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Does your Tenno have a backstory/headcanon


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17 hours ago, BleedingDeathShadow said:

The Stalker used to have many Acolytes. My Tenno was one of them but considered one of the weaker ones. He didn’t know that he was a Tenno and lived to hate them. But then the Second Dream happened and my Tenno discovered his origins. He was driven mad (unlocking his hidden potential for destruction) and killed almost all the Acolytes in his rage leaving the current Acolytes who managed to escape to Hunhow. My Tenno then fought Stalker and nearly killed him and took his signature weapons, leaving him with only War. Now he is feared by everything in his mad rampage to kill everything in this system.

I just finished the Sacrifice so I want to add that my Tenno didn’t help Umbra find peace but instead overpowered Umbra’s hatred and despair with his own darker hatred forcing Umbra to become his broken puppet. He also abandons the Skiajati for the Hate scythe killing Sentients even more effectively and even Ballas.

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23 hours ago, Lakais said:

I don't hold the in-game quest story as my character's story. In every game I have played, I get invested and interested in the universe shown there. The characters, quests and stories all just tools for the devs to tell me details and concepts. Which is why I don't get all that bent out of shape when one character or another is written off or taken down some patch and the community of that game goes apesh*t. They get invested in the characters and their stories, I get invested in the universe and make my own characters and stories. Even if they are just in my head. 

I'm honestly surprised more people don't think this way. If you don't like the truth of TSD, it's entirely possible several Tenno outright refused to acknowledge their true power, essentially forcing themselves to forget their identity a second time post-TSD. They shoved their true forms into the basement and forgot about them, leaving the actual events of the story for someone else to have canonically accomplished.

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The way I see I sort of just add to my own characters backstory as we learn. I know I wasn’t alone in the thought that the Warframes we use are just armor and we were the person inside. Learning that the Tenno and the Warframe aren’t the same person I just sort of ran with what the story gave me in the realization as well.



My Tenno has amnesia and is slowly recovery their memories. When they went to sleep they were not in the Volt warframe but when they awoke it was the nearest “unoccupied suit”. For sometime they were under the impression that they were the suit as many others. Despite the void powers they could not resolve themselves to seeing the other tenno as anything more then the warframes their mind occupied. That is until they “woke up” and recalled not so much who they were as what they were.

The small memories they have regained have changed how they saw themselves and others. They were part of the faction that hunted their parents though not entirely willing to the idea at first. After being turned away by the Orokin only to be used as weapons they were all for the slaughter have already been given the taste of blood during the war.

The lotus being a similar appearance to Margulas was a sort of pacification or imprint in the concept of “she’s not dead”. Though the bond their faded over time with the realization that not only was the lotus not margulas but she is also the same enemy that had been fought in the old war. Things hidden and kept secret have led to less trust being given to the lotus and more skepticism in the lotus’ actions.

With the realization the lotus not being who she says she was my tenno has taken to viewing everything with a grain of salt. The tenno were slaves to the orokin and are now in a since the same to the lotus. The only indications of those having left the lotus appear in the stalkers who desire greatly to hurt/harm/kill the tenno. Such is an unsettling concept where she wonders if she can ever truly be free or if she will fallow someone else’s orders for the remainder of her life.

When presented with the option to Grant Teshin his own freedom she gave the Kuva to him to decide, as was the same in the case of the Mela and the Mitoclorians. She is fully aware that these choices should not be hers to be made. Freedom or what someone defines as such should be chosen and not forced. For this same reason she often assists Grineer defectors and the citizens of Fortuna.

As an odd quark I imagine she speaks to herself in the orbiter in hopes of getting a response from the man in the wall. Because the man in the wall led her to find Ballis in his sentient state, not that Ballis or the man in the wall are to be trusted. However there is still a desire to know more about them. More so for the man in the wall.



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I did try to come up with one long ago.

But it was about as good as the backstory of my OCs. And those included anti-matter, modified DNA and magic n s****.

