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This is horrible... I want my plat back.


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Firstly, forum based support is disgustingly bad. I doubt either of us want me to air my dissatisfaction openly for all to see. No proper support, no proper in game buy/sell market... awesome.

The root of my problem; I bought a moa little while ago because it was supposed to be able to hack consoles which sounded great because I'm not a fan of doing them myself. The problem is that it refuses to hack at times and its usually the one thing I really want it to hack. I was told you need to move around so it goes to the consoles. Sometimes that works and other times it just will not do what its meant to do no matter what. This thing literally ignores a console its standing in front of and crosses the room to unlock a door instead. It stops at moa lockers in corpus tile sets to release moas in a spy mission that raise alarms. This is not what I wanted. I want my plat back.

Make consoles moa waypoints (do this at the database level so it persists throughout the game automatically), don't hack moa lockers, if someone really wants lockers hacked then make a precept for it.


You can see here the moa is right next to the console and ignoring it. How much closer does it need to be before it finds the console? You can also see the 2 moas it released from lockers.

I want my plat back. I don't want apologies, explanations, nothing other than what I asked for. I want my plat back. The claim was that it would perform a task, it fails miserably to deliver. I want my plat back.

It has even walked out a of a vault room, circled around so that it is facing the console through a pane of glass, trying to get at it instead of just taking 3 steps while inside the room to reach it no problem. The moa A.I. needs a rework, it was not/is not ready for release.

Edited by MurderousMe
added a note to make a suggetion easier to do
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In the meantime, you could buy the blue print for ciphers from the market, it costs credit not platinum and make some with the workbench. When used as most players use them, they instantly solve hacking puzzles. Just make them, equip them and interact with a hacking console, then select use cipher a button below the puzzle.

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Also realize there are timers on abilities. I'm not sure they're directly known or how much ranking up the precept changes it. So if it unlocked something, maybe it is going to be a minute or two before it is ready to unlock something else. Maybe they could put that on the precept so it's clear.

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Ciphers are no good in sorties which is why this moa was bought to begin with. The precepts are maxed. The moa fails completely to act as promised. Its trash and shouldn't have been released as it is. I'm within my right to be displeased and want a refund.

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Allow me to put the Security Override on my Taxon, an actually useful companion that stays with me everywhere, and I'll forget about this. I can't stress enough how badly coded this moa is for this purpose. There simply is no way to adequately describe it. Profanity is appropriate in every regard in this case. This is a civil as I can be about it.

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I would not be surprised if the three main sortie console hacks have countermeasures which interfere with your moa working on them.

If jumping in and hacking the preceding consoles isn't enough to get your moa to do the final hacks (i do not know - i have not unlocked that moa yet), I can only recommend stuff like: max intruder mod, and on corpus consoles first do the outer "wide" hexagons, then the narrow ones, and then once the outer ring is in place click the center fast (it often takes longer to figure out the optimal direction to turn it than it does to just click it four extra times).

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This isn't rocket science. Its actually quite simple. I paid I believe it was 175 platinum for a moa that was promised to override security consoles. I also invested endo, forma, and time to bring it up to where it should have all the means to perform as best it can to suit my needs. It fails utterly to deliver. It wanders around, ignores consoles, and triggers alarms. I can sometimes get it to do its one and only job if I can find that magic spot in the room to stand in so it moves closer to the console and "MIGHT" decide to interact with it. This is not what was offered, this is not what I paid for.

Simply put; I was robbed for my platinum by the developers and I would like it back.

The worst is that I don't even get real support. I have to post on a forum where I get feedback from people that can do nothing, can offer nothing while I wait and hope for someone from DE to actually read this and resolve my problem. I might as well buy a lottery ticket and wait to collect my winnings, my odds are probably better.

I have even made suggestions in order to be constructive about the matter. Still I have yet to get any word from anyone in regard to my request. I bet if I had billing issues this would have been resolved immediately. This is so unprofessional.

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Tell us again why you don't simply try to reach the support instead of telling us ?

