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EHP calcs of some tanky frames


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So I’ve seen a lot of confusion around how much ehp some frames can reach, because of that I’ve decided to make a post about this. The builds you’ll be seeing are those I myself use or would use on the frame, which wouldn’t maximise ehp, but balance ehp and usability. Also, I will be giving recommendation in a note section and I won’t take shields / overshields in consideration, if the frame cant regen them on their own or proctect taxon. There might be other methods of gaining shields like the rakta dagger, but I won’t take them into consideration, because I don’t use them and it would make this post a lot more complex.

I used this formula to calculate ehp, when it was based on health:


(( 1 + ( base armor * ( 1 + modded armor + any other base armor multiplier ) + any other additive armor buff ) / 300 ) * ( base health * ( 3 + modded health + any other base health multiplier )) + shields + over shields ) / any other sort of DR




Build: http://warframe-builder.com/Warframes/Builder/Atlas/t_30_3423000222_3-8-5-4-0-5-5-6-5-411-2-10-481-3-10-613-9-5-866-7-5-873-4-9-875-5-9-899-1-10_4-5-899-6-411-8-481-7-873-15-875-15-5-9-866-6-3-18-613-5_0/en/1-0-39

Vanilla Ehp with armor passive: (1 + ( 450 + 1500 ) / 300 ) * (100 * ( 3 + 5 ))  = 6 000 ehp

1x R10 Arcane guardian: (1 + ( 450 + 1500 + 600 ) / 300 ) * (100 * ( 3 + 5 ))= 7 600 ehp

2x R10 Arcane guardian: ( 1 + ( 450 + 1500 + 1200 ) / 300 ) * (100 * ( 3 + 5 )) = 9 200 ehp

Note: When playing Atlas, I would advise using one set of arcane grace and arcane guardian, thanks to his one he’ll be able to trigger them without taking any dmg. This is also why adaptation is good on him, he can charge it to 90% without taking dmg. Grace will always keep you fully healed and so you wont waste rubble on healing. Taking everything into consideration, Atlas will sit around 76k ehp against at least one dmg type, once adaptation ramps up.





Build: http://warframe-builder.com/Warframes/Builder/Baruuk/t_30_4330200323_4-2-5-5-1-5-16-9-5-479-4-10-481-7-10-779-8-5-860-3-5-873-5-9-875-6-9-899-0-10_899-6-5-5-4-5-860-7-479-7-873-15-875-15-481-7-779-14-16-6_0/en/1-0-68

Vanilla Ehp with abilities and fully depleted passive: ( 1 + 150 / 300 )* ( 75 * ( 3 + 5 )) / 0.1 / 0.6 / 0.5 = 30 000 ehp

1x R10 Arcane guardian: ( 1 + (150 + 600 ) / 300 )* ( 75 * ( 3 + 5 )) / 0.1 / 0.6 / 0.5 = 70 000 ehp

2x R10 Arcane guardian: ( 1 + ( 150 1200 ) / 300 )* ( 75 * ( 3 + 5 )) / 0.1 / 0.6 / 0.5 = 110 000 ehp

Note: Baruuk is one of the tankiest frames in the game, he has multiple forms of DR that boost he’s ehp to extreme levels. If we include adaptation, he would have around at max 1.1 mio. ehp against one dmg type, which is insane. But then again, I still wouldn’t recommend using 2x arcane guardian, rather I myself would use grace / guardian, strike / fury or strike / guardian. This would leave him at 700k ehp with adaptation.


Chroma Prime



Build: http://warframe-builder.com/Warframes/Builder/Chroma_Prime/t_30_3440233021_5-6-5-12-4-10-49-1-10-481-0-10-615-9-5-779-8-5-860-5-5-873-3-9-875-7-9-899-2-10_481-7-49-8-899-6-873-15-12-8-860-4-5-5-875-15-779-14-615-5_0/en/1-0-64

Vanilla Ehp with abilities: (1 + ( 425 * (1 + 3.5 * 3.13)) / 300 ) * (100 * ( 3 + 5 + 2 * 3.13 )) = 25 577.09 ehp

1x R10 Arcane guardian: (1 + ( 425 * (1 + 3.5 * 3.13) + 600 ) / 300 ) * (100 * ( 3 + 5 + 2 * 3.13 )) = 28 429.09 ehp

2x R10 Arcane guardian: (1 + ( 425 * (1 + 3.5 * 3.13) + 1200 ) / 300 ) * (100 * ( 3 + 5 + 2 * 3.13 )) = 31 281.09 ehp

Note: I myself don’t use adaptation on chroma, but if I were, I would use the build above. With this Chroma at max reaches around 300k ehp, though using arcanr guardian on him in my opinion isn’t worth it, because he already possess an extreme amount of armor. What I use is grace / avenger or grace / nullifier. This would reduce him to around 250 k ehp against one dmg type.





