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Inaros needs to be looked at, especially now that you are trying to push endgame.


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Though his 2 and 3s synergy isn't much I do like the concept. Which gives me the Idea...

Devour: Devour is changed to true damage. Inaros can now devour multiple enemies if multiple enemies are affected by devour. When scarab Swarm is applied to an enemy trapped by Devour, Devour will spread with Scarab Swarm as well.

Sandstorm: Enemies affected by Inaros' other skills will proc different effects when hit by Sandstorm. Also fixed the radius problem.  

> Dessacation : Slash proc + Increased Sand storm Damage

> Devour : Pulls enemies toward Inaros and Devours them. Devoured health is distributed among allies within sandstorm.

> Scarab Armor : Reduces enemy Armor for 6 sec. Reduction is increased the longer the enemy is exposed to sandstorm. Duration is renewed while being exposed to sandstorm.

Sand Shadow: Enemies killed under the influence of Devour will summon a sand shadow. Now summons clones of Inaros instead of enemies. Can have up to 2  shadows. Shadows will now fight along side Inaros dealing 15% of Inaros' melee damage. Will follow till death. Will not perform finishers.

This way now Inaros is not only a tank, but a CC monster that can peel off enemies. He still has to rely purely on his weapons for damage but can assist and aid his in MP much easier in a larger range.

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35 minutes ago, Spectre-8 said:

Yeah let's rework Inaros , nevermind that we have warframes nerfed out of exsistance like Hydroid for example ( and no Ember mains you will rot forever , not sorry ) .

Look we're not saying, or at least I'm not saying, he should be on top of the rework list. We're just discussing his what to do with his shortcomings. If you want some other frame to be better, I suggest you open a discussion for that frame yourself. 

Besides that I thought Hydroid ws in a okay spot. Exactly what nerf did he receive anyway?

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Right now I main Inaros and Nekros, and I don't use abilities I regard a waste of time. Health pizzas are not very efficient for Inaros but they exist, same with Magus Elevate. Arcane Grace is good, so is his finisher lifesteal passive combined with 1st ability. I use Vazarin because it's my main school, can and do heal teammates with it. That why slow and occupying ability like devour isn't used by me, it's just inferior to Vazarin. And with Hunter Adrenaline you don't need Zenurik.

That why I would like to see his 2nd ability changed, it just feels so underwhelming. And 3rd ability is worse crowd control than 1st ability, costs more energy and you can't kill stuff with it, except for low levels maybe, which is underwhelming. Plus you can't attack with weapons when using the 3rd ability, so why use it if you can mow down the enemies with weapons and tank them?

An aggro or damage reduction skill of any sorts would suit Inaros' niche far better than his current 2nd and especially 3rd ability.

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8 hours ago, Shaburanigud said:

Look we're not saying, or at least I'm not saying, he should be on top of the rework list. We're just discussing his what to do with his shortcomings. If you want some other frame to be better, I suggest you open a discussion for that frame yourself. 

Besides that I thought Hydroid ws in a okay spot. Exactly what nerf did he receive anyway?

Play Hydroid for a day and you'll find out , what about Wukong is he in an ok spot too ?

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Actual inaros main here. And the OP is comically wrong and not that experienced with inaros.

The only ability that is really bad is his 3. The energy cost on it and the gimmick with 2 coupled with terrible damage just isn't good. However the cc effect is amazing.

Allow me to offer some insight to the OP and others who think inaros is weak by any measure.

Frames are strong and weak in different regards. Even nidus isn't that strong in missions like exterminate and capture where you don't have time to build stacks. Inaros's strength is most apparent in long lasting missions and when you need CC. 

His 1, contrary to what the OP believes, is incredibly reliable.  It acts as a great way to blind anyone facing you and sets them up to let you recover hp if you kill them. Enemies not facing you are of no concern. This ability alone let's you run the eternal survival inaros where you use arcane trickery and covert lethaliy. 

His 2 could benefit from better clarity. Unless you play inaros a lot, you would have a hard time determining if a target was affected by 2 or 4. A better indication is all that's needed. In practical use, it is an amazing way to deal with a dangerous target like a bursa, nox, manics, etc. It is not made to use against low level trash enemies.

