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Everything posted by CrownOfShadows

  1. Lol. People spew that line whenever they don't want to engage on the issue itself. I seriously can't believe people still vomit that out on here. It's so disgusting, it doesn't take into account anything at all, not the player's interests, their time, their schedule, nothing. 'Get lost' is the lazy forum user's answer to someone bringing up a real issue. Are you trying to deny there's a content drought problem?
  2. I mostly agree. I'd like a vault tier system maybe. Like a tier 1 vault can be the type we have now, but then a tier 2 gets harder, tier 3, etc - maybe all the way up to tier 5 idk, where it's a true challenge that even the most savvy Ivara will have to try half a dozen times on any weekday - and scale the rewards, so that the ultimate success is that much more sweet.
  3. 🙄 who could've predicted this lame comment? Stop 🦜
  4. IMO, to get railjack relevant they need: Streamline loading. You can't really just 'jump into a railjack mission', both because it's several extra menu steps (often to do the SAME mission) but also because of the dry dock at the end which is like moving through mud, plus the load itself tends to be what, 3x-5x longer than a regular mission load? We need fast in, fast out. Better integration with the starchart could be included in this. We don't even need to go to the dry dock afterwards tbh. If we want to dry dock, we can go there on our own. A good endless mode. NOT a taxi-jack, but a dedicated railjack mode. More than one would be even better. I'd include just total removal of taxi-jack because it's not doing RJ any favors as a game mode but that's probably too much to ask for. Regardless, more RJ-specific game modes - not just endless and not just RJ versions of previous modes (i.e. Interception with RJs) - would help a lot too. Make something interesting out there. Diversification and expansion of equipment. Currently, you just get the best in each category and then you're done and mostly never touch the equipment screen again. This is in part due to a lack of diversity in objectives and in part because the gear is a pyramid. Meaningful gear choices would make it more interesting, as well as just more of them - it's pretty limited. I'll include necramechs here too, because they tend to go hand-in-hand with RJ and they also suffer from the exact same problems. (And so do archwings but they're just taxis in the current state). I'd especially like to point out that there is just ONE railjack you can get. That's pretty terrible. Make half a dozen at least, each with their own interiors, pros and cons, etc. Some could be fast solo gun ships, others could be crew transports with 6-8 players. Some could be fast, some could be stealthy. A fleet. Options. And on my personal wish list: Necramelee Archwing expansion Make it so multiple railjacks can be in the same mission More enemies, especially big enemies. Crew ships are just hulking cargo ships that are no threat. Give the enemy some destroyers, cruisers. Things that are a battle. Multi-area / mutli-stage space missions More RJ artillery options
  5. We REALLY need something to do in the off-season. My alliance just had a competition to see who can survive the most waves in a defense. And I did it. Twice. If that doesn't tell you how starved I am for something to do idk what to tell you.
  6. Completely agree, it's just long for the sake of being long. Halfway through it I start groaning and sometimes doing weird stuff like see how low in hp I can get without dying. Same thing WOULD be true of extermination (and kinda IS true) but Vor's appearance at least breaks up the monotony. Also, alchemy.
  7. Seemed fine to me, they do warn you about the length. It was a nice change of pace, and the potential it created for looking at the WF universe through new eyes is fantastic imo - even though they flubbed it with Kahl.
  8. Alchemy is painful, especially in the Circuit. Why is it painful? Mostly because it just takes too long to fill a crucible. Cut the time it takes to fill one in half and then double the amount of crucibles and things would feel a lot better, and we'd still be at the oh-so-mandatory-mission-duration-time. I have a lot of minor complaints about the game mode itself that I have listed extensively before, but I don't actually hate it. Fix the time issue, and you'll fix the majority of the pain.
  9. Hate to be that guy but I feel obligated to point out at that angels in the Bible do not resurrect people, nor is there a recorded instance of them directly healing anyone, and it would probably be a stretch to say they ever blessed anyone either (Gabriel telling Mary and Daniel that they were in God's favor is about as close as you get), and most angels aren't even described as having wings (this seems to be reserved for cherubim) and if they do they don't truly fly in any kind of traditional sense (in Ezekiel's vision they used their wings to cover themselves, only in Revelation is an angel described as 'flying'), and the entire 'Biblically accurate angel' thing that has gone around is actually not that accurate either, at least the ones I've seen, which frustrates me but w/e, we live in age of memes not knowledge. But I get what you're saying in a general sense. She's a pretty well conceived and executed warframe and her abilities feel good to use.
  10. -1 Didn't bother me and I actually think it's an interesting development. Also, they literally gave you a full screen trigger warning, like cmon.
  11. I completely agree with the heart of this: heirloom looks awesome af but the frame itself is underwhelming
  12. I don't really like this solution tbh, because it doesn't solve the issue of people not stabbing, which immediately divides the team as far as goals go. This is the single reason that I tend to solo this experience. I absolutely agree with the basic problem though.
