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Everything posted by Cerenax

  1. There are other ways to get those, they don't only drop from the new weekly thing. It's the adapters that are going to be the real source of pain.
  2. So I made this thing and I just wanted to share it. It's a little python script to simulate farming for the new tome mods for X amount of C rotations. If you have Python installed on your machine you should be able to run it directly out of a .py file, if not you can run it online from this website: Online Python Editor Anyhow, here you go: from random import choices tome_mods = ( 'Fass Canticle', 'Jahu Canticle', 'Khra Canticle', 'Lohk Canticle', 'Netra Invocation', 'Ris Invocation', 'Vome Invocation', 'Xata Invocation' ) def EarnRotCReward(): return choices( population = ( 'nothing', ) + tome_mods, weights = ( 60, ) + ( 5, ) * 8 ) continue_simulation = True while continue_simulation: mods_acquired = dict( zip( tome_mods, ( 0, ) * len( tome_mods ) ) ) total_rotations = int( input( 'How many C rotations are you going to run?\n' ) ) rotations_left = total_rotations while rotations_left: rotations_left -= 1 rot_reward = EarnRotCReward()[0] if rot_reward != 'nothing': mods_acquired[rot_reward] += 1 minutes_spent = total_rotations * 20 hours_spent = int( minutes_spent / 60 ) minutes_spent = minutes_spent % 60 print( f'You ran mirror defense in Munio a total of { total_rotations } times' ) print( f'Time Spent Farming: { hours_spent } hours and { minutes_spent } minutes' ) print( 'Mods acquired:' ) for mod, amount in mods_acquired.items(): print( '\t' + f'{ mod }: { amount }' ) while True: continue_simulation = input( '\nSimulate again?(Y/N)\n' ).strip().upper() if 'Y' in continue_simulation: continue_simulation = True break elif 'N' in continue_simulation: continue_simulation = False break else: print( 'Input must be either an \'Y\' for yes or a \'N\' for no.\n' )
  3. Hi guys and gals, thanks for the awesome update. I was looking forward to this one. :) I wanted to bring your attention to a bug that has been particularly "bugging" me about Dagath since her release. I have made a bug report soon after the update, but it seems to have been overlooked due to other issues that also had to be fixed. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1369480-ability-strength-buffs-from-power-drain-and-molt-vigor-arent-affecting-dagaths-grave-spirit/ You see, if you use an ability buff that "spends a charge" in order to provide a strength or duration buff to Grave Spirit, the charge will be consumed yet the buff itself won't be applied. This seems to be true for all of the "charge based" ability buffs, including Power Drain, Energy Conversion, Molt Vigor, Empower and Pax Bolt. This issue is not just a minor inconvenience, but a significant disruption to the gameplay experience, especially for veteran players. Stacking powerful buffs on toggle and long duration abilities has become an essential part of the endgame meta. It’s a strategy that we veteran players have grown accustomed to and rely on in our gameplay. In my opinion, maximizing our power level through sheer skill and strategic use of buffs is a key aspect of the game’s depth and complexity nowadays. It allows us to optimize our effectiveness in missions, and truly feel the power progression that comes with time and effort invested into the game. If this inability of Dagath’s Grave Spirit to receive this particular class of buffs is indeed intentional, it seems arbitrary and inconsistent with the rest of the game mechanics. The buffs work perfectly fine with all other abilities in the game, so it’s puzzling why this would be an exception. If it’s a bug, it’s one that significantly impacts the usability and enjoyment of this particular Warframe, and I would urge for it to be addressed. And if it is a "feature", perhaps decided upon deliberatedly due to how Grave Spirit has indefinite duration, then I would dearly suggest for the ability to be changed into a regular toggle or duration based ability like the others. I do not myself believe that it would be in any way "overpowered" for this ability to have normal functionality regarding buffs, but if the designers do, then I would gladly and eagerly sacrifice the infinite duration in exchange for having normal interactions with ability buffs. We hope this issue will be given due attention and rectified soon. It’s crucial for maintaining the game’s consistency, fairness, and overall enjoyment. Thank you for your time and consideration. Best Regards,
  4. No, Limbo needs to be redone from scratch so his abilities aren't a nuisance to the rest of the squad. Not being able to kill enemies and grab loot is a major no no and would be a deal breaker even if Limbo was actually super powerful.
  5. I agree with this point. OP might not have stated things as correctly or as clearly as possible. I would still make the argument that Excalibur Prime is far better than Umbra at his current state, however. As matter of fact, I know a few people who prefer to use even regular excal over umbra, due to all of the issues related to how he wipes active abilities and buffs on transference. Stacking buffs on toggle and long duration abilities is far too big an aspect of the current meta, and those issues with sentience really throw a wrench on that.
  6. And hence are blessed with not having to deal with the god awful issues of Umbra's "sentience" that OP has outlined. The issues are not just with subsumed abilities. Umbra wipes ALL abilities instantly as soon as you enter operator mode. It even wipes out literally all buffs, including excalibur specific buffs like the melee damage buff from the augment from radial jav.
