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Everything posted by Reactions_with_will

  1. so i was hoping the event for Kullervo would have came back by now, but since it hasn't, i decided to go back and try to gather the materials i needed to build Kullervo. but then i find out, some of the materials only drop if the Kullervo bounty triggers. which seems like it's a pretty rare occurrence, and i think That definitely needs some attention. perhaps a higher chance for it to trigger during certain spirals ? and also why is it only during stage 5 ? why not stage 1, then we could get specialized groups together, go in and see if the first stage is Kullervo or not, if not then we just leave and come back. i had gotten all the parts shorty after the update dropped, and still haven't built him yet.
  2. well im actually not even using most of the shards im getting right now, im just stocking up for the future.
  3. true, but i mainly ran them for the shards. and also don't understand why people will buy those mods, there actually easy to get, do people really hate running Kahl missions that much, or is it because of progression reasons ? like they haven't unlocked Kahl missions yet ?
  4. so I know they are moving the shard away from chipper, but then i thought what if we had a option to use stock at the new vender? Just as an optional way to grind archon shards. perhaps some of us actually like doing Kahl missions ? i for one actually enjoy the missions. so perhaps the currency could be optional, meaning you can purchase with either stock or, other Syndicate points.
  5. Xbox chat doesn't have a way to copy, or anything like that. since i have switched to Xbox, i have been missing the ability to copy text, and paste as well. since it's probably not gonna get implemented from Microsoft, could warframe please get it's own chat box, with said features ?
  6. so i have some ideas to make that would make selecting and opening relics a lot better. so we need to have filters that we can select to enable, or disable, and move the filters around. and it should remember which tab were on, unter we actually switch to a different tab. so one tab could be called favorites, which we would be able to mark specific relics as favorites, and then you could control which relics are included in that list. as right now the only way to do that is if you refine a relic. also another tab could be, includes unowned unmasterd parts. which would be a great way to mark specific relics as favorites, or you could just leave it on that tab, and just pick at random. another thing or could use is a filter system within the filters, so you could go to any tab and select exclude vaulted relics, or perhaps exclude available relics. so with this, we could actually set up a bunch of tabs, and then just figure out which section we want to work on, and then just start randomly selecting relics. as right now, i will have to search each time for a specific relic i want, which is just not very efficient. also i think the vaulted relics should look a lot different, so perhaps even say vaulted next to the part that was in the relic, so newer players would know which parts are actually vaulted. as they are definitely not gonna know. also i think the vaulted parts should be worth a lot ducats,
  7. im getting really annoyed with people using qorvex, he constantly puts an almost blinding and obnoxious ephemera on everyone around them. either let us turn off the ui indication, or maybe even have a slided to adjust to opacity for each ephemera that gets applied from teammates. then i could go to qorvex and turn it all the way down. so i wouldn't ever see it again. please fix !!!!!!!!!!!
  8. That makes perfect sense, why need an ability menu when you have an entire keyboard to work with. Which is fine for pc, but since it's required for fishing, i would like to have it mapped on the keyboard attachment i have that plugs into the controller. But as discussed, it's not there. But really wish they would go back to the old system, there was nothing wrong with having your gear switch to fishing gear once you equip a spear. It's been that way for a few years and I just decided not to go fishing anywhere, simply became i have to go and switch buttons around just to do that. Nty, please fix this. Either make ability menu programmable on a keyboard or give us the old system back.
  9. Think i just realized the issue, you see your a pc player, and im a console player. On console abilities are cast via the ability menu by default, because there aren't very many buttons on a controller. But on console we need to use the ability menu for selecting fishing gear, is that not required on pc ?
  10. Bruh, the ability menu is necessary when you're wanting to select fishing gear, so yes it does exist. And also you can go into the button mapping screen, in the tabs at the top you will see ability menu
  11. Id like to program a keyboard button for the power menu, but it's actually missing.
  12. So i have quick progress view mapped to the keyboard attachment for the controller, but it doesn't function like a typical keyboard. So it doesn't actually hold the button on, so it just flashes on and off.
  13. Well the biggest problem is that now i can't access the dc section of the forums. So definitely need to submit a bug report for that.
  14. Perhaps while making trades, it would update the standby account, but would usually only update once a month. The reason is, i was almost thinking That our cross save accounts, could be used as backup accounts, just in case something went wrong. But then i realized That as soon as you log into on of your standby accounts, it's gonna update to whatever happens last. Which wouldn't help to undo anything.
  15. So i was thinking about having a safety net, just in case a server crash, or perhaps a upset spouse sells all warframes and gear, but like any number of things could go wrong. So my idea is, could we have a special accent that does not update automatically, but once a month on a date that we choose. So then if we were to lose everything, or would still have a backup That we could go back to, and cross save it back to the account that was Lost.
  16. And since I can't log into That account, I no longer have access to the DC. So i am clicking on the Playstation button to log in, but it always logs in to the pc account. Please fix !
  17. I just made a video, going to over some these ideas, and going over it, in more detail. https://youtu.be/O43z6g7KkxM
  18. So i have a few ideas here. The first thing is, we need to have our gear wheel, dependant on the selected loadout. So let's say i want to set up a loadout for vault runs, and have all 4 keys in that loadout. But then after switching to a different loadout, only the items that I have chosen would be equipped in that loadout. So the idea we wouldn't have to constantly equip keys, and then of course forget to take them back off again. So then, just like we have appearance loadouts, A B and C, im thinking we could have gear wheel loadouts, A B And C, and be able to name them. So config could say vault runs, and others could say general. And these loadouts would always be visible no matter what loadout your on. So let's say i get a new frame, and set up a bran new loadout for them, once i go into the gear wheel, i can either select vault runs, or general. This would make things so much easier.
  19. Every time i go into it, it says check back regularly for openings. Also i think it should remember the clan message and filters, so in the future we could just post an ad without having to type a message, or check the box's.
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