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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. 1 hour ago, Separius said:

    Objectively not true. Re-read what I wrote to learn about the history of them being added, also see this and this, for a better understanding of why they were added. Also the last paragraph of the post in the 1st link explains how they are not the right kind of challenging and how there are much more fun ways of giving us a challenge in the game already.

    As we should be in a bloody horde shooter game.

    Are they challenging now or are they steamrollable? Make up your mind. Anyway, yeah, in low to mid level enemy range, yes, they can be "steamrolled", but it's still not fun. And when high level nullifiers, sapping ospreys and other enemies swarm you in high level survival it's a nightmare and fighting them is the polar opposite of having fun. And in the end playing games is about having fun, no amount of Nullifier defending will make this untrue.

    Again, being able to handle something and having fun are two different things, that can happen simultanously, but in the case of Nullies, it doesn't happen. Pretty sure I'm not crying either, so don't generalize please.

    The only depressing thing I see here is you trying to shut down my legit criticism of nullifiers. Sure OP's post might be overdramatic, but there are plenty of legit opinions in this very thread against the nerfs, particularly Nidus' 4 nerf (someones even post their test results), and people being dismissive about these and just generally downplaying the magnitude of these nerfs, especially considering the reason for these nerfs, that's what's sad.

    No it doesn't. What it proves is that Nullifiers are unfun to play against, even if managable, and that people - rightfully - hate bad game design.

    Agreed with all point in shorter : The challenge is only fun until the enemies not one shot us or break our skills.

    The nullies are not fun at all, for some person maybe mean challenge, but for others they are a not needed cyst.

  2. 1 hour ago, achromos said:

    You see, the reason why that is bad is because the Maggots used to be able to give me that edge against Mirage + Simulor users.  The Maggots would actually be useful and MARCH after enemies and destroy them well out of the Mirages Sight 9 times out of 10.  Hell, in groups with a Mirage I ended up with 15% damage to her 75% mostly because of that being able to help be the case.

    Agreed but not that the one thing that's why is better than you need to waste virulence. Because you can go somewhere and help out mates whom are far and you can use multiple stack farming and if this change real then they made nidus static because he needs to stand near his nest. This is a strong nerf for him because the mobility is a great weapon for nidus because you just drop ulti somewhere block and keep enemies busy while stack for you and you somewhere can farm too.

  3. 5 minutes ago, YUNoJump said:

    Yes, at some point someone needs to actually buy Plat from DE, but while F2P games don't necessarily require you to spend money, they do have to incentivize paying. I've bought Plat several times, even bought a Prime Access, but not because I felt that I needed to. I did it because I felt that DE deserved my money, and that Warframe has enough quality content to be worth paying for. If I had felt that I NEEDED to pay then that would be pay-to-win, otherwise it's just standard F2P economics.

    The problem with your belief that because someone in the community NEEDS to pay for plat for anyone to be able to trade it doesn't work when you include people who buy it free of pressure. There aren't players who buy plat for the sole purpose of dispersing it to the community to keep trading alive, all that plat comes from people who have bought it because they decided to themselves.

    Like Me because I decided to buy discounted plats to buy slots only and now I have enough plat and slots for future stuffs. Nobody forced Me but without plats my playtime would have be mmuch less because the game still not on the level where I want It to be. I paid for the potential and this is a long term plan. Still if no One purchase plat then much less people would like to play. Many of my friends whom beginner the game left because they were forced to sell their liked items to progress.

  4. 48 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

    Then you clearly don't understand what Pay 2 WIN means. You don't win anything by buying something purely cosmetical. 

    If you buy a cosmetic then you won a New look. That is also win because you get an item which make a differ look. The pay to win counts everything what not in the base game and you should buy with Real Money to get It. In this case that is insignificant It gives Power or not. It is not make you better but give a different look and that is also a win aesteticaly. I know noone force you to buy It and that is optional but you can get only for paying thats why pay to win.

  5. 13 minutes ago, YUNoJump said:

    Your argument is relying on the idea that you are entitled to playing Warframe without paying at all, and you're confusing "pay2win" with just paying. Warframe is free so it's gotta have some form of income for DE from customers, that comes in the form of Plat. If the game didn't have Plat then it would fail very quickly what with DE having literally zero income. A good F2P game doesn't stop you from experiencing what it has to offer without paying, a bad one forces you to pay to experience the game to its fullest potential, and a REALLY bad one basically locks parts of the core experience behind paywalls. The only solid paywall that Warframe has, that can't be crossed with time or effort, is Slots, and even then they are cheap enough that you could easily make enough Plat, by trading junk Primes on the Market or whatever, to buy a new Slot in the time it takes to build a weapon or Warframe. And it might be difficult to buy a weapon/cosmetic/warframe/etc with only traded plat, but that is why the rest of the game exists. After all, if all you do is pay your way to the end of the game, then where's the fun.

    That is why I said dont count the Trade. If noone Trade for plat those peoples whom not pay at all will not get slots. This is the only force but this is necessary for money making. I am agreeing with you in some of the part in this reply with you but I Think you quite misunderstand my last part when I said the slots the only pay to win elements in this game.

  6. 3 minutes ago, gunslinger20121 said:

    Ok look at the term you are using. Does it include win? Yes. You aren't winning by paying real money. You yourself never have to spend money to keep up with the people that do. A pay to win business style relies on the fact that some people will pay money to get ahead and that will cause others to do the same to try to keep up. You can keep up just fine in WF without spending a dime.

