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This is a really, really good game.


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18 hours ago, Squeetahd said:

Started playing 12 days ago. I am enjoying it immensely. I'd heard of Waframe over the years, I thought it was some crappy mobile game, boy was I wrong. I was looking for a co-op game to play with a buddy and Warframe kept topping review sites lists. So I said hmmm, what's this all about. Holy crap, it's a full fledged MMORPG shooter!  

So, welcome to Warframe, new fellow tenno. I hope you will be interested into the large amount of weaponry that the game shows you. But you have to improve yourself, if you want to use them.


18 hours ago, Squeetahd said:

Missions can get repetitive. But gameplay is fun so it takes some of the drudgery out of it.

Don't worry about the missions, you will get used to them.

But yeah, welcome to Warframe.

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Welcome to the game! I am glad to here that you are enjoying it! 

Here are a few tips for ya:

1. Learn the Parkour system. It is really fun and will keep you alive longer, plus you can move around the map quickly

2. Take your time in regards to learning how to deal with enemies/different mission types. Doing missions in solo, means you don't feel the need to rush to catch up with other players, and you can explore the layout of the map. Furthermore, this is also good for spy missions as well, as the layouts become familiar after a while.

3. Never sell a weapon, before you have fully mastered it! This allows you to get xp points to higher mastery rank(s) faster. Also, don't rush frames/buy non prime weapons with plat

4. Being a free to play game, there is a lot of RNG in this game(and some of it is a bit excessive). I personally like to farm items passively( by passively I mean; farming said item is not my main objective). If the RNG is to much for ya: you can always take a break and come back.

5. Most weapon/frame bps can be bought from the market for credits.

6.Platinum can be traded for in game and can also be bought with real money. There are several videos on YouTube that explain how to make platinum.

7.POE / Orb Vallis are(supposed to be) ENDGAME level areas, so I would say wait on those until you have mastered the parkour system and have decent gear. A tip: enemies on the open worlds are far more agile and have much better aim then their tileset counterparts. Furthermore, take down turrets if you are attacking a base.

8. For mastery rank test you can go to a relay to practice. You go to esc> fast travel>Cephalon Simaris> go the right hand side of the room, find your mastery rank and click practice. If you fail the non practice mr test, you have a 24 hour cooldown, but you can practice as many times as you want.

9.Join a clan if you haven't yet and make sure that it is a clan full of people willing to help you out and give you advice.

10. Most of all:Have fun!


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8 hours ago, notNSANE said:

I play ESO. It's heaps better than this game because the game is actually polished, they actually have a QA team AND the game doesn't hate you (like Warframe). Right now their newest Warframe content randomly drops you out, making you lose hours of progress due to their faulty netcode.

Also, in ESO there is a very, very clear and very specific loot chase that's always well informed and they don't put RNG in top of RNG on top of RNG. You get a group, do the dungeon, get loot, get out. Repeat, easy. No other RNG than the loot drop which is perfectly fine.

Here in Warframe to make a Smeeta Kavat you need to:

1. Farm an instance that needs to craft 1 specific items to enter and another item to scan an enemy, so that's 2 things you need to do before you start

2. First RNG: you have a very small chance for the specific enemy to appear. If it doesn't, you need to quit the instance and start again, making you lose a lot of time

3. Second RNG: if the enemy appears, you need to scan it, and you have a very, very small chance to get what you need. If it doesn't, you need to quit the instance and start again, making you lose EVEN MORE time.

4. Third RNG: after you spend countless hours farming this S#&$ item over and over again and making you rethink your life decisions, you finally have everything to craft the Smeeta Kavat. So you start crafting a kavat. So that should be it, right? WRONG. This f'ing game gives you a 50% chance to get what you actually want, so if you get the other f'ing cat, you have to do 1, 2, and 3 all over again, making you lose EVEN MORE TIME THAN BEFORE.

And while these cases are rare, there are enough instances where they artificially timekeep stuff to make you spend Platinum. Ah, BTW, you can fully skip 1, 2, 3 if you pay.

When Warframe works, it's a great game and I fully recommend playing the Story Quests just for the sake of it. But after that, when it doesn't work, it makes you wonder why they aren't spending ANY money on hiring a proper QA team and spend actual time to fix massive, immense bugs that make the game literally unplayable or just a complete waste of hours of my (or anyone's) life.

What are you talking about?  I have never lost more than a mission do to a host migration.  And you are hyping the Smeeta and the process for getting it to an overexaggeration.  

First off OP, welcome.

