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What Do You Want From Warframe?


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More focus on solo play, quests that are fun to replay without stupid building items repetitive annoying sections in them the


level system for enemies removed and replaced with difficulty settings,

enemies rebalanced to not just spam them all nonstop making them annoying,

a move from focusing on abusing white market gambling to emotionally erode players into buying a win and into making the game more fun to play,

the removal of the prime vault,

Valkyr replacing Excalibur as the mascot,

a better ranking up system that's less repetitive and grindy,

More story stuff that lacks the current terrible features,

romance subplots,

A proper tanky female frame who is built like one,

Armor changed to work on a linear style rather than the current stupid one

the game having a consistent story across the star map

a new frame that only people who don't own Excal prime are allowed to have unless they sign a waver allowing others to have him,

the trading system better regulated,


and for them to fire the website team over this ridiculous bug that says i'm a PC player

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8 minutes ago, (XB1)THANOTOS OMEGA said:

More focus on solo play, quests that are fun to replay without stupid building items repetitive annoying sections in them the


level system for enemies removed and replaced with difficulty settings,

enemies rebalanced to not just spam them all nonstop making them annoying,

a move from focusing on abusing white market gambling to emotionally erode players into buying a win and into making the game more fun to play,

the removal of the prime vault,

Valkyr replacing Excalibur as the mascot,

romance subplots,

A proper tanky female frame who is built like one,

Armor changed to work on a linear style rather than the current stupid one

a new frame that only people who don't own Excal prime are allowed to have unless they sign a waver allowing others to have him,


Ok, hear me out on this:





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Just now, (XB1)THANOTOS OMEGA said:

Or hear me out on this? slink off and rot,


Asnother thing, them to stop putting crap in the dojo or open it up without XBL Gold,

That was mature 

Let me ask you something, when you made this list, did you think about how any of this would affect the spirit of the game as it's intended?

Some of your wants are bizarre at the least and just laughable at the max.

Romance subplots?  Valkr as the center frame?  White market gambling (lol wtf)?  Removal of the prime vault?? 


Negative ghost rider, the pattern is full

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Thy Divinity said:

That was mature 

Let me ask you something, when you made this list, did you think about how any of this would affect the spirit of the game as it's intended?

Some of your wants are bizarre at the least and just laughable at the max.

Romance subplots?  Valkr as the center frame?  White market gambling (lol wtf)?  Removal of the prime vault?? 


Negative ghost rider, the pattern is full

yes i did, and the spirit of the game as is, does not deserve to be preserved, it relies on trying to emotionally abuse people by using addictive elements to force them to try and break the cycle by buying things, that's the whole point of the relic system to put multiple layers of emotionally draining gambling in there to try and make players give up while keeping the prize desirable,


Valkyr's design is infinitely more evocative than Excal's she's got a neat backstory,

and romance subplots are a great way to both examine social norms and the characters, seeing the teno freak out because the things they expect to use for the complex courting rituals they were raised with may not even exist anymore could be a fun way to remind people that they were once a normal kid, and do some world building,

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6 minutes ago, (XB1)THANOTOS OMEGA said:

yes i did, and the spirit of the game as is, does not deserve to be preserved, it relies on trying to emotionally abuse people by using addictive elements to force them to try and break the cycle by buying things, that's the whole point of the relic system to put multiple layers of emotionally draining gambling in there to try and make players give up while keeping the prize desirable,


Valkyr's design is infinitely more evocative than Excal's she's got a neat backstory,

and romance subplots are a great way to both examine social norms and the characters, seeing the teno freak out because the things they expect to use for the complex courting rituals they were raised with may not even exist anymore could be a fun way to remind people that they were once a normal kid, and do some world building,

You are playing the wrong game.


Everything in this game with the exception of colors, prime accessories, and operator cosmetics can be farmed by the player.  The relic system is a part of that farming process.  I have no clue where you get these addictive gambling ideas from, but that is wrong. 

