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  1. They be left as is and a buff across the board for everything else
  2. I said it was useable not a meta set up. And yeah I could keep killing but sometimes in a Def or interception the buffs slowly whittle away. It's really only worth it if your camping in a survival so the enemy's just keep comeing
  3. I use serration don't like babysitting timers just using galv chamber is enough and arcane which he might not have either so it il buff his weapon no matter what.
  4. It's deffo useable the 190 damage alone is the equivalent to another serration mod
  5. Go for nukor then you got a nice secondary to go with your bramma and it will also back you up when you temporarily run out of ammo with bramma
  6. Exactly what I'm saying what good khora player runs with unmodded melee. and as for circuit only defence mission I can see her being troublesome
  7. Just not come across many good players who know how to play khora. anything caught in her 4 should be killed by khora and her whipclaw it's quickest way to kill them without messing about
  8. They cant even get cross play right yet nevermind cross save let's hope it's a good 5 to 10 years away
  9. Nova 5ft 8 atlas 6ft 8 I read some where years and years ago tha nova was based on the size of a 12yr old girl
  10. Protea with gloom and just spam her 2 and 3 and Mesa because of the obvious
  11. Edun is just as good if not better than guandao prime so they not in tha bad spot I'd say
  12. Lol just ignore it bud do you really want to be that guy
  13. It be to op not a bow can touch it as is. even the ones with incarnon perks can't even keep up with it I don't think even the dread will neither when we get a adapter for that
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