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Dojo Remaster Contest [Winners Announced!]


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  • The Crimson Ronin
  • Ghost
  • PC
  • [RedXNebula] Founding Warlord 



I am RedXNebula and this is the Crimson Ronin's day to be in the spot light. We are going for gold in this one, and I have seen are fellow competitor's, and we admire all there dedication, and creativity. So any feed back with the following would be great. Here's the link to the photo album, all decorations in the pictures were a collaboration of the entire Crimson Ronin community working together to create the end product. This clan has been 5 years old in the making, and has been a work in progress since the beginning. Thank you Digital Extremes for giving us the tools to make this possible, and the constant updates and additions that have improved customization. We are looking forward to the judges to be able to examine the dojo and we wish everyone luck.





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- Clan Name: Royal Regiment

- Clan Tier: Storm

- Platform: Ps4

- Clan Role: Founding Marshal (Founding Warlord)

I am Wacky and this is our dojo. I am strictly the only builder in my clan however I am lucky to have an incredible team that supports my work and helps me get it all built. I want everyone to get the credit they deserve so here is the whole list of people who have contributed and helped me in other ways to make this dojo.




- ColinSoSpicey









- ChainedSouls












I understand that thoughout the main sections of the dojo there is a decoration here and there not built yet. My team has been hard at work getting me the resources I needed to be ready for the competition. I have been pushing everyone a bit too hard and I can't ask them to rush the last bit to finish in time. I hope you understand why it's not all built yet. I have to give them all a break sometime lol

Even if we don't come close to winning I will still be proud of my team and hope all of you see them for the amazing people they are 🙂


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Our clan is new and we are the only one do the decorations, nothing much, the excuses will are the resources and time as we are the only one doing the decoration so far. Now, behold:

- Clan Name: Sphere of Symbiote

- Clan Tier Shadow clan 

- Clan Platform: PC

- Clan Role Founding warlord 


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  • Clan name: Espada
  • Clan tier: Moon
  • Clan platform: PS4
  • My Clan role: Warlord 

Total gratitude to the entire Espada clan for their donations and support, especially the players who were forerunners of this project.



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  • Clan Name : Ordalies
  • Clan Tier : Ghost
  • Clan Plateform : PC
  • Clan Role : Founder Warlord


Every room has its own theme !

Main Hall - Throne Room



Winter Room Guardian



Autumn Room



Tropical Snake



Toxic Swamp



Alien Room






Fire Room



Armored Loki - Snake






Flamer Tank



Space Hangar + Ship



Stock and Datacenter



Dark Labyrinth



Obctacle Labyrinth




Full Album :










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Clan Name: Reapers Rebellion

Clan Tier: Mountain

Clan Role: Clan Founder/Dojo Designer

Platform: PS4

I have designed this dojo to give back to all my members who have helped make our clan great "The Reapers". My theme uses Flora and nature to clash with Warframes tech assets! I want everyone who enters our don't to be delighted by the clash of colors, textures, and be left in aw at how such dissimilar objects can work so smoothly together. I hope you all enjoy!!



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-Clan Name: Nova_Prime

-Clan Tier: Storm Clan

-Clan Platform: PS4

-My Clan Role: Warlord, Main Architect

-Theme: Main theme is Orokin


Founding Warlord



Nova Prime Warlords




Nova Warlords








Video Submission


A big thanks to everyone in our clan that donated the boat load of resources to our dojo. 🙂

*******Spoiler Alert Below*******

****Describes every room below****

From the clan Nova_Prime on PS4, we present to you our dojo. Couldn't have done it without all the resources the clan donated and the hard work our Architects did to build these room. It is Orokin themed and the last room we show I am very proud of because it took me about 10 hrs to make, not counting the build time. Nova_Prime hopes you enjoy our dojo and wish us luck in the contest.