Build: http://warframe-builder.com/Warframes/Builder/Gara/t_30_3240343042_4-4-5-51-8-5-479-1-10-481-0-10-613-9-5-762-2-10-857-6-5-873-7-9-875-3-9-899-5-10_481-7-479-7-762-8-875-15-4-5-899-6-857-4-873-15-51-14-613-5_0/en/1-0-57

Vanilla Ehp with abilities and overshields: (( 1 + 125 / 300 ) * ( 100 * ( 3 + 5 + 0.9 + 2.2 )) + 1200 + 520) / 0.1 = 32 925 ehp

1x R10 Arcane guardian: (( 1 + ( 125 + 600 ) / 300 ) * ( 100 * ( 3 + 5 + 0.9 + 2.2 )) + 1200 + 520 ) / 0.1 = 55 125 ehp

2x R10 Arcane guardian: (( 1 + ( 125 + 1200 ) / 300 ) * ( 100 * ( 3 + 5 + 0.9 + 2.2 )) + 1200 + 520 ) / 0.1 = 77 325 ehp

Note: I’ve chosen to include overshields on Gara, because she can protect taxon without having to do something extra for it thanks to splinter storm. Because of this with adapation she sits at max around 770 k against one dmg type, though here again I would advise using only one arcane guardian with something like grace instead. With this she would be around 550 k ehp with adaptation.





Build: http://warframe-builder.com/Warframes/Builder/Inaros/t_30_4432000132_4-2-5-36-8-5-59-3-3-613-9-4-819-7-3-852-1-5-873-5-9-874-6-8-875-4-9-899-0-10_899-6-852-5-4-5-59-5-875-15-873-15-874-14-819-5-36-14-613-4_0/en/1-0-45

Vanilla Ehp with abilities: ( 1 + 200 * (1 + 1.575) + 200 ) / 300 ) * ( 550 * ( 4 + 7 + 1.8 ))  = 23 818.66 ehp

1x R10 Arcane guardian: ( 1 + 200 * (1 + 1.575) + 200 + 600 ) / 300 ) * ( 550 * ( 4 + 7 + 1.8 )) = 37 898.66 ehp

2x R10 Arcane guardian: ( 1 + 200 * (1 + 1.575) + 200 + 1200) / 300 ) * ( 550 * ( 4 + 7 + 1.8 )) = 51978.66

Note: Inaros was never as tanky as people believed, for that he just lacks any form of substantial dmg reduction, though what’s impressive is that he’s tankiness doesn’t really need maintenance like other frames. Even against nullifiers he’ll retain most of he’s ehp. Though I would recommend using two sets of arcane ultimatum instead of guardian if you’re playing with a CL setup, even trickery might be better. With adaptation he’s around 500 k ehp against one dmg type.


Mesa Prime



Build: http://warframe-builder.com/Warframes/Builder/Mesa_Prime/t_30_3434320021_4-4-5-49-3-7-55-2-5-479-5-10-481-0-10-718-9-3-779-8-5-873-6-9-875-7-9-899-1-10_481-7-899-6-55-6-49-7-4-5-479-7-873-15-875-15-779-14-718-5_0/en/1-0-67

Vanilla Ehp with abilities: (1+ 125 / 300 ) * ( 135 * ( 3 + 5 )) / 0.05 = 30 600 ehp

1x R10 Arcane guardian: (1+ ( 125 + 600 )/ 300 ) * ( 135 * ( 3 + 5 )) / 0.05 = 73 800 ehp

2x R10 Arcane guardian: (1+ ( 125 + 1200 )/ 300 ) * ( 135 * ( 3 + 5 )) / 0.05 = 117 000 ehp

Note: Mesa is extremely tanky against conventional projectiles, allowing her to even out tank Baruuk. Her weakness though are Bombard rockets, AOE effects and melee attack, though as long as the player doesn’t stay in one place, Mesa will survive. At max she sits around at 1.2 mio ehp against one dmg type, thanks again to adaptation. But then again, I would advise only using one arcane guardian and in addition avenger or velocity. With one arcane guardian she’ll be around 730 k ehp vs projectiles and 37k ehp vs melee and AOE attacks, though again against a single dmg type or more, depending on what adaptation has built up a resistant.


