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About Pizzarugi

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  1. Could you elaborate? Is DE aware of the levelcap builds and are planning on nerfing them?
  2. On the contrary, I like the idea of settling on a main. It encourages you to improve your skill in completing missions, even with frames that aren't at all suitable for it. Ivara with the right augment lets her trivialize spy missions, but it takes real skill to tackle lua spy with Revenant, for example.
  3. As a summoner nut, this is my biggest disappointment with this frame. You get 3 minions, they hardly do a lick of damage and their defensive utility falls off hard in higher level content, and worst of all, they have a virtually non-existent duration even if you minmaxed it. I was originally looking forward to Caliban since he was a Sentient frame and I was really enjoying Revenant which is borderline that, but it looks like I'm stuck playing with the latter if I want my minion army fix. To be fair, all frames with minions have terrible damage, but at least Nekros and Revenant don't need to invest crazy high in stats just to have them last a decent amount of time, plus you get more than twice what Caliban has.
  4. The worst part is that a lot of incarnon weapons don't even compete with other modern melee weapons for DPS. Anku, for example, is barely stronger than a Tenet Livia with 60% bonus element damage only when in Incarnon mode. Tenet Livia doesn't need to juggle a damn thing to reach full power, especially when you consider it has a built-in pause combo counter on holster feature. The only saving grace is that scythe weapons have much better stance combos than 2h nikana. Oh and let's not forget the fact that ranged weapons are always going to be better than melee anyway. While you're running towards something so you can smack them in the face, I've already shot them dead from the other end of the room.
  5. To report, you need to send a ticket directly to DE. https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  6. I'd rather not be stuck farming junk prime parts for 1p per 6 junk just to buy these stupid things. I'd rather farm them, preferably in content that isn't tedious and requires a team of players who strongly enforce a very specific farm meta if you want to get transmuters in any decent timeframe.
  7. Who's to say keys only have to open portals into the void? Why can't they be used to instantly travel between two places using the void as a midway point? Lots of media has used "mysterious dimension" as a point B to justify teleportation, gateway, and wormhole travel.
  8. There is a modless run, you do it while getting base Grendel's parts. I think that's all we should get. If you wanna reach New War without modding, you can do that as a self-imposed challenge.
  9. This is such a stupid comment that only exists to hand-wave away legitimate criticism of the game. Nobody in LFG chat is looking for random endless missions that aren't the current meta which is dictated by what primes are currently unvaulted or freshly released. I have firsthand experience trying this and I found the time wasted spamming "LFG [insert endless mission nobody cares here]" looking for invites could've been spent just running it, several times over in some cases. It's not that big of an ask for DE to implement a second matchmaking option for players wanting to do C+ rotations rather than bailing on the first A.
  10. Not only that, but some new missions in general should be fissures too. I bet the Zariman missions would be fantastic, especially Void Flood. Mirror Defense? That should have fissures too. Albrecht's lab missions? The Indifference is literally trying to bust their way into our reality from there, that place should be a hotspot of fissure activity!
  11. Not gonna lie, I'd like to see that be a common thing. I love Disruption missions so I would love fissure Disruptions, but the lack of choices for fissures means I spend more time not doing them than I would like.
  12. Here's my modification: https://overframe.gg/build/new/6178/azothane/?bs=WzEsNjE3OCwzMCwxLFtbMzU4LDUsMV0sWzY3OSw1LDFdLFszNTksNSwxXSxbMzYwLDUsMV0sWzM0NSwxMCwxXSxbMzUyLDEwLDFdLFszMzgsMywwXSxbMzM3LDMsMF0sWzI0NjAsMywxXSxbMCwwLDBdLFswLDAsMF1dXQ== All I did was swap out sacrificial mods for elemental+status hybrids and ended up increasing DPS by a few thousand. It also saves a massive amount of mod capacity so you could even drop a forma or two from your build, add an exilus mod, and/or swap out Gladiator Might for a Riven. By the way, Overframe doesn't factor in viral procs in its DPS so this value will be much higher in practice which will absolutely blow away your iteration. Please don't tell other people they don't know how to mod when you clearly don't know the first thing about modding either.
  13. Can you no longer force yourself to host by starting a mission directly from your railjack? If not, then that's very disappointing. Would it be possible to force yourself to host if you start through your dojo?
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