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Dev Workshop - Cannot Cast in the Air: Friend or Foe?


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26 minutes ago, Don_T_Shoot said:

Going to do some testing tonight.  This has me concerned as I usually default to Harrow unless I need something specific and I really enjoyed how he originally played. 

Apparently the recent patch update has fixed the issue:


Fixed Harrow Condemn slamming you to the ground if you are within 8m above it (before slam changes it only prevented cast when in air above 8m).

I've yet to test since I'm still updating, but my friend says it's much better after the patch 😄

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maybe you can touch up the animations so it doesnt look like they are taking a step in the air like their on the ground, sorry it just looks, eh bad, but id looooove this to be a step towards the reworking on stances and movment animation, such as titania and making her walk animation a glide, like wisp will be

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  • 2 weeks later...

Say she had a shield function that burst from her arm when she steps outside of the bubble of some of her musical abilities abilities. Not sure if octavia's armor/foils can be modified into a unique set of energy buckler & skates. Say the enemy targets her energy tank (-20mP *resevoir damage, make dogs move faster and target resources [stealing bullets and resources] when they bite also subtract tank energy  ,  Octavia should have tow or three strategies to escape and/or use these to her could have some new animations sequences which allow her to play acrobatic music depending on her primary weapon.

depletes bullets but targets her >E< when she is firing single arm or one handed melee weapons, antransform this kinetic energy into a counter attack or mobile thruster,  crouching and aerial modifier for her acts.

Another idea is that she use breakdancing mid-air with the help of thrusters and her mandachrod in an interesting acrobatic way.

melee-stacking ability or a swish / counter attacks since you could enhance each of them using energy, or stance changes. Since you could technically summon an ability from prone or crouch they could feature a samba/modifier/bollero that could enhance all her acrobatics and shields interestingly, she has some body features which could vacuum or be used to counter and enhance. 

Octavia breakdancing like dante from devil maycry or bayonetta is a sexy improvement, but rightnow all she can do is toss a turr-in the wind, which doesnt have a direct impact on toss: ;is limited mandachord doesnt feature ballistic or defensive mods, bubs, or static eneleto her abilities and so is her music commandments tied to orbs, i think its a good idea to allow some of the games natural assets such as the resources / storms, changes in weather for instance could affect all abilities and eventually how the payout of missions and the enemies weapon's or AOE, since freezing and heat of enemy attacks barely strokes are very low key as a easy to dismantle laser turret robot, each planet just doesn't have enough technology playing arms to make the combatants hide for cover from bullets, vines or sticky sand, turbulence, in-air addition will help.

Acrobatics casting  or is in an area where there are no enemies like wall grappling abilities or passives that are added to the next melee attack could  stack on her forearms, as a counter attack or additional defensive turret, the roller is a difficult ally because it doesn't have transform into a weapon or stationary shield to give her more dynamics like vauban, am not sure where team attacks are going its not even in the checkerboard, but its worth adding some pet bonuses to other warframe abilities to make them more team worthy.

to use great arsenal 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2019-05-05 at 12:54 PM, Bararuku said:

Make it so banshee can transfer to tenno and/or use items pls.

I'm not sure what do you mean Bararuku, but i'd like each warframe dismount to have a set of unique skills that can be applied mid-air, or during energy attacks, which could potentially trigger party enhancements and give weapons some temporarily enfeeblements which are normally unavaliable, and as we know when you are in tenno mode your warframe has no tactical defensive camuflage, or special attacks to fend, which would make . Banshee interesting? in the future of warframe, she has alot of ninja abilities and passive traits, but doesnt have the playability of vauban, which makes some of her energy attacks uninteresting/ so i'd be good if there were some new assets added  while banshe performs reusable abilities in more creative ways to make crouching do something different instead of just slamming the ground or performing the same AOE. the tenno could call up burst attacks while tapping like a machine gun on a special target or team-mate increase, call up alternative action or weapon during new attacks, stance changing come to mind to, which could require a new condition meet by the user's mods, energy or the planets particular acustics and environments, caves already do echo but dont enhance primary weapons in special ways, so players in the future could use a special  linear attacks and cause longer shockwaves, charge up 

Using her AOE  "mid-air"  with some parametric that stun enemies nearby, but it can't be used in a special way