His 3 is meh for sure. However the synergy here isn't with his 2 as advertised. It is with his 4. It could benefit from a energy cost reduction as it currently used 75 energy just to start, but consider how strong it is with his 4.

His 4 is downright amazing. Even more so now with the stunningly strong mod negation swarm. It is a long range, huge aoe, long lasting and spreading cc that heals. The 200 armor is a great addition as it adds much needed armor. It has amazing synergy with his 3 as you can cast 4 on a group of enemies, then tap 3 and send them flying everywhere. The result is that you have scarab covered land mines that constantly spread cc that heals you. The only thing I would change is an indication of the cc duration. Currently there is no indication of how long it has left. Just add a timer over the ability icon and leave the armor buff% on the top. Maybe add some kind of aura looking thing to let people know when they are in range of the healing. 

In terms of a tank, the only frame that has ever outlasted me was a friend of mine who mains nidus. Though most of the time, I outlast him in eso. With arcanes, inaros is tankier than any other frame without a death gate like wukong and nidus. Even then his CC often let's him survive far longer. 

The only people that say inaros is weak are those that haven't gone to end game. These abritrations? Not end game. ESO? A complete joke. End game for inaros is 3 hour Mot survival where enemies can one shot just about every frame bar nidus, wukong, and inaros unless they get incredibly close. At that point, CC or invisibility is what you need to survive. 

Play inaros in high level content with a full build and it will be undeniably apparent just how powerful he is. 

I have 2 inaros. One is my general build that I take everywhere. The other is just about tanking. 8635 hp, nearly 700 armor before scarab armor, and negation swarm with complete status immunity. Throw on a max rank grace and max rank guardian  (provides a massive boost to ehp while sacrificing 16% ehp regen if you had another grace). Yeah, even before adaptation I never went down before someone else. Unless a friend got rad procd and blasted me with an arca plasmor. 

Inaros needs his abilities and synergies to be clarified and better indicated. No reason to buff one of the best frames in the game. 

Focus on a frame who needs an actual buff and rework like chroma. Poor guy is a 1 ability frame that is only used in 1 game mode. 

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As someone who mains Inaros there are several changes i would like;

passive; bypass armor or at the least do percentage damage, ~3% a tick. Or make the damage scale overtime so we can actually revive ourselves in high level missions.

1st; is fine, leave it.

2nd; make it be a quicksand trap that takes up an area (affected by range) and enemies that walk into it take damage overtime and can be devoured. Devour damage should be % of total enemy health. Sand minions duration should be set, at like 10 seconds effected by duration mods, and can have a max of 7 minions, like Nekros and Revenant. This way we can plop a quicksand, get enemies trapped in it; use sandstorm/devour them to kill them and bam you have a mini army whilst also allowing you and your teammates to heal without having to recast it on every enemy.

3rd; surprisingly i like his 3 and use it a lot, the only changes i would make are; enemies should not be flung away but instead should stay in the sandstorm and increase damage of sandstorm to any enemies affected by any of Inaros' other abilities. This way it does more damage and isn't as annoying to use in open areas.

4th; change it so that if the enemy dies whilst under the effect; regain some armor stacks depending on the amount of duration the scarabs had left; every 5 seconds = 1 armor stack. This way we don't have to waste as much time getting our armor back.

Overall, i feel this would not only help fix some issues but also enable new playstyles; tank, CC, damage, or even minionmancer. NOTE; the main reason for the Sand Shadow changes is because i was so disappointed that you can only have 3 and they barely last long enough to do anything.

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16 hours ago, Spectre-8 said:

Play Hydroid for a day and you'll find out , what about Wukong is he in an ok spot too ?

I do. He's actually the first prime I got. Having alot of fun with him.

Still this is an Inaros thread. I've been seeing you be salty in almost every other thread as well. If you want a discussion for your favorite/worried warframe. You should start one yourself and be constructive.

Being salty won't bring you anything but salt from others.


