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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. Dojos and Relays are really underdeveloped and unfinished. A social game should have be more meaningful in these parts more than just research and trading. The duelling could be interesting but there are no in game cabins, bars, "restaurants", gazebos, social gardens "we still haven't seats to interact and there is no swimming pool etc. There should be more npc and clans could have their dedicated npc-s what they can add or remove as they desire but atleast the dojos could be more living with them. Also the npc characters and syndicate emissaries there could give side quests and some rewards if we finish their favors.

    The duelling can be better even clans could make tournaments with duel and with different "tennolympic" games with different puzzle and agility games. Same with the obstacles and some rewards to motivate the players to try to do it and give more option to hang out. Some of us tired to grind the same and same stuffs ever sometimes we need a rest and this game can be perfectly relaxing if the social part could have been developed well years ago.


    I just want to sit on a bench and drink my tennocyte coktail and chating with handsome mirage illusions while flirting with titania. Lyfe is hard but sometimes need more Fun.

  2. My only complain with this weapon is the bad target hitting ability and the non existent aoe damage when fire mode. The throwing part is okay and have a good aoe. The status on this is nice and the crit build also a possible way. The damage is not really problematic but like everything in high level can be sucks.  In the normal fire mode you need to be careful shooter and aim directly on head or torso if you have blast-gas-viral-radiation is cool. A banshee also can make difference when equip it so I suggest to use banshee with it because her sonar with this weapon can be nice dps weapon.

  3. 11 hours ago, Sophista said:
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    See, right there, you are wrong.
    Slots are not power.
    in any game mode, slots do not grant ANY increase in power.
    player with 2 slots may perform as good as player with 20 slots.

    If you fail ANY given mission/task/quest, Going to store and buying slots will not change anything about you loosing the quest.
    If you cannot do parkour properly to reach some of secret areas, or you dont understand void challenges, more slots will not solve the issue.
    If you get owned in pvp, more slots will not help.

    I cannot understand how this is not common sense.
    Maybe you dont know you can sell warframe to free up a slot?
    Same goes with weapons.
    You can obtain any weapon in game, any warframe, and play every single bit of content, WITHOUT paying a dime.


    If you own more slots that mean you can own more weapon and frame that gives you more power overall for your arsenal that is indifferent if not directly gives power but it gives the option to own more weapon and frame and also a bad limitation like the gender locked classes in any other asian mmorpg. You are right with you can own weapons and frames without pay but in this case you should sell some of your because of stupid limitations.  I am not get what need to change your mind but if you so blind about this then there is no further to do with you.

    If you not understand the limitations on this side is directly made for making money because most of the peoples won't sell their favored stuff just to try new ones other wise there is no reason to potatoe or forma stuff if you just sell them for slots. 

    So pls keep it yourself this miraclous sentence : "Maybe you dont know you can sell warframe to free up a slot?"

    Also again to others if you come up with the trade thingy I can tell you if others buy platinum you can trade with them otherwise noone can get platinum if you wish to stay freeby.


    The slots if they wish to go on this way could be also added as mastery reward which not solve the slot things but atleast you can get some if you really not wish to pay for it.


    I have far enough slots btw for future frames and weapons but the metholds and how they handle pissing me. It is a clearly pay to win because if they trust to the players then don't selling slots but they are know noone will buy weapon only the unpatient peoples so they need to generate money somehow and it is the only real way because it is MUST HAVE.


    I am not sure mate about your business sense but it is a clearly pay to win element. No need to defend team like DE blindly but fanatics have in every community whom blindly defend the nothing.

  4. 20 hours ago, Sophista said:

    In this case, any online game with any microtransactions (because everything there has a value)
    is pay to win.

    Warframe has many flaws, and always some issues.
    p2w never was one of them in Warframe.
    Ninjas Play Free 


    The non pay to win and pay to win games differ in terms while the non pay to win games sell only cosmetic items only the real pay to win games sell power in this case slots. The weapons and frames can count to pay to win the only excuse for it the nature of this game it is the grind. You can grind them so you don't need to buy it while you need to buy slots to improve your arsenal so the game force you to spend money on it aka pay to win. Period.



