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Been logged out of WF for quite a few years, what can I expect?


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1 minute ago, skyfiredraco said:

You have more than enough for anything you'll need for a long time.

The only things that you really NEED plat for are more inventory slots. And those are super cheap. It is also useful to have for reactors and forma... but those are 20-35p themselves.

Don't spend any big plat on stuff like Rivens etc. until you REALLY mean it. And even prime mods (usually go for 400'ish plat) aren't even remotely necessary for 99% of the game.

Hit up warframe market (google it) and search around if there are specific mods you want/need when you get a build setup you want to try. The vast majority are cheap and you can decide if you want to farm them or just dump 20-50 plat into the mods.

But yea... really... unless you go hog-wild and buy rivens or a couple arcane energize or something, you'll likely not need to worry about plat anytime soon.

gl man 🙂

Ok, that all barely made sense to me via my experience of past iterations of this game and MMO style games in general... is there still player to player trading? I made that 6k buying selling mods ages ago.

I'll hold off spending anything until I know more, thanks very much!

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1 minute ago, skyfiredraco said:

Oh, and for limited time stuff... look at the market for some of the holiday stuff right now.

i'd skip the emblems etc. that cost plat but there are quite a few cosmetics you can get right now for 1 credit (yea, credit, not plat) for the holidays.

worth a look at least 🙂

Will do, I remember the difference!

Oh, and where is the most populated player hub if there is one? Like, in some MMOs there's one place where everyone goes to chat/trade/menace etc... does WF have a capital?

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Just now, Zakalwe said:

Ok, that all barely made sense to me via my experience of past iterations of this game and MMO style games in general... is there still player to player trading? I made that 6k buying selling mods ages ago.

I'll hold off spending anything until I know more, thanks very much!

yep, still player trading 🙂

mods are still lucrative. You can farm prime parts now too (look into relics... bit different from the early days) and sell those too.

Rivens are special mods with randomized stats you'll get into late game. Godly rivens for good weapons go for disgusting prices lol. Again, you won't need to worry on that anytime soon.

So yea... get your feet wet. Read the wiki. Play with the systems. Do the star chart.

Use your plat on inventory/weapon/frame slots when you need them and reactors to double your mod slots on stuff (again, when you need them, no need to stockpile) and you'll be fine 🙂

Warframe has been accelerating in player numbers and engagement for awhile now (consistently top 10 on steam for example) so it's a good time to come back 🙂

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1 minute ago, Zakalwe said:

Will do, I remember the difference!

Oh, and where is the most populated player hub if there is one? Like, in some MMOs there's one place where everyone goes to chat/trade/menace etc... does WF have a capital?

There is Maroo's Bazzar on Mars though at least on Xbox no one goes there to trade. Most trading is done in the Trade Chat tab and on 3rd party websites like warframe.market

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It's the same. Except spoilers happen and then you get a spoiler to combat spoilers so you can farm spoilers to get to spoiler while trying to figure out which spoiler to trust.

Then you log on and do spoilers so you can acquire more powerful spoilers to get to the spoilers. 

It's the same but with more spoilers.

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2 minutes ago, Zakalwe said:

Will do, I remember the difference!

Oh, and where is the most populated player hub if there is one? Like, in some MMOs there's one place where everyone goes to chat/trade/menace etc... does WF have a capital?

Eh, not really.

There are a few relay stations above certain planets that are populated(ish) but if you want to see people showing off their Fashionframe your best bet is to hit the hubs of the big open world areas (Cetus on earth and Fortuna on Venus).

Fortuna is the new hotness now, so it is the most populated.

Also if you can get into a nice guild you can go to the clan dojo (guild hall) and it is a decent hub.

Other than that most people park on their ships and play with the pseudo player housing we have with decorating lol.

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1 hour ago, Zakalwe said:

Oh.,.. my last post here was in 2013! It's really been a while.

The last thing I vividly remember was farming parts for Nekros.

Downloading the game via Steam now, what can I expect when I log-in?
Will my old gear be relevant?
I think I have some platinum...


Uhhh you no longer need to apply mods for your abilities. 


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1 hour ago, Zakalwe said:

Oh.,.. my last post here was in 2013! It's really been a while.

The last thing I vividly remember was farming parts for Nekros.

