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Nyx rework 1.5 (More to Psychic themed)


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Things that Bold in text are the one that most players need changes to that abilities.

Mind Control

1. need to be immune to crowd control
2. Exalted mod slot to make them proc status/crit for better dmg
3. Change AI to specters (commandable for defense position)
4. allow to bypass defense mission progress (Please DE)

Psychic Bolts

1. need to be spammable
2. return radiation proc
3. armor/shield/slow and ancient aura removal should be permanent because of 50 energy per cast is already cost way too much and less target to hit

Chaos (variety of augment that is change AI behaviour)

1. Psychic Rally : Enemies affected by chaos now become her allies (weaker version of Mind Control) (allow to bypass defense mission progress) for 20 seconds
2. Psychic Horror : Enemies affected by chaos now attempt to run from the battlefield for 10 seconds

Absorb (rework)

1. base range is 20m
2. base minimum magnetic damage is 1000 + base minimum damage of absorbed dynamic damage type is 1000
3. Rainbow status proc for each elemental and physical damage absorbed for 50% chance

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1 hour ago, XenMaster said:

Chaos (variety of augment that is change AI behaviour)

1. Psychic Rally : Enemies affected by chaos now become her allies (weaker version of Mind Control) (allow to bypass defense mission progress) for 20 seconds
2. Psychic Horror : Enemies affected by chaos now attempt to run from the battlefield for 10 seconds

Absorb (rework)

1. base range is 20m
2. base minimum magnetic damage is 1000 + base minimum damage of absorbed dynamic damage type is 1000
3. Rainbow status proc for each elemental and physical damage absorbed for 50% chance

Problems with balance lies here.

Chaos has the largest AoE (I think) in the game and can cover an entire map. This will be abused and is just absurdly OP.

The second augment is completely unless because it makes the game slower and does not really provide any real benefit especially in a PvE game.

Absorb is fine where it is right now. 20m base range with mods is more than enough to cover an entire map! She would literally be invincible with no downsides whatsoever. This ability doesn’t need to be changed especially in that dramatic of a way. The other suggestion will make it weaker than it is now. These changes won’t help. Also, the second suggestion is a direct nerf because she starts with 1500 damage minimum.

Edited by (PS4)godlysparta
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maybe they woulnt have to explode always or could be based on dominance and the other abilities and energy reserves, i think the nearby orbs and items usualyl get ignored and i could have nyx performing rolls and crouching to leave traps and trigger some rocket or jet feature in the future if she is augmented with the coming of fortuna i dont see why its not posible to also give her her own set of unique ninja tools and waffles, i personally came up with a pair of magnetic crystals and metallic balls that like garuda, nyx could use to enhance her skills and keep her away from totally being totally obvious, i wrote about this in the developers workshop forum since they are reworking titania and nyx, you should repost that video there so we can get these fixes, they all sound good to me, maybe chaos and berserk go well inhand together, but i dont want to help more, or ill get confusing. I'll add more stuff in my next posts after i read your whole comment.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)godlysparta said:

Problems with balance lies here.

Chaos has the largest AoE (I think) in the game and can cover an entire map. This will be abused and is just absurdly OP.

The second augment is completely unless because it makes the game slower and does not really provide any real benefit especially in a PvE game.

Absorb is fine where it is right now. 20m base range with mods is more than enough to cover an entire map! She would literally be invincible with no downsides whatsoever. This ability doesn’t need to be changed especially in that dramatic of a way. The other suggestion will make it weaker than it is now. These changes won’t help. Also, the second suggestion is a direct nerf because she starts with 1500 damage minimum.

well, the Psychic Rally augment can be rebalance by reducing the range + duration.

the second augment works against interception and mobile defense, it also mostly work to do solo capture mission and bounty capture part.

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Instead mind controlling some enemies that so unreliable for tanking and crowd control, we turn this any type of enemies into shadowy Nyx specter.


This new mechanic will be weird as it sounds, the enemy unit become ethereal form but showing Nyx specter, similar to that Chaos visual. The nyx specter will move like normal specter.


