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Corinth vs Boar Prime



So I have rivens for both weapons and dont feel like putting forma on both of them just to not use one of them. I can't ask region chat because its 50/50 between the two.
If someone could give me a pros cons list it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance

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Corinth is a boom-stick.

High crit chance/multi, single shot trigger, single shot reload, 5 round mag. Main damage type is puncture, but it's pretty balanced overall. It's good if you want to delete enemies one by one. The fire rate is pretty low overall and to increase it you'll need both Fire rate and Reload buffs, small mag doesn't allow for efficient crowd clearing, but is enough to take down heavies easily.

Boar Prime is a melt-gun.

High base status allows for 100% without a riven, neglegable 15% crit imo (you don't really need it anyways), high fire rate with a big mag of 20, slow reload. Main damage is Impact, other types are noticably lower. As the classification suggests - melts pretty much anything if you have right elements equipped, melts ammo as well, though, so you NEED a way to replenish it.


I have 80% Fire rate, 50% Reload and 100% Multishot riven for Boar and that thing is, hands down, the most fun weapon I have, pull the trigger, count to 2 and the mag is empty and so is the hallway I'm pointing at :P

Also, instead of Corinth I would just use a sniper, you can run it boom-stick style and the damage will be much higher.

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It basically comes down to do you prefer automatic fire or semi-automatic fire?
Corinth has higher base damage, higher crit chance, higher crit damage. Boar has higher status chance. But since you mentioned you have a riven for both: Corinth has a 3/5 dispos, Boar (Prime) has a 5/5 dispos, so with the right riven roll you can balance it out and the weapons will have similar performance in the end.
Then again, if you're really into that odd air burst secondary fire that Corinth has, well...Boar Prime has nothing like that.

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boar will fare better vs high lvl enemies if modded right and can go for a hybrid build with 100% SC and ~38% crit chance with the right riven for example. it can kill lv 125 heavy gunners quite easily and with the right riven corinth 1 shots them on headshots. considering the automatic vs. pump action i'd say they are pretty equal in the end although corinth will start having issues concerning kill frequency at lv 140+ depending on the frame u pair it with and enemy faction u face. in any case, if u dont face enemies of the level u can just pick which u prefer.

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Corinth has:

- more upfront damage

- more sustained fire

- more ammo efficiency

- a secondary fire that can do nice things if you invest in it

Boar prime has:

- more scalability vs armour

- can feed a condition overload melee really well (5 procs in 1/2 shots) 

- much better riven disposition


As far as performance goes, the Corinth will outdamage and outkill the Boar against any non-armoured enemy, while the Boar will pull ahead really fast when dealing with armour. 

The other point is that they fire in a very different way (Corinth has a very punchy semiauto fire while the boar is a full auto mag dumper). 

Last but not least the Corinth is one of the few guns that doesn't look like a toy in the hands of the phisically bigger frames (like Rhino, Atlas and Chroma) so there's that. 

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2 minutes ago, Infirito said:

Corinth is a boom-stick.

High crit chance/multi, single shot trigger, single shot reload, 5 round mag. Main damage type is puncture, but it's pretty balanced overall. It's good if you want to delete enemies one by one. The fire rate is pretty low overall and to increase it you'll need both Fire rate and Reload buffs, small mag doesn't allow for efficient crowd clearing, but is enough to take down heavies easily.

Boar Prime is a melt-gun.

High base status allows for 100% without a riven, neglegable 15% crit imo (you don't really need it anyways), high fire rate with a big mag of 20, slow reload. Main damage is Impact, other types are noticably lower. As the classification suggests - melts pretty much anything if you have right elements equipped, melts ammo as well, though, so you NEED a way to replenish it.


I have 80% Fire rate, 50% Reload and 100% Multishot riven for Boar and that thing is, hands down, the most fun weapon I have, pull the trigger, count to 2 and the mag is empty and so is the hallway I'm pointing at 😛

Also, instead of Corinth I would just use a sniper, you can run it boom-stick style and the damage will be much higher.

I have a 129% Multishot  87% Toxin and 53% Reload speed Boar riven do you think that'll do good ?

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Just now, BigCal-US said:

I have a 129% Multishot  87% Toxin and 53% Reload speed Boar riven do you think that'll do good ?

Well, it won't be as fun, but will deal a lot more damage, especially since your Gas/Corrosive proc chances will be higher. Reload speed on a Boar riven is great too, saves the bother with Chilling reload.

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Boar Prime is mainly aimed towards a specific Corro/Blast or Rad/Viral spraying Loadout.
though a Riven can let you make it into a Crit Weapon if you can get such Stats. it's an odd Loadout, though it does deal the most possible Damage provided you don't need to rely on spamming Corrosive Status to Kill Enemies (should really be weakening Armor in other ways if possible).

Corinth is instead mainly aimed towards Killing what you point it at with one Shot, or applying a bit of Elemental Status and CC'ing Enemies with the Airburst.
so Corinth can still bring some Elemental Status to the table, as long as you don't need to apply stacking Status (DoT's, Corrosive, Electricity). 


they serve different purposes, but are both Shotguns and therefore both are very powerful.
personally i don't care for Boar in a world that has Strun Wraith(which can also be pushed into a strange but chuckle worthy Crit Weapon with a Riven like Boar), so i greatly prefer Corinth. it's all up to your preferences though.

(both also do pretty well in terms of Rivens, they just benefit from different Stats)

1 hour ago, Infirito said:

you'll need both Fire rate and Reload buffs

need is quite the strong word. Reload Mods are popular on many Shotguns - Fire Rate though, is a very different matter. that's a much more personal taste.

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The alt fire on Corinthn is very satisfying because it deletes enemies in cover, but you must have a feel for the distance alt fire works at. If you are too close you’ll get a dud round.

Fire it above enemies and watch them fly.

Corinth primary is loads of fun if you want to pop heads (and aim). It’s a nice break from blind spray. 

It looks like a shotty, sounds like a shotty and feels like a shotty.

Edited by (PS4)teacup775
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I guess it really depends on how you use your weapons,
I uses corinth a lot because of the air burst mode, it is excellent defense weapons 
where you stand at a fix distance and keep crowd controlling enemies.

Though I solo a lot using Trinity, I tend to pick weapons with most utility/ versatility.

crowd control matters equally as single shot stopping power, 
since you will tend to be dealing with crowd of low resistance enemies as well as targets like heavy gunner/ bombard at the same time.

The air burst is also very useful at busting crates under floor, behind trapdoors and hidden areas in void mission.
And clearing crowd of enemies, while the buckshot can be saved for the tougher ones.


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Whichever one you like the most.

Corinth is more powerful per shot but the Boar might be easier to use depending on play style, if you've got rivens for them then you can pretty much make them however you want.

My Corinth has a riven that is IIRC slash, damage and crit so I did a build with hunter munitions. YMMV.

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