  7. I must respectfully disagree with your assertion that ‘the grind is fine’. The issue isn’t just about the time it takes to hunt a single lich, but the cumulative time investment required to fully max out a kuva weapon. Given that there are dozens of kuva weapons in the game, the total time spent on lich hunting can amount to several hundred hours of dedicated farming. This level of time commitment is beyond what anyone but the most committed “no-lifers” can afford to spend on this aspect of the game. Comparing this grind with other grinds in the game only makes it look even worse. Take incarnon weapons, for example. They aren’t exactly the quickest things in the game to acquire, but at least it “only” takes about 3 hours of doing steel path circuit to get a pair of adapters. Considering that incarnon weapons are significantly stronger than kuva weapons, this is a much more time-efficient way to enhance your arsenal. Introducing a way to acquire more requiem ultimatums would be the optimal solution to address the grind and time-wasting issues associated with lich hunting. It allows players to bypass the tedious wait for the lich to show up, letting us engage in the more enjoyable part of the process - the fight. This change would make the process of maxing out kuva weapons viable and perhaps even enjoyable for regular players, ensuring that it wouldn’t be a pursuit exclusive to “no-lifers”. Best regards, Cerenax
  8. Inaros has the same problem and it's actually even worse because he can't kill any enemies past lvl 20 and thus it's impossible to revive yourself in any real mission.
  9. Hello fellow Tenno and respected developers, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to discuss a potential improvement to the Lich hunting system in Warframe. While Lich hunting is a side activity, it’s one that can be quite time-consuming. It can take almost an entire afternoon to hunt a single Lich, and you need about a dozen of them to fully max a Kuva Weapon. This level of grind can be daunting and may deter players from fully engaging with this aspect of the game. To address this, I propose the introduction of a crafting system for Requiem Ultimatums. These items, as we all know, allow us to lure our Lich out of hiding and directly engage in combat, bypassing the need for numerous missions waiting for the Lich to appear. This not only makes the process less grindy but also focuses more on the exciting confrontations that we all enjoy. The crafting process could involve the use of Kuva, a resource already associated with the Lich system. For instance, crafting a Requiem Ultimatum could require five thousand Kuva. This would not only provide a use for excess Kuva but also add an extra layer of strategy and planning to the game. By reducing the grind associated with Lich hunting, we can make this side activity more enjoyable and less of a time sink. This would give players more freedom to engage with other aspects of Warframe while still progressing in their Lich hunting. I believe this change would be a positive addition to Warframe and would love to hear the thoughts of both the community and the developers. Thank you for taking the time to consider this proposal. Best regards, Cerenax
  10. Aw... This sounds like a confirmation that we won't get whispers in the wall this week. Bummers. :(
  11. I do bullet jump all the time. Like I said the issue doesn't seem to be her sprint speed. Another user suggested that it's actually her slow rolling animation, and I think he's right on the money.
  12. I doubt they would ever implement a feature that so directly would lead us to spend less of the premium currency, sadly.
  13. Mine is shown as having 1.26 sprint speed on the arsenal, yet her movement feels so sluggish. Even warframes with slower sprint speed like Frost don't quite feel as unmaneuverable as her, in my experience.
  14. My suggestion is to make it so players who have a historic of going for longer runs to get picked preferentially as hosts over people who quit on the first freaking wave every time.
  15. I once opened a ticket over a player that was leeching for several rounds straight on ESO and included a link to an video I uploaded to youtube (as unlisted) as proof. I got a reply thanking me for the report and saying something along the lines that they "would continue to watch that player for such issues etc", but the video itself on youtube still had 0 views (they didn't watch it).
  16. Support doesn't do anything about leechers. Even if you provide video proof.
  17. Hello fellow Tenno, I trust you’re all doing well. As we anticipate the introduction of three new Archon Shard types, a significant concern comes to light - the steep bile cost associated with the removal of installed Archon Shards from a Warframe. The current bile cost for removing Archon Shards is, in my opinion, prohibitively high. This high cost discourages experimentation and flexibility, two aspects that are at the heart of Warframe’s appeal. We should be encouraged to try different combinations of Shards, to find what works best for our individual playstyle and the specific challenges we face in the game. However, the high bile cost of removing Shards acts as a deterrent to this kind of experimentation. Furthermore, with the introduction of new types of Shards, we will naturally want to try them out and see how they can enhance our gameplay. But the high bile cost of removing existing Shards could discourage us from fully exploring these new possibilities. Therefore, I propose that the bile cost of removing currently installed Archon Shards should be lowered, or even better, outright removed. This change would encourage more dynamic and creative gameplay, allowing us to fully explore the potential of the new Shards, and to continually optimize our Warframes as the game evolves. I understand that there may be concerns about players reusing the same shards across multiple warframes by switching them between missions, but I believe that the potential benefits of this change far outweigh any potential negative effects. It would enhance the game by promoting creativity, experimentation and strategic thinking among players. I urge Digital Extremes to consider this proposal. Let’s make Warframe an even more dynamic and exciting game to play! Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter. Best regards, Cerenax
  18. I agree with OP. Mobility wise, Ivara sucks, and that's kinda of a big deal for a super fast paced game like Warframe. It wouldn't really make her broken or OP in any way to just able to sprint while her invisibility is active. Octavia is already able to remain permanently invisible while sprinting and bullet jumping and arguably her kit is much stronger than Ivara's in general.
  19. Limbo needs to be outright redone from scratch. His abilities almost exclusively only annoy the squad. He can't just be buffed and reworked while the rift status continues to get in the way of squadmates being able to kill enemies and do all kinds of basic tasks.
  20. This would prevent players from joining fissures where it is impossible for them to gather enough reactant to crack open their relics.
  21. Saryn is kinda OP. It's unlikely they would rework her without giving spores some kind of nerf.
  22. Dunno where you got that from. In my experience, I almost never find saryns on ESO when I'm playing as other warframes, but when I go in as a saryn I get matched with other sayrns like 10 times in a row.
  23. The way another player's spore can interfere with your's is just way too annoying. Every time I'm playing with saryn and another saryn joins the squad I feel forced to leave so my fun is not ruined. Can't saryns just be made to never join a squad that already has a saryn in public mode?
  24. Could you guys add new drops to steel path circuit? Maybe umbra forma or archon shards?
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