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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Thats the case. Both work fine, just you do not get any Necrathene with Sunpoint. Advanced Nosam Cutter doesnt have any extra features. It is actually much cheaper than Sunpoint repwise. You can use Sunpoint just fine if you have a different source of Necrathene. Or just swap to Nosam Cutter for Blue (gem) veins. Compared to how bugged fishing is, it is nothing. Bro, that is basic stuff. I am saying it is bugged, not that I do not understand the mechanics. Bugs: Hotspots and bait do not work at all (yes, i know you need to be in correct phase) Fish do not spawn. Fish do not respawn (after first catch) Getting stuck and unable to move. Spears kill fish instead of catching them There is multitude threads about those issues in the forums, so it is not only me.
  2. Seems like a buy fix, as animals arent the enemy.
  3. It is codable, but the effort is not worth the result.
  4. Sentients/Amalgam spawn is tied to the Archon boss location. G3/Stalker/Acolytes/Zanuka/Syndicate hit squads are tied to the player location (at the time of the spawn initiation).
  5. All mentioned encounters happen in a closed arena, which has identical layout at every iteration.
  6. Dont mine or fish in Deimos, unless you absolutely have to (fishing is bugged beyond comprehension and for mining you need to switch to Advanced Nosam Cutter, because you will not be able to get certain gems eg. Necrathene, otherwise) . You will get plenty of resources from Vault Opening (Otak escort mission). Just spam Vault Tier3 missions and make sure you do the escort.
  7. You can use melee without any hindrance. Plan accordingly. If you are going to spend 90% of time with something in your hand, have your secondary and melee be your main killing tools. Only thing I could agree with is the visibility of the fact that we got something in hand and what it is. You can sometimes forget that you got a datamass/archon key or/and seeing which conduit key you are caring you have to tilt your camera. Especially the Armatus pickups are hard to decipher. I picked up Conduit Failsafe and had to drop it on the ground to be able to recognize what that was.
  8. Like is said, it is uncodable, because it would have to throw current enemy spawn mechanics out of the window and code completely new ones just for this one mode.
  9. Still killable with both single target and AoE. The main problem is not actually the fact that they kill the enemies outside the circle. The problem is that they keep following current enemy spawn, disabling it and pushing in a tile further. And spawns too, making the mission even longer. Yes, have one competent player do series of QTE's so the mission can progress while the rest intentionally (or not) plays the mission wrong. They have started adding the X enemies killed for Netracell progress as End game screen title and i think it is a step in good direction. Again with the way these players interact with spawns it will not work very well within WF spawn mechanics. They can break Fissures Reactant so easily, I am sure this can be even easier. PS: We cant cure stupid. I wish we could - World would be a better place, but we cant.
  10. To my understanding frame even with different skin is still the same frame with same abilities and stats (prime and non prime difference is cosmetic). Weapons variants however are completely different weapons, with different stats and often also different mechanics.
  11. You will not get any other response than this:
  12. Cause that is the name of Primary weapon mods? https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Bane_of_Corrupted Other options are: Cleanse Corrupted, the shotgun equivalent of this mod. Expel Corrupted, the secondary equivalent of this mod. Smite Corrupted, the melee equivalent of this mod. Cleanse/Expel mods, just doesnt have a cling to it, Smite is an ability name and may be confusing. Bane seems best.
  13. How id did this. You need: Big range Nidus with Rage/Hunter Adrenaline with not too long duration. Mindless Melee weapon (i used normal Ohma for giggles, so i doesnt need to be op at all) - i do not recommend Glaives, Gunblades or Hammers (slow and low FT) Planning (the cylinders spawn in the same order in the same place). Nidus lets you completely ignore the enemies damage. Group up the enemies with his 2 on main platform near the next cylinder spawn. Have in mind cyllinders timer starts when they spawn, not when you pick them up. So have the enemies already grouped up and be in position to pick one up. Once you hit them, focus on killing as many as you can with melee (depending on your melee 3-4 swings should do it) and go towards the next cylinder spawn, group up with 2 before you grab the cylinder so you do not waste more time. Do not worry if you do not hit every enemy, they do not despawn and you can eventually kill them (or ignore). Eximus do not do antyhing really, they count as 1, if you do not hit them with cylinder nothing happens. Plenty of other enemies to kill. Here is (not mine), video (his duration is too short and there is no need to spam 2 as much). Also he wastes too much time with hard landing (use slide to soft land).
  14. If it is too hectic for them why the hell do they do it SP? Chances are the most enemies are stuck on terrain somewhere or are literally over or under you. The enemy radar is quite limited in horizontal plane and some of the tiles are pretty huge and have 3 levels.
  15. %dmg on and mission screen. They want to sent the print screen to their loved ones. Just call them out on it. And if it continues, just leave. None of these are fool proof. How about we fix enemies getting stuck on terrain and magical stairs that fade you to black and respawn you without buffs multiple times if you touch them (bullet jumping or void dashing over them doesnt proc this glitch).
  16. Many players in pub do not grab basic concepts of warframe (eg. enemy spawns mechanic). You got chat, you can call them out on it. Educate them. Yes, you will often get rude responses: "Do not tell me how to play" or "Stop crying*" variation. There are no possible changes you can make to a mission that will be stupid proof. There are no possible changes to the mechanics that can do anything. Kicking them or killing them will not make them disappear from the community, eventually someone else will get the hot potato. Just embrace it. Or just play Speedva or/and solo.
  17. It is a thread from 6 years ago. Chances are your problem is completely unrelated. There is literally zero chance that anyone involved answers.
  18. Afaik all Incarnon weapons are atm incapable of using any skins.
  19. Actually it can be given out via raffle by any DE affiliated streamers (Partners). It can be given away in non-streaming contests as well. But if you win you are told to DM them with your account name and platform.
  20. Did you just assume their gender?
  21. Who are you trying to message? https://warframe.market/ If you scroll down you can see bunch of links. One of them is called: Contact us.
  22. The definition of shieldless frame is not "max shield equals 0", but there is no shield or shield based mechanics. So not shield gate or overshield either.
  23. I think you guys are attempting to register on some fake site, because the bot name is not WarframeMarketBot, or WarframeMarketMan. It is KycKyc.
  24. I think you are trying to register on some kind of fake site, because mine says: Compose new Message for our bot(KycKyc) Wrong PM target. What site you guys are trying to register on?
  25. You mean it reseted the combo? Thats how non-tennokai zero efficiency heavy attack works. Makes sure you got enough combo to proc the Incarnon (or use Tennokai) Right corner. Also the x5 iis a multiplier that gets calculated based on number of hits, it is not the number of hits. For standard weapons it gets up one 1x every 20 hits (x2 at 20, x3 at 40, up to x12 with 220 hits).
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