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Nightwave concept is shafting new and casual players


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3 hours ago, Zilchy said:

Mate the fun factor's been gone sinxe they were bought by the Chinese company(can't recall the name). From there on the game has gone a different(and worse) direction. 

I hate when people bring this up. Leyou has no major decision power in how the game is made, they don't affect the major development decisions for Warframe.

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1 hour ago, Atsia said:

I hate when people bring this up. Leyou has no major decision power in how the game is made, they don't affect the major development decisions for Warframe.

Keep believing that. The people who own 90% of the company have no say, that's funny.

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1 hour ago, Atsia said:

I hate when people bring this up. Leyou has no major decision power in how the game is made, they don't affect the major development decisions for Warframe.

I have been trying to find a post about how leyou affect DE, so far there's no information of how they affect DE development and management of the game. 

I might be wrong about this one


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i have work and dont have more then 4 hours, assuming i dont crash to sleep, each day, i only have that eidolon hydrolyst thing left due to only having moth amp and noone willing to carry me, but i dont think its unfair, its just the right time investment for someone with up to 10-12 free hours per week, and its better then playing the login game, the only downside it being a bit stressfull with the time limit and elite challanges may be unachiveable to new and casual players.

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41 minutes ago, Genesix6 said:

I have been trying to find a post about how leyou affect DE, so far there's no information of how they affect DE development and management of the game. 

I might be wrong about this one


they only really requier DE to maintain a playbase, and make prime pack in set time intervals as a method to get money, other then that, the game is 100% in the hands of DE.

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On 2019-03-01 at 11:40 PM, Rawbeard said:

you haven't played many, but Nightwave is exactly the same design as limited events I see in them. you literally lost any credibility but not being able to read, so... that's super funny.

Oh dude cry less stop comparing this to other games and deal with the fact that this is how it is. Adaptability is one of the marks of a gamer who plays to play not this entitled whinefest. I read EXACTLY what you typed and I only saw *I dont like this* and similar.

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11 hours ago, BloodKitten said:

i have work and dont have more then 4 hours, assuming i dont crash to sleep, each day, i only have that eidolon hydrolyst thing left due to only having moth amp and noone willing to carry me, but i dont think its unfair, its just the right time investment for someone with up to 10-12 free hours per week, and its better then playing the login game, the only downside it being a bit stressfull with the time limit and elite challanges may be unachiveable to new and casual players.

There is no reason a new player should be getting access to sortie before MR 4 anyways and if they did people would pitch a fit. Just one MAJOR example veterans are forgetting of how bad this system TRULY could have been.

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The SINGLE thing I would like to see changed with the new system is that there are not enough daily tasks. I would be willing to see one standard weekly be replaced with three additional dailies or just one or two more dailies added on top. This is entirely dependent on what and how DE wants the system to function and the expected time it would take for a player to get the things they want. I know there are the random capture targets but since they are random, I don't take them into consideration at wolf XP gain. Or adding Wolf Credits as drops to the Wolf or the fugitives. Those are my only iffy points.

How I see it is that the only thing you HAVE to work towards are wolf credits because those allow you to access the stuff you were doing alerts for anyway: Cosmetics, Mods and resources. Everything else in the Nightwave is extra stuff you weren't going to get anyway with the old alert system. There's some stupidly tasty stuff in the Nightwave rewards lineup and some of them are CLEARLY meant for dedicated players who put in the hours and I get that newer and more casual players would want them too. But where is the value of those items when they are basically just given for next to no effort. And time invested is effort. As for stuff in the cred store, those are going to be there in this Nightwave, in the next and beyond that. Maybe not those EXACT ones every rotation, but if there is something you desperately want, then you are going to get it the first chance you get OR, use plat in the store.

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On 2019-03-01 at 4:39 AM, mikakor said:

one evening of farming : done.

jeez, and you call this grind? go make the Hema. THIS IS GRIND.

nightwave grind is a calm and relaxed grind that you can make in one evening. in total game time, around 8 hours and i'm done doing all the challenges we have yet. so clearly, the one whinning about grind here are simply not the kind of player that should play the game. if you find this grindy, what are you even doing on Warframe to begin with?

Have to agree here... I finish the entire nightwave in 2 days of very casual play.
Only finding "friends" to sortie was more complicated. Grinding ayatans was made reasonable thanks to Aribitrations, only Simaris was annoying.
Cos he gave me 3 instead of 5 targets, so I need to find other players who have not done their quota and do it with them.

Which is kinda a forced interaction.

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On 2019-03-01 at 9:30 AM, Warfoxzero said:

I wish we could pick and choose what we want because not everyone will be able to do all of them or find doing some them even fun, so they won't even want to do them.

I'm concerned how much is needed each week at minimum to at least get the umbra forma because I cannot do two of the 5k challenges and my simsam scanner quests are bugged. He gives me a new scan target even though I already had one. When I accept the new scan target, the missions spawn the old target. 

I hope missing out on 10k or more points would be okay but I fear it will not be enough. 

I still can't believe they turned the alerts system into a bigger grind. In reality all they had to do was extend the up time availability of the alerts, like the 24 hour gifts of the lotus ones. That way people can login and do the mission when they have free time in that day. 

I believe DE said you only need to do 65% of the Nightwave Challenges to reach level 30 before it ends. The first 4 days adds up to 38k Standing I believe with bonus earnable from the capture targets and the daily 1k challenges., If it's the same for the next few weeks then that will be about 45 per week with the dailies. So According to DE you need to average 30k standing a week.

Pick and choose is what the Wolf Credits are for.

This is less of a grind and as DE have said the randomness of snooze you lose alerts is gone.

