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Update 9.8


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isn't that rather your own fault?


I just took time to swap mods if necessary change frames, change mods, change weapons, change mods


Different playing styles. You play your own style, I play(ed) mine. And now I have been kicked in the groin for playing the game I loved the way I wanted to. How was this my fault? I don't think there was any kind of warning this would happen, or I didn't see any information about it.


But I should have known better than ask for help on this forum, I knew everyone will just gather around and laugh and spit at me. It is always the same.

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To all haters of the bastille change:


It feels like cheesy gameplay: sit inside, shoot at immobilized mobs. Wow...


Some changes are due for it. As are for frosts snowglobe in my opinion. We can argue about the numbers, we can much more argue about the cryopod mechanic and toxics.

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Trinity! I love her again

Link nerf? Seriously? Guys, you amuse me greatly. Previously, link was connecting to a single target and has not transfer damage if used in conjunction with blessing. Now it does work with blessing and transfers damage onto three targets instead of one. Energy vampire now is something amazing! It deals x% HP damage and regenerates 32 energy 4 or 5 times around every 2-3 seconds. This all is alot better than was before, I assure you.

Many thankees to DE!

Edited by Bouldershoulder
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I like how DE uses the term "PVP" to refer to duels, and yet forum mods still close any thread where the first post even mentions PVP, even though the FAQ is out of date and DE clearly has already implemented a form of PVP and have plans to do more. It's not "dueling." It's PVP.


No, I don't want to be banned. DE is clearer on this subject than any mod explanation has been. And I don't even have a personal stake in this since I don't have any locked threads. I'm a forum mod elsewhere and understand how to moderate, rather than be a robot. Time to understand where DE is coming from.

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People. Stop complaining about the bastille nerf like entitled, short-sighted children. I'm actually quite happy with it. Know why?


Bastille was fantastic. Bastille was awesome. And Bastille was OP.

If you ran into huge pack of enemies, you just hit 3 and fed them a "lol nope". It gave you an impenetrable bunker on defense mission. And it turned EVERYTHING with infested into a shooting gallery, regardless of level.

It needed a nerf, and I like the way it turned out. I like being about to throw out multiple bastilles in multiple locations. I'm glad it wasn't turned into Nyx's Chaos, being only usable once per duration. 12 enemies per cast is still a VERY appreciable amount. And if it's not enough? THROW IT AGAIN.

What caught my attention much more were the gear changes. Why are ammo boxes, shield restores, and heals going away? They're all extremely useful, either when soloing as a newbie or raging t3 def. The patch notes were vague. Are they being reworked? Replaced? Or are they being ditched entirely? If it's the last, I'm expecting ammo problems. A simple ammo drum isn't enough, particularly on high end defense missions when you can run through you entire primary or secondary weapon's ammo supply in one wave. And no, don't just toss "ammo mutation mods" as an excuse. Currently, they're not available in game. If that changes, cool.

obviously you dont know what its like to have 499 shield against level 100 infested and the relief it is to hold them up for a short time. 

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Trinity! I love her again

Link nerf? Seriously? Guys, you amuse me greatly. Previously, link was connecting to a single target and has not transfer damage if used in conjunction with blessing. Now it does work with blessing and transfers damage onto three targets instead of one. Energy vampire now is something amazing! It deals x% HP damage and regenerates 32 energy 4 or 5 times around every 2-3 seconds. This all is alot better than was before, I assure you.

Many thankees to DE!

it reduces damage though, using link you will still be taking damage.

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Oh, but I did forget to praise DE for the update. Finally, the mod switching feels so good now! I don't even need the upcoming loadouts. I'm just glad I can quickly switch between frames/weapons and they already have their mods installed.


Thanks, DE!


(frame balance comments withheld until I get some actual testing time)

Edited by gell
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