Nyx specter (Mind Control) will gain :

1. Warframe equipment slot

2. Weapon equipment slot

3. Similar stats to the Cosmic Specter


A. Warframe slot


This part of mechanic allow to give them Eximus power as precept mods which will be given after getting Nyx or Nyx Prime frame.


Unfortunately, only two mod slots exist in the mechanic, one for active ability, one for aura passive.


List of the Eximus active power :

a. Arson Wave (Eximus)- Fire wave dealing 1000 heat damage every 30 seconds

b. Arctic Globe (Eximus)- Snow globe with base 2000 health

d. Healer (Ancients) - Minor Area of effect heal by 300 flat to Health every 60 seconds

e. Energy Leech (Eximus) - Minor Area of effect energy restore by 50 every 60 seconds


List of Eximus passive power:

a. Damage resistance (Disruptor/Healer) - Area of effect damage reduction by 50%

b. Status effect cleansed every 5 seconds

c. Health Leech - Minor Area of effect deal 5 health damage for 5 heal to Health every second


B. Weapon Slot (ranged only)


Similar to Sentinel and Moa, it allow the Nyx Specter to equip majority of the players' weapons (except Archgun).


This to make sure Nyx have variety of weaponized Mind Control specter to improve her DPS because current Mind Control and Absorb is not good for regularly dps.


But this should allow the modding to the equipped weapon so that Nyx player can turn their secondary pet into cc tool or dps viral slash tool.


C. Basic stats


1. Similar to craftable Cosmic Specter, Nyx specter gain 10 more level above the current target's level (Heavy gunner lvl 90 mind controlled into nyx specter lvl 100).


2. It also scale the damage of the weapon and the stats eximus power depending on the level.


D. Another tweaks and Quality of Life stuff :


1. Bypass the defense mission progress


anyone who havent try Nyx in Defense mission, it will prevent wave progress if the Mind Controlled target is not killed. So, if we could get DE to remove this, we have one major problem solved.


2. Mind Control is instead on the Client side instead of Hosting


Mind Control target always use Host internet which cause lag of their movement and attack, irregular sometime not to do dps, putting it into client side allow the MC target to properly do their job.


3. Status effect immunity


anything that stun, knockback, heat panic, electrocuted cause MC to be crowd controlled by their former allies, which ruins your dps, giving status effect immunity allow the MC target to do their job.


4. Threat level/Aggro increased to maximum


Mind Control does not intimidating the enemies to focus fire it, which in turn doesnt actually tank for Nyx because the warframe is squishy therefore need a tank specter to do the role.


In the nutshell,


This type of rework is going to overhaul everything we know about Mind Control, it turn this useless Heavy Gunner that cant even do corrosive damage to their former allies into powerful pet that status proc, dealing crit damage and immediately vaporize enemy to death faster than Dethcube getting oneshot.

It could be simplified but giving variety of different build allow Nyx to gain strong ally instead of this lancer taking cover for nothing.

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8 minutes ago, XenMaster said:

Did i? Hmmmmmmmm.



This thread makes 3. Although checking has highlighted just how often you're repeating the same stuff and thread.

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What's your plan with that? Will you creat a new thread every day?

If you didn't read the answer you get in others, I strongly invite you to do so.
I will repert myself: splitting ideas in multiple thread won't help. It mostly deserve the goal...

What's the problem with other thread. I'm starting to think you don't care about nyx rework ideas, all that matter is turning nyx the way you want.
Tell me I'm wrong.

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From my point of view, the Nyx current rework is lackluster. Almost everyone say it, and I have lots of ideas to overcome her problems.

Because Nyx is a psychic themed warframe, she have to have these type of Psychic;

1. manipulate enemies (crowd control and damage)

Manipulation of enemies aka Mind Control and Chaos which half completed her list as Psychic frame.

2. telepathy (Support ability)

Allow for Nyx to enhance team's power through telepathic. Which enhance their perception, mainly weapons and warframe abilities.

3. Extra sensory perception (Utility)

Allow for Nyx to see through future, alternate vision, preventing the worst possible outcome.

