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Official Necro Ability Discussion


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Here are my suggestions:


Clone The Dead: to Death Clone


Search The Dead: to Raid Corpse


Terror Totem: to Fear


Soul Punch: to Soul Crunch


These are just some ideas I had. Also I think the concept art looks better than the actual design of the new warframe design, I think it needs tweaking a lot to look a little more sleep like the concept art. Also I think the feet need a better design perhaps something more along the lines of floating instead of being able to walk or perhaps more infested stylized legs.


Just some thoughts.

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i dont know


i love his design but actually ... ths whole nechro thingy suck for WF


or it's ok if you guys can explain how he do that..



i mean does infested and moa's even suposed to have a soul and feel fear?



Being that his ult uses Nanobots it sounds like its biomechanical in nature.

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The 3rd must be changed agree, btw hearing what Rebecca said in the livestream with her own voice she said #3 would drain HP and heal necro (like my Feast skill at the bottom of page 2)

More like Carrion Creepers.

All Necros powers sounds like d2 powers.

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I think my overall opinion on the frame is it sound awesome.  Soul Punch is fun with the stacking armor debuff and hitting the target behind them could be pretty fun. Terror totem is a good oh god I'm gonna die button for a frame that is bound to be squishy I think its a good skill for bad situation. Search the dead is going to be a contreversial one. My thoughts here is that with corpses rapidly vanishing this may be a very hard to use unless the corpses last longer. The biggest potential use is bosses. I think this ability has potential but ultimately without changes to game mechanics it may be less useful. Now we move on to the ultimate and ooooooh boy is this a good one. Depending on how long they last and how many you can have this has sooo much potential for fun both in a solo and a team enviorment. Soloing will be more fun and exciting when you can summon allies and in group enviorments instant backup will really come in handy. To summerize I think the frame is amazing the one weak point is search the dead if this is properly adjusted it could be good but it would have to be carefully handled.

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I think search the dead should be a different ability altogether. It should be something like noob saibot from Mk9 where he has a shadow fighting with him. Should be called something like shadow ally or something


I do like how you took the idea I had and built on it. I agree some sort of necro shadow would be cool. almost like a reaper with a cyth or something.

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I think Charon would be a good name for the nerco frame


I like Charon, I also agree that the search the dead skill is rather lackluster.  This skill set feels more like a voodoo priest than a necromancer, as only the first and last ability feel all that necroy.  I think it should have at least one more ability that plays to the idea of the class necromancer.

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Search the Dead seems like a dumb ability. And if it's a 3 ability, quite costly just for an increased chance to drop items.

There are #3 abilities that cost less than 75 energy, like Excal's jump and Loki's switch teleport, costing 10 and 25 energy respectively.

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