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Official Necro Ability Discussion


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The only frames that i can think of that truly have some sort of interactions between abilities are trinity, loki, and vauban. So i don't think "each frame" is valid.


You need a wheee bit more imagination.

Ash as an easy one with Teleport and Smoke bomb.

Ember is just all offensive so the combination there is easy.

Rhino was the CC king that could combine all of those to keep the enemy down. Rush into a group with Charge, then Radial Blast for anyone else, then pop IS as you kill the dudes getting up, etc.


This dude has one single attack which is doesnt really connect with the totem because some enemies can run away so it depends on what happens. The search the dead is a just  random utility attack, and the last one, again, has nothing to do with the others and works only on specific occasions that, as of right now, seems to only be your kills which doesnt even sync well with his other attacks since he doesnt really have a big kill attack. I guess it syncs with the first one but that times spent on casting it on one dude could be better spent shooting which could get you more kills.




 iRobot has an interesting thing to say about robots gaining souls. Unfortunately I can't find the line.

The only difference between a clone and natural birth is the clone only has one parent. DNA is put in a clean or synthetic egg, egg divides, fetus grows. At what point does the soul come in? It depends on the metaphysics of the fiction. Even in Evangelion, remember that the Rei are all clones, and they can use the light of their souls just fine. In fact Gendo's plan hinged on her having a soul.


Well in iRobot that was the point of that story. Until we see something like that in this one..... they seem to be standard bots.

If a soul comes into the cloning process then they are not really clones cause different souls would mean different beings. The same soul cant come into different beings cause its already being used up so those souls would need to be new. And in Evangelion there is only one soul for Rei that keeps getting transferred over through the clones. And her souls isnt technically hers.


unfortunately all the power descriptions disagree. Nyx frames are just straight up psychic.


Actually there is only one power that is clearly described as psychic, Chaos. 

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Clone of the dead skill: how many clones can be out at one time, Time duration on the clones is ??? or until hp runs out or bit of both, If all clones are not dead(small fraction of original group remain alive) and not at the maximum number allowed out can I summon more or do I have to wait for all the original group to disappear or get killed off?

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With the search the dead, I would prefer a life drain ability.  It could be that for every enemy that you kill, you get a certain amount of health back (like vamp nightmare mode) or that all enemies killed during its duration are guaranteed to drop a health orb.  Would be cool if totem had a damage effect, where when you raised it, any enemy standing where the totem is going to be raised, is dealt 400 damage (or bit less) and thrown a decent distance.  This would not have a very large area of effect for the damage, but would be nice.

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At first I thought Search the Dead would be useless, but then I realised it can help pop out health and energy drops. So it will actually have a place in his moveset and energy  management.


HIs first two abilities are amazing! Seriously, stacking armor debuff is going to be so fun and the totem skill seems like a powerful crowd control. Final skill seems like a weaker version of Nyx's, but if you can specifically go and kill a bunch of ancients and then summon them, it could be very amusing for fighting bosses with.


The great thing is, he's not a 'nuke' frame at all like Nova so there won't be too many people crying about him being OP or unfun. In fact he has very few direct damage abilities at all! (just one eh) I don't think we would mind if Totem did some damage, but if not, the armor debuff from Soul Punch will suffice.

Edited by Fundance
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This is My concept for the Golem power replacement for the Necro's Search the Dead. 

I figure its like the necro forms sort of flat digital constructs out of his nanobots to make a skeletal torso around him gthat attacks nearby enemies.

Kinda like a shield but with FISTS.


So there you go DE. Hope you like it. I sure love the Necro.


This thing looks very much like Susanoo.

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● SOUL PUNCH could be good, depending on how it works ingame, since the description is pretty vague.

I think the livestream hinted that it'll effect enemies behind the target enemy aswell, so you could run around a crowd spreading stackable armor debufs in higher level content.


● TERROR TOTEM could potentially be amazing.
We have plenty of crowd grouping abilities, it's nice to see a crowd dispersing CC that also freezes a number of the affected enemies.
Seeing as NECRO'll probably have low defenses, this skill looks like it'll also make it safer for him to melee tougher enemies. (Since he won't be able to jump into crowds like RHINO, LOKI, or ASH.)

Got to make sure my HATE is done cooking by the time this guy comes out.


● SEARCH THE DEAD This one honestly isn't that great, even if it massively increases mod/core drop rates.

Too situational the way it is now, give it another effect with the loot increase as a side effect.

● CLONE THE DEAD Depending on the number of clones available, and how effective SOUL PUNCH is at assisting racking up kills, this skill could be really great..

Or really bad..


Overall, I'm liking where this is headed.

NECRO seems like he'll have his own interesting playstyle.