Down to her abilities and passive

1. Sixth Sense (Passive)

Allow Nyx and her allies to see enemies through walls within 30 meters.


Current passive is Evasion, which have a "chance" to make enemies miss their shots on Nyx. But this ability, overall is bad because Nyx as a Psychic warframe has low health. With a chance to evade enemies attack that could one shot you on higher level is already a bad design for Nyx.


Allow Nyx and allies to see enemies through walls is a strong utility which you can now know where the enemies even with/out your Radar detector.

2. MIND CONTROL (Damage)

a. Remove its wind up damage.

b. Controlling a target which cause the target to gain;

i. gain invincibility

ii. damage taken become its damage output (mallet design)

iii. become sleep walker, spawning a Nyx specter with braton (Braton prime for Nyx prime) to replace its AI

iv. allow Nyx player to command the Specter to stay position or follow

c. Base damage multiplier for damage taken is 2.0/2x

d. Nyx specter can only walk (because the victim is sleep walking)

e. Damage type is Blast damage

f. If specter kill any Psychic bolts and Chaos affected target, the Mind Control ability duration can be replenished by 3 seconds for each killed.

g. Threat level increased to maximum


Current Nyx's Mind Control has problems which are;

a. Minion AI is bad because it caused the target to go hiding and take cover which waste your

1) Tanking,

2) DPS,

3) Wind up damage built (waste of ammo)

b. Enemies damage is only good versus player's warframe health, but not on their former allies which have over 10000 health not including armor and shield.

c. Cannot be commanded due to not being a specter

This problem prevent Nyx to tell the Mind Control target to defend the objectives or stay put, causing them to go hiding and seek cover.

d. Doesn't cause enemy to shoot the Mind Control, which in turn doesn't protect Nyx because the warframe is squishy.

3. PSYCHIC BLAST (Support and Crowd Control)

A. Rework into new ability, this ability has two mechanics;

a. Area of effect buff

i. Allies gain accuracy boost by 30% flat (power strength)

ii. Allies gain energy efficiency by 30% flat (power strength)

iii. duration 20 seconds

iv. 15 meters (from Nyx position)

b. Projectile splash attack (command)

i. Enemies that are being hit by the projectile will cause Chaos affected target to attack them

ii. Enemies that are being hit by the projectile will take 100% more damage from Nyx and Allies, and Mind Control, 500% more damage from Chaos target

iii. Projectile hit on the ground provide a marker for the Chaos enemies to move into that marked

iv. Any Chaos target enter the marked area will become docile to Nyx and Allies but still can be killed by players and Mind Control target

only one marked area can be spawned

v. Docile chaos target can still attack enemies that being hit by the projectile splash or any non chaos target.

vi. damage amplifier and marked area has 20 seconds duration.


Pre-rework Psychic bolts has their usefulness to synergize the old passive to disarm enemies, cause radiation status which best against Nullifier Crewmen because they cant get rid of status effect. But because disarm passive contradict with Absorb (which the 4th ability is bad anyways except for not being killed), they changed it and turned Psychic Bolts into debuff ability.

But one problem with the current rework of the ability is that we as Nyx can't spam the ability. If we can't get every enemy in the mission to be weakened, Mind Control and Chaos are rendered useless.

This idea is to allow to command and synergize Chaos target so they can kill enemies that is being debuffed for amplify damage taken, keep Chaos target docile, which keep everyone safe and also improve their accuracy and energy efficiency as buff.

4. Chaos (debuff and crowd control)

a. Chaos enemies now take 50% more damage from weapons and warframe abilities.


Chaos target as in stand, is a pure crowd control radiation ability that can slow down your mission if the mission is Defense and Survival.

To allow Nyx gain more power in terms of DPS, now every chaos will take more damage from her and allies, which allow better overall spend less time in the mission.

5. Absorb (Utility and Buff)

This is the Nyx's most powerful tanking ability, combined with the augment, she become the Terminator of warframe, which is a Rhino frame but worst when take damage.