  • ,some ideas i have benefit the tenno and weapons when the warframe abilities are used without any particular mods, players who collect items & mods that are collected in interesting ways, you could convert these repeats or instantly applythem using the wheel say i have collected ammodrum, you can change that item into a extra bullet for your secondary. brainstorm,  my next energy attacks/pellet excess is used to enhance some new passive traits or mods, while players who dont know how to use some items and ar enew to the game can benefit with presets.
  • some enhancements could be earned. 
    schools and factions are later interesting in the game, but dont have much effective roles that effectively make some stances or movement is earned and can lead to new unlockable techniques that are
  • ReplayValue
  • such as in monster hunter where there's wind-resistance from large dragons flapping their wings, aoe attacks, explosions could create rifts and some EMP fields in the game cause players to walk slow, jump less often, make flying and aiming more difficult in each of the planets without the nightmare difficulty.
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Crouching techniques for reloading / Energyless actions for abilities / pickups enhance next mag / planet determines movement restrictions & other temporary status changes to weapons, movements/gravity/wind resistance which causes players to use strategy, cover, jump and dash less often through the expanses of the games replayable levels,

as players encounter vines, and recast abilities, they should find other encouraging effects and temporary weapons to keep each level interesting, toggling some machines for alternative bullets that could also be found inside lockers and collectibles enhance players and enemies if they are picked up, especially for mag, she should have a floating shield and use for all the ammo and energy, items she collects through magnets, or mods.

you can a;so make some annoying attacks like the one banshee can hold to stun enemies into interesting chiblast, by tapping to also sprint faster or call up a special status effects, crouching  and falling abilities are said defaults / like how freezing damage kills instantly, it should cause the numing on weapons, failing to reload, shooting slow, flying/jumping difficult to cause players to call up a new strategy or point of view, the enemies are yet predictable in the floor against flying tenno who can use more abilities and could have EMP and otehr special tools, less default weapons to enhance replay without nightmare mode, say the gravity was different on C. feel for some restrictions  that also enhance the monsters AI, because enemies appear too easy and repetitive across without the ability to use each environment different than other levels, default weapons, so  status effects matter as much for enemies as for the tenno, but there are machine and keys that hold some temporary weapons/boost temporary., 

Further changes to expand the players ships with mid-air in mind, maybe we update the loading docks of the relays with some new shops, or ship customization, it should be quick feature to add clem and a new shop closer to the entrances, much of the relay time and space is wasted, sindicates barely have anything for players who visit each station because everything is rather keep in the dark, i though lunaro and PVP should have been advertized or popularized at Cetus and Relays, maybe in the radio of the spaceship of players, with reasonable boarding and archwing in mind you could update the rewards of each shop, and the enemies found in all the planets or areas across the solar map, the problem i find is the comparison of regular weapons and regular warframe versus the prime versions that can't be bought with silver but are always going to surpass, rivens help but thats not going to get a player to rebuild a regular warframe or buy more weapons from your shops, so you are losing platinum by having no rivens or special features that can make prime/versus regular accountable, any new abilities and passive traits, say the feral claws Furris (regular furis) had the ability to enhance primary and secondary weapons or warframe abilities, maybe a future furrax (cesti weapon) can attain some relay actions or rentals that allow them to perform special crouching attacks, enhance bullets, or reload features that can deal AOE or transpose into powerful melee attacks outside of the stance cards, the stances avaliable are not able to please players like me because upgrading them doesnt allow for any more special features, say maybe at level 2 my new stance could have a totally RNG passive that allows me to sprint faster simular to the new mods that have grappling walls or aerial enhancements, the goal is to make abilties and weapons more inpresive, so hope that reloading, crouching and stances have more features added to them,. revives and dying are a bit too predictable also don't have much for special features or temporary enhancements, can't melee on the floor if downed from what i noticed you just run out of bullets, so if the players able to activate a new set of downed abilities using the energy or shields that they have left it would be nice, other players have archwings and other special commands that don;t have much depth during decends, trying to climb uphills in the game is pretty terrible in the eidolon plains, am not sure what would help in the low level gameplay when you dont have a skateboard or archwing or a fishing rod. So its probably a good idea to add more interactive or special effects, jumping and sprinting features that might be interesting, would be a energy sprint or energy reload that uses up energy to infuse bullets, or a simular crouching feature, because melee attacks dont have a good use for the reload button and sometimes dont have uses, i personally dont even know how to use anything fancy on PC since my PS4 broke, so i dont know how to atune or use any special mods that would have been other wise beneficial, its best to just revise all the shop and craftable weapons, they all deserve some RNG or randomized characteristics, even if you just add some discrepancies like the riven mods that might break or that can be repaired or toggled like destiny via a blacksmith or a special relay shop, the players will a ppreciate that.

there isnt many shiptypes either or archwing and fortuna/venus could use a few more original enemies that could go out to nearby planets.

