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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. Just now, AXCrusnik said:

    Not that I can see. I can find a suggestions thread but DE just picked a name from that instead of making a poll this time for some reason.

    Polls maybe was in strawpoll or other sources which was not official so maybe there were votes but I didn't found any thread like that in that timeline so I guess there weren't really any.

  2. Invulnerability glitch where you was a god literally. No bullet or melee could harm you.

    Also the map falling bugs and glitches are fun to until you can teleport back. 

    Also the arrow glitch is still exist when the arrow dispositioned.

  3. I would like more than 4 peoples in normal matches and more than 15-20 max on raids. The problem is this game is peer to peer and it cannot handle well the more unless they add dedicated servers and or the peoples whom play can rent servers for their games per month. Long ago it happend in one instance at appolodorus or other maps where there were more than 20-30 player in an instance but that was a bug and seemed less laggy but probably just because of a luck. That was a bug but if they balance the game around more then it could be capable to do more.

    Another reason what some person above me said the balance. 4 person actually can be powerful enough to beat a 4x spawn of mobs if they have the needed gear for it now imagine 20 people in one instance and the number of mob spawn. 20x spawn and 20 warframe plus their companions and their specters which is actually can be 7 with the faction specters and the warframe specter so that massacre could kill "Overkill" low end pcs and probably could be unplayable because this game is not balanced around massive scale sieges like other games. It is not a mount and blade warband or pubg. I would like it cause actually I have a great connection with a good pc but always the hosts have bad connections and the game not let you host your game so randomly choose a host. I would pay for that if I can rent server for my friends and for my ex clan mates because I enjoy the game but only if there are not wooden pcs.

  4. 1 hour ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    Sooner or later, we are going to need a sane, whole, mature Sentient to step in and help end this. They are the most powerful creations of the Orokin, the only thing the Orokin made which could and did surpass their makers. Hunhow is mad, traumatised by his thousand year death, enraged over the loss of his daughter and the harm done to his self. The Lotus is self-crippled by her act of contrition, Natah is no more. If we can wake Eidolon and help it heal, maybe.


    I can only hope that in Tau, there remain truly powerful, peaceful Sentients. Who knows what they may have become?




    As a side note, it has become evident that one of the things which DE really need is some genuinely hardcore speculative and science fiction chops for their creative team, for a reason which I will outline as follows:

    Everything in Warframe's plot and setting which appears truly alien, strange, and threatening at first tease is then fleshed out and revealed to be mundane, the normal-except-moreso.

    The Sentients grow less alien and strange the more we learn of them. When we first hear of them, they are weird, menacing things, the Nightmare of the Orokin, as named by Alad, the Horrors beyond the Terminus, as named by Teshin. We get hints that they are a machine race, but they leave behind organic looking bones. The message screamed at us through the arcane codex was "All-All is silent- Hushed-hushed and empty is-is-is the womb of the sky. All is silent and calm. Hushed and empty is the womb of the sky."

    Hunhow first speaks using a scorched and shattered avatar of the Lotus, and speaks about fulfilling The Sequence, talks about crossing the gap, wombs in ruin.

    Up until the last few quests, the Sentients were frightening as hell, in other words. Then, well. These days Hunhow's characterisation is that he's an angry old man who just so happens to be a spaceship who launches fighter-drones.


    The Corpus were initially presented as a machine cult, worshipping profit, technology, and Orokin trappings. Their upper boards and councils were mysterious. They came across kinda like the Spacing Guild from Dune (Plat must flow!). Then, the more quests they are involved in, the more they're revealed to be just an agglomeration of corrupt business concerns. No higher cult bodies. No deeper beliefs, no increasing pyramid of weirdness, no inner circle of enlightened operatives, no Guild Steersman possessing true insight. Just Captain Planet villains. Bloody hell, they even make glitchy, faux-eighties  a e s t h e t i c  investment trailers. Sweet Jesus.