Nekros prime



Build: http://warframe-builder.com/Warframes/Builder/Nekros_Prime/t_30_4410321021_458-2-3-479-5-10-527-6-3-615-9-5-727-1-5-779-8-5-860-4-5-873-7-9-875-3-9-899-0-10_899-6-727-8-458-5-875-15-860-4-479-7-527-5-873-15-779-14-615-5_0/en/1-0-49

Vanilla Ehp with abilities: (1 + ( 65 + 450 * 3 ) / 300 ) * ( 100 * ( 3 + 5 )) / 0.1 = 45 733.33 ehp

1x R10 Arcane guardian: (1 + ( 65 + 450 * 3 + 600 ) / 300 ) * ( 100 * ( 3 + 5 )) / 0.1 = 61 733.33 ehp

2x R10 Arcane guardian: (1 + ( 65 + 450 * 3 + 1200 ) / 300 ) * ( 100 * ( 3 + 5 )) / 0.1 = 77 733.33

Note: Nekros tank builds are extremely tight, on one hand you want to squeeze both of his augment mods, while also building for every attribute in the build and now with the addition of adaptation, that also becomes an option. With this build he’ll be able to reach a max of 700 k ehp, though as amendatory for all Nelkros builds, having at least one arcane pulse is very important. Thus, he would land around 600k vs one dmg type.





Build: http://warframe-builder.com/Warframes/Builder/Nezha/t_30_4431320032_4-2-5-34-8-5-479-5-10-481-4-10-613-9-5-727-1-5-873-6-9-875-7-9-893-3-3-899-0-10_899-6-727-8-4-5-893-5-481-7-479-7-873-15-875-15-34-14-613-5_0/en/1-0-43

Vanilla Ehp with abilities: ( 1 + ( 175 + 450 * 3 ) / 300) * ( 125 * ( 3 + 5 )) / 0.9 = 60 833.33 ehp

1x R10 Arcane guardian: ( 1 + ( 175 + 450 * 3 + 600 ) / 300) * ( 125 * ( 3 + 5 )) / 0.1 = 80 833.33 ehp

2x R10 Arcane guardian: ( 1 + ( 175 + 450 * 3 + 1200 ) / 300) * ( 125 * ( 3 + 5 )) / 0.1 = 100 833.33 ehp

Note: Nezha has become one of the top frames in the game, having insane tanking potential and a way of gating damage, thanks to how warding halo works. This all combined with his CC potential and mobility makes him into an undying god. In addition, his builds are very flexible and forgiving. Thanks to his rework and adaptation, he’s now able to reach around 1.01 mio. ehp, but again with two arace guardians. A combination of arcane grace / energize would suit him much better, this is because the gains while substantial aren’t comparable to let’s say Gara, thanks to health conversion.





Build: http://warframe-builder.com/Warframes/Builder/Nidus/t_30_3200342022_3-8-5-4-4-5-5-0-5-59-1-3-479-6-10-613-9-5-873-7-10-874-3-7-875-2-9-899-5-10_5-5-59-5-875-15-874-13-4-5-899-6-479-7-873-16-3-18-613-5_0/en/1-0-51

Vanilla Ehp with abilities: ( 1 + 450 * ( 1 + 1.4 ) / 300 ) * ( 150 * ( 3 + 7 )) / 0.1 = 69 000 ehp

1x R10 Arcane guardian: ( 1 + ( 450 * ( 1 + 1.4 ) + 600 ) / 300 ) * ( 150 * ( 3 + 7 )) / 0.1 = 99 000 ehp

2x R10 Arcane guardian: ( 1 + ( 450 * ( 1 + 1.4 ) + 1200 ) / 300 ) * ( 150 * ( 3 + 7 )) / 0.1 = 129 000 ehp

Note: When it comes to ehp, Nidus has the highest consistent value, with adaptation he sits around 1.3 mio. ehp. Though as said many times again, two arcane guardians aren’t necessary. Grace / guardian would be better.