The First room is our Hall of Honor/ Vault. The teleporter is below Loki but on him he has attachment armor, sword, shield, syandana, and a cute little tie. All around him is our clans trophies, a nature wall and in the three corners each corner represents Corpus, Grineer, and Orokin. The second room is our main hall, this is where the pawn point is when invited to the dojo. There is where we do most of our trading and relaxing at the small Orokin bar. The south door leads to a Christmas room but is still a work in progress. The two west rooms are the energy lab and chem lab. The two east rooms are the tenno lab and bio lab. The north room is the next room in the video, The Orokin Observatory. This room took a bit because of the resources, it needed a lot of oxium and alloy plates and for me I didn't have much of those resources. So the clan mates helped a lot to donating to this room and the next in the video. For the observatory and the Orokin Lounge (the next room) had to share the capacity since it is above the observatory but we mad it work. In the lounge we have a nature center piece where tenno/ warframe can relax along side of it or be apart of it. In each little hidden cubby on the bottom floor is a dimly lit work or hangout area. Above the bottom floor (the main floor) there is a catwalk that leads to a telescope with a work bench and computer attached. The top floor has two areas, one for all the warlords to meet and the other side is another bar where you trade, contribute, or just relax and have fun. Without further ado, the last and final room, The Orokin's Garden. This room I thought would be a great idea, I haven't seen anyone do this, so this might be the first (or I could be wrong). The garden is like a mini plains that you can roam around in and explore. For the nature tab I used every plant so it's kind of like a little scavenger hunt if you want to find every plant in the tab. For this room there is a main floor (where you teleport), top floor, and a cave, but don't jump too fast in the cave or you will get stuck behind the glass.

I am really happy how all this turned out not just the last room but the whole dojo. We will always be add/building more so you might see something new every time you visit. The whole clan had fun with this even though it was a lot of farming resources but in the end they love how our dojo turned out and hopefully you guys like it too. Thank you everyone for making this possible.


Sazzy_Katez (Kaitlin)

from Nova_Prime 


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  • Clan name: Furud
  • Clan tier: Storm
  • Clan platform: PC
  • Clan role: Architect

Video Submission


Video Spoilers and timestamps

0:00 – 0:34 Main room which looks like an old village in the moonlight, a floating temple at the upper part where Tenno pray so the next person trading won’t block them for the pettiest of reasons.

0:54 – 1:43 Invader: A giant robot you can climb and race other Tenno to the top to stop the robot pilot and Tenno’s mortal enemy from destroying their dojo observatory. Of course I am talking about the Bronze Turtles.

1:46 – 2:34 Nightclub, lower bar area serving breath or the eidolon cocktails and dance floor upstairs where Tenno awkwardly do the Degage Narta.

2:38 – 3:28 Orokin Hall with a RoboViking holding the stairs to a hidden club with a bar and a big “TV” where the Tenno watch Lunaro Championships.

3:32 – 3:51 Outer Space is the obligatory Orokin Lab out-of-bound place to see the amazing skybox DE has hidden.

3:55 – 04:34 Space garden. The central part is a test; those who are brave and believe in themselves don’t bulletjump the gap and are rewarded with good fortune. Grass and trees at the sides overlooking space, to contemplate your earlier test failure or success.

04:36 – 06:53 For those that wondered what do the Tenno do lore wise in their dojo’s? Well they enjoy their giant space waterslides of course. What else could Tenno be doing?. Just hold Ctrl and enjoy the ride, or race other Tenno till the goal - a secret cave with a dining hall on the distance and a VIP room where you can relax and ignore missions.

PS: Someone remind Steve to increase the out of bounds boundary so some decorations don’t appear pitch black, as he said he would a couple of months ago in one of the twitch prime streams.

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Clan Name :: Yosha
Clan Tier :: Ghost

Clan Platform :: PC
Role :: Founding Warlord
Contributing Members :: 

  1. B455S1U7 (Designer, primary resource contributor, overly obsessive builder, Alice)
  2. Romeo_o (Resource Contributor, instruction follower, White Rabbit)
  3. Paragon_of_Death (Resource Contributor, Mad Hatter/Red Queen)
  4. nondescript_gaming (Resource Contributor, Tweedle Dum)

The official announcement for the contest says "This contest is all about picking a theme and customizing a room [or rooms] in your Dojo to match." Thus, we have tried to theme our entry for the dojo contest, the theme being Alice in Wonderland (or, because we are never lacking in terms of wordplay in Yosha, 'Ballas in Wonderland'.) Rather than simply doing a walk-through, we decided to get a little creative and make our tour a mini-movie, with each member dressing up as a character as we recorded. It was definitely a lot of fun; whether we win or not, it turned into a great clan activity.

As this video was being prepared, it was noticed that most of the entries are not necessarily cohesive themes throughout (though each room certainly seems to have a theme), and just to cover our bases, we've included 'bonus rooms' on our video: rooms that do not fit our themed entry, but that we are still proud of. 

Thank you everyone, enjoy.