Back to Inaros. I agree alot with the previous posts. His 3 needs some work. For 2 I just want some QoL improvements and  better sand shadows. Awesome stuff can be added by augments anyway. His 3 is kind of too expensive for a channel Ragdoll CC and I wish it did more to compensate for that cost rather than just reducing its cost. Hence the wall of text I wrote above.

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On 2018-10-14 at 9:34 AM, Thanzilla said:

Two of the more recent additions to the game have been Arbitrations and Elite Sanctuary onslaught.  Both are high level missions that require you to use good overall frames for solo or synergistic frames in multiplayer scenarios. Inaros might be ok solo, even though he has no damage buffing ability, because he is a tank but in multiplayer scenarios he falls completely flat.

In high level missions having reliable abilities is an important factor to success. His 1 isn't reliable at all. There is a very high chance that it might not work because the enemy is not always facing you or because of lag. There is a simple fix to this issue and it is to taunt enemies to force them to face you, providing reliable CC and team synergy. But more of that later, now let's move on to his 2 ability.

His 2 ability is a single target CC, which to no one's surprise, is of no use in a horde shooter. The devouring gimmick is cool but it takes so long to kill high level targets, it's absurd. What's more, you are completely stuck in the animation while devouring, being unable to help your team at all. I recommend making this ability deal %life damage to enemies and making it devour automatically by throwing scarabs at enemies in quicksand while recasting the ability, allowing you to move and deal with whatever your mission requires you to do. 

Moving on to his 3... you suck them in and spit them out and that's it...I am pretty sure that you can build Inaros for ability strength in the regular star chart missions and kill stuff pretty fast with this but i never bothered to do it. Inaros screams to be build as a tank and not a caster so why not give this ability something tank-like. For example taunt. This would make enemies face you for his 1 and also provide reliable CC. Oh and by the way remove the cannot attack or pretty much do anything while this is on... It looks cool but that's all it does. You are completely useless in high level missions while using 3.

His 4 is armor. It's just that. Plain and boring. Nobody uses this for healing team mates. It can be a Panic button of sorts but again, it has no reliability. It takes so long to cast and to recast it time and time again to heal people is tedious. For this reason it's just an armor buff. Why not give it some synergy as well? While you have Scarab armor you deal X% increased damage to enemies affected by any of Inaros' abilities.


Inaros feels very underwhelming and sad when played in high level missions. I pretty much use him just to get an immortal cat in kuva floods because i don't feel like reviving her. I hope that by reworking him and implementing something similar to my suggestions will make him an all around better frame. 


Thanks for reading.

Well, as long as you're with Rhino Prime, Nyx Prime and Nidus, you don't have to worry about killing or being killed in arbitrations with Inaros

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Here's my 5 minute take on Inaros.

Problems Inaros has: Kinda boring and one dimensional, basically only ever uses Desiccation after charging his 4 and not much else, Sand Shadows are realistically unusable, coffin death state is useless, doesn't really do anything besides press 1 and never die, best mod setup is expensive (even disregarding Arcanes)

Not problems Inaros has: Being underpowered or not useful in a squad setting

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16 hours ago, Shaburanigud said:

I do. He's actually the first prime I got. Having alot of fun with him.

Still this is an Inaros thread. I've been seeing you be salty in almost every other thread as well. If you want a discussion for your favorite/worried warframe. You should start one yourself and be constructive.

Being salty won't bring you anything but salt from others.


Back to Inaros. I agree alot with the previous posts. His 3 needs some work. For 2 I just want some QoL improvements and  better sand shadows. Awesome stuff can be added by augments anyway. His 3 is kind of too expensive for a channel Ragdoll CC and I wish it did more to compensate for that cost rather than just reducing its cost. Hence the wall of text I wrote above.

Having a lot of fun with Hydroid , doing what starchart missions ?

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Hi, heavy Inaros use player here, so much so I have two (one umbral, one standard).

If you think Inaros is useless in Arbitration, then you sincerely don't know how to use him. I tend to dive through enemies to rush the drones as they cannot possibly kill me in time. I also frequently use my Scarab Storm as CC and healing for my team.

