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Mag 9.8: Feedback Thread


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Mag 9.8: Feedback Thread


Scott's Comments:

After the previous Mag review it was obvious that Mag was still not on par with other frames and another review was in order.  I think she is closer to other frames power wise now. I will be watching the stats and feedback to see how the new and improved version performs.




Pull: Damage changes, change damage type to use ragdolls for the pulling instead of sliding. Increased amount of damage dealt. Should be more in-line with other warframe powers.


Shield Polarize changes: Radial damage that is dealt when shields are removed is now scaled based on amount of fusion.


Bullet Attractor: Added damage multiplier on the targeted enemy, Makes bullet attractor much more deadly.


Crush: Damage timing changes.

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Great changes to bullet attractor and pull. Not quite sure what the crush one means or how much SP was really changed. Have these changes been implemented already or are they going in later?


Okay I've played mag now and here are my thoughts on the changes.


Pull: I wouldn't really call this a buff, just a change since it now loses all synergy with her abilities/melee weapons since it does pull targets to her anymore, just pulls them in random directions. Buffing the damage was unnecessary.


Shield Polarize: It appears to stun enemies sometimes and it restores more shields. It's better than it was before but I'm not 100% sure how it works.


Bullet attractor: Much more useful now. I use it on heavies a lot now.


Crush: No noticeable changes. Not sure what the whole timing thing is about but it still does damage at the end of the animation.


EDIT: Pull is OP as hell. It's stronger than crush and usually ends up with enemies stuck in, or flopping around on the floor, disabling them permanently (does not apply to heavies). SP seems to be doing damage to enemies health if they have no shields. Not sure if that's a bug or not. Bullet attractor is fine and balanced now though, that AOE from it is still useless (they should just remove it, it isn't needed). Crush is still bad past level 40.

Edited by merryfistmas
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My only input is make Bullet Attractor work like Absorb and Antimatter Drop, absorbing damage and after dealing that damage in a radial explosion, then she would be up to par with other frames, even if you put in a cap. Then she will be up to par with other frames.


After playing her for a few hours, some stuff to add on:


1 - Pull, even though the damage is great, mobs are flying all over, and it isnt working as a Pull, mobs dont come towards you. My suggestion would be lower the damage to 250, and make light units be pulled, like before, towards you, ignoring any obstacles, and heavies/ancients are knocked down, making it balanced, as you will have a good ability to stop heavies, yet you wont be able to pull them away from wherever you want, along with light units, as they are supposed to be weaker, they are pulled towards you.


2 - Shield Polarize is fine as it is, doesnt outshine any other skill or anything and is practical at removing shields, etc.


3 - Bullet Attractor, I saw myself using this quite a lot to take out individual targets, Ancients and Heavies, but the problem is the energy used isnt worth it at the long run. The AOE damage is ridiculous. The damage multiplier is perfect, Id suggest that the normal damage dealt, without the multiplier, was dealt in the AOE damage, making it scale well, but not making it OP, considering its a high cost ability. Or maybe everything inside the Bullet Attractor gets hit by your bullets? That way you can aim it at a bunch of enemies and take down a few at the same time...


4 - Crush is fine as it is, but this is hoping that the damage rework will get it to work properly against certain types of enemies, like heavily armored ones... you are magnetizing them, so the armor should magnetize along and deal some kind of extra damage, dunno. Its up to you guys.


Well these are my proper critics on Mag after this new rework, I hope she gets yet another tweak or 2 cause she has fun abilities, yet she doesnt scale well yet... shes almost there :)

Edited by Hybridon
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Bullet attractor and Pull will become awesome powers! Hopefully crush's damage will shift towards armor piercing damage with the coming update, considering heavy armor shouldn't quite protect you from having your entire body crushed.


When I played Mag I only used Pull, and didn't equip any other power. Now I'll probably use her other powers :)

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All these changes sound awesome, think I'll go try out my Mag.

Me too; got a lvl 17 Mag that always felt like a chore to use.  These buffs should help a lot with the 'meh' feeling I was getting every time I loaded this frame up.


As for the damage timing on Crush, I'd noticed that damage dealt always seemed to occur a moment after she slams her hands together at the end of the animation.

Edited by Reithur
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Not sure what Crush needed was a damage timing change so much as the ability to affect targets entering the field or some damage immunity... but a buff is a buff, I suppose.

As for Shield Polarize, I'll need to test the radial damage facet more thoroughly from here on out, but it'll probably still be a niche skill on Infested and low level Grineer maps.

Here's hoping Bullet Attractor's bugs got fixed.

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Crush still needs to be armor ignore.


Shield Polarize needs to be a buff to allied shields, giving them faster recharge speed and increasing their capacity for a short time.


Pull ragdolling is glorious and the new sound on crush is totally awesome. Bullet attractor is awesome now as well, I might actually use Mag again.

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Nice update, lots of good fixes.

Although pull seems a bit broken now. One if the best advantages of pull for me was the ability to pull in ancients. Now they collapse in to a sad pile of wet towels, and can only be pulled a couple of inches. If this is intentional that's fine, but if not, please take another look at it :).

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"I don't know if this is intended but Mag's pull isn't pulling enemies into melee range, they only move a short distance towards her."

This was total nerf for mag. The only good thing with mag was that he was able to pull enemies to melee range often. And now they even nerfed it and gave back stupid aoe spell


 problem with mag is that when you go higher level missions then crush does not do damage. The shield polarize is okey but too long cast. It gives you back something like 700 shield so its ok. The bullet atractor is not really use full as mags mana pool you cannot spam it.


And THEN PULL. It used to be good as you could stack enemies for aoes like nova, you could get them close to your melee range, you could get them away from injured friends, you could pull them away in defenses. Pull was the mag basically. But now mag does not exists anymore. All the fun thing what mag used to be is gone.

Edited by jormaakkeli
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"I don't know if this is intended but Mag's pull isn't pulling enemies into melee range, they only move a short distance towards her."

This was total nerf for mag. The only good thing with mag was that he was able to pull enemies to melee range often. And now they even nerfed it and gave back stupid aoe spell

What are you talking about? Pull works fine now as it actually has decent damage. It still does pull enemies towards Mag. Pulling enemies towards Mag in melee range is actually dangerous in higher level missions so WTH?

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crush needs to affect enemies enter area after cast not deal damage sooner. people are still going to die to monster entering and raping you while stuck in its long as aniimation. should be more like rhino stomp if it isnt going to affect monsters that enter area after cast. 1 second or less cast and then be on our way while they float there and take damage.

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Pull is devastate to low level mobs now, a miniature crush.  I can clean entire room of medium Grineer with a single pull at Kiste.

The downside is, I cannot pull mobs closer to me. It's just make mobs flying at random direction.


Shield Polarize buff is excellent, especially when facing Shield Osprey and lightly shielded mobs.  The damage is noticeable.

I don't know if this intended, enemies seem to be rag dolled when under skill effect.

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What are you talking about? Pull works fine now as it actually has decent damage. It still does pull enemies towards Mag. Pulling enemies towards Mag in melee range is actually dangerous in higher level missions so WTH?

I dont think you play with 1000 shields and so on... And I don't think you play mag against 60-100lvls mobs. The pulling is only dangerous against higher lvl poison mobs and even then you can pull enemies in away that the poison mobs don't hit you.


Mag used to be fun. Now it has some aoe damage spell which does not do damage at higher lvls and does not help anymore to relocate properly the enemies. Well anyway this change was the final thing for me. ggs.

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