Absorb gain new mechanics and remove old ones

a. Base range

i. Base range for explosion is 15meter

ii. Base range for buff is 20meter

b. Absorbed damage will not be used as area of effect damage

i. Absorbed damage become damage reduction for allies

* Each 500 damage absorbed, Allies within base range of Nyx during Absorb state, gain 10% damage reduction (no power strength)

* Each 500 damage absorbed, explosion will gain 10% status chance proc up to 80%

* Maximum of damage reduction is 80% regardless of damage absorbed is above the limit (no power strength)

c. Absorb explosion now deal 3 dynamic elemental damage

i. Explosion now deal Magnetic, Corrosive, and Blast in that order

* Damage for each type is 500 (power strength)

* Base status chance for each type is 20% (additive to the from absorbed damage = status chance buff)

* Each explosion type has a delay of 1 second

* When Nyx get out of the meditative state, Area of effect of the explosion stay on the last position of Nyx's meditative state.


Looking at her Absorb, its a selfish ability that not helping your team composition. Allowing allies to mitigate damage is a useful mechanic which give her new possible role in the game.

Causing Absorb to cause triple elemental type status effects can cause three faction of enemies to take debuff at their own respective weakness.

Magnetic = corpus shield

Corrosive = grineer armor

Blast = stops infested movement and overall enemies

Giving the ability with a base range of 15meter for the explosion can help to trigger the status effect to spread all the places.

Theses ideas can be ridiculous to all of players, but buffing, debuffing and manipulating enemies should be part of her mechanics as Psychic frame.


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From my point of view, the Nyx current rework is lackluster. Almost everyone say it, and I have lots of ideas to overcome her problems.

Because Nyx is a psychic themed warframe, she have to have these type of Psychic;

1. manipulate enemies (crowd control and damage)

Manipulation of enemies aka Mind Control and Chaos which half completed her list as Psychic frame.

2. telepathy (Support ability)

Allow for Nyx to enhance team's power through telepathic. Which enhance their perception, mainly weapons and warframe abilities.

3. Extra sensory perception (Utility)

Allow for Nyx to see through future, alternate vision, preventing the worst possible outcome.

Down to her abilities and passive

1. Sixth Sense (Passive)

Allow Nyx and her allies to see enemies through walls within 30 meters.


Current passive is Evasion, which have a "chance" to make enemies miss their shots on Nyx. But this ability, overall is bad because Nyx as a Psychic warframe has low health. With a chance to evade enemies attack that could one shot you on higher level is already a bad design for Nyx.


Allow Nyx and allies to see enemies through walls is a strong utility which you can now know where the enemies even with/out your Radar detector.

2. MIND CONTROL (Damage)

a. Remove its wind up damage.

b. Controlling a target  allow them to gain;

i. gain invincibility

ii. damage taken become its damage output (mallet design)

iii. become sleep walker, spawning a Nyx specter with braton (Braton prime for Nyx prime) to replace its AI

iv. allow Nyx player to command the Specter to stay position or follow

c. Base damage multiplier for damage taken is 2.0/2x

d. Nyx specter can only walk (because the victim is sleep walking)

e. Damage type is Blast damage

f. If specter kill any Psychic bolts and Chaos affected target, the Mind Control ability duration can be replenished by 3 seconds for each killed.

g. Threat level increased to maximum


Current Nyx's Mind Control has problems which are;

a. Minion AI is bad because it caused the target to go hiding and take cover which waste your

1) Tanking,

2) DPS,

3) Wind up damage built (waste of ammo)

b. Enemies damage is only good versus player's warframe health, but not on their former allies which have over 10000 health not including armor and shield.

c. Cannot be commanded due to not being a specter

This problem prevent Nyx to tell the Mind Control target to defend the objectives or stay put, causing them to go hiding and seek cover.

d. Doesn't cause enemy to shoot the Mind Control, which in turn doesn't protect Nyx because the warframe is squishy.