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Clan name : Les buveurs de mondes (Drinkers of worlds)

Clan tiers : Storm

Clan Platform : PS4

Role : Founding warlord/architect

Hello, i hope that you will like my work. Enjoy the french touch or not... ^^



First part :
On the second floor, it's the dark forest and the place of decorated arenas and obstables courses












Dueling halls :





Second part :
It' s the center of the dojo, theme orokin/nature. Surely the best floor gathering gardens, laboratories and large halls and... collection of very large statues.

























Third part :

It's the highest floor, the control room with observatory.







thank you for taking the time to look at this dojo and good luck to other decorators!! 😉
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Clan name : Sword Art

Clan tiers : Shadow Rank 10

Clan Platform : PC

Role : Founding Warlord/Architect

Guildmates who helped building: Shinsho, Mohmi, Akloran(exmember)

We decide to hold it in the world of the Tenno, so our theme is all about the Tennos... There are some wishes we have and maybe want to see in future....
All in all we are just a bunch of crazy people, that have an open mind and use the things we get to create our own little univers^^.
For example we couldn´t wait for the railship 2019...or the crazy tank they have once shown in the devstream.... i will not tell you to much, check out the video and u will see, what im talking about.
Enjoy the little trip in our dojo.
You are all realy welcome to visit us!


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Good day. I would like to enter with my clan's dojo.

  • Clan name: Dark of The Sun
  • Clan tier: Storm Clan
  • Clan platform: PC
  • My clan role: Centurion (Architect permissions) INCREDIBILIS

The names of the participants from our clan in the following clip are:
DoomVarg, Funki0, eXotic, TheFBD, Potitius, Dewkeeper, Felben1 and Yukain

Here is a little clip of our dojo. Enjoy:





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  • Clan name: Crescent Moon Prime
  • Clan tier: Moon
  • Clan platform: PC
  • Your Clan role: Warlord

    Here is the link of our Dojo Album Submission. There are more things in the Dojo, but the album is large as-is:

Here is the layout of our Dojo with the positioning of the teleporters (cause it's huge):



List of Dojo Teleporters:


 - A1: Main Hall
 - A2: Sparring Hall
 - A3: Trophy Room Darkness
 - A3: Trophy Room Light
 - A4: Mech Bay
 - A5: Yggdrasil
 - A6: Command Center
 - A7: Solar Rail War Room X Dragon Keys
 - A8: Obstacle Course
 - B1: The Bottom Floor Fog Room
 - B2: Moon Garden
 - B3: Trash Burner
 - B4: Disco Club Entrance
 - B5: Law Of The Jungle
 - B6: The Void Room
 - B7: Cave Entrance
 - B8: Stone Theater
 - V1: Spacial Void
 - V2: Martian Trading Post
 - V3: Black Is The Night
 - V4: Space Observation
 - V5: Harambe Tribute
 - V6: Below Zero
 - V7: Display Of Power
 - W0: Battle Post
 - W1: Observe The Observatory
 - W2: Elevator Shaft
 - W3: Chemical Romance
 - W4: Cryogenic Leak
 - W5: Sparring Hall Overview
 - W6: Lynx Repair Bay
 - W7: Cold Dead Hands
 - W8: Eye Of The God
 - X1: Spaceship Interior
 - X2: Landing Zone
 - X3: Top Of The Spaceship
 - Z1: Dedicated To CM Angel
 - Z2: Dedicated To Thawolfx
 - Z3: Dedicated To CM Napalm
 - Z4: Dedicated To Rikenz
 - Z5: Dedicated To Apathiam
 - Z6: Dedicated To Cyborger1

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On 2018-09-28 at 10:32 AM, An8rchy said:

@[DE]Helen I have a couple of questions about this:

-Can we do BOTH Pics and Video ? and if so, Imegur Albums are ok ?
-IF I'm unable to record, as an Architect, but the Founder can, Can i use his video on my post while having his credit in the post ? 

Wait, what? Only founders can.. record videos in the dojo? Am I missing something? What is this method via which we record that only warlords can do?

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- Clan Name: HOT LIKE HELL


- Clan Tier: Ghost Clan

- Clan Platform: PC

- Clan Role: General (have Architect permissions)


We are small Clan of friends in-game and in-life. Our Dojo was decorated by every clan member. Everyone added something from them. Every Clan member who wished has his own room with his own decorations (had a contest for the "coolest" room).  This is some of our work:


Frost got mad 😉




"Mr Spock... energize" 😉


There was a time, when in Warframe was info about cars... We couldn't wait for this, so I made a  hot rod cabrio...









If someone is interested in tour on our Dojo, feel free to PM me in-game. 

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