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Official Necro Ability Discussion


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I'd assume the Clone the dead would be a timer thing? I wouldnt mind being a thing where its till the units die but I can see people complaining about that...


one way or another I just hope that if there IS a timer its long enough so you actually get use out of your minions...



regardless, interesting power choices, not as life drainie/takie/sucky but I'm okay with that. 

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As for the 3rd ability, I took it as an active cast that you would do around dead bodies and then the dead bodies would drop health energy and ammo or resources. which depending on the amount of bodies around could be better than life drain. 


Also does anyone know what his name is?? all they call him is necro, i don't know if he has an official name

Edited by AdamApples
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OK DE time to give you my two cents about this necroframe.


Currently its at 7/10


Lets make it a 10/10.


First power : Soul punch

Im indifferent about it. Question I really ask is does anyone even use ember or frost first skill


Second power : Terror Totem

Currently it sounds like its going to need a buff in the future

Maybe if like x number of creatures are killed by it, its come to life or blows up or something


Third Power : Search the Dead

No, Dont Do it. Nuff Said


Fourth Power : Clone the Dead

Probably the only one that has potential.

To give it more umph when they die they explode.


Possible alternate moves,


Third Power: Revive

When a friends has fallen during the revive period, they could Revive and bring them back to life without have to put there hand over them and drop goo.


First Power or Second Power: Special Necro Summon

Choose one enemy and cast it on them. During a certain time period maybe 10 second they get infected with techno-virus. If they are killed a monster is reborn like a miniboss as opposed to last move which summon weaker creatures. Something like ancient disruptor or grineer commander.


Another Power : Nasty Surprise

Choose a summon or enemy that blows up killing everything next to it certain radius of course

Edited by iBrigandi
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instead of the search the dead ability i was thinking this:

Vampire Cloak - turns invisible for a short amount of time and steals a great amount of health when you walk through enemies

I understand it's ambitious but i think it'd be awesome..
love Necro otherwise

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My ideas for the ability names:


1: Shatter Spirit

2: Nightmare

3: Last Will

4: Graveyard




As for my ideas on the ability effects themselves:


1: Sounds good. If I heard the Livestream correctly, the first target to get hit will have a shotgun effect of energy come out of their back, harming anything behind it. If that can stack like a pyramid, it will be very nice.


2: Will be a very strong CC ability. I like the idea of it. My clan had a very similar idea.


3: Would be interesting, but not all that great. If you use the ability and every dead enemy starts pouring out loot as if you opened a locker, it can be great for low ammo/HP/Energy situations, or for credit/material farming. My only concern is the fairly short duration of bodies on the floor before they dematerialize. That needs to be lengthened for this ability to be functional.


4: I still think it would be more useful to resurrect the enemies in the area for a short (15sec) duration. Creating "Nano bot" clones is kind of ridiculous. MAYBE doing something like Necro focusing a dead enemy's fading life force into a corporeal, ghostly image would be more "Necro" friendly, instead of having little robots building a simulated model of the enemies.

Edited by PettiTheYeti
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instead of the search the dead ability i was thinking this:

Vampire Cloak - turns invisible for a short amount of time and steals a great amount of health when you walk through enemies

I understand it's ambitious but i think it'd be awesome..

love Necro otherwise

That actually sounds like a really cool power. i would like that a lot! "approved" lol

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Soul punch's name and effects all sound awesome, nothing to say about this ability. Just gotta wait to see the numbers.


Terror Totem also sounds like a great skill, maybe give it a small amount of flat damage on the sides but that's just my preference. Other than that it's pretty cool and i have nothing to add.


Search the dead is in my opinion the worst ability. Loot already drops from corpses, and to make it drop it again does not impact the game all that much. Add to that the fact that corpses are often dismembered, decapicitated, vaporized and so forth, and even if they are intact they still disappear seconds later... Maybe if it made all corpses around Necro drop loot again, or if it also gave a chance to drop mods/resources, then it would be ok maybe (in terms of being viable). The previous Life Drain ability not only sounded cooler, but a bit handier and more fitting to his kit too.


Then there is Clone the Dead. Well, first off I want to say that this ability could be a great ability, is very unique, and the summoning/raising of minions is also pretty much needed when you look at and think of the Necro Warframe in terms of which abilities would fit... That being said, I do have to say that it would need to be looked at a lot for 2 reasons. 1; It make the battle a much busier place than it already was, thus confusing players. Even if you tuned down the number of corpses summoned it would instead leave the ability weaker. 2; It is a very good possibility that it will be an either very underwhelming or very overwhelming ultimate, depending on which enemies you raised (A few simple infested, or a few Ancients).



My Summary:

Soul Punch: OK!

Terror Totem: OK!

Search the Dead: No, reccommend reworking this completely.