Even though they'll probably never give you your platinum back. That was your choice to spend them, if you did that solely after reading a short description of the precept, that's your fault.

That would be the same if you bought Ember believing her "World in Flame" would actually ignite the entire planet.

Anyway, this issue is probably due to the poor pacing/AI of Moas, they suck, deal with it. And don't buy with :platinum: any item that can be easily crafted ingame if you're so sensitive about any minor inconvenience. Because venting like that will get you nothing.

Edited by Chewarette
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On 2019-01-11 at 9:56 PM, MurderousMe said:

Firstly, forum based support is disgustingly bad. I doubt either of us want me to air my dissatisfaction openly for all to see. No proper support, no proper in game buy/sell market... awesome.

If you want to contact support then you need to submit a ticket through the support site, not the bug reports sub-forum which is just for reporting bugs with the game.

Support: http://support.warframe.com/

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On 2019-01-14 at 10:55 AM, NovusNova said:

If you want to contact support then you need to submit a ticket through the support site, not the bug reports sub-forum which is just for reporting bugs with the game.

Support: http://support.warframe.com/

Well, like so much in this game, that isn't clear because when I went looking for support everything led me to the forums. Directly here, without other options. I honestly had no interest in posting this, part of why I waited so long. Game forums (in general) are for drama and thats not what I wanted. Thats why I avoid them.

The link above is like being in an endless loop of uselessness. Just make page to open a ticket, THEN narrow the topic down. Why is that so hard? I'm tired of trying to find the magically hidden path to support. That page is beyond worthless. Clearly DE doesn't want to hear anything from anyone.


On 2019-01-14 at 11:19 AM, Fireclaymore said:

How long has this gone on for you? It could be related to the recent patch

Hotfix 24.2.7

  • Fixed MOA Companions equipped with the Security Override Mod ability to hack quest-critical objects which result in skipping gameplay stages.

and may be affecting your current usage case.

This has been ever since I got it. Its always been a wandering idiot. I had instant buyer's remorse and just held out hope that it would eventually be fixed because it can't be this broken for just me. Its just not possible.

I'm sick of it now and can honestly say that even if it got fixed, it hasn't been worth the platinum I spent. Let me put the mod on my Taxon, at least that companion stays with me so unless the mod is completely broken, it would have to work when I got to the console. You know, like I was expecting when I put out the platinum for the broken Moa.

Looking at that hotfix date, it was Jan 9th and as you can see I posted this the 11th. The edits were shortly after posting to fix mostly grammar/spelling errors. So much for the hotfix.


On 2019-01-14 at 1:50 PM, COATTOQUALUNQUE said:

i just hack consoles myself, it takes about  5 seconds after some practice and i dont even have to build ciphers. 

Thats great, but thats like saying I bought a car and since its defective everything is fine because I'll walk instead. Just saying.  😄

Edited by MurderousMe
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While I understand your frustration, I would like to point out two possibilities.

1.  In sorties, ciphers are no bueno.  (Intended mechanic to make things a bit more difficult, etc...)  So like they have stated above, I wouldn't be surprised if the MOA is avoiding these consoles for "that" reason.
2.  In the screenshot within the the below spoiler, (correct me if I am wrong) this looks like it is the "MAIN" panel to complete said vault.  It is also possible that they have been programmed to not hack these.  



 While you have made it very clear that you have no interest in having any sort of patience in waiting for the bug to be fixed or the mod to be clarified, I am still going to ask that you consider doing that.  Things break, it is the nature of ongoing games with many, many, frequent updates.  However, DE is very good about fixing things quickly when they know that something is broken or not working as intended. 

If this is the intended behavior of a MOA with this precept, however, I do agree that the mod could use some clarification of some sort.

With that said, please, as others have stated above, contact support here:  http://support.warframe.com/ if you are still adamant about receiving some sort of compensation, although I don't think demanding anything is going to get you very far.

I would be interested to know if it acts like this "outside" of sorties as well (in regular spy missions or otherwise).  Because that could help narrow the intent of the mod / issue down!

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