3. PSYCHIC BLAST (Support and Crowd Control)

A. Rework into new ability, this ability has two mechanics;

a. Area of effect buff

i. Allies gain accuracy boost by 30% flat (power strength)

ii. Allies gain energy efficiency by 30% flat (power strength)

iii. duration 20 seconds

iv. 15 meters (from Nyx position)

b. Projectile splash attack (command)

i. Enemies that are being hit by the projectile will cause Chaos affected target to attack them

ii. Enemies that are being hit by the projectile will take 100% more damage from Nyx and Allies, and Mind Control, 500% more damage from Chaos target

iii. Projectile hit on the ground provide a marker for the Chaos enemies to move into that marked

iv. Any Chaos target enter the marked area will become docile to Nyx and Allies but still can be killed by players and Mind Control target

only one marked area can be spawned

v. Docile chaos target can still attack enemies that being hit by the projectile splash or any non chaos target.

vi. damage amplifier and marked area has 20 seconds duration.


vii. marked area has 10meter range.


Pre-rework Psychic bolts has their usefulness to synergize the old passive to disarm enemies, cause radiation status which best against Nullifier Crewmen because they cant get rid of status effect. But because disarm passive contradict with Absorb (which the 4th ability is bad anyways except for being invincible), they changed it and turned Psychic Bolts into debuff ability.

But one problem with the current rework of the ability is that we as Nyx can't spam the ability. If we can't get every enemy in the mission to be weakened, Mind Control and Chaos are rendered useless.

This idea is to allow to command and synergize Chaos target so they can kill enemies that is being debuffed for amplify damage taken, keep Chaos target docile, which keep everyone safe and also buff allies their accuracy and energy efficiency.

4. Chaos (debuff and crowd control)

a. Chaos enemies now take 50% more damage from weapons and warframe abilities.


Chaos target as in stand, is a pure crowd control radiation ability that can slow down your mission if the mission is Defense and Survival.

To allow Nyx gain more power in terms of DPS, now every chaos target will take more damage from her and allies, which allow better overall spend less time in the mission.

5. Absorb (Utility and Buff)

This is the Nyx's most powerful tanking ability, combined with the augment, she become the Terminator of warframe, which is a Rhino frame but worst when take damage in return of losing a lot energy

Absorb gain new mechanics and remove old ones

a. Base range

i. Base range for explosion is 15meter

ii. Base range for buff is 20meter

b. Absorbed damage will not be used as area of effect damage

i. Absorbed damage become damage reduction for allies

* Each 500 damage absorbed, Allies within base range of Nyx during Absorb state, gain 10% damage reduction (no power strength)

* Each 500 damage absorbed, explosion will gain 10% status chance proc up to 80%

* Maximum of damage reduction is 80% regardless of damage absorbed is above the limit (no power strength)

c. Absorb explosion now deal 3 dynamic elemental damage

i. Explosion now deal Magnetic, Corrosive, and Blast in that order

* Damage for each type is 500 (power strength)

* Base status chance for each type is 20% (additive to the from absorbed damage = status chance buff)

* Each explosion type has a delay of 1 second

* When Nyx get out of the meditative state, Area of effect of the explosion stay on the last position of Nyx's meditative state.


Looking at her Absorb, its a selfish ability that not helping your team composition. Allowing allies to mitigate damage is a useful mechanic which give her new possible role in the game.

Causing Absorb to cause triple elemental type status effects can cause three faction of enemies to take debuff at their own respective weakness.

Magnetic = corpus shield

Corrosive = grineer armor

Blast = stops infested movement and overall enemies

Giving the ability with a base range of 15meter for the explosion can help to trigger the status effect to spread all the places.


Theses ideas can be ridiculous to all of players, but buffing, debuffing and manipulating enemies should be part of her mechanics as Psychic frame.

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Nyx's rework in my opinion is lackluster. Some players felt underwhelmed with her kits;




Passive that reduced accuracy of the enemy against Nyx, its bad. Even enemy missed their shots, one bullet in higher level means death. It also make the passive rebundant because we players have bullet jumping.


Mind Control:


Mind Control can take damage to gain boost. This is bad, because of their weapon stats, without Psychic Bolts debuffed it wont kill any enemy with armor on higher level.


Its hard to synergize with Psychic Bolts because they only attack the closest enemy or anyone who attacked them first.


They also not crowd control immune which waste Nyx's ammo usage and run out of duration.