    Before the revelation of how they truly work and how they were created, the Grineer were fascinating. The game said that they were a flood of degenerating clones sent out from a hidden and toxic womb, their homeworld being a poisoned and barely habitable Earth. It told us that they had started a crusade to transform scattered colonies into an empire. That right there is interesting because you have to immediately ask the question of Why? What insane conditions are there on Earth that humans could only survive there by becoming eusocial creatures (i.e. breeding like a hive)? What the hell is going on in there? What insane pressures shaped them this way? If we go in, what will we find there? The other thing that was interesting was that it sounded like the Grineer had a real ongoing goal, one that they had just started on, that the Grineer were expanding outward from Earth and encountering the rest of the system, you know, just like the arc of the player Tenno. The game made it sound like the state of the Grineer might just have been something they did to themselves out of desperation, and which had driven them mad. 

    Instead, the answer to the Grineer was "they've just always been the Grineer. The Orokin made them as a race of unintelligent clones, and unintelligent clones they mostly remain." The answer to the question of 'Who are the Kweens?' was "They're Orokin, hiding amongst the Grineer and using them as flesh stock", which is interesting in its own right....but just like Hunhow, on contact the Queens go from being menacing military antagonists to being Saturday morning cartoon villains, shrieking like Rita frigging Repulsa and making bad jokes about eating their hapless minions. Recall that cutscene in the early game, with Vor being criticised over commlink by the Queens? Two female voices in synch, sounding half robotic, with cold, disciplined anger as they outline their expectations and demote him for overstepping his orders? That one scene was better writing for the Queens than every single line the Worm Queen has ever uttered.


    The Tenno themselves are an odd case of this. You carry out the Second Dream and rescue yourself from the Reservoir, and the game says "This is what your player character has always been. This Operator is and always has been the mind within the Warframes," and that's cool. It looks for just a moment like the game is saying "This creature is simultaneously a fragile child, and a centuries old warrior. This thing looks like a child, but incarnate in it is the mind of an inhuman ninja, assassin, bodyguard, operative of the Orokin. It is contradiction incarnate. Imagine the lifetimes of knowledge and carnage behind those baby blue eyes."

    Then the rest of the quest writing kicks in, and the game makes it very clear that none of that is true, the Operator really is just a child. The story being told here is not one of how an inhuman killing machine rediscovers itself and comes back to humanity. It's just the Hero's Journey, again.



    See what I'm getting at here? Digital Extremes are hell on wheels at visual design, their aesthetics and art are absolutely top notch, and their plot and setting teaser information is really good at making things seem weird, menacing, and esoteric, phenomenal at getting players to ask the question "What the hell is this? What is going on here?" but then the actual answers are always kind of prosaic. They come within inches of making things genuinely strange and challenging, and then default to the easy, simple answer. Warframe is a game with the aesthetics and trappings of a weird science fiction story, but the writing of a children's cartoon.

     The Grineer are the Grineer because the Orokin made them that way and that's just how they've always been.
    The Corpus are just greedy businessmen who are good at making robots.
    The Sentients are just AI with human motivations like maternal instinct and the urge to revenge.
    The Tenno are just children with powers who must now become heroes.

    This is why they needs badly a good story teller / writer in their team.

  5. The sniper sway should go. The damage is not bad but need a little bit more and snipers should be more accurate and deal more crit damage overall to consider them useful. Vulkar with the zoom can reach a very good crit damage but the base damage on snipers not better than shotties and sniper should do their job well since these are not assault rifles so not group killers. Also should be silent weapons or option to make the silent without a mod. That is just annoying these weapons cannot be used for stealh affinity farm because always a group near and hear what you did.

    Puncthrough also need to them to be better but othewise they don't need too much touch to be useful.

  6. Tigris is mostly single target focused with high damage plasmor is more like a group screwing weapon. If you mod to viral or corrosive then you can kill many enemies in line and the punch through is fine on it. (worth to try to improve that). Both are good weapons but if you prefer to hunt down sngle targets then choose tigris if you want to have some fun choose plasmor.

  7. 16 hours ago, LSG501 said:

    I had a small bit of occasional stuttering on a fresh install of windows 10 and it turned out it was down to steam and xbox app both having their 'video capture' rubbish enabled.  If you're using windows 10, check to make sure it's all turned off because it made a difference for me. 

    Also I hate to tell you this, I very much doubt any gpu hardware bought in the last 2 years will still be good enough for a 'modern' game in 10 years time, hell gpu's from 5 years ago can't manage modern games now that well so..... 

