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  1. I brought it up because you're honestly role-playing a broken record at this point. I think by now we all know how you feel about how other people choose to enjoy the game. Repeating the same opinion in almost every post isn't changing anyone's mind. Personally I find your windmill tilting amusing as all hell. Please carry on
  2. My guy, you're still on this narrative? Gotta give you an A+ for consistency lol
  3. I mean, this isn't exactly a FromSoftware game to begin with...
  4. I believe that at this point, anyone complaining about PUGs in WF kinda deserves their outcomes. I've been saying it for years: random players equals random results. If by now you haven't figured out that PUGs in general (and events in particular) more often than not will lead to a negative experience, why continue to PUG? I'm not even trolling. I'm genuinely curious as to why anyone who can either run solo or with clan mates opts for what is likely a frustrating time?
  5. Once again, say it with me: Random players equals random results
  6. Giving Limbo DR is a pretty bad idea, especially given his entire kit revolves around not being damaged in the first place. My 2 cents: replace Cataclysm with something less intrusive to others, disallow teammates to enter the rift, grant a much better indicator of Riftbound enemies, have Riftboind enemies defenses removed over time, and allow Limbo to not be kicked out of his own damn dimension by nullies. Limbo is probably the coolest frame in the game concept-wise. The fact that he's been in the state he has this long in almost criminal at this point.
  7. Title is a bit dramatic tbh You can still play Ember, she's just not going to be anyone's first choice unless they really enjoy her
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