volt-i find his recast abilities more effective, along with visual changes to enhance his passive because it discharges easily, standing still and being mid-air don't have any special connoctations or other special enhancements that would make this guardian/warframe more interesting. So allocating some new aerial attacks, special weapons bonuses (classbonus that come to mind: dots and shield uses, special effects in the air, rolling/sliding tricks of any color to quickly use them to help team-mates, like slide underneathe a enemy and deal some small damage or cause to teleport breifly, to make some abilities worth recasting, using special martial arts, static attacks and compound kicks volt could be a more interesting default in the future, his passive bullet/melee/reload should have other enhanced features that can be used in creative ways, not just to stop enemies from shooting.. volt has a powerful AOE attacks but its expensive and not a great option in the AIR, this attack should be modified based on what abilities are active, speedboost active or shield should influence other abilities.  reminds me of naked people running to dip, or a personal trainer, anyways, maybe recasting the sprint ability accidentally can cause a capacitor to discharge for damage, there should be another way to make this ability more practical during combat, since it doesnt also deal damage it could be adjusttd to fit other resources or assets, and planets. Maybe he can be a wiz kid who can get bonus time on dismanteling traps and use some of the enemies corpus special weapons, otherwise am concerned with how playing with the idea of regenerating some energy for the basic thunder attack and shield as preset abilities in the future of warframe because it was very boring to replay the game using just a staff and kunai with no particular great mods or attacks until i could afford to get platinum to get my stuff back from other players and redoing all the planets/missions, but am not even close to getting into fortuna or completing my second rail yet >_< so the whole thing for volt is where he came from and what can he do when he does have a shield mode but its expensive and doesnt last very long, shooting lightning through it to extend its duration will be a good quick fix.but i would love to see different improvements overall in graphics, and gameplay, that allows the teamates gains, and your allocations or resources to mutate volts abilities, especially mid-air, slam-attack esque lightning should hit the floor and teleport volt at the end, i think ryu or somebody from overwatch has this already hahahah, i dont care just make volt do insane S#&amp;&#036; when, the areas are sometimes too small for running, so he needs other magical attacking actions, 

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On 2019-04-04 at 1:18 AM, Sannidor said:

Make separate animations for legs so frames cating in mid-air would have proper look.

Nekros floating DJ Desecrate being the best example of current awkwardness. 


Improving below-the-belt action would be also great for general aiming animation - currently when you shoot and move mouse around, frames slide in place like it's 2005.

I think Paragon had great "turning around" movement and it's now free to use their assets so just copy paste it into Warframe and buy them a large pizza for their hard work.

yeah definetly with you toe in had bungie shooting mechanics are smooth comparison reasons, we are a 3rd person view game with a small amount of requirements for zooming in which makes everything 10x more noticeable, destiny 1,2 are awesome games but will they every pass up destiny 1 to another developer to take over, i really doubt it but my dream is that someone resposible takes over while they work on destiny 2 and destiny 3, capcom and sega take destiny 1 from being thrown in the trash, or some other higher level player like rockstar or watever, it can be a competitor to destiny 2 to have destiny 1 revived. but yeah it looks really silly to cast in the air, the slams are also not perfect yet until the vfx come out, i woudl also like it if the energy and elemental vfx reboot, theres not that amany types of slash,toxic, or combinations avaliable which i think limits warframe pretty rough to use blast damage or wait for something new, my suggestions for this thread is to also take into account Zephir remake since its relative and add more aerial mods and passives, remove or allocate the default bulelt jump to warframes or make a market from selling new animation sets like for honor, i mean the game called For Honor, they have alot of premiums and assets to make dying and winning more interesting looking, our skins and tennogen are few for some reason, theres not alot of original focus on these items yet, but in the futuer it would make signing up for lunaro and pvp more itneresting if the participation rewards involved special skins and participation loot which could balance out the game for players who dont want to do missions and just want to compete so they can get resources and k-drive, tenno, weapons, and warframe blueprints, aerial modification nyx and titania also need that, the archwing is not perfect yet, titania makes it more apparent,

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u start eating a breathmint, from far away, your teamate is revived with extra critical hit, his next ammunitions clip adds proton bullets, which wont be just kinitect recoiling turds that might bounce back or hit another dog or enemy, birds. But might also make sense to add a aerial revibe skill in some cases! 

  • This will make spell casters more interesting teamates , but also bullet jumping and abilities more interesting if we could use BOLT ability on a team mate, or the reload button, crouching to improve other functions, near team mates,
  • theres also no current set of abilities for players who are downed, defeated, reviving or fallen other than the lenghty passive traits (inaros) ,SO,  it would good also to have players / enemies who are knocked down, or are hit by from shockwaves and enemies to shoot/knife/magic/spin/aoe under the right conditions: from the ground & floor in the future,  for at least 3more seconds for a chance to use any new mechanics, bullets usually run dry so lets being on the floor might allow some players to trigger some lowcost mods and/or damage/passive, or  full health skill learned or allocated by a speciallist at cetus, earned from a repeatable mission?, crouching near tree, using resorces for power, bullet jumping/sliding , most of the mods do come in handy, but players mess up!
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On 2019-04-11 at 6:24 PM, feralknights said:

