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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. Nova buffs. Hmm Ye! I am sure she needs!.


    On her $* and on her butt! Mostly her $*!


    Just joking x) at least on her titties they can work a bit more.


    Ps: Welp this is my 300 th post. What I won?

  2. I am not hated the old and this concept at all. The problem was only that wasn't what the community wished because a lot of us spent a lot of time and feedback on concepts then they wanted to release an anteater instead of making a dragonlike frame. 


    Secondly this is an online community with different ideas and opinions and the devs should watch our needs because they made the game for us who play and the customers have some right to be upset or negative if they doesn't like what they are doing.


    I am more upset about them to make corrupted and primed mods instead make buffs on the old one mods which are so bad. There is a lot more thing what they do badly at least this time they fixed a "minor" problem.


    I am wondering if they thinking about to make dmg 3.0 and 3.0 version to all instead fix already the performance and making the focus / passive skill system.


    Ps : Sorry for derailing a little the subject but these things much more important than how chroma will looks.

  3. With this power they couldn't make any touch on systems because not improved just differentated. Removing charge attacks then back them, nerfing the fast meele weapons and give overpower to primaries-secondaries ruined the game. 


    Removing base damage improving mods makes a new wave of legendary core compensation fiasco so I think that it would be better not to touch them so deeply instead of touch them they could buff to the similar level the other mods to bearable with corrupted mods. 


    Primed mods are just jokes personaly I think they should not to make them and remove them from the entire game .


    I am not mind reader but they make a lot more mistakes and failed designs, they doesn't make brainstorm before make something?

  4. I would like to see this game on that engine but their works in the evolution engine is so much so this is far from the reality to implement this game into unreal engine 4. Only if you know those engines what's their strongest and weakest points then you can make a choice which could serve the game better. 


    Their engine is an old engine and sometimes up to dated with new codes but the ue4 is a strong and newest engine maybe could serve this game better but the devs choice to use their hard work or change it to a better.

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