    Maybe true but I played 10 year with a build and that was fine for the later games too. There are no that great gaps between the games of in this era so totally acceptable that a build can run far advanced games too only in that time the build goes slower and slower because of the lifespan soon ends. I played with a celeron 8 year and was fine and not needed to reduce the settings so drastically. These games which coming out soon for me not that bad because my build far okay to run them with the best prefferences and if need I can adjust enough to run them. I will also improve my pc sooner with more rams just for fun so it will be better just. All is depend on what pc you made and what hardware in your pc. Each are different and I am always collecting the best possible medium grade items and it works just fine.   

  8. 13 hours ago, LSG501 said:

    This is getting to the point where imo the problem isn't earth rework, it's the expectations of people playing the game with older hardware.  Personally I don't see any lag on Earth but then I don't expect older hardware to play games which are using newer graphics effects etc without at the very least lowering the game settings.  In fact I'd go as far as to say that Earth is actually pretty well optimised considering the scenery etc but it is going to require more system resources than the old earth because of the extra scenery, it's as simple as there's more stuff on screen so the pc needs to use more resources to show it smoothly. 

    The thing is that like usual the person complaining about lag doesn't mention what they're trying to play the game on, what sort of settings they're using etc and just blame it on the  'earth rework' when it's entirely possible that the lag is due to the hardware they're trying to play it on.  If someone is playing this on min specs then I'm sorry to say that really you need an upgrade, the listed min specs are woefully out of date and DE really needs to change them (no idea why they haven't), a pc 3x more powerful than the min specs is still really low specs so without a 'starting point' saying they lag too isn't really saying much, same goes for the 10 people (of how many thousand/million players....) in region chat who for all we know could be using toasters.

    This is partly true because I have a relatively good pc which 1 and  half years old and should run the next 10 years games with ease. I detect some lag on Earth when some enemies are there but it seems on random points lags a little. Mostly happens when 4 person playing but this is similar on other planets aswell. I checked my settings and it run very well on high prefferences with ease and not using not needed option but yet I detect some lags here and there. This is mostly can happen when they improving the game and adding more content. The game engine can handle a said amount of items so if oyu want to make it smooth then you need to upgrade the engine too. Another stuff is like have in the sims games the more content they have the more issues come because the sims is practically a full gam which cut into pieces and these pieces not often works together well. Warframe in size also improved a lot from a relatively small game into a large-more complex state and maybe the built in systems not fixed here and there. These are opinions and I think partly this can be the truth but also the other hande is there are many peoples whom using 5+10+ years old builds and surprised the game cannot run well on.

  9. I am not waiting the update at all. I am not good at waiting on things however I am very patient. Better to do something else and work on something then check it back later when it supposed to be here then go.

    Waiting for something is kill nerves and not really help your case so the best what you can do is do something else and forget about what we will given. I am sure it won't be polished and there will be a bunch of bugs no matter how much time you spend on a project because the mistakes are natural things and we make a lot during the time.

    They will bugfix after PoE released and hopefully they partly finished what their wanted because the half backed stuffs are not so good.  So just go outside, read a book, paint-draw or play something else what I am actually doing at home.

  10. I am spent roughly 2500-2800 dollar on warframe and not regret it. Hopefully the devs can develop the game on a way where the majority could enjoy the game. Hopefully this will live long enough I don't want to lose my progress and the fun what the game provides. Hope once the game ended the devs will let us to make our private servers and keep the game partially alive.

  11. May I ask how old are you sir? Maybe because there is something with your eyes what the doctors cannot detect but also the menu option changes could solve some of these problems. The guys above me mentionned and that could help. 

    I have no had this problem with the game only happens something similar if I play tens of hours. The only problem for my game is maybe my projector because that make weird sounds when I play the game but only does that weird crackling whe I turn on my projector when turned off then it doesn't do that.

  12. If the devs finish PoE then they can focus a little to the dojos, relays and to the orbiters which could be expanded into a larger place. Also would not mind if our ships expand also and can we get additional larger ships. 

    As for the liset I would like if the other type of small ships inside will be finished and not only just aesthetically but inside when you begin the mission could see the differences between the ships. 

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