Second if you hit a wall grinding for something, ask the community for the path of least resistance in getting it.  As for the example above:

Kavats on the derelict spawn in packs equal the party size plus one.  Get a team together and ask if a vet wouldn't mind helping out with a Warframe with sleep abilities.  Go through and scan the kavats.  It will take quite a few runs depending on RNG, but it's not the worst thing in the world.  When cooking your Kavat you do have a 50% chance of getting an Adarza, which is still a great cat, but if you really want ensure you get a Smeeta, then join a clan and ask if anyone has any spare Smeeta imprints.  Boom almost a 100% chance there.  There's always a short path in Warframe.  The Smeeta is one of the few things in the game that can modify drop rates, but even this is random and only lasts about a minute...its not the ultimate weapon that this guy is suggesting.

Finally, have fun and learn to tune out the bad apples.


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Related, some PoE/Orb Vallis advice!

SKIP THE POE MINING GEAR.  Fortuna has one drill, but it's all you're ever going to need, as it can mine any gem on either world from the get-go.  You can also give it some upgrades down the road to silence it and mine from further away.  Compared to that, the Nosam Cutter series isn't worth discussing.

Also, bring the right tools for the job.  Orb spears don't affect Plains fish, and Plains spears damage Orb fish, reducing the takeaway in both components and reputation.  The fishing UI will let you carry all the spears you'd need and then some, so unless you stick hardcore to one world, this shouldn't be an issue.

Finally, if you need your hands on good sources for rep early on:
PoE: Mortos.  Lungfish.  You can fish these guys up at night and they go for quite a bit of rep per fish.  You don't need any bait, though the lake where I go for hunting them is an Eidolon spawn point, so the Teralyst (Terry) might be close by.  Just don't anger him and he'll let you be.  You're nowhere near ready to tackle him.  Fish until day hits, trade in your haul, rinse, lather, repeat.
Orb Vallis: Mining gems.  The rates here are ramped up compared to the Plains, so it's easy to get a serious jump in Standing just by way of hitting some gem veins, getting Thyst/Zodian, then selling that to Smokefinger for a profit.  Later on, once you can hit Index and trade with Ticker more often, Debt Bonds and Bounties should be your go-to for quick, easy Standing.

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9 hours ago, notNSANE said:

I play ESO. It's heaps better than this game because the game is actually polished, they actually have a QA team AND the game doesn't hate you (like Warframe). Right now their newest Warframe content randomly drops you out, making you lose hours of progress due to their faulty netcode.

ESO has lootboxes...and you pretty much NEED ESO plus subscription to have a usable bag for loot and for crafting mats, plus you need to buy expansions to access new areas....lol

I'll give you that ESO has better story, world and how its mostly voice acted, but...the game is a chore. I left it to play ffxiv when i need an mmo itch scratched.

WF is a looter shooter.

Edited by KiteoHatto
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Thanks for all the tips. Gotta tell you though, I'm mastery 6 and have all the beginner stuff down. Thank you Fandom Wiki! Although I may die a few times, I can take down level 25-28 missions. I've got the sunwave laser, all spears and have done all the Nightwave Gem and Fishing missions. Got my standing up on PoE and Vallis. I've made it to Saturn on the Starmap. doing all but elite Nightwave missions and Simaris dailies.

Parkour is down pat, I'm a literal wall running, spinning, flipping, headshot aimbot. That's why I'm having so much fun. I'm old, my reaction times have slowed too much for competitive PvP but I can still finish mid pack. I was a competitive league champion at Unreal Tourney and Quake 3 20+ years ago. When I got too slow at PvP twitch games I fell into MMO's so the concepts of Crit, AoE, status effects, shields etc.. are all second hat to me. Any questions I have for you fine folks will be more game specific.

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Just now, Corvette590 said:


What frames do you have so far? What is your SU standing rank?

Frost, Ember and Trinity prime. Excalibur, Nidus and Loki. All but Trinity at 30. SU standing is visitor I believe. Working on Chroma prime. Wanna try him. SU is visitor I believe. I level standing when they have something I want need. Right now I am working on the star map and any quests, dailies I am qualified for at my mastery level. Just got the blueprint for the Penta, wanna build that as an AoE weapon is something I don't have and could use.

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This game has an absolute cubic buttload of systems and each system has its own depth.   What this means is some stuff will bother some people and some times will downright piss people off.    But it is like boycotting and amusement park because you don't like the log ride.     And then the owners come and change the log ride and then the people who like the original log ride start threatening to stop coming to the park because of one ride.   It is a vicious circle.    Simply put...with this large of a player base and this large of game scope...DE CANNOT EVER REALLY WIN.

Furthermore...DE doesn't really ever get rid of systems.  This can make the game seem daunting to new players.   This also means you will get to see the age of some of the systems (for better or worse).   Putting any focus on anyone thing just isn't fair/reasonable.    As it stands right now it takes about 100-200 hours to legitimately go through all the "real content" (e.g. quest based stuff).  Beyond that...it is your choice at that point on how to "make your own fun".    In that regards it is like minecraft survival...beating the dragon is just beginning for many.