So.. yeah. I kinda just scrapped the idea for a Operator backstory and decided "This is (enter acceptable female name here) and she kills stuff. 'Nuff said."


I did imagine a Warframe movie focused on my operator, though.

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On 2019-02-19 at 7:01 PM, Sitchrea said:

I'm honestly surprised more people don't think this way. If you don't like the truth of TSD, it's entirely possible several Tenno outright refused to acknowledge their true power, essentially forcing themselves to forget their identity a second time post-TSD. They shoved their true forms into the basement and forgot about them, leaving the actual events of the story for someone else to have canonically accomplished.

The thing with WF's storytelling is that it uses the "Chosen one"  trope. We are all a single in-universe person, the aforementioned "chosen one" who just so happens to be in the middle of EVERYTHING. That's why I call us "Commander Shepards" because everyone has a different version of said character, but we're all playing a single character. Which complicates things a bit in an online game from a canonical view. But then again, GuildWars 2 pulls it off fine with their storyline, even if I want to strangle half the supporting characters more often then not. 

People have to get invested in SOMETHING about a game to enjoy it. Be it gameplay, the story, characters. Problem with our Operators is that they are both the main character and the player character in the story we are being told. And it's not so easy to separate those two in your head. Pour in a heap of personal biases, unfavorable first impressions, the (arguably) obnoxious grind associated with Operator gear and power progression and you end up with the current situation where some are against Operators and the whole story about them while I imagine the majority is "meh". 

Edited by Lakais
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5 hours ago, Lakais said:

The thing with WF's storytelling is that it uses the "Chosen one"  trope. We are all a single in-universe person, the aforementioned "chosen one" who just so happens to be in the middle of EVERYTHING. That's why I call us "Commander Shepards" because everyone has a different version of said character, but we're all playing a single character. Which complicates things a bit in an online game from a canonical view. But then again, GuildWars 2 pulls it off fine with their storyline, even if I want to strangle half the supporting characters more often then not. 

People have to get invested in SOMETHING about a game to enjoy it. Be it gameplay, the story, characters. Problem with our Operators is that they are both the main character and the player character in the story we are being told. And it's not so easy to separate those two in your head. Pour in a heap of personal biases, unfavorable first impressions, the (arguably) obnoxious grind associated with Operator gear and power progression and you end up with the current situation where some are against Operators and the whole story about them while I imagine the majority is "meh". 

At least there is a canon explanation for each Operator being the "Chosen One" - or at least the one who does all the major "Primaries" - in the Quills. Quill Onko essentially tells us we are the most important person to us, as far as we are concerned. Meaning, each Operator is the MC of their own universe, with every other Operator still existing but not the ones who canonically influence things in your universe.

In short, don't drink blood dripping out of an orokin wall. It messes with your head and lets you see forever.

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2 hours ago, Sitchrea said:

At least there is a canon explanation for each Operator being the "Chosen One" - or at least the one who does all the major "Primaries" - in the Quills. Quill Onko essentially tells us we are the most important person to us, as far as we are concerned. Meaning, each Operator is the MC of their own universe, with every other Operator still existing but not the ones who canonically influence things in your universe.

In short, don't drink blood dripping out of an orokin wall. It messes with your head and lets you see forever.

Yeah, I wasn't going to go into the whole multiverse thing. But you're right on that respect. Personally, I find it interesting that as far as I am aware, no developer has ever made a serious attempt at a story where the player character is not the main character.

It sort of tangentially reminds me of the whole shindig about the Halo movie with Niel Blomkamp some year back, I believe. And his comment about if it were a thing with Master Chief, he'd have to be one of the most famous background characters ever. This is a route game writers seem to avoid in MMO games, where the main characters are not player characters. It's a weird concept to justify, where we are just another supporting character to someone else's story, but.. it feels like something fresh and when you think about it, it's what us head-canoners do with our characters. There's the main canonical story, and we insert our own creations into it, people who are involved and affected by the events but not the main actors. 