Clone the Dead: OK, but I think it would require a lot of tweaking and thinking about. (Oh and maybe a different name indeed :P)

Edited by Zerathos_Dagon
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4: I still think it would be more useful to resurrect the enemies in the area for a short (15sec) duration. Creating "Nano bot" clones is kind of ridiculous. MAYBE doing something like Necro focusing a dead enemy's fading life force into a corporeal, ghostly image would be more "Necro" friendly, instead of having little robots building a simulated model of the enemies.

Well, considering we don't have any other abilities that manifest in a metaphysical way, the nanites are very suitable. The frame could house the nanties, acting like a hive of sorts. 

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Well corpses wont last more than 3-5s, we cant get enough of them to get an use of the 3rd power, also the 4th power sounds like a less powerful chaos or a buffed mind control... The idea is cool but the mobs may need some dmg buff or last for indefinite time,'cause if we rise a mob lv 15 for example even if they are 10 every 4th power will be better than this one. and let us summon even more of them, that will be great like rise 3 heavies+1 med+low armor enemies and then rise 5 more to get 10 and so so so... 


1st: OK!

2nd: OK!

3rd: Rework it or make corpses last longer (also doing this may create lag issues so changing the power will be a better idea)

4th: Rework it or give us more info as it sounds now its like a 25 more energy cost chaos or a buffed Mind Control.

Edited by kamimegurine
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I feel like the 3rd would have fairly limited usefulness. Sounds like it would work wonders in conjunction with mutation mods or equilibrium, but you can't count on players having those. They are pretty exclusive right now, after all. Dunno if that will change (assuming it will eventually) but, yeah.


I personally can't think of any alternatives at the moment, unfortunately. I had one in mind during the stream when it was announced, but it has since left me.


At the very least, I think the name should be changed for the 3rd, and maybe the 4th. "Grave Robber" and "Reconstruct" sound like better options to me. Grave Robber certainly sounds METAL enough to fit the frame's look, at any rate.

Edited by DroppedaBeat
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why is it there is always one ability that is heavily questionable amongst the warframe four abilities it may be useless or extremely situational necro was fine until they changed his 3rd ability to search the dead his original hp drain seemed much more interesting and worth 75, necro seems to take abilities from other warframes and just make them his own ie. fear=radial blind the minion ability= nyx's chaos, soul punch has its own perk like fireball freeze shock etc, and the hp drain would have made him have an ability similar to trinity and maybe some kind of surviving ability like all the other defensive abilities but instead they changed it to something I cant find a use for unless it also increases drop chance for mods which would help in the void but again still pretty useless

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I think the Frame looks GREAT! You guys are awesome and i love Warframe. Sorry this is kinda my first post. Anyway, I like Soul Punch, the name's badass. Terror Totem is Great. And Obviously Clone the dead is awesome though i think it needs a better name, Maybe "Exhume" or something creepy like that. I'm not really a fan of Search the Dead. Kinda weak when it comes to a power seems like more of a mod effect. I like Life Drain but i had this crazy idea i was actually doing fanart for. Youre saying that the necro uses nanobots and in assuming that the totem is constructed of them too, so how about a power that envelops the Necro in a skeletal torso that defends the necro for some time, attacking enemies. Like an offensive defense. You could call it "Golem." Oh im definitely finishing that Fanart now. Thanks DE for this great frame. Good luck!

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Well like most I dislike search the dead. So to improve your  pre-existing ability Is suggest you make it more "classical necro" (-cough cough- a blizzard game reference) and make search the dead a exploding corpse type thing but with loot every where.dose damage to enmies makes ammo and loot drops go every where. It's fun for the whole family of psychotic loot hungry tenno. 

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Sorry, but this all sounds rather lacklustre. Especially the third ability in its entirety and scope. You've got the damage ability, the CC, and the "mass resurrection" that I would have expected from a necromancer-themed warframe (and even matched me on which power slot I would have chosen for each), but, again, it's just kind'a boring the way you're making it all sound. That said, I'm only here to offer what little suggestions I have at this time.


Soul Punch: While clearly a poor choice for a power name, I feel it should probably also ragdoll enemies a small distance, literally giving it a bit more of a "punch".


Terror Totem: Why have enemies "freeze" in fear at all? Having all enemies flee would be much more interesting, visually speaking. Also, why must it originate from a deployable? For the sake of simplicity and "style", I feel such an ability should originate from the warframe itself. Oh! And add a lingering damage debuff (i.e. affected enemies deal X% less damage for Y seconds) — that would certainly spice it up quite a bit.


Search of the Dead: No. No, no, no, no, no. If nothing else, I'd suggest that you look back into the idea of a life-drain like ability for the third power as hinted at by Rebecca during the most recent livestream. (You could easily draw from the nanomachine sub-theme for something like this, as well.) But as it stands, this is just really boring and somewhat outside the major themes of the 'frame itself.


Clone the Dead: Not much to say here. It needs a better name, certainly, but everything else is pretty hunky-dory — so long as it's useful and, you know, actually worth spending energy on.

Edited by Asbyn
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