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Dex furis ammo pool


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dex furis ammo pool is still very low. other weapons get way better max ammo than this one. it almost looks like DE picked this weapon and doesnt buff its max ammo on purpose while giving other secondaries much higher max ammo, often unreasonably. this weapon needs 1000max ammo +the starting mag

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4 hours ago, Cicasajt said:

dex furis ammo pool is still very low. other weapons get way better max ammo than this one. it almost looks like DE picked this weapon and doesnt buff its max ammo on purpose while giving other secondaries much higher max ammo, often unreasonably. this weapon needs 1000max ammo +the starting mag

Honestly, DE needs to upscale ammo on weapons that have a high magazine size.

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10 hours ago, (PS4)gta4biosmka said:

Most of weapons problems could be solved by putting mods, but we don't have 15 mod slots to have a powerfull and efficent build

Wow its almost like you have to choose between maximizing a weapons damage potential and just dealing with its shortcomings or sacrifice potential damage for better usability.

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Dex Furis has the 3rd lowest damage per bullet of all secondaries. So of course it'll need a lot of ammo. That said, i think 1000 is asking way too much. Twin Grakatas have 1200, but consume 2 ammo per shot.

Maybe an extra magazine for the DF would be more comfortable, and still reasonable. But 400 is already manageable. If i remember right, when introduced it only had the standard 210 and was also much weaker 🙂

Good aiming and trigger discipline can help. These are not meant to be used in a "spray and pray" fashion all the time, but more in measured bursts instead.

Edited by Robolaser
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20 hours ago, Robolaser said:

Dex Furis has the 3rd lowest damage per bullet of all secondaries. So of course it'll need a lot of ammo. That said, i think 1000 is asking way too much. Twin Grakatas have 1200, but consume 2 ammo per shot.

Maybe an extra magazine for the DF would be more comfortable, and still reasonable. But 400 is already manageable. If i remember right, when introduced it only had the standard 210 and was also much weaker 🙂

Good aiming and trigger discipline can help. These are not meant to be used in a "spray and pray" fashion all the time, but more in measured bursts instead.

the twin grakatas consume 2 ammo per shot but also shoot 2 bullets per shot so your point is invalid. also dont judge my playstyle without knowing it. im not spraying. as a player who actually plays dex furis i can tell u 400 is not enough. u probably dont play it very often

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Il y a 2 heures, Cicasajt a dit :

the twin grakatas consume 2 ammo per shot but also shoot 2 bullets

Their listed damage stat is divided between those two bullets. The TG have the lowest damage per bullet of all secondaries.


Il y a 2 heures, Cicasajt a dit :

dont judge my playstyle without knowing it [...] u probably dont play it very often

If you read more carefully, you'll see that my observations were about how the weapon is meant to be used in my opinion, according to the weapons' stats and current ammo reserves. Not everything people say or write is necessarily about you. Also, maybe asking me not to assume something before doing exactly that isn't the smartest way to make a point.

Edited by Robolaser
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10 hours ago, Robolaser said:

Their listed damage stat is divided between those two bullets. The TG have the lowest damage per bullet of all secondaries.


If you read more carefully, you'll see that my observations were about how the weapon is meant to be used in my opinion, according to the weapons' stats and current ammo reserves. Not everything people say or write is necessarily about you. Also, maybe asking me not to assume something before doing exactly that isn't the smartest way to make a point.

but this topic has nothing to do with the twin grakata dmg tho...


i read carefully. if i use the weapon in a way that you think is the proper way i will have enough ammo. therefore if i dont have enough ammo i use it in a wrong way. 

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il y a une heure, Cicasajt a dit :

but this topic has nothing to do with the twin grakata

You said in your first post:

Le 17/11/2018 à 09:59, Cicasajt a dit :

DE picked this weapon and doesnt buff its max ammo on purpose while giving other secondaries much higher max ammo

The ONLY other dual automatic hitscan pistols with "much higher max ammo" than the dex furis, are the twin grakatas and i shortly explained why it's the exception. Yet, YOU kept arguing (wrongly) about it. I also mentioned the fact that DE already buffed the dex furis' max ammo, by almost doubling it. But instead of aknowledging that, you just whined about me "judging your playstyle" lol.

Giving them 1000+ ammo reserves would break the balance in their category. That's more than twice as much as the others. What's your justification for such a demand? "400 is not enough". Well some people can do just fine with 400. So... yes, maybe the issue is on your end after all.

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1 hour ago, Robolaser said:

You said in your first post:

The ONLY other dual automatic hitscan pistols with "much higher max ammo" than the dex furis, are the twin grakatas and i shortly explained why it's the exception. Yet, YOU kept arguing (wrongly) about it. I also mentioned the fact that DE already buffed the dex furis' max ammo, by almost doubling it. But instead of aknowledging that, you just whined about me "judging your playstyle" lol.