  13. Hmm interesting. I quite like the stuff in point # 1, I think there's some good potential there, that's a system I could get behind. Plus another reason to visit the altar would be welcome. The only issue I see is removing things from the pool in #2 - there is a possibility that someone might sell their copy or want a fresh copy with a different element (I have 2 nukors and 2 cycrons for example) - people will still need a way to get them again, even after fully valencing them.
  14. Just gonna request this again (even though I have a suspicion this subforum is one of the least viewed by DE ever) - anyways I never stop wanting it: Would LOVE a button that works like a checkbox that just applies your warframe's primary colors to all weapons and accessories (like sugatra and arrows). Like WHY isn't this a thing, I need it ALL the time. Instead I have to go into every weapon, and if I'm especially irritated/bored into every accessory, and hit "apply warframe colors". I understand there's maybe some edge cases where users want different colors, but I like things to match, and I always like that, and I want that as my default. Just make everything match. Automate the process. Heeeek
  15. Yeah, we've been over this a hundred times. It makes it so you can just sit in Aegis Storm forever, and that's bad design. Would it be broken af? As far as damage goes, no. As far as disruption of your team engaging with the enemy, 100%. Just imagine a max range Hildryn in permanent Aegis Storm, sitting on top of the defense objective, lifting all the enemies in the air, running Haven, maybe with one of the melter builds, and also casting pillage every few seconds. That is a toxic playstyle in the making. How about no. I do agree Aegis Storm needs serious help though, and so does Balefire, they are both clunky, outdated and do basically nothing.
  16. Hmmm actually modes might be better than whole planets. Like if one node on Pluto was for primaries, another for secondaries, etc.
  17. This is the same broken logic as "it doesn't affect me so it doesn't matter" in disguise. Uh, sisters are WAY faster... you have done these right? WAY faster. Your entire argument here seems to be based around the new player experience. And in that situation I agree, there's not a big problem with cycling, because every weapon you get is one you want, but requiem farm is a serious obstacle. This is legit. I'll stand with you on that, the new players suffer and benefit in these ways. But liches and sisters have been around for a looooong time now, and the majority of us have farmed them into absolution. In that situation, requiem mods aren't a factor in the slightest. Most of us have big stockpiles of Oull and Ultimatums to boot. As for the rest of the lich/sister hunting process, it's fine, none of the rest of it bothers me, in fact I enjoy it. Do you have some problem with the rest of the process? What's wrong with it? The only part of the process that sucks (unless you're a new player) is the cycling. And the recycling of dozens of hounds out of your foundry and then out of your inventory, that's also kinda sucky.
  18. Ok, and? Like who cares if people skip to what they want, and so what if some weapons are better than others. That's not our fault. Lazy excuse for a bad system. Imagine if 5 years from now there are 50 lich weapons. Is 50 missions ok with you? Where's you're line? 30? 40? 100? How about we address the problem? True, incarnons outshine lich & sister weapons considerably. Is that MORE reason to make getting them MORE miserable? Oh heaven forbid we improve the game
  19. Oh another idea I had just now was that you could have particular planets for particular weapon type candidates. Like one planet only has candidates that have primaries, another secondaries, another melee, another archguns. You might need to modify the spawn mechanic a little somehow but I think that system could be ok too.
  20. So we don't interact with the Lich / Sister too much anymore, but the way you cycle through weapons via candidates has got to be looked at before any more weapons are added. Right now there are 20 Kuva weapons, for example. Know what that means? That means that you will potentially play up to 20, yes TWENTY missions just to get the right candidate, which is the STARTING point of the lich experience. That's ridiculous. And what if they added 5 more? Then it's potentially 25 missions just to get started. Anyways.... I don't know exactly how to fix this problem really. The only idea I had other than just letting people straight up choose is to give the candidates 3-4 weapons each and the player can choose one of them, or otherwise interact with the candidate to somehow speed up the cycling process - like maybe inform the user somehow of how far away from it they are and then give them some means to skip 5 or 10 or 20 places ahead. IDK, it sucks, it needs to be addressed, and I don't want to start a war about it because we use it so rarely, but I still hope DE spends a little time to fix it up before the next time. Sigh, I'm tired of trying to tell DE what's not fun, but I guess somebody's gotta do it. I really hate the ephemera farm cycling too, but something tells me they won't budge on that, and I don't mind it as much because that's cosmetic and not mastery related, and you don't need valence fusion for it either, and there are far less ephemeras. It's still miserable because it takes the entire lich process to cycle though. I could wish for improvement. Thanks, k bye
  21. No discussion of disruptive abilities is complete without talking about Vauban. Absolute kill-joy of a frame for whoever has to suffer through being in the mission with him. Also the new Inaros sandstorm is pretty lame for the rest of the team I gotta say.
  22. Haha! I did this exact thing too! Super fun but man did it struggle to kill anything. I had a weird dream of it somehow working on demolysts. I'd love a Gorgon stone & cold freezing uber-niche style that actually worked, alas, it was indeed a meme build.
  23. Yeah the main consideration with pubs is honestly range. The electric procs can irritate some people depending on their frame build. So I'd just make sure you have low range on any pub build, which suits Wisp just fine. A max range Wisp built for shock motes is the pub troll build.
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