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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. After the insta revives I experience more people tend to ignore to revive you because you can now "insta revive" that is the same like you left behind and rot there until you die. I don't like it because it costs affinity and I don't want to die just because noone revive me when I down just because I have the option to speed up my dying process. I tend to no or very rarely drowned but that is just as annoying to die by this or just someone who reachable distance to you and insta revive when you could save his/her life. This is just annoying because you wasting time and effort to try to save others and you cannot. 

    Personally I think this should go and the revive time need to be expanded a bit to 30 second so someone whom near enough can save you. Both part could be bad because some who drowned doesn't want wait long till he can do something but with the insta revive just seems like peoples ignore you. First of all a lot of peoples ignoring the squad chat and those players whom not have mic and not using chatting programs could be easily ignored by players. I don't want to use mic I like type but hate when I ask for help and noone help when everybody dancing on me. That is just blaming and this should be fixed somehow. I don't want to lose affinity and doesn't want out of th action and ignored because of this.

  2. Grind is need because this game created around it. The problem is the overgrinding and the fact, the game uses a very bad rng system which is fine for the devs because that make them money because the frustrated peoples will pay instead of grind. The bad grinding should be toned down and they ned to make the reward system consistent in order to let the peoples get the items in a few run but not let them burn out because they can get everything easily. This is a hard thing because the rng is different to everyone and in order they need to change the numbers even replace their rng with a token like system which is clearly works against them so I doubt they will change it so basically the tedious grind remain. 

    They should also make new bosses - semi bosses which drop warframe parts and overall make it rewardous to go and fight with a boss. They could make it better if just improve the numbers and revisit their drop system. Also they need to make new rewards and buff the filler mods because that is annoying and most of them are useless. All mods should be useful and not only for extra credits and endo.

  3. I am agreeing with the needs of passive energy and hp regen because that should have been in the game at the beginning. The game evolved a lot and there are many type of things which could take our energy and hp in no time. The naysayers seems just say no because they doesn't like the balance for other players and their balance suggestion is if I can do you can do. The pizzas are stationary things and those are not viable things in the first place and breaks the game flow. Of course not every time you move so you canstand for some secs to drop a pizzas but that is just an annoyance.

    Myself not using pizzas at all and I can manage my energy and hp balance with the equilibrium but that is true the health orb drop is awful. Also in any normal game there is some regeneration because that is not a privilege it is a common ability. I can use example the real life because if you cut yourself you regenerate just as how in games you do. Warframe designed in this part badly and force the hard try don't get hit and you'll be fine mentality just like how peoples against some armor boost on squishy frames because the universal answer the "git gud". A quality of life change should not be a big thing in this game and in this community but there are always peoples whom are against any racial solutions and qol changes just because they feel the game will be unbalanced and EZ.

    I guess you guys not made any math how the numbers will goes firstly, secondly what makes the game EZ if there are much differ things in game which broken and still noone cry abut it?

    The passive regen, vacuum, armor boost on low armored frames is not a privilege and not ruining anything. First of all that is the broken thing these are not in game normally implemented.

    1 energy per sec is not break the game. 3-5 hp per sec not ruin the game. Passive warframe vacuum not breaks the game because still you need to move to get your loot. An 5 meter vacuum is fine for me because then i can take the drops which fall out of collectable region and this is necessary until the devs not fix their old maps. Also a passive vacuum can solve the first major problems and differences between sentinels and pets because if the vacuum changed to warframe passive then you can go both pets and sentinels. After that they can fix both companion family AI then get rid the dna degradation from the pets because that is also a silly built in game design. If they like the realism then with this power we could have passive regen which could balance the energy - hp on a certain level and still not make obsolete the energy maker frames, healer frames and any other mod which gives you something. This highly open the options for the players because you can get to rid some mandatory mods on your build if you not want them.

    The naysayers still not said any valid point or not explained what their problem with this beyond that they are hardtries and they hate casuals.

    I am not using at all any focus school because for me not interesting and I can hardly manage my energy-hp baalnce but this mean I need to use one of the mandatory mods because of it.

    Did you guys tried to play without mods on your weapons and on your frames? I guess no because if you do then you realise that how hard the game without flow, streamline, intensify, vigor etc. Then you meet on wave 15-20 an eximus unit and your energy is out no matter how good player you are if you haven't mods on items and frame then you cannot go far. So all the passive energy - hp regen is a valid point because we measure this to the total modless frames and weapons and if you do this then you can see how weak we are in the reality. Most of the frames have 150 energy at max rank so you cannot spam your abilities mindlesly and if you take out any mods then you cannot convert energy into hp.