Their AI wont go attack until they are closer to Nyx, which also the above's problem.


Psychic Bolts :


A good start of new mechanic. It can remove armor and shield at 100%, turn off ancient auras and slow down infested like a cold proc.


Unfortunately they added a problematic one that prevent Nyx to recast or spam the ability. Which is clunky as hell, even with 1/6 target debuffed you still need to "hold down" the button for 2 seconds just to recast again.




Chaos is good one, a strong radiation proc-like ability, in the wikipedia if the source is true, Chaos target always gain higher Threat level which non affect chaos enemied will attack them first.


Unfortunately, because its pure crowd control, it caused most of the missions to progress slow because you cant kill them faster if they stuck fighting each other and not moving to the objective (which i have an idea to replace Psychic Bolts to solve this).




Absorb is Nyx's tank ability as player stated her ultimate. When you look at the maths of absorption rate, damage output and base range are all bad.


Intentionally DE wanted to make Absorb to deal "dynamic" damage depending on the attack it absorbed. Unfortunately, not all enemies have the same physical damage.


Different units mean different attack type which is hard to get.


Now, to buff or rework Nyx is allowing her to do what always Psychic people do.


New Passive, Clairvoyance.


The passive will allow Nyx and her allies within 10 meters to detect enemies through walls (not minimap) around 30meters away.


The detecting mechanic only occur every 5 seconds, similar to Codex and Synthesis Scanner.


This passive will help both change how players going to hunt down their enemies and where to find them.


Mind Control :


1. Nyx gained Exalted mod slot to give bonus stats and elemental damage for Mind Control.


2. Mind Control will attack enemies of Nyx relentlessly regardless how far is Nyx from the MC target.


3. Mission will continue to progress even if MC is still alive/the ability is in duration/channeling.


4. Ability is now channeling, so Nyx can keep them until turning off.


5. Holding down button will work as Specter's command. Stay Position or Follow.


6. Mind Control is immune to crowd control.


7. MC target within 10 meters will give Nyx and her allies 50% damage resistance for as long as channeling still active.


Now Mind Control can stay position, deal elemental damage based on mods and passively protect Nyx and allies.


Psychic Bolts :


1. Bolts now target up to 8 targets.


2. Debuff remain the same, armor and shield removal, ancient aura turns off and slow down infested.


3. Recastable when number of affected target is below 8.


4. When enemies get debuffed by the ability, all affected Mind Control and Chaos targets will override any mechanic to hunt down the debuffed target.


Forced command will be removed if either the abilities has run out of duration/channeling.


5. Debuffed target take 500% more damage from Mind Control and Chaos targets.


Allow Nyx to command her minions to attack the debuffed target help the mission to progress faster because, force command mechanic will tell affected Chaos enemies to ignore other enemies surrounding them and only attack the debuffed enemies by psychic bolts.


I got this idea from Attack on Titan anime where one person scream and all the monsters come crawling ignoring their victim.


Chaos :


The ability should be keep as it is because of the buff comes from Psychic Bolts, increasing their damage output by 500%, ignore closest enemy and only attack the debuffed target until duration out.


Absorb :


1. Absorb points is removed.


2. Absorb now only drain energy and enemies deal damage to absorb will alsi drain more by the same stat.


3. During channeling, Nyx now leeches enemies, except invulnerable ones by 100 slash damage per second.


4. Leech base range is 15meters.


5. Leech exchange damage dealt into heal and energy restore for allies only for 5%.


6. Leech accumulate like Equinox's ultimate, when channel is deactivate, Nyx gain power strength and efficiency by 10% of accumulated points.


7. 100 slash damage dealt equals to 10 accumulated.


8. Explosion base range by 20meter. Cause enemies affected by it will be stunned for 5 seconds.


9. Explosion will debuff enemies to take extra 30% damage for each status effect.


The Absorb will help Nyx's team to replenish energy and health as long her enemies is withing leech range.


The ability also stun enemies for 5 seconds will also help team to revive someone, do hacking, etc.


Because Nyx is energy hungry especially now her Mind Control is channeling, she can now give herself power strength energy efficiency depending how much she leeched off her enemies.