Giving them 1000+ ammo reserves would break the balance in their category. That's more than twice as much as the others. What's your justification for such a demand? "400 is not enough". Well some people can do just fine with 400. So... yes, maybe the issue is on your end after all.

i dont know why u keep arguing. 400 is not enough for dex furis. even if its already buffed. a former buff doesnt change the fact that 400 is not enough. twin grakatas base dmg doesnt change the fact that 400 is not enough. this topic is about the dex furis and its current ammo pool. other hitscan pistols dont need this many shots to kill an enemy. the twin grakatas might have a short ammo pool too but that doesnt belong to this topic and is not a valid point to not buff dex furis ammo pool. you should leave this thread and not fill it with your toxic, unnecessary arguments about entirely different things

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  • 1 month later...

also to further prove that his argument is invalid here are some ammo pool and dmg comparisons:

weapon name      base dmg |max ammo

Dex furis                16            400

Azima                   20              525

Cestra                   26             420

Stubba                   33             399

Arca scisco           60              288

S.Dual cestra         28             480

P.Twin grem           27             600

Akjag p                  36               320

Edited by Cicasajt
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1 hour ago, GinKenshin said:

This topic and necro is pointless and that your comparisons are #NarrowMinded since your only factor is damage and you’re ignoring crit, status, fire rate, reload and recoil so you can look legit 

im not the one who compared them by dmg and ammo pool. its the guy up there. i just pointed it out that even by that its invalid, like u just said. its not a necro, the last comment was just over a month ago. your opinions dont really matter since u didnt even take a shallow look at the topic. u just came here to tell me im narrow minded because why not

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On 2018-11-21 at 9:49 PM, LordPantaloonsthe3rd said:

Plenty of ways to fix that.

Trick Mag

Pistol Ammo Mutation

Pistol Scavenger

Carrier with Ammo Case


other options are reasonable and personally i always consider utility when needed but ------->pistol scavenger


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3 minutes ago, LordPantaloonsthe3rd said:

while I was trying to make a point I did think it would be funny to throw that one in there to trigger Corrosive Projection knights. Also why was this thread nekro'd?

its that i consider auras somethign that should benefit the whole team rather than my weapons like more sniper damage against eidolons with dead eye or energy regen or growing power, or even corr. projection against grineer in high level sorties or endurance runs against armorered targets.

1 modslot used for more ammo or ammo mutation or magazine capacity or reload speed or punch through to let me shoot more rather that shoot a bit harder  its totally worth to me 

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1 hour ago, Cicasajt said:

your opinions dont really matter since u didnt even take a shallow look at the topic. u just came here to tell me im narrow minded because why not

Nope. He's right. You have to include at least firerate in your stats, and possibly more to get an accurate comparisom across secondaries. I would also suggest keeping the list to akimbo automatics to maintain consistency.

If all you do is attack anyone who criticizes you, right or wrong, no one will take you seriously. 

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On 2018-11-22 at 3:16 PM, LordPantaloonsthe3rd said:

Wow its almost like you have to choose between maximizing a weapons damage potential and just dealing with its shortcomings or sacrifice potential damage for better usability. 

The problem is that the Tradeoff tends to instead result in: just using a totally different weapon for one that's viable without having to give things up.


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4 hours ago, (PS4)haphazardlynamed said:

The problem is that the Tradeoff tends to instead result in: just using a totally different weapon for one that's viable without having to give things up.


The only thing that makes you do that is you though. If you dont like having to deal with a weapons faults and decide to use something more effective despite liking the other weapon youre the one that made that choice. Just because you didnt want to either just deal with it or use one of the methods to fix said shortcoming doesnt mean the weapon needs to be changed. I use plenty of less viable weapons because I like them, there being more viable weapons doesnt make me avoid using weapons that I like that have problems.

Additionally if you compare the Afuris to the Dex Furis the ammo got doubled so by that logic it might be doubled again for Afuris prime whenever the hell that happens. Something to look forward to at least, cause I think we can all agree that the Dex furis isnt getting buffed again after getting buffed in the gun rebalance no matter how much *@##$ing happens on this thread.

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7 hours ago, (PS4)negativ21 said:

Nope. He's right. You have to include at least firerate in your stats, and possibly more to get an accurate comparisom across secondaries. I would also suggest keeping the list to akimbo automatics to maintain consistency.

If all you do is attack anyone who criticizes you, right or wrong, no one will take you seriously. 

Yes, he is right. But if u have read this thread you would know that there was a guy whos point was that for its base dmg dex furis has a good ammo pool. And thats an invalid point anyway but i wanted to show him that even if we look at dex furis that way it still has a low poool. Im not trying to make a point with it, i showed that his point is invalid on a different level too. Please read the thread if u just come here to argue

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2 minutes ago, Cicasajt said:

Yes, he is right. But if u have read this thread you would know that there was a guy whos point was that for its base dmg dex furis has a good ammo pool. And thats an invalid point anyway but i wanted to show him that even if we look at dex furis that way it still has a low poool. Im not trying to make a point with it, i showed that his point is invalid on a different level too. Please read the thread if u just come here to argue

The guy is wrong, the weapon works just fine, everyone is happy. Can we go home now? 

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