    The main problem is all of you guys using mods and some are broken but you still measure things to the broken ones and not to the original. If you are playing with no mods then you testing the true limits of what a frame can do. Then a Limbo win, because he have passive energy regen in rift then cataclysm can generat energy so he ultimately survive the higher levels until not got a hit. Nidus can regen his hp but if he losing any energy orbs and option to kill hordes then he cannot make stacks. Octavia only can make energy if she have enough energy to use abilities so basically she need to spend energy to gain energy "no pain no gain".

    Other frames not mentionned because these nor have energy nor have hp regen so basically nobody can pass the wave 20-30 because if you have no mods and no have any energy - hp regen then you basically dead. You can't git gud if you have no life strike, EQ, Rage but those naysayers never played without these mods.

    Until the devs not fix the hp drops and energy drops to be balanced until we are doomed without our shiny builds. So still not understand who is that silly moro who still say no to the passive regeneration because without them you are die if no use mods. Peoples very mod dependant and weapons also mod dependant and many forget that without them you are just a bone. The game also designed around the mod systems so the passive regenarion somehow wasn't important for the devs because they thought we can only get cheesy mods to keep our flow sustainable. This is a bad game design and in the first place should have been fixed years ago and not defended by some entitled peoples whom use cheesy mods and say to you git gud.

    That's my opinion. This doesn't ruin the game which already broken but broken because these aren't in the game.


  4. I like both helmet style my only problem is they did not do with the octavia. Her original helmet looks ugly "my opinion" and her alt helmet looks cool and it fit to her more.

    (they did the changes on the glass frame because they affraid a similar cry and rage could happen as what the chroma alt helm was)

    It was funny thing I liked. 

  5. I have more accounts but I usualy make many accounts in game like warframe or mmos. The reason is the new experience and I like the roleplaying. I have some carry accs and some lazy new player accs but usualy what I do is helping peoples. Another reason is the hide away with your main acc for a while and you can play your game without trouble and harms.

    I see reasons why good why bad why can break a rule or why can be useful sometimes.

    The break rule is only because there are peoples whom using it to milk plat or using alt accs for hacking. The useful reason is a new point of view and learn some more from the game. The other good reason is what above I said for role play or just hide away but the disadvantages is the lot of time and money you can spend on your accs like I am doing it. On EVE online I have 3 acc for reason but rarery play the game only if I feel some space conquer needs.

    On other mmos I just did, because the game limited me to make in one acc more than one character so I made a lot of original characters for roleplay and for fun. I never broke any rules with them because any normal company know there will be peoples whom using more than one and some company can use good defense mechanism to defend their product.

    More or less it is a player dilema when you have many accs but you have no time to play them equally so there is a line what amount you can manage. This is not wrong because you pay with your time and money and passion to play multiple accs. In warframe I am using only 5 alt so I limited myself to that number because I have no much time to do. Usualy play few rounds and go play other game or work at home.

    Also for the trading feature. If you have two or have a sister or brother you can trade on between accounts but normally peoples have 1 pc and not bothering with trading between accounts. Secondly there is a gift feature what DE added to the game which can mean you can give items to your alt accs if you wish because basically it is your money what you paid for the game (or traded). Third thing is the only one harm what can come from is the alt creation and bot accounts which used to make platinum or use as advertising units like how nowaday I saw 4-5 bot account on the trade chat. 

    Simply solution is a limitation on trade so zero ranked accs cannot participate in trading another solution to platinum hacks a built in survey program on your forum acc which show how much platinum you have and in time what you spent-bought. If drastically increasing the amount of plat on your acc with a number what digital extremes not sell then that could be warn them there is something on that account. I see the drawbacks on this aswell because nothing is force you to not trade for say 10k or 100k plat if you have that credit amount. This also can be bypassed by lowering the platinum exchange. All in all I understand why they try to forbid it but the thing itself is not a bad thing only if the said player using hack programs which is hardly filtered. At least I reported few sites to the DE but got no response on that so the best if you keep limited your alt accs and be careful with others. Don't buy plat from untrusted sites and be careful when you trade with peoples.

  6. 33 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

    That should be insisting, as long as they are you know, fully grown adults. 

    Same here, tho the only "Head" cannon I had was each warframe was its own being and person. Just a bit...Infested and cybernetic, then..normal?

    Pretty similar. Those are basically was for me mercenaries like in strategy game the units. I choose the best or the optional - liked ones to missions and controll each. The kids are made these things pretty broken for me but I still use my head canon to everything what possibly an answer for me. I would not have problems with them if they do this in the beginning and not add them long later the game released. Back in 2013-2014 early noone thought this will be a thing and now they can be turn into an alternative which is not bad but my canon idea was better for me and I liked the game much better with that.