Just because Valkr has an arguably better backstory does not mean she should be shifted to the center.  In Street Fighter, Ryu has the most boring back story ever recorded, and yet he is the undisputed icon of the series.  

And romantic subplots.....they are kids running around in mech suits fighting against intergalactic hordes.  This isn't a Final Fantasy game.  You want your operator to take Kela DE Thaym on a date?


This is ludicrous

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)Thy Divinity said:

You are playing the wrong game.


Everything in this game with the exception of colors, prime accessories, and operator cosmetics can be farmed by the player.  The relic system is a part of that farming process.  I have no clue where you get these addictive gambling ideas from, but that is wrong. 

Just because Valkr has an arguably better backstory does not mean she should be shifted to the center.  In Street Fighter, Ryu has the most boring back story ever recorded, and yet he is the undisputed icon of the series.  

And romantic subplots.....they are kids running around in mech suits fighting against intergalactic hordes.  This isn't a Final Fantasy game.  You want your operator to take Kela DE Thaym on a date?


This is ludicrous

being called ludacris by a person who can't process how using slot machines disguised as loot boxes is gambling is rich, the ability to get things in game is there to fuel the free to play image,

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Just now, (XB1)THANOTOS OMEGA said:

being called ludacris by a person who can't process how using slot machines disguised as loot boxes is gambling is rich, the ability to get things in game is there to fuel the free to play image,

You are either baiting or the greatest troll we've seen in quite a while.

You seriously accused Warframe of using lootboxes??  


I'm done lolololol

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16 minutes ago, (XB1)Thy Divinity said:

And romantic subplots.....they are kids running around in mech suits fighting against intergalactic hordes.  This isn't a Final Fantasy game.  You want your operator to take Kela DE Thaym on a date?

I'll admit I humored this with more seriousness then I should. But I actually got the dark idea that you'll have syndicate quests, where you actually have to escort high value people to either talks, or diplomacy/stuff like that. One of those occassions could be a romance subplot between two warring syndicates...Is Shakespeare a Corpus or Grineer?

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3 minutes ago, Sorkheff said:

I'll admit I humored this with more seriousness then I should. But I actually got the dark idea that you'll have syndicate quests, where you actually have to escort high value people to either talks, or diplomacy/stuff like that. One of those occassions could be a romance subplot between two warring syndicates...Is Shakespeare a Corpus or Grineer?

Shakespeare is obviously Infested

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2 hours ago, Octopuff said:

First time on the forum, just wanted to piggyback your idea since i like it so much. Not only more accessible Fissure missions but possibly a slightly higher reactant drop. I feel bad when someone isnt fast enough to grab all the reactant before the timer runs out even though theyre still putting in the effort. I have to actually slow the mission down sometimes for other people and thats just a lose lose situation.

Reactant drop as in what is listed in loot? If so... Im with you 100%

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1 hour ago, (XB1)THANOTOS OMEGA said:

BASICALLY ANYONE! seriously i put off trying the game forever over Excal and Rhino being the main representation for the game, since they are so boring, then i saw Equinox and Octavia,

'Octavia isn't boring.'

Said no one ever. :D

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Redesign the crappy relic system.

There are a handful of primes i have been completely locked out because they just remove them from drop - and only return in a few years if lucky.

ALL primes should always be available  - like allow us to convert relics or something.

Not everyone has 8h/day and uber luck to constantly grind for new relics - and even worse if you are a new or newish player who needs a lot of them.

Some ancient prime junk is still listed while newer stuff get's constantly removed.

I was half way farming the damn chroma and they just decided to remove it's relics from drops.


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I want custom mission, dungeon crawler with the dojo, or with handicap like only melee and melee enemy, no mods, no warframe ability


variation of speed/weight, a notion of gravity, maybe some damage with big fall, (seeing a big chroma flying like mesa is quite incoherent)

Less grindy mechanic and less time for crafting things would be really appreciate.

a shortcut to access directly our arsenal relay, fortuna, cetus, ect...