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On 2019-03-01 at 9:39 AM, mikakor said:

one evening of farming : done.

jeez, and you call this grind? go make the Hema. THIS IS GRIND.

nightwave grind is a calm and relaxed grind that you can make in one evening. in total game time, around 8 hours and i'm done doing all the challenges we have yet. so clearly, the one whinning about grind here are simply not the kind of player that should play the game. if you find this grindy, what are you even doing on Warframe to begin with?

I have all but given up with 600 Mutagen Samples to go. My clanmates couldn't commit to putting in 2 hours on one lousy night to knock off about 1000, So I kicked them all. I think I will wait until I get a 50% voucher and just buy it. 

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On 2019-03-01 at 1:52 PM, (NSW)ForTheGhostsWithin said:

I strongly agree with this. I'm at MR13, so not very new player, but still need Orokin reactors/catalysts as many as I can get. That means, I will never waste my "credit" on cosmetics or weapons and will try to avoid making things which costs precious Nitains. So Nightwaves basically just took these "free stuff" away from me.

Of cource, I really appriciate they gave us the way to obtain more potatos (and slots!), but maybe the rarer rewards should be separated from common rewards. Something like Gold and Silver Wolf Creds?

I don't recall Orokin Reactors and Catalysts being available from anything but Gift of the lotus missions. Which we still get. You can also still get them and Forma from Invasions when they get offered.

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I semi-agree with the thread creator.  This is not very New Player Friendly. In fact content that was once gotten by simply doing an alert now requires Wolf Credits.  And not a small amount either....10 and 20 for things that where rewards for missions.  Now those missions are gone.  The Affinity random Rewards are gone as well.  So more bad stuff for new players.  Kind of looks like this will Alienate new players more then anything else.

And this doesn't just effect a new player, it effects players who switch platforms too, or reset or make a new account.

I was hoping to have a couple people I know try this game, but now I am not so sure they would like it at all.

Yeah I noticed the maximum wolf credits you can get is 50 right now per week.  And the cheapest items are 20...lol


Oh and had to edit this in...

I don't think this will do anything more then make casual players play a lot less. As now they can only get a special reward once a day instead of every mission.  And the current reward is standing with nightwave.

In fact I believe the words where: "We wanted to make content that was no longer sleep until the next day to do it."

And they instead made content that is exactly that but worse as it doesn't give you much the next day.  More like its been changed to sleep until the next week now...lol.

Edited by PsychicKitty
Added remark about casual play
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3 minutes ago, PsychicKitty said:

I semi I agree with the thread creator.  This is not very New Player Friendly. In fact content that was once gotten by simply doing an alert now requires Wolf Credits.  And not a small amount either....10 and 20 for things that where rewards for missions.  Now those missions are gone.  The Affinity random Rewards are gone as well.  So more bad stuff for new players.  Kind of looks like this will Alienate new players more then anything else.

And this doesn't just effect a new player, it effects players who switch platforms too, or reset or make a new account.

I was hoping to have a couple people I know try this game, but now I am not so sure they would like it at all.

Yeah I noticed the maximum wolf credits you can get is 50 right now per week.  And the cheapest items are 20...lol

What Affinity random rewards? Do you mean Endo? The Endo alerts were pitiful in the amount they rewarded. 

 The funny thing is if you think that the Nightwave challenges are out of reach then half the alerts would've been out of reach as well.

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22 minutes ago, (XB1)Tatakai no Kami said:

I don't recall Orokin Reactors and Catalysts being available from anything but Gift of the lotus missions. Which we still get. You can also still get them and Forma from Invasions when they get offered.

No they where gotten from not only gift of the lotus but also from random missions that would appear at weird times.  I always thought it was Strange that the most common one of those was the Reactor.  I have a bunch of those.  From the random alerts. 

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Tatakai no Kami said:

What Affinity random rewards? Do you mean Endo? The Endo alerts were pitiful in the amount they rewarded. 

 The funny thing is if you think that the Nightwave challenges are out of reach then half the alerts would've been out of reach as well.

at the start of every mission before nightwave you hade a box that said something like, defeat 5 enemies while sliding, or kill 20 enemies with head shots, or get 10 kills with a melee weapon, etc etc.

You could press the start or menu button and it would show you this, and if you have a viable riven mission it would show that next. 

Completion of those first one though rewarded you extra Affinity.  You could level up weapons for example.  I liked it as it was fun to try and do them.  You didn't have to do them, but was still fun.

Now the game only shows a nightwave task the one you have closest to completion or none if you did them all.

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1 minute ago, PsychicKitty said:

at the start of every mission before nightwave you hade a box that said something like, defeat 5 enemies while sliding, or kill 20 enemies with head shots, or get 10 kills with a melee weapon, etc etc.

You could press the start or menu button and it would show you this, and if you have a viable riven mission it would show that next. 

Completion of those first one though rewarded you extra Affinity.  You could level up weapons for example.  I liked it as it was fun to try and do them.  You didn't have to do them, but was still fun.

Now the game only shows a nightwave task the one you have closest to completion or none if you did them all.


Ah yes, I kind of miss those too. Not sure how I did not make the connection when you mentioned them. I guess my brain was just focused on mission rewards.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Tatakai no Kami said:

Ah yes, I kind of miss those too. Not sure how I did not make the connection when you mentioned them. I guess my brain was just focused on mission rewards.

heh, well now there is no mission rewards.  Except what you get in the missions.  Those old mission reward are purchasable for 20 or 30 wolf creds each now.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

I missed the affinity tasks that told me to successfully hack a terminal


In a defense mission 



They where nice and random. =^_^= 

I got some that said do 10 melee kills in a mission that only let you use a secondary weapon.  Unfortunately I was not playing garuda or wukong or Excalibur.

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