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Nyx 9.8: Feedback Thread


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I think psychic bolts should be changed to something other, like psychic blast.

Raise the cost to 75, make it a radial Armor Ignore damage (minor), aggro reset and random debuff attached:

1)Stun — just what we can see when we cast Mind control on bosses.

2)Fear — forces enemy to take cover (Grineer, Corpus) or run like hell (Infested)

3)Confuse — ever used banshee's Silence?

4)Nothing. Yes, it should not be an absolute.

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Am I seriously the sole Nyx player in this entire game that likes psychic bolts, maybe it's the way that I use them, or maybe i'm the only person who realized that if you aim in the general direction of the enemies with your gun it will actually lock on. Maybe I'm the only person who realizes that if you just use the massive amount of empty space that exists above your head and throw them up and then target, your almost guaranteed to do a headshot for double damage, that's 300 usually, times 5? Anyone here do math? Maybe I'm the only person that notices the enemies getting staggered when my blades hit them which if your any decent warframe player, and know how to use the skill, you would be able to hit multiple enemies with it, while moving and maybe you could utilize that ~1.5 second long stagger to properly shoot them before they shred your 10 armor value frame because any 60+ moa that gets close enough to turn on it's auto lasers will kill a fully leveled nyx with shield/health mods before you can just out shoot it. But you know, chaos is the real OP skill right guys. I mean, they can't just decide you are the closest target and attack you as they please just as easily as any enemy near them. I mean the fact that you even begin to complain about energy cost when i'm sure 90% of you are making great use of that energy siphon slot and stacking it with your entire squad on top of maxed streamline+Flow. Add to that you aren't able to hit with something that does the tracking for you if you just give it proper room to move so it doesn't you know hit that box right between you and that grineer. I'm sorry but you really should think about playing a different frame, Try nova.


TL:DR learn to play with skill instead of complaining you can't instagib level 100s with a frame meant for crowd control, which before one of you wants to get smart, the ability to hit up to 5 enemies without having to actively try, a high chance to stagger them, and serrated damage for those infested, actually controls quite a large amount of the crowd, you know in case you don't want to dump the extra 25 energy for chaos and get it's 30 second CD active to possibly stop 5 enemies from attacking you.

 And if your teammates decide to use their 1 shot clear ability, your Chaos has farther range. So despite them wasting their energy on mobs that would kill themselves, the ones WAAAAAY in the back are still CC'd and pulling aggro off the fresh group of spawned enemies, buying you time to pick off those elite's that didn't die right away from your buddies fizzled nuke.

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 Damage multiplier on Psychic Bolts to mind altered enemies would fix the issue of it's light poke, it would combo well with Chaos when enemies still seem to favor targeting you and you can't get out, it would save that last energy reserve for an Absorb if you still need to fall back on it, and it would still not be too much of a heavy rely on one skill because of it's 6 missile cap. Just saying.... it would go pretty perfectly well and sync with her other abilities nicely. I would say at least a 3x damage multiplier would be the min in this scenario, but it's up to the other players and the Devs. 

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I tested these changes on a Tier 3 Exterminate map while solo.


I couldn't tell when Psychic Bolts actually did damage or did not.  Since it's Serrated Blade damage, I know it's not because of their armor for it being so low.  I personally don't consider the wave 100+ stuff against level 300 enemies that some players go for as "end game content", I consider the Tier 3 Voids the end game content that needs to be balanced for.  And right now, I have no reason to take Psychic Bolts.  They still miss, they get blocked by physical objects, and will dive straight into a pop-barrier for no damage, and when it does hit I can't even tell it did damage to the enemy compared to my guns I use.


Absorb does not work with the current mechanics, and the current metagame.  We need a change in it's mechanic, what it DESPERATELY needs is the ability to choose WHEN to detonate it.  Make it so there is a minimum duration, and after that minimum duration (no more 2s) we can hit the key again to detonate early.  Absorb takes far too long to be used in a team fight situation.   While solo, even with two ancient healers, and two gunners unloading into me for the full duration of my max ranked Absorb, it barely did 10% of the health damage to the ancient healers and gunners.  Either this is an impact of armor (not sure on damage type), or, this power is flat out inferior to Nova's Antimatter Drop which does FOUR times the damage it absorbs to all enemies in a much larger radius that ALSO ignores terrain! Absorb doesn't even ignore terrain still.



So, these changes are 'nice' but doesn't address any of the issues of the powers, and I will be dropping them from my Nyx already.

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Now you see the problem with that is, every player isn't walking around pluto with a snipetron vandal and again if you are using nyx, and complaining about how much energy you have and aren't using flow/energy/streamline you are doing something wrong. I don't even use any of those three and nearly never have energy issues.

You know, whenever I use mind control, it takes a solid 2-3 seconds for whatever I just hit to finish it's animation, meanwhile the other three soldiers and a machine gunner is usually quite content to keep shooting me until then.


and if you have such a hard time hitting with it you really should watch how the skill activates, honestly, the spread is constant, it's only once the daggers fly ~10-15 feet or so that they start to really diverge into random pathing, and if you really really can't hit that badly, just get pointblank and grab them by the face, auto hit all five blades.

Wrong energy, I use the slot that bolt takes for another mod, one thats usefull to me.


I roll with a team, and while I use a sniper rifle a lot (lanka), I find that my energy is better spent on Chaos, followed by an MC on a convenient heavy. MC doesn't have much of a cast time for me, so I'm not sure where you seem to be losing 3 seconds from. I admit I'm not the most experienced Nyx player, but I've put enough forma through her to get her set up to my tastes and to work well in a team, a team which has 0 use for Suckic Bolts or Absorbs time better spent moving to a good location.