Now with this idea :


Nyx can use Mind Control as specter-like ally that can now deal damage and give protection to nyx and her allies.


Her Psychic Bolts will now cause Chaos target to ignore our allies when they were too close to them to attack the debuffed enemies, kinda like RTS game where telling your soldiers to DPS on Sight your enemy's champion.


Chaos remain unaffected except Psychic Bolts debuff now improve their damage so they can kill the debuffed target faster and go marching.


Absorb have multiple mechanics that leeches enemy and still make Nyx immune to damage. Leeching or damage overtime on nearby enemies will accumulate points that can be used to boost Nyx power strength and energy efficiency. This also restore allies' health and energy depending the leech's damage.


She now have a proper trademark of telling people what to do like RTS game mechanic, passively helped by Mind Control, and give some minor restore allies, and also detect enemies through walls.

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All of your previously spammed Nyx rework threads were shoved into a single thread, why would you make another?

For reference, 


Furthermore, why would anyone want to just read the same thread over and over again? Maybe you're changing things, maybe you aren't, I lack the interest to read idea after idea after idea with little connection to your previous ideas.

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here is an idea Nyx would do well being able to inhabit the bodies of enemies for various effects such as hacking, bypassing alarm systems/barriers in addition to attacking.


 this is actually genius imagine instead of controlling an enemy u get to actually play as an enemy you choose with 5x the enemy controlled base dmg or crit multiplier (scales with power strength duration and drain) imagine playing as Nox or corrupted heave bombard lol that would make Nyx's very well tuned 

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Unless DE give,


1. Exalted mod slot for Mind Control (elemental proc for DPS independant from Psychic Bolts)




2. Pseudo exalted mod from currently equipped weapon (Mind Control inherit the mods from currently equipped weapon during ability cast)




3. Allow to give them weapon (any type) and to mod it in Arsenal option, when Mind Control, they switch from their typical junk weapon into modded ones,


One for ranged, one for melee.




Changes to the Mind Control where it should attack while following Nyx,


AI change from Minion (typical enemy faction) to Tenno Specter (Syndicate's Representative, Junction guardian, Rescue target) because the AI is better at mobility. They can even use any weapon given to them. Example for Ignis, they can deal enough dmg even at higher level.



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3 hours ago, (XB1)Thy Divinity said:

You lost me at "exalted Mind Control"

Supposedly, giving them something like "Psychic Gun" and "Psychic Sword" that can be modded like exalted blade. So they can actually deal damage because Nyx at the moment is just pure debuffer/cc. She only deal most dmg from equipment, Absorb btw is just god mode.


Unless they gonna add "command" feature that actually make her chaos targets to do her job as "mind manipulator", ill just suggest exalted weapon for Mind Control or inheriting mods from currently equipped weapon.

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Well ai just needs to be changed to attack closest spawned enemy. We realy don’t need the follow it just makes the ai dumb.

Exalted is an interesting idea but putting it in seems complex. Doing a melee and a ranged is just too much clutter. It needs to be 1.

If we were to add this I would change Nyxes passive to cause 1 enemy hit by your power to have the little Spector Nyx on its head use Nyxes exalted wep. When it dies the exalted Nyx Spector moves to another enemy who is effected by Nyxes power. Make it some magic hand looking thing that works like a gun.

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1 hour ago, BDMblue said:

Well ai just needs to be changed to attack closest spawned enemy. We realy don’t need the follow it just makes the ai dumb.

Exalted is an interesting idea but putting it in seems complex. Doing a melee and a ranged is just too much clutter. It needs to be 1.

If we were to add this I would change Nyxes passive to cause 1 enemy hit by your power to have the little Spector Nyx on its head use Nyxes exalted wep. When it dies the exalted Nyx Spector moves to another enemy who is effected by Nyxes power. Make it some magic hand looking thing that works like a gun.

You mean in example of the passive, any enemy hit by Mind Control, Psychic Bolts, Chaos and Absorb will become temporary Nyx specter?




You meant by, "enemy successful shoot you will temporary become ally with nyx specter attached to it?".

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