Because of the 30+ frames and 300+ weapons...you can, if you choose, find a lot of fun.   If you find a clan with similar views...it be enormously rewarding.   Simple example is the fissures on fortuna.   It is basically mobile defense.  I could take gara, limbo, and other numerous frames to do it.  However...I had not played frost in a year.  So I dusted him off....pushed around his mods a bit and had a ball.   Another example was getting good at eidolon capping.  Met some really nice people on my way to doing 5x3 and enjoyed the process of refining my build and play skills to do it.

I find this game, at this point, a mirror that reflects who you are.   If a person calls this game rotten to the core and continues playing...it makes you wonder...does it not?  Your attitude is everything.  GL out there tenno.


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Warframe has its flaws, but it is a solid game with a solid dev team that shows that they are passionate about the game every time they tweak something a little prettier or add OoL, and a solid community presence. Mmos tend to lack both of those, so to see it here is a breath of fresh air. 

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20 hours ago, Squeetahd said:

switch toons

"Toon" is often used as a substitute for "Character" in MMOs. It's important to note that you are not switching character, there is one Tenno (Your Tenno) and multiple Warframes.

Your Tenno builds Warframes.

This was important long before the quest "The Second Dream" existed, before anyone accuses me of spoilers.



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Okay,have you done the quest line yet? It (can be) interesting and you get lore, and a few other things. I assume both your SU / POE standing are at rank1(or is visitor rank 2?)? Chroma Prime.. up to you decide whether you like him or not. Another frame to try out is Nyx, and you can get her from running invasion missions. For POE your best way to quickly rank up with them is by fishing.Have you started doing Nightwave yet? The elite challenges for this week are not that bad. It will be a bit of a pain at first, but rank 4 gives weapon slots(2 slots). Getting through the star chart is a good idea. I still need to finish Sedna/Eris plus *spoiler planet. As for the Penta, I personally don't like it. A Scourge is a Mr 7 gun and I would say go for that(because I like it).


*name of the mission(invasion mission): Phorid Assassination 

*Other frames/weapons I would suggest:

Inaros, Oberon,Zephyr, Valkyr, Nova, Nyx, Vauban(bit under powered atm, but I personally like him), Mag/Rhino. Soma, Baza, Lex(and its prime version), Braton Prime, Supra, Sybaris(including  the Dex and its prime version), Lesion, Orthos(its prime version as well), Tigris/Galatine(both normal and prime versions), Guandao, Corinth, Dread, Pyrana Prime, Ignis( a no aim aoe weapon)+ Ignis Wraith(better stats than an Ignis), Hekl, Sobek, Karak. Honorable mention goes to the Astilla as well, but you need to be mastery rank 10 for that.

*Sorry, this post is a bit badly formatted

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12 minutes ago, Corvette590 said:


Could you link your frost build? I have him but haven't used him in a while. Not trying to derail the thread, just wondering.

Nothing crazy really (which is why I find it amusing).   The key mods are ice wave impedance with the amalgam serration mod.   This allows you to CC without freezing (which keeps status viable) and adds a decent amount of mobility to a very slow frame.

The whole goal of the build is to think of frost as a "tempo controller" and not a defense or offense frame

1.  Stop any one target (or nearby targets) from giving you crap.  It stops.   You shoot it.  It dies

2.  This creates a patch on the ground which slows all enemies by 75%. The patch sticks around for 8 seconds.  This is your bread and butter.   Since warframe is very hallway/corridor driven this gives you a rapid CC via natural talent.  Smash ground...shoot stuff.  The best benefit is target are not "frozen" meaning status still affects them.  Frozen targets cannot receive status procs (gas, slash, etc).  

3.  Your globe is a "please leave me alone button".   When you cast your globe, everything within the globe range gets launch away.  Second, it gives you 3 seconds of invulnerability.     With the efficiency of the build below...its lower than typical value can quickly be stacked.   Regardless of how strong you make your globe the mobs becomes strong enough to shred and even one shot it.  

4.  Your avalanche is your panic button.  This makes everything "stop".   Do not use this to stay in the same spot and then kill some targets.  Use this to re-position yourself to a more conducive spot.  

Beyond that:

Aura/Exi =  Whatever + Cunning Drift

Mod Row 1 = Fleet Expertise, Augur Reach, Stretch, Ice Wave Impedance

Mod Row 2 = Adaption (the rough one), Vitality, Natural Talent, (Prime) Continuity

If you have a hard time with Adaption, Steel Fiber is a "good choice".

