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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. I can't make video but I can screenshot it when I have afford it. But I bought all of those plats when I got more often discounts. I just prepared for the worst scenario and bought as much as many I could manage. So no need to buy anytime soon.

    My most plat in a time was 21560 plat the lowest amount was 478 plat.

    Now I have 1320 plat on my acc so I just keep it for mods of something else.

  2. It could be something but DE not good at focusing it's energy on such a small things like a prisma skin on a weapon with increased stat.

    They could do so much if they want but after they bought up they are wasting their time and money on useless contents.

    They need more devs to the team to be able to work on multiple stuffs like 5-10 person groups whom dedicately work on skins, frames, designs, maps, weapons, hotfixes, patches, greater projects could be 30-50 person jobs etc.

    If I would have at least 25-30 million spare money I would give them in return they gimme some shares. That money could be used for hiring new workforce and improve the networking.

  3. 55 minutes ago, (Xbox One)FCastle74 said:

    :crylaugh::crylaugh::crylaugh: Out of all the mods that DE could prime, aanndd we get this?!:crylaugh::crylaugh::crylaugh:

    They are good in bandaiding but not solving long exist problems. For that they need to use more brainstorming and sometimes communicate with the community. 
    Also deeper systems which could solve the sentinel vulnability takes much more time. They doesn't have time and talents.

  4. They can't make better solutions and just pick some fast band aid to solve a long existed problem. This will not work for long but at least have some uses. Dear developers, try to use your inner voices and listen to them more because that guide you to the right path.


  5. 1 minute ago, NightmareT12 said:

    Let's recap a few points on this thread because I think we're being a bit lost, everyone:

    OP's point: Someone joins into a mission and asks you to stop killing, just because (there's no objective that needs to stay alive like a Simaris target).

    This begs the question: If you join a party anywhere at any level, would you ask them to stop if they were faster to kill stuff than you?

    Second point, brought up by members: Affinity gains. TBH I didn't know a thing about it neither, I've always thought that Warframe and weapon kills were shared by the same ratios across the board (I've honestly never noticed a difference). Then again, I blame DE's lack of meaningful information in their own game (an issue they've set to resolve).

    And I thought basic systems were lacking, but this one's just too big to leave out. It's literally not telling people how the experience share works ._.


  6. On 2017. 01. 09. at 2:55 PM, Yaerion said:

    There were less people in the first days, the Community was more intimate.

    Now there are tons of infos on the Wiki (people don't need the others as much as before), and also more people, which implies more bad encounters or people who don't care about being nice.

    I guess the "good relationships" now are to be found in the Clans, rather than in the Public channels.

    However, I don't think that the good and nice people who are willing to talk friendly are all gone. They are just not trying anymore, to avoid insults when giving advice or they just follow the flow "don't talk and focus on the mission", by habit.


    I say, if you want more cool interactions, just start the conversations yourself in the squad/Region channel. If there are nice people, they will reply to you ;)

    I guess this situation is inevitable when the playerbase grows, especially when you're an old player, and you see a game change so much, and many people leave, replaced by hordes of newer ones.

    The real Invasions were not where you believed, Tenno...

    The System needs you.

    Those peoples not died out. There are some living specimen but overall you are right.

  7. In writing I am very often communicate with others but the majority of peoples cannot say a simple hi or hello so the communication is mostly limited on clan or friend groups where you can talk as much with friends as much you like.


    Pubs are different and there are many peoples whom use skype or headphone for communication those types what I didn't like neither. Times changing and personalities coming and going. There are peoples whom like to talk others not so you need just find those whom friendly enough and talkative enough for your desire.

  8. If many of them spawn on a mission then the killing them before touch your lines is difficult. This is that kind of game what I hate in general where the mobs can spawn right behind you and spawn everywhere which supposed to be closed.

