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Dojo Remaster Contest [Winners Announced!]


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  • Clan name: Sages of the sun
  • Clan tier: Shadow clan
  • Platform: PC
  • My clan role: Warlord

Orokin autumn halls:

Say hello to our angel that greets you upon entering the dojo:



The old gorgeous dojo room looked fantastic with some apple trees on the infested roots coming from out of the wall. Using dark brown and yellow lights this gives a pleasing autumn like feel to the room.

This is also the main hall and first part you'll see of the dojo, it contains all the research labs.




We have another creepy mech a bit further in the halls, linking the obstacle course part to the main part.




Robot halls:



on the first floor we're working on a more robotic themed part for more variation within our dojo. All high tech stuff and even another mech.









I love to build parkour rooms for clanmates to try. Currently there are 2 finished architect parkour rooms and the original parkour room to try out.

There is an easy one like you see above, this one is for any casual player that wants to test their skills.



And a really hard one, I mean really hard. I dare you to try it!







We also have a maze in our dojo, hidden between the reactors but accessible by teleporter.


There is even a second maze room with 2 floors!


I hope you liked to see our dojo. If you want to see more or have any questions, just contact me.

If you feel inspired to join the clan or really want to look around in the dojo just hit me up here, ingame or through discord: counterflux#9013



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  • Clan Name : VITIUM
  • Clan Tier : SHADOW
  • Clan Platform : PC
  • My Role : Xogum / Warlord

This clan was inspired by the new nature decorations, bringing a tranquility and a beautiful environment. I hope you enjoy the small tour

  • Spawn point


  • The valley



  • Ascension



  • Doneenha's temple



  • Navigation


  • Donation room


  • Duel room


  • Sauna


  • Passage


Finally, a short video tour

Thanks for reading the post. 😁

Edited by Rolf_
first post, as images were not showing up
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Clan name: Lethal Abyss
Clan tier: Storm
Clan platform: PC
Clan role: Founding Warlord

I'm really happy to be part of this contest since I love decorating our clan dojo and spent many hours doing it. Dojo is fully designed by me, while other clan members helped with contributing the material and we made it work! 🙂 Theme that I went with is actually 'home'. Cozy, warm place, place in which even random traders can enjoy and mostly I used nature/orokin decorations. Also, I wanted to stay original. Thanks DE for the new effects, I really wanted that for a Zodiac theme rooms. Sadly, we ran out of plastids/poly so 'Air Zodiac' won't be ready for the contest, but Fire one will, additionally.
Album link: https://imgur.com/a/AP7ETaS
Video link:



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Clan name: STAR  GATE (Two spaces)
The level of the clan: the shadow clan
Platform clan: PC
Your role in clan: clan leader / Dojo Builder

Drained the reserves of polymers) Well, this is understandable, building everything one) 
Not afraid to lose, all built for themselves and very glad that you can do such beauty)

Edited by INDOGEN
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Hi! I'm new to the forum sorry if my formatting is awful. Thought I'd take you all on a tour of our dojo, featuring Chroma's big brother, an artificial, alien jungle, a labratory  complete with supercompter and plant incubation areas, a ludoplex arcade and a homage to our enemies, for we Tenno are honourable. Plus we're working on getting individual rooms for clan members to decorate! We made good use of the new nature decoration pack. It's awesome! Much of the decorating was done by BiggieFoeTwenty (Founding Warlord) and myself, with other members adding details here and there. The dragon was partially inspired by Shenron from Dragonball, but everything else was pretty much thought of on the spot. Hope you all enjoy! Sorry for the video quality. Recorded with my PS4 cuz I don't have a working laptop xD Good luck everybody!  

Clan Name: Dont Smoke Vestan Moss

Clan Tier: Shadow Clan - Rank 9

Clan Platform: PS4

My Role in Clan: General (OG Cheif] I have every permission except for Ruler and Herald. So I'm also an architect

Dojo tour:


Edited by (PS4)xJakeyyyOG
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[Clan Name: Ente Crest

Clan Tier: Ghost Clan

Clan Platform: Xbox One 

Clan Role: Founding Warlord.

The theme for this dojo is serenity and tranquility. Peace for a mind at war. The people who helped me with this are:

AirlessScroll93, Victor Saber224,ShadowLigh7ning,Thebombdotcom01,wanather





Edited by (XB1)Kuri kun 93
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Clan Name: Alien Assassins

Clan Tier: Shadow Rank 10

Clan Platform: PS4

Clan Role: Founding Warlord

Main Architect's: manny35 , TWISTEDEAGLE 

Obstacle Course Architect: Drew_BloodFury

Themes: Corpus , Grineer , Infested , Orokin , Unaffiliated , Wildlife , Gardens and of course Tenno.

