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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. I am pretty sure in this year they will ruin some working systems and nerf the normal weapons. This game is deserved the broken title.


    edit: A little more harmony they could check what weapons need more nerf/buff and what isn't. Still have a lot of useless weapon because they never end give more op weapons. gg

  2. I agree this concept generaly because this can help some on the earlier and mid level weapons but only if have limitation of base stat upgrades. Every stat can be improve and you could choose yor focus what parts do you want upgrade on your weapons for example : reached the level 30 formaing then the process ask you to choose one of them stats "now realoading" then you can begin the new levelling and your reaload speed improved. You could use this 5 times in a row or you can improve every part or just focusing one or two stats. 


    I can imagine a five time formaed mk1 braton focusing on it's slash damage. What a bloody end game weapon.


    PS : Also would be cool if after formaed weapons and frames given us mastery points when levelling them again. 10-20% of the first time.

  3. Almost everywhere where the rules are crap and peoples cannot teach their childrens to live the life there censor/ban everything which not easily controllable. Tv and other medias filled with sexism, idealism, brutality and still the peoples think the video games the only bad things in this world. Instead of ban/censor stuffs they could improve the education systems and teach the peoples and filt the degenerated persons whom already spoiled with bad examples.

  4. I am not hating but most of weapons which have a better variant and the weapon needed component to make the better variant then it is just a mastery fodder weapon. When the devs will not create much better variants then every weapon have reason to exist. 


    Skana anyone?

  5. They just need a little care and remove the degenerating. That's a very poor domesticate progress where you need to keep alive a genetical garbage race and this kubrows are genetic garbages. Money eating process if you want your own pet.

  6. What I would like in changes is a fixed save when you play online because often come a host migration and a lot of time and work just gone for nothing because the progress not saved.


    The afk system maybe the best option but for 5 min or a bit longer but if some peoples want trolling with it then they can avoid the negative effects.


    The core hunting is mostly rng stuff and by myself not need a change I can farm enough. Only hate that fact I need to play my less liked missions on solar map rather than raid/survival/defense. Personaly I hate the interceptions and derelict missions because force the peoples to play, And I forgot the archwing which is also non fun for me.

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