I know many people like a super strong globe build, icy avalanche build...but I like to jump around and shoot things.   So those two builds really don't "fit me".

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Looks like a good build, that amalagram serration mod is from sealing the fissures through, which I haven't done because its not terribly interesting to me. Neither is maxing out SU/Ostron rank. As an aside my phantasma, could kill level 60(non Orb Vallis Corpus easily), but it had problems killing high level orb vallis enemies. Not to mention the constantly spammed OV enemy shock wave/knock back and the ("Oops,I was one shot by an enemy I didn't see situation).

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Ooo, I remember when I started playing half a year ago. Started out as a stealthy bow-wielding Volt, liked it a lot.

Nyx was my second warframe, and she's pretty much still my favourite. With emphasis on using abilities only when they are really needed.

Spent a lot of time grinding for money with Alerts, had to remind myself to actually do quests. The recent addition of Nightwave made me try out a lot of things I didn't do before, reminding me that this game has quite a lot of content.

This week's multi-stage goal for me is catching the rare fish in PoE. Yes, I was a little behind on the whole fishing thing, so this became a multi-stage quest for me. 😂 Getting some extra standing, a new spear, crafting baits, fishing for common fish to use as bait... Murkray, here I come. 🐟 You know, quite an epic quest after beating the Exploiter Orb. 😁

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1 hour ago, Corvette590 said:


Looks like a good build, that amalagram serration mod is from sealing the fissures through, which I haven't done because its not terribly interesting to me. Neither is maxing out SU/Ostron rank. As an aside my phantasma, could kill level 60(non Orb Vallis Corpus easily), but it had problems killing high level orb vallis enemies. Not to mention the constantly spammed OV enemy shock wave/knock back and the ("Oops,I was one shot by an enemy I didn't see situation).

The amalgam serration mod is very low on the tier list of fissure closing.   It is worth that small amount of effort to get.

As for not being able to kill stuff...modding is probably thee most important thing you need to understand about this game..especially weapons.   The difference between clicking the revive button 5x times and failing a mission and grinning with glee as bodies fall over is your mods.   The importance of mods starts showing up vs level 30+ targets.  For weapons, look up layzargaming on youtube.  If you watch a few videos you will start getting the drift of "what is important" and "what is not".  

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23 hours ago, Squeetahd said:

Started playing 12 days ago. I am enjoying it immensely. I'd heard of Waframe over the years, I thought it was some crappy mobile game, boy was I wrong. I was looking for a co-op game to play with a buddy and Warframe kept topping review sites lists. So I said hmmm, what's this all about. Holy crap, it's a full fledged MMORPG shooter!  
-The Warframe concept. One character, dozens of builds. No more "Hang on, let me go get my tank". Drop group, log out, switch toons, log in, get an invite. Of course that's after you ground each toon up to max level having run the same storyline and quests dozens of times.
- Each Warframe has set skills. I like theory crafting. Warframe does it well enough with mods and traits. I don't need a 10 page skill tree and 30 skill bars. Go away games like Path of Exile.
-No account bound or bind on equip gear.  
-Gameplay is hella fun. This is the most important part. I'm a badass, leaping, spinning, casting, shooting killing machine. It's so smooth and shooting so well done I headshot most everything. Mobility is fantastic. And fast. I jumped in Fortnite yesterday and was yelling "run you stupid bastard run"!  
-Separate Melee and ranged buttons. What a great idea. No more swapping weapons on the fly. Aim button pops you right back to down the sights.
-Game is very involved. So much to do and learn. 
 -Load times and patching of the game is very fast. Well done on the game engine.

-Missions can get repetitive. But gameplay is fun so it takes some of the drudgery out of it.
-Environment could use a graphical update. Character models look great but the lighting and textures are showing their age.  
Anyhoo, that's my review. Most times I'd be on a game's forum *@##$ing about a host of issues but I have no real complaints about this game. Wish I'd found it sooner. Bought the Prime dual pack to support development, you go DE!

yea it gets old fast

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1 hour ago, Corvette590 said:

Are you max rank SU?

Oh, no, far from it (Exploiter Orb fight is not gated by standing, unlike Profit-Taker). I just recently really started getting into PoE and Vallis, mainly because I only recently fixed an issue that often caused crashes in PoE for me.

1 hour ago, Corvette590 said:

Also does Vox solaris need arch gun parts to advance to the next rank

No, here's the list: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Vox_Solaris_(Syndicate)

12 minutes ago, (PS4)tissot555 said:

yea it gets old fast

I felt that way after getting too carried away with Alerts, but then got boosts of interest after completing The Second Dream, then again after The War Within, and once again after Nightwave introduction.

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