A type of mission were we have no mod and only pure weapon and skill would be interesting.

best interface for trading, something like the market.

A type of mission, like competition (Grand Prix), conclave, or a just a game to do with friend... with unique maps for racing (completely personal), I was thinking the k-drive is really fun and have a sonic riders (RIP sonic) experience would be quite interesting with the style of warframe.

to have the colors made in the dojo for the arsenal.

Travelling with our ship in the #*!%ing space, to move into the solair system like no man sky lol.

The arena of oblivion in warframe with big alien vs us with a scoreboard.

have a title (sir, captain, champion) like in wow for big achievements for example...

More unforeseen events for more lore and life in this universe, like saving a pnj  in an exter mission, meteorite rain, snow, power failure...

More treasure race, i mean ayatan is cool but something where you can find by chance using clues a treasure in a normal mission in the void.

Minning and fishing on normal mission too.

Be able to shorten dialogues.

Be able to replay quest where we want.

The Vox solaris quest playable with friends, I recently want to play with a friend and make him discover fortuna and all together (this is so sad)

To have a The elders scroll sneak mechanic, with a little ui to be able to know were we are in sight or spoted by the enemy (it's really annoying to be disturbed when fishing or mining in open worlds without knowing why...).

To have no more warframe standing like a dumbass when in operator mod and have more a transformation/swip animation than teleportation (like power rangers...) will be much more badass plz...

Speaking of operator, he lacks of mobility a bit, he is quite static and useless in combat because of that...having places only accessible by the operators on mission would be really interesting (secret room, shortcut).

That's all I've got for now lol






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20 hours ago, Ketec said:

Redesign the crappy relic system.

There are a handful of primes i have been completely locked out because they just remove them from drop - and only return in a few years if lucky.

ALL primes should always be available  - like allow us to convert relics or something.

Not everyone has 8h/day and uber luck to constantly grind for new relics - and even worse if you are a new or newish player who needs a lot of them.

Some ancient prime junk is still listed while newer stuff get's constantly removed.

I was half way farming the damn chroma and they just decided to remove it's relics from drops.


Right? Used to be... where's the prime part? Ok... FARM TIME! And you would sit in there til you got it even if it took 3 hours. And it was fun because the mob levels got higher and you could check the leader boards to see if you out did another clan. Sit around after saying... "Dudes... we gotta go another C rotation if we're gonna get the top spot."

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1. Scaling stats for companions


Sentinels and pets stats scale throughout enemy level scale, better survivability, decent dmg increased, and not actually getting one shot.


2. G hotkey to command minions


All controller and summoners frame should use G hotkey to command their minions to do work. Waypointing one place means stay position, pointing enemy boss means open fire on that boss. Good one feature though imo.


3. Prime sentinels and upgraded pets


We need better looking sentinels now, whether dethcube become orokin sentry drone or diriga become deathorb sniper laser.


Dominant Orokin pets prime.


4. More reworks to warframe (which theyll come eventually, Nyx rework is bad needed more changes).


Yes, no brainers all underrated frames need rework. Ember, Vauban, Titania (dont know why but she needs more), Nekros, Zephyr, Wukong etc.


5. AI changes to pets


6. Musou mode for Melee 3.0


Hopefully we get to see powerup mode for melee 3.0 especially if it encourages full melee equipped.


7. New player experience


The number one starting point need better points and directions.


8. Endless scaling more rewarding on lower level.


Like endo in every rotation, it should be increase every 4 rotations of ABBC (or AABC i think) by 1.5x of endo/reward.


Thats includes relics too except unvaulted ones.


9. Modding system overhaul vs enemy scaling overhaul


Rebundant mods should have their use against higher level enemies. 

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On 2018-12-17 at 11:32 AM, (PS4)teacup775 said:

That about the only one I don’t jive with.

As for me, better use of verticality. Use of different gravity. A huge interior open area using them, say on Destiny’s dreadnuaght scale. 

I just made a thread about this.

I agree. Put back the "Ninja" in warframe.

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