  5. I don't care often the stats but this game mean stats. If you look at your weapons, frames, kill - death - clan stats etc then you see the whole game is a big stat. There is no other reason to do something other then do something then check ur stats which mean here you phisically did that exact mission. If some better in kills than you it can be a reason for you to be better than the other. This is the nature of race and capitalist world be better than the others. Teamplay and so called this is almost non existant because there are no real teamplay situations and the communication options are lack. The other fact most of th peoples here just come and want to kill something and the teamwork is in the 10+above place. The synergy also non existant because peoples not practicing their skills and not using it when really needs only spam when they feel they should. The game is mostly a challange with statistic and with yourself and the other peoples do the same as you so we can talk about it safely there is nothing more to care about than stats. For example I am care for my mission numbers to be possible good. (finished-aborted-lost) and my ratio is good because avoiding those places where I can fail or groups whom can fail my game. (ctrl+alt+del) often useful to care your stats. I failed sometimes for example just by joining a mission which was in the verge of lose and the all players in that match was dead or downed.

  6. He is almost perfect just the rift is the problematic because players cannot get stuffs there. Otherwise he is the survivaliability itself. I am afraid DE will destroy It When he Just need a simple tweak on rift. There are other frames which are in worser position.

  7. Just now, low1991 said:

    Developer or The team leader or the whole company?

    Devs dying from natural course is ok... But for a group of people (5++) dying from such said natural course is weird... (inb4 Death-note)

    If the whole company dies and there's no legal handling of the transfer of team leader, i think the game will be closed in x years.

    That is final destination.

  8. On 2016. 12. 13. at 9:54 PM, Sophista said:

    Because its not pay to win. Its pay to have BIGGER selection and some Cosmetic Glitter.
    more slots will not make your stuff perform better.
    Player with 15 slots have the same chance of pulling great riven as player with 60.
    Slots also dont make you win faster. Boosters kinda do, but no one complains about them, ever.

    Saying all that, 60p for 3 slots is about 3 times too much. DE knows we collect. 

    It is stll in terms of pay to win because with this you win something which have value.

  9. The question is not so dumb but not the brightest but legit. If the devs die some natural circumstances then others will take the rights and continue the work hopefully keep the shape what the ex devs did before. The chinese part is indifferent to this build because that is their build and they can modify certain levels it but not in full right. That build has no real affect on this one so if the chinese developer team dies then other peoples at that company will take the game and continue the work.


    Nothing can live forever once we all die in someday so try to think about the bright side of things. Sleep well tenno (or good morning)

  10. 9 minutes ago, NPC said:

    Guy asks opinion about his name, ppl start telling page long origins of their names. 

    Atleast NPC's haven't name.


    And you are right NPC peoples like to telling stories but if need to suggest a name then maybe this can be the : Shrugmenace

  11. There is still a tons of content which needs some tweaks and kept living dead for a while. If you want to mention then you can aswell the resistance mods, old and outdated mods, which just needs some tweaks others needs some changes or the old dojo design vs new with new rooms etc. Also there is missing a lot of qol changes on menus no emotions can be used in liset, clipping issues and invisible wallls in certain levels.

    Older frames and weapons still needs balances the riven system is not a solution for this because the differences still there and no one will use old content if the new one is perfectly good to them with rivens aswell.

    The list can goes on but DE's work habit is begin something stop it for a whle then work on another then do it again. I don't like this personally because my work habit is different and I like to focus and finish it things instead of begin new one till that one what i am working on not finished yet.

    Easier to categorize things and remember what needs if you not take long breaks from it. 

  12. My id is 21 years old and It have a meanings both in english and hungarian. The english translation mean the same as the hungarian so sziklamester is mean rockmaster which in my language mean a person whom climbing on rocks hills and mountains however I am not a mountaineer as myself just liked the name and It was very easy to remember. It is unique in warframe but there is some friends who have unique name also. I am proud of my name because of the time what shared with me. My name maybe not boring but I like this Ign to use.



  13. If I would be a designer at DE I would not touch too heavily the fan concepts. The reason the artists put energy to make their vision and of I like that then I will try to represent that how the fan artist imagined. If I want to make my art then I design that as much as I like It. The problem with this Classic says It is their game simple is if They create a game They make It for players not for their pleasure only so They need to make compromises how They make the game. The key of success and be more profitable if They try to be good and listen peoples from outside and not handle their playerbase as cash cows. It can easily spoil their rep and playerbase will move along. Hopefully Ignus can do his job because he is good at It. I would have to do the same if I see how They touch my vision so I am sad when they touch heavily all nice concepts.

  14. This is the same like frame and weapon slots. The mastery rank progress would have been a nice option to add more slot if you progress like each +1 frame and +2 weapon but that's not a big business.

    I am wondering why people think it is not pay to win game because simple things like this costs real money. Don't tell me there is platinum exchange via trade because those wo pay with real money keep you guys alive. So we can talk about these things too. I see they need generate money somehow but if they want us decide to play free or pay for fun then at least give with the in game progress some extra and keep the slots as an extra investment which not necessary to pay for.

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