Inaros is a tank, and as a tank he's the best there is. Yes, he's "just a lifebar." However, as "just a lifebar" that can rapidly refill itself, take a massive amount of damage, and use a mod like Rage to have near infinite energy while doing all of that, he outclasses every other tank in the game. I've watched Nezhas, Rhinos and Nidus..es... Nidii... multiple Nidus... players all die to a sudden drop in energy or the bad timing of a nullifier bubble.

Absolutely nothing stops my Inaros. As a bonus, I tend to use my kavat as yet another source of healing as well, making Inaros that much more of an unstoppable force. As for killing, there's a massive assortment of weapons, and as I tend to lead the damage totals at the end, I'd say I'm doing more than my fair share of damage with my "useless" Inaros.

As for his usage in EO, I will admit he's not as useful. The mode doesn't lend itself to tanks, for the most part, aside from rescuing teammates in bad spots. EO is more about lowering time to kill, and a team of, say Saryn/EV Trinity/Equinox/Mesa are going to do so much better than most others solely due to Trin feeding energy to three of the hardest hitting frames in the game while also keeping them alive. But that's the same concept as why you bring Nekros to a survival: The mission is best done with certain frames.

It's the same concept as using Loki or Ivara on spy missions. Some frames just lend themselves to a specific mission type, and Inaros lends himself to missions that rely on you surviving damage while still dishing it out. Wanting him to change to a DPS frame just because you want to use him in a certain mission type makes no sense. There's DPS frames for that.

Is Inaros perfect? No. His tornado is his weakest part of his kit, and sees little use. Devour is more useful than what people make it out to be, though. I've used it to dive into a group, drawing their attention, then sit among them invincible to distract them as my team does other things (get up other teammates, protect objectives, et cetera). And as mentioned, you can leave a devour target out for other players as well. It is one of my lesser used abilities, as Scarab Swarm does the job far better as well as acting as CC.

tl;dr: Inaros is fine, best in class for what he does, even if he has a weak 3. You simply need to use him better, and in missions suited for his kit.

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On 2018-11-02 at 7:52 AM, Pawkeshup said:

As for his usage in EO, I will admit he's not as useful. The mode doesn't lend itself to tanks, for the most part, aside from rescuing teammates in bad spots. EO is more about lowering time to kill, and a team of, say Saryn/EV Trinity/Equinox/Mesa are going to do so much better than most others solely due to Trin feeding energy to three of the hardest hitting frames in the game while also keeping them alive. But that's the same concept as why you bring Nekros to a survival: The mission is best done with certain frames.

It's the same concept as using Loki or Ivara on spy missions. Some frames just lend themselves to a specific mission type, and Inaros lends himself to missions that rely on you surviving damage while still dishing it out. Wanting him to change to a DPS frame just because you want to use him in a certain mission type makes no sense. There's DPS frames for that.

Is Inaros perfect? No. His tornado is his weakest part of his kit, and sees little use. Devour is more useful than what people make it out to be, though. I've used it to dive into a group, drawing their attention, then sit among them invincible to distract them as my team does other things (get up other teammates, protect objectives, et cetera). And as mentioned, you can leave a devour target out for other players as well. It is one of my lesser used abilities, as Scarab Swarm does the job far better as well as acting as CC.

tl;dr: Inaros is fine, best in class for what he does, even if he has a weak 3. You simply need to use him better, and in missions suited for his kit.

ESO needs to be overhauled. i think some people are just trying to reach to hard when they say <insert frame> needs a rework. but frame reworks are the minor part of whats actually wrong with the game and such a heavy focus on it doesnt help. many missions need an overhaul, damage system needs an overhaul, rewards need to fit the time spent in missions, enemy scaling needs an extreme overhaul, corpus has too many units that render power frames almost unuseable and therefor needs an overhaul (corpus was heavy handedly buffed to a point they aren't interesting to fight), does anyone not notice how grineer give the most affinity out of EVERY faction in the game? affinity system needs an overhaul.

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