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Fortuna: Hotfix 24.2.1


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Dropships now loop through and check for the landing zone closest to the chosen encounter location. This should reduce situations where Dropships could pick a very far away point from the encounter area.

So yeah, I was watching this dropship bring more metal for my sword, but unfortunately it dropped them off directly in the water ^^


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3 hours ago, tucker_d_dawg said:

4 runs of bounty heist 4.  All with full squads of MR20+ with good gear.

all failed.  each time waiting through two minutes of yammering at the start.

then 30 min of random archwing shooting by squad until final stage, then timer runs out when entire squad has no archwing guns left and are all mucking around waiting for a cooldown timer.


Oh, and the entire time just getting spam knockdowns preventing revives, reloads, ability casts etc.  and constantly knocked into streams which prompt a respawn (and cancel of active abilities) and repawn next to an enemy that promptly ragdolls you again.

I'm done with it - its simply not enjoyable in the least.



Yet it is soloable, maybe try some other frame?

High HP inaros with adaptation or Chroma (you need to cheese with operator dash).

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3 hours ago, OnlinePhenome said:

Yet it is soloable, maybe try some other frame?

High HP inaros with adaptation or Chroma (you need to cheese with operator dash).

I'm sure it is soloable - unfortunately my archwing gun while decent on pc is not great.  I'm primarily a console player where my main acct is.

i was inaros - never went down - just constantly knocked on my ass.

i think the biggest issue i was having was inability to put away archwing gun, melee weapon getting glitched, etc... probably would be easier for me to solo as I was not host and hopefully some of that nonsense would be a non issue.


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