Edited by Flackenstien
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SOUL PUNCH: Direct X% damage that knocks the soul out of them, 5% armor debuff, stacking.


Sounds good as long as it hits multiple enemies.


TERROR TOTEM: Necro deploys a totem of terror, causing X number of enemies within radius to

freeze in fear; the rest will flee.


I rather have my enemy stun than escape with fear.


SEARCH THE DEAD: Generates loot from corpses (health, energy, ammo, etc).


I hope this ability also increases the chance of getting rare mods and rare fusion cores.


CLONE THE DEAD: Necro creates friendly nano bot clones of the last X enemies he has killed.


With a combination of soul punch and this ability sounds like a good combo.

Edited by GlamGrave
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Hey everyone, 
I really like the concept of the Necro warframe and I really like what the developers did with his 1, 2 and 4 but with his 3 im not so sure, clearly it's a nice idea but I think we could do better, I came up with two skills that I personally think would fit his overall style and mechanics a bit more:

Corpse Armor:
The Necro warframe gathers the bones, flesh and armor of fallen enemies around him to protect himself, as the armor depletes bones shatter away from him dealing damage to enemies.
This skill should give him some damage reduction which decays as the armor itself gets damaged, and every few seconds he deals X damage in an area of effect x meters around him, pretty simple but it would help him stand in the front with his undead minions.

Grasp of the dead:
The Necro warframe controls the bodies of fallen enemies to hold their living counterparts in place.
Also a quite straight forward skill an area of effect root Y meters around the Necro warframe for y seconds, which could also hold some sort of debuff like a damage over time effect or in my opinion the best would be a damage amplify of 50% or so nothing to big but a little thing =)
this would obviously be really cool vs infested but this ability would also help so that corpus and grineer couldn't take cover and can be taken out by the Necros minions quicker and easier without too much chasing.

These are just my ideas please tell me what you think and if you have any ideas for further improvement.
Keep up the good work =)

Edited by Necrohunter
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Soul punch is probably the best name for a power ever.


Life drain seems like it could be really strong if mixed with the Equilibrium mod. Significant energy and health.


Edit: And now life drain is gone? I think I liked that better than search the dead.

Agreed, Life drain > search the dead.

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Don't like #3 (Search the Dead) at all.  Waste of power slot imo, give him a movement ability in #3 or ae Damage/Dot


ver#1 Wraith Form: assumes form of Wraith/Ghost


Can not attack or be attacked for duration. Duration & Movement Speed increased with rank, move in any direction even vertical.  Use wsad keys like normal with holding down spacebar for vertical movement.


ver#2 Wraith Form:


Basically like old Ember #2, damage reduction with ae debuff/life drain dot.



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If I may, I'd like Soul Punch to be a beam shot out of Necro's fist. Upon hitting a target, the beam/laser spreads into a large magical circle. The enemy is affected when this circle hits.


Liking everything so far, but I'd prefer something darker for either fear totem or Loot the Dead. Though Loot the Dead would be a great farming tool for bosses. Maybe have a *slight* buf to rare drop tables when used on a boss?

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I think his abilities are mixture of debuff and CC.

Soul punch sounds good since it will decrease armor and deal % damage. However, it remains a mystery since we don't know how armor 2.0 will be. The description hints stackable AOE power which is positively good.

Terror totem probably similar to generic immobile CC power from other games. The problem is how many target it could freeze and terrify at once. Seeing that Vauban Bastille will get a fixed number of target in he next update, I think it's fair to assume that Totem will get he same treatment.

Search the dead sounds good for boss run. Depends on adjusting the time until the corpse expire, it could actually cut number of BP run in half. Definitely newbies friendly ability. Other than that, I think I'm going to dish this ability.

His ultimate is pretty much an unknown. Summon enemy that he killed by himself is rather hard to use in the mission when everyone just causing maximum damage and kill indiscriminately. However, it is going to be useful in higher level when used in combination with Terror totem. Freeze lv120 Healing Ancient in place, kill it, reanimate. No need for Trinity.

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Ok, I did this in like, Half an hour so... Yeah




This is My concept for the Golem power replacement for the Necro's Search the Dead. 

I figure its like the necro forms sort of flat digital constructs out of his nanobots to make a skeletal torso around him gthat attacks nearby enemies.

Kinda like a shield but with FISTS.


So there you go DE. Hope you like it. I sure love the Necro.

Kinda looks like a Susanoo from Naruto, but like the idea

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Liking that a lot. Maybe instead of making it a gigantic shield that passively punches stuff, make it a time- or HP-based "tank mode" sort of thing. So you go into Golem mode, and until it runs out or you cancel it, you can only move at walking pace and attack with melee (the "punches") for heavy damage. Maybe make it so that the punches' base speed and damage are related to the base stats of the melee weapon in use, and make it affected by melee mods.

ohhhhhhhh yes please! thats quite different from any other Warfame ability

take my money!

