworks are generally "not worth it".
  21. As usual, take your own advice. You are projecting. You are totally the antagonist here. It's laughably transparent, just as you move the goalposts and claim others did it. So, again, you think WF is mediocre and other games in your world view are better. And? You actually think that some statistics on how many views a video got on the Internet has some direct correlation to success and quality. Laughable. You continue to try and project your personal opinion as an objective fact, while claiming you are not. So transparent. Thanks so much for the stand-up comedy, but your schtick is getting old, you need more material. Happy Ranting!
  22. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! You are really trying to build a person of straw now, just to be argumentative, so transparent. Nowhere did I even imply anything of the sort - of course a money making number one hit is successful, duh? Where do you get this stuff? I have predicted nothing other than that the passing of time will reveal success or failure. Again, you try to make people of straw. Do you buy and sell straw futures? 🤣 You want so much to make me the bad guy, you make stuff up out of thin air. Hilarious. And kind of sad, really, but still entertaining. Happy Gaming!
  23. If you think that DE is not successful with WF just because other games make more money, or that Soulframe will not be successful if it does not have the market penetration of games based around comic icons, then you simply have a skewed opinion as to what success really is. Success does not have to mean #1 or even top 10. I enjoy games the masses claim are 'good' and I enjoy claims the masses claim are 'bad'. Your attempt to gaslight me into thinking I don't know good from bad is silly. If Soulframe ends up as Warframe Lite, I think a lot of people might like that game, could be quite successful, time will tell. Lastly, if critique is s not enjoyment, then why are you spending so much time on something you do not enjoy? Seems silly. Happy Gaming!
  24. What is it you think I need to see? You have been playing it for years, they made a ton of money, how is it not successful? How is WF not successful? I hope DE has another hit with their next endeavor, I would love a new world to enjoy. I hope it is at least as successful as WF. So, you bring up a bunch of other games and developers you like. That's nice, I have a lot of games I like. Water gets things wet. Do even a minimal amount of research with that self reported big intellect of yours and you will find plenty of info around the outlook there being no new ideas in most things. It's not a personal philosophy. You'll have to do your own research, as you won't believe anything I say unless I have a PhD. 🤣 Enjoy your nit-picking and ranting about how DE does not live up to your expectations, it looks good on you. Happy Gaming!
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