I love the air casting, but where it matters most for me as a Mag player it ... doesn't do much.  Crush is (still) an ability I literally hate to cast.

yeah mag is a problem, especially against eidolons, i think that she needs to have her abilities changed so players can charge them up and toggle some pickups and area items, destructibles, barrels, ammo into weapons, so far every the wuking + melee + vfx remakes, so its posible that mag gets something with these patches coming out so fastt, just keep watching the deve steams, and writing like a maniac kid, also theres pets and robots who aren;'t getting much attention when it comes to aerial stuff, the new wukong will be able to split into two people with alot of aerial options, mag might get a cool static or bendy xmen thingy, pick up rocks? metals? weapons? shoot lasers?bend light? what can she do in the air or while crouching different, bullet jumping abilities and wall latch come to mind, maybe some low cost projectiles or passive might help mag if she got a special stance and melee weapon like how wukong and the other fellas got something, she could at least attain ground dominance mroe than volt i think the two are good but you know volt cant wait around forever on the same spot unless hes got a way to charge up his capacitors and abilities, so jumping should in someway be allowed to recover a small amouint of energy/mp for volt and other warframes who might also use slam attacks to build up energy or activate passive abilities from weapons, mods, warframe as they activate sprint or crouching a choice, i'd choose to walk/zoom but i would get left behind in longer missions, so this would make choosing to jump more interesting patch.

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On 2019-04-04 at 1:20 PM, tarfeef101 said:

Yes!!! So much yes!!!!

Stuff like link being restricted has always sucked. I think volt was restricted for a while too on discharge, but IIRC that's gone now.

As for stuff like quake, stomp, I think applying a directional "slam" into the cast is a very elegant solution. It looks great for rhino. For something like quake, there might be some animation work needed to make it look smooth (zooming to the ground with your hands out would look more like banshee fell off a bike than is casting an ability, but that's just my opinion, and a minor issue at best)


10/10 support this

my restrictions and bonuses to rhino coming from a slam attack are that they reduce player's movement speed for a short time if it applies, the floor might be ice cold, so you could get a small amount of frost damage or enhancement for your next bullet to shoot ice / magazine might get a pebble in it from EMP and  shutters causing the players/enemy fire rate to gallop or increase in some cases, i hope this helps A/B developers.

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Just now, (PS4)santospizarro said:

my restrictions and bonuses to rhino coming from a slam attack are that they reduce player's movement speed for a short time if it applies, the floor might be ice cold, so you could get a small amount of frost damage or enhancement for your next bullet to shoot ice / magazine might get a pebble in it from EMP and  shutters causing the players/enemy fire rate to gallop or increase in some cases, i hope this helps A/B developers.

So that falling damage and slam attacks are noticibly better each tileset could grant some different bonuses and changes to the fire-rate of weapons and damage types when performing abilities, or causing damage in a area with sand/ice/wind/forest/fire to have enfeeblements or bonuses which might apply a enhancement to the players next attack, if its a melee in a snow area or ice, the player should deal a reflection of that, splash damage is cool to see the VFX jump into the games AOE attacks, i see banshe and octavia using a ton of AOE but they are minimal to the enemies and warframes who are either taking damage, or exhausting their energy reserves without a detrimental asset, or fatigue, or changes to combat, movment,abilitiy polarity, there are plenty of ways to negate and counter the effects to make players want to perform aerial manouvers that might grant them temporary vaccumm, or some allow them to chain a secondary shoot effectively might use this opportunity to reload and use their pets effectively will need a way to break up the damage to reserves, these actions might need to consume some energy or armor if the players are abusing them, unless they are actually hitting enemies and making some types of results, picking up sigils, ammo, and points is enough pruff to keep them trying new slam attacks to unlock, added that relays get lunaro added and factions get a patch soon, flying abilities and crouch skills will do.

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Blue jump should look different on all warframes,  at least give each Warframe their own animation and VFX. Passive bonus Please!!!

For example a jump VFX for hydroid deals damge based on energy and mods there can be natural occurrences or animals that attach to eenmies bacteria, the floors always have those!!!

Maybe some conditions have to be meet

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  • 1 month later...

soul punch, holding & tapping should do different control of power.

some variations, soulpanch can be used to paralyse and mark enemies from above, killing them grants a soul charge for your weapon/melee/jumping actions enhanced or quickening when you land, maybe reload can cancel the effect to recover hp/armor, you gain a soul when defeating enemies, however staying in the air "raven power"s recharges a granede and reusing the ability is enhanced, and the area remains damasked in aetherial aoe, which can be used to summon birds and toss bombs or skulls...and they explode.

recasting the ability quickly or several times from far away and close range, or in the air should be awesome, it has birrrds and skulls, and granades.

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