Rhino prime



Build: http://warframe-builder.com/Warframes/Builder/Rhino_prime/t_30_2400032221_5-5-5-12-0-10-384-2-3-411-7-10-472-3-3-479-6-10-615-9-5-779-8-5-873-4-9-900-1-10_12-8-900-6-384-9-472-9-873-15-5-5-479-7-411-8-779-14-615-5_0/en/1-0-23

Vanilla Ehp with abilities: ( 1200 + 2.5 * 275 * ( 1 + 0.5 * 3.34 * 8 )) * 3.34 = 36 982.15

1x R10 Arcane guardian: ( 1200 + 2.5 * ( 275 + 600 ) * ( 1 + 0.5 * 3.34 * 8 )) = 108 925.75 ehp

2x R10 Arcane guardian: ( 1200 + 2.5 * ( 275 + 1200 ) * ( 1 + 0.5 * 3.34 * 8 )) = 180869.35 ehp

Note: Rhino has always been very tanky thanks to his iron skin, though because of it, he can’t take advantage of adaptation. He’s the one who can reach the highest raw ehp value of all frames, though it depends on how many enemies are present. I went with 8 cause its usually what I encountered. Add a Chroma and Nidus to the mix and his ehp could easily surpass that of nidus with adaptation. Though for a pure iron skin build, dual arcane ultimatum is recommended and a CL setup. I myself usually used a dagger with a zakti.


Trinity prime



Build: http://warframe-builder.com/Warframes/Builder/Trinity_Prime/t_30_0420333042_4-4-5-13-5-3-51-8-5-479-2-10-481-6-10-613-9-5-857-0-5-873-7-9-875-3-9-899-1-10_857-7-899-6-479-7-875-15-4-5-13-7-481-7-873-15-51-14-613-5_0/en/1-0-40

Vanilla Ehp with abilities: ((1+ 15 / 300 ) * ( 100 * ( 3 + 5 + 0.9 )) + 1200 + 450) / 0.25 / 0.25 = 41 352 ehp

1x R10 Arcane guardian: ((1+ ( 15 + 600 ) / 300 ) * ( 100 * ( 3 + 5 + 0.9 )) + 1200 + 450) / 0.25 / 0.25 = 69 832 ehp

2x R10 Arcane guardian: ((1+ ( 15 + 1200 ) / 300 ) * ( 100 * ( 3 + 5 + 0.9 )) + 1200 + 450) / 0.25 / 0.25 = 98 312 ehp

Note: Trinity benefits a lot from arcane guardian, that’s why I’ll recommend using two sets of it. With this she’ll hover around 0.98 mio. thanks to adaptation. Im not the best trin builder so there are for sure better builds then mine. Also, because she can heal Taxon and give him DR, I counted shields.


Hope you like it tenno, and that it at least gave you an idea how tanky the mentioned frames can get. Some other tanky frames would be night Equinox, Nova, Valkyr and our lord Wukong.
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Why does grace get a boost? It’s one of the worst arcanes. 

You show 2 gardens dubbed the hp of the frame or give it 80% more yet say grace would be better just confusing. We have 50 ways to heal best being lifestrike on melee. It’s a full heal with an auto.

 If I pick up another of those overpriced arcanes I’ll sell you 1. I think they are worthless.

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9 minutes ago, BDMblue said:

Why does grace get a boost? It’s one of the worst arcanes. 

You show 2 gardens dubbed the hp of the frame or give it 80% more yet say grace would be better just confusing. We have 50 ways to heal best being lifestrike on melee. It’s a full heal with an auto.

 If I pick up another of those overpriced arcanes I’ll sell you 1. I think they are worthless.

Think about it like this, sustained healing is just a multiplicative damage reduction in cases like this. You are actively subtracting their damage with the constant sustained heal of arcane grace. If you have enough DR it takes full minutes to take you down, would you rather add 30 seconds onto that timer or just heal so rapidly it out paces their damage achieving effective invulnerability. This video gives a good example as to the power of just having healing over more DR. If he chose 2 guardians he would have died much earlier.

Yes, you can use other methods to heal but the entire point is it's completely effortless and powerful while being very reliable with enough DR.


Edited by Annnoth
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8 minutes ago, BDMblue said:

Why does grace get a boost? It’s one of the worst arcanes. 