    Nullies can stay in the game from my part but if they bubble not instant remove the frame abilities and the abilities at least could deal damage on the bubble. Weapons with low damage and slow fire rate almost impossible  to go through on the bubble and this makes these fights unfun because those ospreys and techs can drop your shields down in seconds and squishy frames like zephyr, banshee, nyx, trinity, volt etc bellow 100 armor just dies in seconds.

    They need to work on the armor and damage scaling and they could remove some annoying features from this game to keep the game flows and not make a mission nightmare for those whom want to enjoy the game.

    Now the corpus maps the most hated, after grineer and infested because each faction have annoying units.

    Nullies, Scortch, Bombard-Napalm, Charger with "small hits", Ancients all of them.

    I know a certain of challenge needs for the game to keep it interesting but I would like to see more intelligent enemies whom can apply tactics rather than bulletsponges with insane damage at high ends.

  9. My idea is a skill Tree like System but I can Share also a mod System like. Now Just copy paste the Champions online gear system. There are separated gears like utility damage and hp. Each has It slots and gives multiple stat boosts but not so deeply meaningful. In warframe could work a similar lets just say 12 slot.

    This 12 separated into 3 category the exact same like in Champions Online. You have 4 slots each category so there are fixed rooms how much mods you can use in the same time. This can fix for a while the powercreep and provide more variety for builds. Same with warframe there are 12 plus 1 for aura but the slots fixed and can contain the equivalent of weapon mods like hp uti ability.

    This can apply all and this could make the mod balancing a bit easier because of categories. Then you can tone down a bit the pure dmg.



  10. 46 minutes ago, bubbabenali said:

    But only on frames with low shields and enough toughness to go into melee range.

    With equilibrium you can run around use your channeled ability while sniping or decimating the enemy hordes from a save distance and then fill up your hp and energy when the lines have been cleared. On top you only need one mod instead of two and don't have to mind melee channeling costs while swinging your blade.


    There are mods out there that are far more in a need of a buff than equilibrium.

    Agreed with this.

  11. The Equilibrium has uses and on my Nidus is very useful combined with rage.

    Also there is a tons of older mods too which needs to be buffed or needs other uses.


    Resistance mods, all of it needs to be integrated to the warframe as stat which can be boosted by your choice (simple thing) like other character creators where have stat points.

    Intruder has uses but for that needs more difficult spy missions and terminals to hack it.

    Warm coat - just rework it to a way where have some uses.

    Specific physical damage mods on each category - buff back them to give +10% otherwise those are not viable.

    Maglev - give a bit more slide bonus and some minor extra speed like +10%

    Rush - +50% speed but the 30% fine consider there are faster frames whom have more benefit from it. Just keep in mind this-

    Status chance boost mods - just buff them to give significant status like +50+100% which is not high consider the majority of weapons have low status and crits.

    Organ shatter - gives 90% crit damage on max it could be a little bit better

    True steel - just give 15% crit chance like how organ gives 15% crit damage then it could be more useful.

    old magazine mods - give atleast +50-80% extra cip size it is not competitive yet but at least can be an option.

    Trick mag - that is on most weapons fine but it needs some minor tweaks or buff the old weapons (dual secondaries) ammo pool.

    Quickdraw - give +10-15% / level and that is still not op.

    Reflex guard - currently endo maker but it could be more useful if gives more chance to block and a mechanic added.

    Other defensive mods with no uses.

    Bleed out mods need tweaks. 

    Others maybe coming now just the matter of time.




    Siphon - give 1 energy per second at max that is nowadays not so op but at least make it more useful.

    Rejuvination - almost okay maybe just give 5 hp per sec at max.

    Rifle amp - little bit more damage and the same amount of mod cap point what steel charge gives.

    The holstering one and speed boost one are a joke, those need rework.

    Scavenger auras needs also tweaks but they are easy ammo solutions.

    Physique - This can be much better if gives +10% hp max per level and just keep the cap.

    Other auras also needs some tweaks.


    Just few thoughts other ideas will coming when I can ge home and make a proper write about it.

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