Edited by Lakais
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30 minutes ago, Lakais said:

Yeah, I wasn't going to go into the whole multiverse thing. But you're right on that respect. Personally, I find it interesting that as far as I am aware, no developer has ever made a serious attempt at a story where the player character is not the main character.

It sort of tangentially reminds me of the whole shindig about the Halo movie with Niel Blomkamp some year back, I believe. And his comment about if it were a thing with Master Chief, he'd have to be one of the most famous background characters ever. This is a route game writers seem to avoid in MMO games, where the main characters are not player characters. It's a weird concept to justify, where we are just another supporting character to someone else's story, but.. it feels like something fresh and when you think about it, it's what us head-canoners do with our characters. There's the main canonical story, and we insert our own creations into it, people who are involved and affected by the events but not the main actors. 

In Guild Wars 2's case, it took two DLC's before the player character got to be the one making the decisions in the story - which makes them the main character - in Path of Fire. Tree Jesus was the main character for the base game and Heart of Thorns before we got to take over. And look how great Path of Fire was. Good points.

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Yes, my operator has his own backstory, and his own personality, hopes, dreams, and interests.



He has... seen things. Things he cannot speak of. But he searches for truth, attempting to unlock the secrets buried deep within his mind. He favors his personal Valkyr, who once saved him from the Stalker, despite all that has been done by the enemy to counter her power. His inner fire mirrors her outward fury. He wishes at times she could fight alongside him as Umbra does; he has even quested within the labs of the Zanuka project, trying to find a way to make it possible.

He did not take it well when the Lotus left. I would not say he mourned, but the sentiment was close enough. He changed his appearance from the regal garb of his younger self to a more armored, Vent-Kids inspired look. One could say he somewhat identifies with their plight. He follows Ordis' synthesized directives just for the sense of familiarity that accompanies them. He seeks a renewed purpose, a difficult task for one for whom trust does not come easily.

The recent Nora Night broadcasts have been intriguing for him. He wants to know more about her, and sometimes sits by the scanner waiting to see if it will pick up a new transmission. Is there more to know? Only time will tell.



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My Friend and I have a pretty complex head cannon for our Tennos and well...everything.

It began as a joke and honestly we've just kinda rolled with it until now so I'll try to explain, well all of it.

Ok so to begin my friend wanted to play Warframe and said he hadn't played in over 3 years and that he saw it was on the switch so he asked if we could do it and that he wanted to learn the whole lore and familiarize himself with the characters. As such he asked me what the premise of Warframe was, jokingly I said "You're an Autistic Child in space, whose mom is an Alcoholic". He laughed and we moved on, and for the fist month I would constantly ask things like "Man, When do i get the 'Autistic Scream'?" (Transference before second dream) And "Shut up, Drunk mom."(lotus) to which he would laugh, but also be REALLY CONFUSED. 

Well fast forward to 2 months later and he had gotten "the scream" (as well as some other things) and realized what i meant by 'drunk mon' (lotus can be pretty Petty at times[has a tantrum;Steals a moon?])


In our head cannon lotus is 'Drunk Mom' (who perfers 'Tech Killa')

Ordis is bae

Our Tenno are 'Autistic' and Trying to Sober thier mom

Teshin is 'Mushroom Dad' (would go into detail but spoilets and such)

The Grineer are Horny

The Corpus are Actually trying to help Sober 'Drunk Mom'

Any thing that is environmental hazard is "Spicy Water"

And finally anything that is infested is a "sick puppy"

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Not a backstory per se, but I based my operator's looks on one of characters from my own fiction, namely Alicia Slayer, a 4th wall-breaking, time-and-dimension travelling story-vampire*.


*instead of drinking blood, she "eats" people's roles in a story they belong to, generally usurping the place of the original villains.

e.g. She comes to the world of Red Riding Hood, erases Big Bad Wolf's existence (by "eating" his role) and replaces him as the villain.

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