  7. 8 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    The ultimate problem with citing headcanon is: it will nearly always be wrong. DE isn't going to change everything because people imagined something different. They can't develop based on whatever insane things the player base dream up.

    In the actual canon, the Operators haven't aged. In the actual canon, they never wore them as suits. A dream is more believable if it matches the real world for the dreamer. We don't have quadruped frames because what "human" walks on 4 legs. We don't have multiple sets of arms because the Operators are not Goro.

    People cannot hold DE responsible for not catering to their headcanon when the same people seem to go out of their way to interact with the actual canon of the game.

    The head canons are always come up when a game have no solid story and let the player to use their imagination. Warframe was this in the beginning until it changed. Of course DE won't change just because others doesn't like what they made and it is natural noone forced them to drop the operators because everything what humans made always be liked or hated in both time by others so you cannot make anything which is everybody's love.

    The operators now the actual canon but I don't need to deal with them or accept them but they choosed the way to force players to use them because they made the stories around them so you cannot avoid them completely so basically it is a hard point which can make it troubles later but the majority of players like shiny things and accepting everything what the game offer with no doubts.

  8. 3 minutes ago, hazerddex said:

     This game is not suppose to be based on YOUR head canon. God imagine how bad things would get it they catered to every fan fic ever. So your theory was wrong so what? Were all wrong some times no point being broke up about it. 


    And why should it be the same as every Sci-fi ever? God forbid warframe tries to be diffrent and not go for the starship trooper rehash soldier we get in every space faring sci-fi game like doom halo statecraft warhammer 40k dead space etc 

    Of course it is not that is why many peoples leave a game if that turning into something what they doesn't like. I am like the game as a whole but I have less likely parts of this game and the operators are. I partly agree on with you about not all scifi should be the same but this story was told already many times like the other options just the DE took a less popular theme and idea to altering the game so they choosed the kids whom controlling the frames.

    Not differ from anything because in books and in some video games already used the kids as dreamers and the controllers of something. For Example the Ender's Game is typically a similar story but with differences aswell.

    I can accept them only if they altering them into something useful and less annoying. Nobody handles equal a part of the game and noone should like everything we are different and my opinion is my opinion about this you can agree with it or not it is not matter I just said I don't like the whole operator idea so I am avoiding. 

  9. I never liked the operators because that ruined my head canon what the operators and warframes. I am still look on these kids as cannon fodders and hopefully I am avoided the meet with them and as much possible I try to keep myself far from them. Partly because the fact we are basically kids and there is no way to be closer to my head canon (adults or young adults) wearing these frames as suits. There is no reason to have genders if these are just robots or unknown beings because the robots and droids can operate very well without distinctive shape.

    The original frames were designed to be something similar what the head canons was so pretty much you imagined what you wanted and there are many peoples within the community who thought the same or had different view until they introduced the emo kids. If they in the beginning make the option to create my operator or avatar and that can wear armors or multiple armors have multiple operators then I guess I haven't had any problems to accept them as how they look like but there weren't transition and the major quests are bound to them so you cannot progress toward without making the operator and tolerate their silly designs.

    The major problems with them the focus school, repetitive dialogue with no option to say a random sentence or you are not able to ask questions. If they doesn't have voice at all that would have been better because then you just need to choose some of the lines of sentences then you given an answer like how warframes are silent at all. Except valkyr and some others with some sound-voice effects but that is just an extra.

    If they let us grow up to at least young adult the operators, make more option to design and customize them, add more voices, hairstyles and face types etc, like in any normal modern mmo game where you can precisely design your avatar then I don't have problem with them but currently they are for me at least very aliens to the game. The story also a tons of band aids and cliches.

    Another stuff which would be nice if the operators can be used as warframes to play normal missions but have different mod sets and combos because they are on paper weaker than the warframes so at least they should have their own weapons or the ability to use the weapons what the warframes use. That is not important what happens when the operator die in mission because the revives are typical band aid space magic thingies in any games and the miracles or cloning or android making in the future like in warframe make it no problem to accept it.

    I am hoping the eidolons won't be only killable with the operators because if this will be a thing then still the operators no real use beyond killing poor eidolons which is very endangered "in numbers" so we need to save them. "jokes off" and as much I have seen from the video the operators in that mode will be very vulnerable against the grineer hordes like how the mining is a good option to them to backstab us so I am afraid it won't be much likely. Imagine when 30-50 mob at that level attack you while you trying to fight with the eidolons and pretty much you are oneshotted.

    So all in all I don't like them still but at least if they can implement some of what I said in this post or just improving them overall to a level where they are not as annoying as they are now then I could give a fair try to them.

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