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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. It will be prioritised yes, but the other (alternate) versions will not be excluded. If put your Incarnon on Wraith. Then the Incarnon version is heavily prio.
  2. Not exactly. There are plenty of power strenght buffs that require you to do something before they are up ad they are usually timed or for "next cast". With this aug you can affect all your motes with all the stacked buffs without thee need to worry about stacking them for other casts. Most of these buffs offer more than 15% of power drift. Plus having the augument (from what i heard) does not make you unable to cast single motes. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Maximization#Maximized_Ability_Strength Plus there are Circuit buffs.
  3. Top left is 1st yes, Mod priority order (for Companion Precepts and Elemental Damage mods) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Mod#Installation
  4. Have you tried Mischief and Tek Assault? Make sure you put Mischief close to 1st position, Charm should be on 1st. My Smeeta just doest die, unless you go AFK.
  5. Grenades have wierd arc to them so unless its poit blank or there is bunch of very tall enemies i am not hittig anything. KAHL missions are a chore. I am not doig those lately.
  6. You can see the buffs poping on your teammates UI (and they see them too). If they are there they are in range, if they arent they arent. Yes, more circles on the ground please. If we can disable them. Circle has a point to abilities like Thurible that are hard to observe on the UI.
  7. Neither. If we are talking shotguns I mostly run with Phantasma/Cedo and Bubonico (but in Launcher mode). Incarnon Strun seems to be to my liking also.
  8. Gun users can also afford to swing a weapon every now and then, that with amounts of damage the melees are making should be able to top off the HP of any pet with unranked Pack leader equipped.
  9. Huge ball orbiting Titania the size of the screen makes it impossible to see anything, let alone aim. Aiming down sights (rmouse) makes the ball even bigger.
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