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Update 9.8


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So what's going to replace ammo boxes then? Are they just being removed entirely?

Indicated items in the Gear area of the Market are being retired in a later update - Last Chance!


....what's the replacement going to be , any hints at least ?

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Now, for the moment, since mods are shared across weapons and frames, you could potentially be at a point where there's no need to play anymore since you have all your mods modded to maximum once, so there is no need to mod another up since it is shared.  About the only thing that some people may do is to mod up cards so they have one for every power level number, so it would be easier to adjust powers easily.  Not that there is anything wrong with this, it is quite a change to what has existed previously.


Yeah, and I never tried to max out more than one anyway. It's not a goal of mine, and I don't think DE ever had the concern they were killing some form of extra grinding by making this change.


On the flip side, before this update, changing weapons/frames was so annoying I often opted not to do it. I'd just do speed runs with whatever frame I had last equipped instead of going Volt or Loki. Now I can switch to another role in an instant. Need a healer? I can quickly switch to Trinity. Need a Frost? He's ready to go right now. No more waiting 3 minutes while I go find where that maxed Continuity ran off to.


I know you weren't complaining, but I feel like it was never an issue to DE, and not to me. So glad it's this way now (and I definitely want more end game and other things to do, grinding up the same mod just isn't one of them).

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2:53 PM addition:


  • You may notice that mods you have equipped in a weapon are in your options for customization in other weapons. You no longer need to remove the mod from weapon X to equip in weapon Y, it will appear in the UI for you now.
  • Addition: If you find yourself saying "Now I wasted mods fusing up duplicate X because I can equip the same mod twice on Sentinel/etc." This will likely not be possible in the future so don't sell your duplicates!

Great work indeed, but personally I dislike that addition because weapons (and Warframe) have different attribute and need different mods with different level

Edited by Gattoddo
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  • You may notice that mods you have equipped in a weapon are in your options for customization in other weapons. You no longer need to remove the mod from weapon X to equip in weapon Y, it will appear in the UI for you now.
  • Addition: If you find yourself saying "Now I wasted mods fusing up duplicate X because I can equip the same mod twice on Sentinel/etc." This will likely not be possible in the future so don't sell your duplicates!





Best change in the game. Please keep it. If the worry is that people will stop playing because they don't need to have duplicate mods any more, well consider this: I still need duplicate mods for some because the points don't always match up. One of my serrations is one point too high to fit on my pistol so I'm still keeping the lower level serration. This new mod system is awesome.

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I hope its not what I think it is, because it sounds like they toke armour ignore away from impact type weapons. Which sounds crazy unless its prep for the big armour over changes coming up. But what are we supposed to do until then...

That was the first thing I tested, though I only did with Twin Gremlins and Kunais. Results?


Still ignoring armor. =)





This is why I'm curious as to what it actually is. Maybe it has to do with Glaive and Kestrel? (the latter doesn't ignore armor when thrown anyway so it's unlikely).

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2:53 PM addition:


  • You may notice that mods you have equipped in a weapon are in your options for customization in other weapons. You no longer need to remove the mod from weapon X to equip in weapon Y, it will appear in the UI for you now.


Yes! Finally, I've been waiting for this fix. But, how about Warframes? Did you also make it so we no longer need to remove the mod from warframe X to warframe Y?

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So we gettin a Hotfix?


Hotfix 9.8.1

- Adjusted Orokin Void door triggers and timing

- Fixed objects disappearing when looking through certain doorways in Orokin Void

- Fixed overlapping Beta label text on login screen

- Fixed Grineer Galleon defense mode breaking after host migration

- Fixed being able to bypass the Vor + Krill boss fight by using Bladestorm and other specific powers

- Fixed physics crashes

- Fixed inability to launch missions when playing in Turkish, also added missing Launcher text

- Fixed random cinematics not appearing at login screen

- Fixed "installed" tab showing all installed mods rather than the mods installed on the currently selected weapon

- Fixed "Y" key opening Contacts menu 



Wow That was fast Thank you!

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That was the first thing I tested, though I only did with Twin Gremlins and Kunais. Results?


Still ignoring armor. =)





This is why I'm curious as to what it actually is. Maybe it has to do with Glaive and Kestrel? (the latter doesn't ignore armor when thrown anyway so it's unlikely).

Okay cool, I was getting worried there for a sec. Thanks for the info... They really should stick to the game terms and stop using in house jargon for the patch notes lol.

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So Vauban's Bastille now has a cap for how many enemies it can stop, Trinity's Link is now damage reduction instead of damage negate, yet Nova's Molecular Prime Radius wasn't even touched. Seriously DE?

so many idiots screeming about nova but this game not pvp it pve and you can  also make op nova! why you wish they ruin few last funny classes ?

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