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well love the new change to our ult , but kinda still flawed , o most every ult is front loaded with how it delivers it's damage , and there a very good reason for it , this is a fast game , where  the dmg should be fast!


the way they fixed mag's ult  was to front load it .  plz change it so  it returns the dmg when hit, why wait .  

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Psychic Bolts - make something like Nova's Stars with the same damage and it will be usable.
Absorb = Suicide
Anyway its kill no one until Absorb will go through obstacles.
It would be cool if Chaos will have Enemy Radar effect. No fun when you cant recast it because one mob stuck somewhere in boxes.
So this is a little additional to make it more even more powerful then it is. But i think we have a right to it with 3/4 useless abilities. =P
Sorry for mistakes, bad English.
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well love the new change to our ult , but kinda still flawed , o most every ult is front loaded with how it delivers it's damage , and there a very good reason for it , this is a fast game , where  the dmg should be fast!


the way they fixed mag's ult  was to front load it .  plz change it so  it returns the dmg when hit, why wait .  

You can't say that: against mobs on Kappa (can't remember the level, not high though) pull does more damage than crush, has a greater range and a tiny cost.

Mags ult wasnt fixed, it was made redundant.

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fail changes

nothing was improved

bolts need to pierce objects - its a psychic ability ffs and some barrel shouldn't stop it (or a wall for that matter) and adding small explosion on top of it with a ragdoll would only make it perfect


mc - nothing changed - should have been buffed by increasing the number of controlled targets depending on ability lvl


chaos - thank god you didn't touch it


absorb - garbage skill is still garbage skill - you need to try to play your game since it looks like you don't even bother

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Another +1 to this. Also what I would like to see: reactivating Absorb could detonate it prematurely for lower damage.


Ooooooh, I like this. This would solve the problem of having Continuity be bad for Absorb. You could also detonate when the Grineer around try to run for cover. The explosion radius would have to slowly increase in size the longer you're doing yoga or else you could just double-tap 4 to get a gigantic ragdoll explosion.

 I like that idea as well. It would be very useful too during defense missions also, because I can't even count the number of times I had to hit absorb for survival (or for some fun damage) only to have the pod suddenly get swarmed or a teammate go down and you are stuck in yoga mode waiting for it to end.  Being able to cancel it would be great for purposes like that.

Edited by Shadow-Zero
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I'm fine with Nyx being bad at damage.  She's 100 percent utility with her abilities.  So, if you want to give us one awful skill to balance the others, just do me a favor and improve the AI for mind controlling corpus stuff?

I don't want a better psychic bolts, I want a better variety in my core gameplay.  I'm much more interested in being able to mind-control corpus shield ospreys for profit than I am interested in any kind of damage off of bolts.

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Hi, If you have the telemetry to track skill usage, I'd like to know what it says about Psychic bolts, because the last I checked it was used even less than Contagion.


If you REALLY ABSOLUTELY insist on keeping Psychic Bolts in the game, You'll need to allow the bolts to pass through solid objects, have perfect omnipotent tracking, and have them grant a confused status on struck foes which causes a momentary "Stun". This way they'll be "OKAY" for damage early on, and for late game they'll buy you a few seconds of time whether it's to revive a teammate, or to regenerate shields.


Otherwise they're never going to be used, and will continue to be one of the worst possible skills IN THE ENTIRE GAME


Same thing with absorb, until it ignores LoS it'll pretty much only be used to regenerate shields when in a panic.

Psh, why even bother with using absorb for damage when you can just chaos..OR mind control.. Or if there's just one thing, shoot it in the face.





been saying that about Psychic bolts for a while now (going through objects) glad to see someone else thinking the same too. 




Edited by Fartbake
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Bolts need more help and more damage.


Consider this Ash's Shuriken, that cost 25 energy.

Throws 2 Shurikens that deal 500 damage and the damage type is serrated blade.

Plus it homes as well and flies A LOT faster than Bolts.


So seriously buffing each bolt doing 400 damage isn't going to break things.

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Nyx 9.8: Feedback Thread


Scott's Comments:

Pretty straight forward buffs, Bolts should be more useable in tight spaces. Absorb will be more consistent in its damage output. This was just a brief pass on Nyx. She will be getting a further look in the coming weeks. Any suggestions and feedback welcome.




Psychic Bolts: Now seek and fly faster, more in line with other warframes.


Absorb: Now has higher base damage (min 800) and should attract more attention.


Absorb needs to go through cover to be remotely useful. Unless you're somehow in a small, open room, every other ult (even Mag's) is more useful because It can target through enemy cover. Canonoically, it makes sense since she's flinging bullets back at people, but still...

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I love Nyx, she's my main frame. BUT... I only ever equip Mind Control and Chaos. Why?


Mind Control. Make her able to control multiple enemies, please :) Add a damage to the end of the control too and it'd be great!


Psychic Bolts. Well, the bolts can't go through matter. What was that? A non-physical attack can't go through matter? Why? It's ridiculous! NONE of her abilities should be stopped by doors or crates or walls, etc. They are mental. So yeah, not since I upped it enough to equip Chaos. 


Chaos. My all-time favourite ability and it doesn't even damage them. Why not? The ONLY thing I'd change for it would be to give it some minor DoT.Give a damage tick for the period of chaos so her best ability does damage for the soloists. 


Absorb. I run a Shade. I hit 4, Shade ghosts me, nothing happens, minimal damage and I can't even run away cause I'm contemplating my navel! FFS. Stop Shade ghosting us, treat the entire Absorb anim as an attack it can't cloak. Set the aggro to max. Let it pass through walls and floors/ceilings like the other frames ults can, and then it might just be usable. As it is, it's a little meditation anim in the middle of a furball and that's it.

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