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Everything posted by Nelsconey

  1. Tells you all you need to know when the person refuses a helping hand. These missions are not hard if you go in without rewards. I think I did 6 runs last week without rewards.
  2. I like it. I have a large well built arsenal and plenty of resources though. Sometimes I'll run it again with better gear to help randoms. There isn't a whole lot else to do.
  3. Did it with a random group on the first try. Didn't seem very challenging.
  4. Clearly the randomizer isn't going away anytime soon. 2 updates using it already. It also has the some of the strongest stuff locked behind it. It does make sense for DE and its probably selling plenty of slots, formas etc... $$$$$ There comes a time when there isn't much else to do besides refine frames and sub-par weapons. Resources become trivial eventually. This mode is a boon for those players who collect everything and have plenty of resources. If you're a player on a budget or prefer to only use the best stuff. It's going to be tough.
  5. I'm LR3. I have 59 frames and 450 weapons. We do exist.
  6. No lie. Sometimes I think they are watching us struggle and laughing at it. I think you're the prime target for this game mode. I think the stuff you're talking about can be fixed or changed. Giving the defense more health etc,,, I imagine the devs would be more receptive to your complaints vs the player who screams about the Randomizer
  7. Not really, Orphix missions are not for me. That mode is not for me. I can admit it. I stand by what I said who this mode is for though, https://www.dictionary.com/browse/robust robust strong and healthy; hardy; vigorous: strongly or stoutly built: suited to or requiring bodily strength or endurance: rough, rude, or boisterous: rich and full-bodied: strong and effective in all or most situations and conditions:
  8. The same complaints were made about the Duviri Randomizer. How did that work out? It didn't. They added it again. A robust arsenal is one that had no problems with Duviri Circuit SP.
  9. This mode is not for you then. This mode is for The player that has come to a point where using the meta stuff is BORING. The player that has SP builds for almost every Frame. The player that has builds on the weapon that some think are "worthless" The player that is swimming in resources. Slots, Forma, etc.... The player that collects almost everything. The player that had no trouble with Duviri Circuit
  10. REV Convectrix- Slash Monster with augment Zylok - If you have augment mod thing+ incarnon Tipedo- this is one of the best staves in the game Complaining about these doesn't help your argument. This is a GOD Tier set up.
  11. Arguing against the randomizer isn't going work. DE will not change it. You're wasting your time. These same arguments were brought up with Duviri If you have a varied robust set of frames and weapons. These modes are quite enjoyable.
  12. This is Duviri Circuit Part 2 Electric Boogaloo for some of you.
  13. Your description actually describes a MR teen in Duviri Circuit. lol This weeds out the players who have limited game knowledge and a lousy arsenal. Squad filling should be on though. I agree with that.
  14. I find this very, very hard to believe. As a LR3 myself. It means I have almost everything. Every weapon, frame mod arcane etc... I'd even argue most higher MR have zero issues with inventory space. I have 0 trouble with this game mode. You could always tell how long your run would go in Duviri based on the MR in your group.
  15. Most endgame players would have zero trouble with these weapons. They have incarnon adapters as well.
  16. The same players complained about the randomness of Duviri Circuit. Same complaints over and over.
  17. Endgame is having enough formas and potatos to put on these weapons and not really care.
  18. That's true. One can also subsume Pillage or Gloom. With an endgame arsenal, good knowledge of game and 1/2 competent team. This mode seems trivial.
  19. This is almost the same argument from Circuit in Duviri. Lol If you haven't invested in your arsenal. This mode is going to suck.
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