You show 2 gardens dubbed the hp of the frame or give it 80% more yet say grace would be better just confusing. We have 50 ways to heal best being lifestrike on melee. It’s a full heal with an auto.

 If I pick up another of those overpriced arcanes I’ll sell you 1. I think they are worthless.

Cause in some frames having more armor isnt benefisial, for example Chroma or Atlas. Also in Garas case. But in the end you can do what ever you want. Even though having more armor is always good, the more armor you have the less of a difference it makes, even though armor itself doesnt has diminishing returns.

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6 minutes ago, Annnoth said:

Think about it like this, sustained healing is just a multiplicative damage reduction in cases like this. You are actively subtracting their damage with the constant sustained heal of arcane grace. If you have enough DR it takes full minutes to take you down, would you rather add 30 seconds onto that timer or just heal so rapidly it out paces their damage achieving effective invulnerability. This video gives a good example as to the power of just having healing over more DR. If he chose 2 guardians he would have died much earlier.

Yes, you can use other methods to heal but the entire point is it's completely effortless and powerful while being very reliable with enough DR.



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these types of calc are only useful for the not so adventurous player. but I will not say they are totally correct or incorrect either.

when deciding on how tanky a frame is, mainly comes down to your playstyle and your gear. example with my nekros  I also have a saryn p specter with a zarr or oberon specter with arca plasmor both are cosmic specters pulling aggro. + corrupted heavy gunner/lancer+ roller +ancient healer + shield osprey and air support turrets.

my nekros has growing power, adaptation, prime flow vigor redirection vitality equilibrium cunning drift arcane guardian/ avenger prime continuity and shield of shadows with zenurik. this allows me (solo) to take hits upto level 500+ without feeling threatened and having desecrate going at all times.

between the specter and the heavy gunner and turrets my weapons can be as weak as wet paper and still do damage. dessicrate + equilibrium will always keep my health and energy up as long as I manage equilibrium's mechanics correctly. should I feel or get overwhelmed with enemies at anytime a quick slam attack will down a group while whatever proc is doing its thing.

my sentinel is dethcube with overheat in 1st slot  max punch thru and corrosive<< never dies.

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2 hours ago, ranks21 said:

these types of calc are only useful for the not so adventurous player. but I will not say they are totally correct or incorrect either.

when deciding on how tanky a frame is, mainly comes down to your playstyle and your gear. example with my nekros  I also have a saryn p specter with a zarr or oberon specter with arca plasmor both are cosmic specters pulling aggro. + corrupted heavy gunner/lancer+ roller +ancient healer + shield osprey and air support turrets.

my nekros has growing power, adaptation, prime flow vigor redirection vitality equilibrium cunning drift arcane guardian/ avenger prime continuity and shield of shadows with zenurik. this allows me (solo) to take hits upto level 500+ without feeling threatened and having desecrate going at all times.

between the specter and the heavy gunner and turrets my weapons can be as weak as wet paper and still do damage. dessicrate + equilibrium will always keep my health and energy up as long as I manage equilibrium's mechanics correctly. should I feel or get overwhelmed with enemies at anytime a quick slam attack will down a group while whatever proc is doing its thing.

my sentinel is dethcube with overheat in 1st slot  max punch thru and corrosive<< never dies.

Damn right tenno

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Here we are again,,, Mesa is a tank...Than even Zephyr is but you can't melee at least on "Serious" enemy levels...

This is an hypothetical list of a possible EHP. arcane guardians doesn't trigger at 100%..

In a real scenario rhino can get ~60.000(probably less if you wanna live) IS considering that  to reach that you will have practically zero health and the arcane guardians are useless.

Yes once i got 300.000 IS on arbitration then a migration host and i almost died....

Inaros can replenish his health without the necessity of energy or health packs, just use a dagger... and he can sustain a lot of damage without using any ability.

Nidus is just overpowered and you see that when even newbies don't die on long runs with him...


Edited by bibmobello
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11 minutes ago, bibmobello said:

Here we are again,,, Mesa is a tank...Than even Zephyr is but you can't melee at least on "Serious" enemy levels...

This is an hypothetical list of a possible EHP. arcane guardians doesn't trigger at 100%..

In a real scenario rhino can get ~60.000(probably less if you wanna live) IS considering that  to reach that you will have practically zero health.

Yes once i got 300.000 IS on arbitration then a migration host and i almost died....