    Not really because if they never ever release the trade option and with platinum those whom not paying money for the game can face it with hard time. You need the sell your stuffs and never own ever really anything because you need to change them. This called limitation and this limitation is a bad design choice also a good source of money because force peoples to spend money on it otherwise they cannot get slots. 

    So please don't count the trading as an option because it is my money partly because I bought platinum sometimes. (I know you not mention the trading but obviously you thought on that.)

  7. 9 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

    That's not how things work.
    Shareholders will see DE backpaddles on their decision. Shareholders see DE uses stupid business-strategies. Never will they ever say: "Oh, DE gives away our money. I will stay, pump more money into DE and see, if they will give it away again."
    No, they will just pack all their stuff and leave DE. DE will end up alone...

    That was actually true. This is the most possible way how things could goes. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, gunslinger20121 said:

    That goes directly against what the term "founder" means. If the release it now, not only will they lose face and be up against potential lawsuits, it wouldn't exactly be a founder pack.

    Depend on what pact made with the founders. If there are written documents it is an agreement then they can face with lawsuits yes otherwise not but they could lose prestige.

    They can handle what they want more prestige, money or new founders which makes more money but certainly lose a tons of old founders.

  9. 1 minute ago, gunslinger20121 said:

    However WF isn't P2W. Paying absurd amounts of money doesn't give you an actual advantage over anyone else and doesn't win you anything either. You can pay all the money for all the good stuff you want, if you don't know how to mod, or know how to play the different gamemodes, you won't get anywhere, which is the exact opposite of a P2W game design which thrives on people making up the knowledge and skill gap with money.

    The pay to win part is where you buy slots. That is the only and maybe the riven mods but everything can be considered pay to win which sells power and the frames and items serves as power. The only reason why peoples not see the game pay to win because there is a chance to farm it if that lost or they just close the chances then the game considered as pay to win. Not the advantage the only thing which make a game pay to win but if you buy a complete game and you need to pay for extra content that is also pay to win. I am old styler and I prefer games where once you pay for a goods then it is your, you get the right to use it and no further transaction needed. Free to play games no matter what they do are pay to win in my eyes because you need to pay for the content no matter power or cosmetic.

  10. 1 minute ago, WhiteMarker said:

    Right, and those guys don't want DE to go around and gift all that money to some people out there. Because you don't make money by just giving it away.
    As I said if DE did something like that, shareholders would leave. No more financial support after giving away a huge amount of their money would probably ruin DE.

    They could do it if they see this makes more money. Also there is nothing wrong in their part for it if they open sometimes a new founder "event" because that generate them money. They can be generous if it's serve their long term plans.

  11. 4 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

    You have no idea how business works, don't you?
    Just because it's said Facebook is worth 9kk $ doesn't mean Zuckerberg has this money just laying around.
    Just because DE makes somewhat decent money doesn't mean they have enough money to refund a lot of people. And even if the did, almost every shareholder they have would quit. DE would end up with nothing left. It would be even possible for Warframe to get shut down because of something like that...

    I have far enough idea how a business work but you guys can assist well for this. They could have be enough money because their shareholders (buyers) pumped money into the company to make more money. 

    That is why you can see more pay to win like elements and that is why rng works in the first place. Welcome to the new world business.

  12. Just now, EyeLaikCheez said:

    Please stop viewing this from a 10 year olds point of view.

    Yes exclusivity is annoying to say the least and yes I would love to get Excalibur Prime as he's one of my favourite frames but you need to keep in mind that allowing players to farm or buy him right now would violate DE's promise regarding the founder items. And that of course means that there's going to be a S#&$ storm on the forums and in game. Founders will start asking for refunds and blah blah... And for what? Just so you could get good old Excalibur with reskinned with a few minor upgrades? It's just not worth it in my eyes and it's definitely not worth for DE as they would be going against most founders.

    Exclusivity is a legalizing word for selling stuffs and make differences between peoples. Currently that is a violating a promise has been promised the only mistak in this that promise was bad but this is not the case here. This is a mature topic and lawbreaking because they advertised something what they shouldn't because with that they created a cycle which recycle itself by time by time. I don't need excall and other founder items I just saying they should have been did it better and nowadays we didn't talk about this.

    Also exclusivity is really means nothing and sad in the game something need to be. Copy paste the real life unequality is always a mistake at least in video games shouldn't be there.

  13. Just now, WhiteMarker said:

    Let's say there are 10k founders. Let's say every founder "donated" 100$ on average.
    Do you think DE has 1000000$ laying around to refund people? Do you think there shareholders want to pay that?

    Of curse not but they can. Those money what came from the free to play titles works here in warframe too and this game 20 times generated more money if not more.

    Those peoples keep running the game whom actual pay for in game items or buying platinum like me sometimes and honestly their price tags not so friendly unless there is no discounts.

    This talkin also theoretical and they made a mistake in that time when they thought they will giving in game items as founder pack. Partly for 250 dollar or more the excal prime and those two item and few in game toy money is not so much. They were poor at time and they doesn't wanted to give for founders real life content what other studios did because it's expensive and limited them. They chosed the easier way but they were narrowminded when thought this won't generate saltiness. Handling a group special others lows is never a good thing in any game. 

    You paid for thatwhat you got but this should have be done better. It is not your fault you just liked what they give and you helped a game to be pay to win (my opinion inserted here) and I can thank you for this but that was the past. 

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