Downloading the game via Steam now, what can I expect when I log-in?
Will my old gear be relevant?
I think I have some platinum...

Well, the game changed a lot. Now we have:

  • A good amount of primes, including melees like Redeemer Prime and Kronen Prime
  • Two new open worlds.
  • You can build Kitguns and Zaws, respectively the custom secondary and melee, based on your preference.
  • Bosses got reworked.
  • New warframes.
  • Riven mods.
  • Arbitrations.
  • Index and Rathuum.
  • Junctions.
  • Sentients.
  • Eidolons.
  • Reworked Login System.
  • Daily Reward Weapons.
  • Archwings, Archguns and Archmelee weapons.
  • Sentinels, Kubrow, Kavats and MOA.
  • Operators and Focus School.
  • New UI.
  • Simulacrum.
  • Bounties.
  • Plants to scan.
  • Baro Ki'Teer.
  • Supra Vandal.
  • Mining and Fishing.
  • Boss reworked.
  • Juggernaut.
  • Lenz.
  • Wraith/Vandal/Prisma versions of weapons.
  • Syndicate weapons.
  • Warframe Augment Mods.
  • Conclave.
  • Lots of mods.

And the more you know.

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7 hours ago, Zakalwe said:

Oh.,.. my last post here was in 2013! It's really been a while.

The last thing I vividly remember was farming parts for Nekros.

Downloading the game via Steam now, what can I expect when I log-in?
Will my old gear be relevant?
I think I have some platinum...


The level of content to farm/grind, lore, and game design changes are almost exponentially greater.

Follow the quests and join a clan that will foster your growth and reintroduction back into the Tennoverse.

If I hadn’t been ahead of the curve, I don’t know that I could have been a person able to commit to what Warframe has become, Magnificent and beautiful though it may be.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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7 hours ago, Zakalwe said:

What a warm welcome.

Yeah. One thing I will say is that the game is full with new players and the community is not as small and nice anymore which is a bit sad. 

As for my pov. I'm a Mr 26 player who's been here for 6 years now counting 2019. 

- ui has 100% been changed in every way since 2013.

- upgrading mods no longer uses cores. It uses endo. A farm able resource. 

- farming primes is no longer prime keys or events if you're that far back. They come from fissure events which rotate every few hours and need relics that you 'crack open'. Personally, as an old player, I much much prefer the new system. It's very fun.

- star system is completely different and actually changed 3 times since 2013.

- login system is different and has milestones now. 

- there are basically no exclusive items at all any more except founders. That's the only true exclusive left. 

- entire graphical system is upgraded and a new home made particle system is in while physx has been removed.

- OPEN WORLDS. sortof. They're basically really really big missions. Same concepts and ideas as normal Tileset missions, but in a much bigger environment. There's new customisable and craftable melee weapons and secondaries. 

- syndicates. I don't think you where there for those. But they're like factions you can earn standing with. There's heaps now. 6 normal syndicates. 2 specials. One for pvp, and one for simaris. Pvp is S#&$ though. Then there's like... 3 factions per open world. 

- dark sectors are gone. Raids where introduced and where pretty fun and all but where buggy as S#&$ so where removed to redo them. The also where the first and only mission type with 8 players. 

- heaps and heaps of new frames and weapons. Some frames came with quests. 

- quests in general are really awesome now compared to the old ones. There's quite a large story now with some really cool quests that introduced some really cool stuff. Play them to see. No spoilers 

- melee 2.0 was released and melee 3.0 is coming soon so don't get too attached. 

- parkour 2.0. Much much better than original

- damage 2.0 and technically 3.0

- energy drain abilities where reworked to also use durstion.

- heaps of frames where reworked. Saryn is still a God. Excal lost his super jump 😂😭

And yeah. There's lots of other small stuff, but that's mostly the stuff I could remember 


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8 hours ago, Zakalwe said:

Oh.,.. my last post here was in 2013! It's really been a while.

The last thing I vividly remember was farming parts for Nekros.

Downloading the game via Steam now, what can I expect when I log-in?
Will my old gear be relevant?
I think I have some platinum...


Welcome Back!!

There's a lot to catch up on Tenno.

Lots of story and many new things to do across the board so you should have a lot of fun with such a full plate.

Most of your old gear will probably still be completely relevant depending on whether you left before or after Damage 2.0.


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