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If a soul comes into the cloning process then they are not really clones cause different souls would mean different beings. The same soul cant come into different beings cause its already being used up so those souls would need to be new.

that's what I mean. New body, new soul. Maybe your working from a specific religion, but that doesn't really matter. Necro punches souls, it works on Grineer and Robots, ergo Grineer and Robots have whatever passes for souls in Warframe.

And in Evangelion there is only one soul for Rei that keeps getting transferred over through the clones. And her souls isnt technically hers.

not as of the latest Rebuild. At least a dozen Rei are active and all of them can use the light of the soul just fine

Actually there is only one power that is clearly described as psychic, Chaos.

Nyx description= Mind control and psychic attacks make NYX a very dangerous foe. Her ability to reach into enemy consciousness and manipulate their behaviour can turn the tide of the battle.

Mind control= "Nyx invades the psyche of a target"

Psychic Bolts= aside from the name itself "using telekinesis"

Chaos= this is the only one that shows those digital patterns, the one you used in your example, and it's a "powerful psychic blast"

Absorb= well you've got me there, but it's also not a control power.

So yeah, three out of four with her primary description clarifying ain't bad. She's Psychic through and through.

Edited by ValhaHazred
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Corpse Maggots: Necro will deal damage to enemies (maximum of 3-5, idk) in a small AoE by summoning small minions called Corpse Maggots that will devour the enemy (bear in mind these are not the real minions). For every half of health lost by every enemy, a swarm of true Corpse Maggots will spawn into the world. These real Corpse Maggot minions quickly scatter about the map, swarming enemies. They will do damage, but they are mainly for panicking enemies, and this other thing...


Blood Golem: Necro will create a large crack in the floor spewing gas (does not do damage to enemies in the hole, they would probably preemptively run away). All Corpse Maggots created by Necro's other ability will very quickly skitter into this crack (either Maggots have increased MOC 5 speed, or enemies simply fear when you do this), compressing them into a massive blood golem, which rises out of the crack. Let's call him Frank. Frank increases in size, damage, and beefiness based on the corpse maggots that contributed to it. You can only have one Frank at a time. For about 3 minutes (needs some thought) your Frank will mainly stumble behind you  until it sees enemies. Frank may do a number of things when it spots enemies.

-Sprints up to them and some some massive cleave that hits multiple doofs with some lovely insane Fragor-knockback if he kills them.

-Like, tramples tripped enemies  and squashes them! SQUISH

-Like, dissolves into maggots and eats them!

-Picks them up and, like, his chest opens up, and tendrils emerge from it, and pulls them into his SOUL or, something!

If you got more crazy crap you want Frank to do, tell me!

I might come up with some concept art for these things. :P

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     The 3rd ability definitely is causing some talk. I feel that if by "loot" they mean non mod/bp drops, possibly even mats then the ability will serve a pretty good purpose. Now depending on how it's done...It could possibly be underwelming as a third and need to have a lower cost. That's all in the field testing and what not however. What does worry me though is if this effects all loot. If that is the case then necro all of a sudden becomes the farming frame. Even though this gives him an expertise I suppose, I don't like the idea of pigeonholing people into only wanting to use necro if they are farming certain materials.

     On another note, I thought the sound of a life drain was a good idea. Although, perhaps they find that too close to trinity for comfort. I had also thought about perhaps an aoe that he could throw down where for every enemy killed during the duration would heal the team. Perhaps the aoe followed necro. We could say little nano bots take the flesh off the corpses and use it to repair our skin/suits. That way instead of a straight up drain, we have an ability more tied to death...to sorta fit the theme I suppose.

Edited by Zubimitsu
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So, just noticed this:

Totem of Terror will work like the new Bastille, with a limited number of enemies being frozen/suspended. But the real difference is those fearing capabilities of the Totem. For a 75 energy skill, Bastille also could eletrocute the others, or slow them, or at least hold more enemies than the Totem of Terror. It would be less frustrating.



But just for the sake of saying something about Necro, I like this idea of a scavenging skill.

Edited by Hoezell
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Guys... How far are we from the necromancer theme already? How far? He has NO real necro ability as cloning the dead is not the same as raising them from the grave. The rest of the skills are so-so and NONE of them even resembles a necronomicon user. Think about it.

I thought his skillset would be centered around summoned pets, that would fuse on his ultimate to create a juggernaught. That would be awesome imo. Instead we get a nyx look-alike with not a single usefull skill (since other frames can do his job better, be it Nyx with her chaos, mind control etc or trinity with energy/hp regain. Also his legs look like... blah. He looks like an undead chicken. If you think I'm right and want to see a necro with actual necro skills up this comment please.

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