Inaros can replenish his health without the necessity of energy or health packs and he can sustain a lot of damage without using any ability.


Here you go, you know there is a thing called magus repair and magus elevate....

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9 hours ago, ranks21 said:

these types of calc are only useful for the not so adventurous player. but I will not say they are totally correct or incorrect either.

when deciding on how tanky a frame is, mainly comes down to your playstyle and your gear. example with my nekros  I also have a saryn p specter with a zarr or oberon specter with arca plasmor both are cosmic specters pulling aggro. + corrupted heavy gunner/lancer+ roller +ancient healer + shield osprey and air support turrets.

my nekros has growing power, adaptation, prime flow vigor redirection vitality equilibrium cunning drift arcane guardian/ avenger prime continuity and shield of shadows with zenurik. this allows me (solo) to take hits upto level 500+ without feeling threatened and having desecrate going at all times.

between the specter and the heavy gunner and turrets my weapons can be as weak as wet paper and still do damage. dessicrate + equilibrium will always keep my health and energy up as long as I manage equilibrium's mechanics correctly. should I feel or get overwhelmed with enemies at anytime a quick slam attack will down a group while whatever proc is doing its thing.

my sentinel is dethcube with overheat in 1st slot  max punch thru and corrosive<< never dies.

True for example, rolling guard + zephyr basically makes me immortal. This are just some fun calcs haha.

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2 minutes ago, bibmobello said:

We can stop the discussion here because practically every frame is a tank in this game...

Tell that to ash, loki, mag, ember, day equinox, saryn, banshee, hydroid (without undertow), ivara, kohra, mirage, titania, nyx without her 4 (which is useless), garuda, volt, vauban and octavia.

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2 minutes ago, BlachWolf said:

Tell that to ash, loki, mag, ember, day equinox, saryn, banshee, hydroid (without undertow), ivara, kohra, mirage, titania, nyx without her 4 (which is useless), garuda, volt, vauban and octavia.

You are confusing survailability with tankiness...

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2 minutes ago, bibmobello said:

You are confusing survailability with tankiness...

Tankiness is raw ehp.... Suvivability is just the means a frame uses to survive an attack, be it in form of killing the enemy before they even can attack you or having some sort of resistant / negation against it. I never said that these frames cant survive high levels. Thanks to the existant of rolling guard ehp is basically irrelewant depending on your skill level, high ehp just makes the whole process of surviving easier.

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3 hours ago, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

This post makes me cry.  Both tears of joy and shame.  I clearly don't know how to build.  And I really need to get growing power.

Well tankiness isnt everything haha, some frames like ash and loki dont need tankiness. In the end moding is preference based.

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22 hours ago, BlachWolf said:

Cause in some frames having more armor isnt benefisial, for example Chroma or Atlas. Also in Garas case. But in the end you can do what ever you want. Even though having more armor is always good, the more armor you have the less of a difference it makes, even though armor itself doesnt has diminishing returns.

You say that, but then we look at the tankiest frame Nidus. It gains 80% more hp with 600 more armor. This alone disproves more armor does less.

so the question is realy bad healing or just 80% more hp for that arcane slot.

I mean if I invested the what 1000+ plat into that god awful arcane I’d force my self to use it, but it’s stll not worth it.

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7 minutes ago, BDMblue said:

You say that, but then we look at the tankiest frame Nidus. It gains 80% more hp with 600 more armor. This alone disproves more armor does less.

so the question is realy bad healing or just 80% more hp for that arcane slot.

I mean if I invested the what 1000+ plat into that god awful arcane I’d force my self to use it, but it’s stll not worth it.

As said in the post I advise one arcane guardian and one grace for nidus. for each 300 armor you gain the health your protecting as ehp, meaning that the more armor you have, less of a difference it will make to your total ehp. For example one arcane guardian will give you around +43.5% more ehp when compared to base, but two will give you +30.3% over one. While 30% is still a high amount, with no healing you'll die at one point. On the other hand if you have arcane grace and guardian on, you'll be regening 3960 ehp every second, meaning in order for the enemy to kill you, it must deal more dmg then what you're regening, making you basically immortal. I do agree with you that arcane grace should be buffed, I myself would buff its stats to1 20% chance to proc and heal 10% of total hp for 10s, but that doesnt mean its an awful arcane. Its the best passive healing in the game, you basically dont have to do anything. But yeah magus repair can easily take over.

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