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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. If you put as much effort and time in making a ticket about it as you do for writing pointless posts on forum it would be already resolved.
  2. There are dozens of Heavy Blade in-game cosmmetics (and even more Tennogen).
  3. No, no, I am very familiar with this concept. I just don't agree with this system of thinking and the resulting behavior, and I don't want it to be nurtured and rewarded, which will inevitably result in its popularization.
  4. Not suer why they are so adamannt for this. If somehow you got third leg it wont affect me either. Not me. The threads about the selling started literaraly after Duviri introduction and clearly stated that is the main reason for this (as the tactic was to sell EVERYTHING beside the cherry picked Meta weapons). They came back again after EDA got in. Even when you scroll through this very thread, you will see people advocating about it from this standpoint. As for Duplicates that occured duringMerging, just make a ticket and ask DE to remove the wrongfully duplicated items (along with their created slots), It is an account bug and easily fixable. But you won't, right? Because greed.
  5. It does. Good place to test it is also the Endurance Test on Lua. Albeit you have to drop Aegis, because otherwise it tickles.
  6. Did they change it and you cannnot dump it with 3 any more?
  7. Asking about elemental combination is valid, because it just got changed. But asking about Best Primary weapon.... young Padawan, you got 2k posts on this forum. You should know by now that Waframe is not the kind of game where you can give a definitive answer for such question. First of all it "depends", second there can be multiple answers even with all the factor boxes checked. We do not know what you mean by Corrosive Felarx or Viral Laetum. I can only assume that corrosive Felarx is a way to make a good weapon much weaker, because frankly I cannot think of any top tier Felarx build that uses only 1 element. Viral Laetum, again there are at least 2 very distinctive Laetum builds that are defined by Evolution picks not by element of choice. Test yourself - shoot em in the head until the hp drops.
  8. I got both R5 Barrier and R5 Aegis on my Hildryn, but that seems to be only use for it.
  9. Have you actually tried using it? After tennokai, melee arcanes and stuff?
  10. Slots that wouldnt be there if you did not have the items duplicated. They arent there now. Hence, there is no difference slotwise.
  11. Hang on. So what would happen if I were able to sell them? And what would happen if you had third leg? If that possibility was there from the begining, completely nothing. If it however changed at some point: To me: nothing. To others: also probably nothing, provided they will have an option to sell them as well. To you: You would gain several slots you havent earned and probably reaffirmed the belief that you don't have to improve or change, the world will adapt to you But discussing is as productive as discussing your third leg, because you do not have it and you will most likely never get it.
  12. Based on randomise weapon mechanics attempting to reduce the weapon pool, in order to always have the same powerful options. How would YOU call it? Imagine a match of QUAKE Arena and one player always starts with Rocket Launcher, because he "deleted" other weapons. Yes it is different situation becaues Quake is competitive PvP and this is PVE, but still. What are you talking about??? I am talking about special snowflakes, who need to manipulate everyone and everything around them because of how they feel, instead of simply managing their feelings (self-development, therapy). If it was a medical condition (duplicatophobia), there are also ways to treat it.
  13. If they were duplicated, you got them for free as well as the slots they occupy (so they are equivalent to not being there). There is not max weapon slot limit (unlike riven). Which one? Why not? Have you tried, dunno, doing them instead? Or are you in physical pain and simply cannot? Is this a medical condition?
  14. What for? You in the need of credits?
  15. I understand it is some kind of extremly awfull strategy to maximise your pick choice of random items in randomisation missions (EDA/Duviri), but seriously... Stop attempting to cheat through life.
  16. Out of curiousity, what frames/abilities you mean? I cannot think of anything that will make Khora damage drop (numbers, not %dmg of the group done).
  17. They are already fairly few builds abusing Limbo capabilities (you can harm enemies, they cant harm you mechanic), but they are not very popular because Meta is about KPM (kills per minute) and ease of play and not about Surivability at all. Catabomb can only be used to nuke low level missions (low damage, low damage scaling, no armor strip), mostly is used as over the walls Container breaker.
  18. I already do not agree with the first premise. Prime version of Warframes ARE NOT more powerful than the normal ones. Their abilities do the same thing and the scaling is also the same. There are no limits normal warframes have that prime overcome there are small details here and there like slightly higher base HP/shield or/and max/starting energy and the passive of getting energy when in Void, but that is it. When grinding frames annd investing in them, you actually want to have the jump between normal and Prime variant asap, so as to avoid investing Potato, Forma (Shards you can remove) into something that will eventually be replaced. I do not see how you can fit Dex variant in between there to make it easier. Only thing that would make it easier, would be if it started with Potato installed already, but that would be absurdly overpowered compared to Prime variants (which dont) making the Dex variant simply better. Another investment in between that would potentially get wasted are the materials to craft a frame. Many prime frames are actually faster to obtain than their normal variants. All different look will do is people will farm them for their skin. And not the new ones. It will be a massive time sink and newbie trap for new ones.
  19. Which is it? PS: Wait till you see Xaku.
  20. It shows the icons, anyone familiar with Nova and Helminth system can clearly see your 3d ability (Gate) replaced with Emp. It would be great, especialy considering the Overextened added Range does more harm than good most of the time.
  21. First of all Growing Power buff is only activated by your own status applied by weapons (as in not teammates). You just have to refrain from hitting anything 6s before casting MP. Furthermore, I run Power Donation/Overextended Speedva with final 10% power STR. +25% STR puts me on 35%, which is also Speedva. Tripple Growing Power results in 85% which is Neutralva.
  22. ..and cant communicate with the team.
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