Main Resources Donations: manny35 , TWISTEDEAGLE , Drew_BloodFury , Ninnamon , GlaDOS1230 , Genesis732 , CPB314 , Marc_Act.

Other Donations Made by: Azen_Crime , Azn_Fate , TheHyperHope , WrongGamertag , Roadhawk , Papoose_13 , SirWillVoidwalker.




Hope it worked. Haven't done a hyperlink before. Best of luck to all clans across all platforms. Your welcome to use any decoration idea in your dojo. After all warframe has the best community. Thanks for your time everyone.

Edited by (PS4)manny35
hyperlinks not working
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This is still a work in progress, will probably finish when rail jack comes out since I started anew over making room for it. 

My Dojo is Dark Souls inspired.

Clan Name: Pit of Hollows
Clan Tier: Ghost
Clan platform: PC

Your Clan Role: Founding Warlord



Edited by Roxderp
fixing the format
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Titan Corporation

Ghost Clan


Founding Warlord 


I wanted a central hub, futuristic yet organic. A meeting place where you can catch up with one another, trade and learn, all in one. Although we are a brand new clan, i put everything into making it feel like an academy. My inspirations are: Star Trek academy with (the decor) and the show Darkmatter (Corporate war).  

Edited by (PS4)SirAirDude
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Clan Name: The Exalted Oath

Clan Tier: Storm Clan

Console: Xbox One

Clan Role: Founding Warlord (Gamertag is now VanHaz, this hasn't updated on forums)

Our Dojo, an unending project since the creation of our clan, and still far from truly done. For myself, Big Hot Kosher, Graysmog, and Nyxxed, this has been a second home, a personal expression of our individual styles and taste, and where we have all collectively spent hours upon hours of our warframe experience. Our theme would be best described as a reclaimed orokin temple, remodeled into tenno design, while retaining much of the orokin aesthetic, as well as tribute to both mythology, and in game lore and factions. We aimed to utilize as much of the available options and decorations as ee could, while creating distinctive and memorable room experiences, brought together with matching atmospheres. While some rooms are unfinished, the bulk of our showcase is fully crafted, though it is unlikely we will ever stop building and customizing. We hope you enjoy this preview of our dojo.


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"Dream. Not of where you are, but of where you want to be."

Just A Dream is a humble Ghost clan on PC. Following the clan name and its rather unique ties to the lore, I found it important to have the dojo reflect this idea. I tried to create various dream-like, relaxing and atmospheric environments while not being too exaggerated. Realistic natural scapes with few twisting elements to separate them from reality. Whether it be the sound of flowing water, the rustling of delicate leaves or the crumbling of ice over tender snow, I'm sure there is something to send you to the next journey in your dreams.

- TricksyRedMirage, Architect of Just A Dream -

Showcase video on youtube below:



Clan name: Just A Dream

Clan tier : Ghost

Clan platform: PC

My clan rank: Architect



Edited by TricksyRedMirage
Added a collective info box for clarity
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- Clan Name: Shoot first Think never

- Clan Tier Ghost clan (rank 0)

- Clan Platform: PC

- Clan Role Founding warlord

Here's what my wife and I achieved with this small clan of ours. I wish i could have built more rooms but lack of time and ressources is real for such a young clan.

Thanks for watching ! 


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Clan name: Reioukyuu

Clan tier: Ghost

Clan platform: Xbox

Clan role: Founding Warlord (Tamashi no o)

The Dojo was designed and constructed by the Clan members:

  • PredatorMax97 - (Tamashi no o)
  • TerrorFox13 - (Roiyarugado)
  • MangaMarvin - (Taicho)
  • Dead Angel1296 - (Taicho)
  • Scardancer 96 - (Taicho)
  • I Teufelskerl I - (Fuku Taicho)
  • UhuEule123 - (Menos Grande)

Thank you for the help to decorate our Dojo.

Have fun in the tour in our Dojo.


Edited by (XB1)PredatorMax97
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  • Clan name: Rumble Meat
  • Clan tier: Mountain Clan
  • Clan platform: Xbox One
  • Your Clan role: Founding Warlord (Rumble Overlord)

Dojo Layout, interior design - TwoFlyingNuns

Lead Interior Designer - TheWeaponized

Interior Design - Jax7117

Interior Design - SNAFU 4824

Donations were from too many to list, so many people came through for the millions of polymer this thing took to make 

Full Dojo Video Walk Through here: Rumble Meat Full Walk Through

Screen Shots of main focal points: Image Gallery of Rumble Meat

We Appreciate your consideration please enjoy we look forward to continuing to expand and create 


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