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Official Necro Ability Discussion


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Meh, doesnt have a theme. Is the standard single damage first ability, two utility in the middle and, some AOE at the end.

You guys used to create power combination within each frame back then and now you just throw generic powers to cover certain situations which only results of a couple of powers being used at any one time because of people's play style. Since they dont create combination people dont feel the need to use anything but what cover their styles. 

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I like Soul Punch, since its stack-able, but there are not many enemies that can survive that long to make the stacking useful.


Terror Totem sounds like a decent crowd control, but since most of the enemies in Warframe are ranged, how large will the area of effect be? Will it only be really useful against Infested? Will the Totem last for some time, effectively blocking access to an area?


Search the Dead.. Could be useful, I guess. But most of the time you have everything you need. Making this skill useless.


Clone the Dead. Sounds like a decent ability to drive away aggro from allies. How long with the clones last? Will they have increased health compared to the dead they cloned? Do more damage? Everything is a little blurry. Cannot really decide on what I feel about it.

Edited by se05239
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soul punch: Meh, good for bosses

Terror Totem: Depends on the range, but this will probably be one of the best skills he has.

Search the Dead: Meh.

Clone the Dead: If he gets kills, it's fine, but if he doesn't, then it's pretty much worthless


IMO he's gonna use terror totem, and that's gonna be about it (unless you have an ogris/etc and are racking up the kills)

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Hmm.. seems really built for later levels, which is nice. Search the Dead seems a bit semi-useless. Maybe something like "Hearstopper Aura" like Necrolyte has, where all nearby enemies suffer ticks of damage, or maybe killing enemies confers health energy in small amounts. Decreasced reaction times and movement speed in an area, etc.

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lol and than dont tell me i dont have nice ideas: (this is from 26th August)



This is what i think it could be, a mix of support/aoe CC/single DPS skills:


#1 Soul Strip: (cost 25)


Hit a single target with "spiritual force" trying to grab target's soul... target is staggered for the whole duration and suffers a 3 seconds DoT of 100-150-200-300dmg/sec (ignore armor), only 1 target can be affected at time.

Affected by Continuity and Focus


#2 Death Shroud: (cost 50)


Summoning the power of shadows around himself enemies in the radius will be staggered in the dark mist unable to perform any action at all, enemies outside of it will run away in fear, Death Shroud lasts 5-5-7-10 seconds and you can move after cast (pretty much like Overheat or World on Fire).

Affected by Continuity and Stretch


#3 Feast: (cost 75)


Consuming the bodies of dead enemies around him in a 10m radius the Necro and his allies (always in the radius) recovers from their wounds. ( 4-6-8-10% hp each dead enemy) (max corpses used: 2-4-6-8).

Affected by Stretch


#4 Eclipse: (cost 100)


The necro infects all the enemies around him in a 15-15-18-20m radius: enemies are staggered by the technocyte virus at first (2 seconds) and upon death they rise again fighting by your side until they die (again) or for 5-10-15-20 seconds max.

Affected by Continuity and Stretch



Basically 1, 2 & 4 are the same!!


I'm proud of this!

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Search the dead is kinda... weird. This isnt an MMO where the bodies stay lingering for a while. They turn into pretty little bits of light rather fast. Not to mention it would turn necro into one hell of a required farming frame(if it included matts and mods) or one lackluster ability (if its ammo, health, energy).


Some sort of dark healing/vampire ability that heals him or the team would be interesting. Unless such and ability is reserved for a later frame. You can justify it lore-wise as:  Its not healing, Necro is just reanimating dead/damaged tissue to function properly. Slowly turning the rest of the team into Tenno Zombies :D

Edited by Balter
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Did you guys even consider making him manipulate the technocyte virus?


The Technocyte virus ARE nanobots arent they?

Hence the name?


also all of those power names are so cheesy xD


I think search the dead is a pretty lame power, esspecially for a frame like this, terror totem could be ok but I'd like to see what else could go in its place.

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Let me get this straight. We're getting a sentinel to collect items. Why do we need a warframe ability to COLLECT ITEMS??? Or is it just not described clearly?


The rest sound perfect. Necro could've ended up playing too similar to Nyx, glad it didn't. The Ult is like a supersized Mind Control, but different enough to not seem redundant.

Edited by Khaos_Zand3r
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Right HOLD IT I had to look it over again taking into account...effectiveness rather than style.

1. On a second look this looks useful if it has AOE splash on the projectile impact or if it passes on after the enemy dies.

2. I don't like the idea of a static object placement (Totem) to scare away enemies. Rather make an area in front of cause enemies to go insane and hold their heads in fear and pain as they realise their worst nightmares. Same effects really just different in delivery.

3. There is no place for item searching as a warframe power.

4. Please do not limit this to less than 3 clones of the dead. Otherwise. Solid.

Sometimes you put too much hype into what you want when you hear Necro. I look forward to the release.

Edited by NetSlayer
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i dont know


i love his design but actually ... ths whole nechro thingy suck for WF


or it's ok if you guys can explain how he do that..



i mean does infested and moa's even suposed to have a soul and feel fear?

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